Castor Oil
Health Benefits

Castor Oil - Editor's Choice

Over the years, Earth Clinic readers have sent us many reports about their treatments for Castor Oil. The editors at Earth Clinic consider the below posts to be some of the most helpful and informative and have named them 'Editor's Choice'. We hope that you will find this useful.
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Diabetic Feet

Posted by Philippa P. (Surrey, BC) on 03/29/2021

Editor's Choice

I am 68, female & have diabetes. My feet had become a problem for me with slight swelling, some loss of sensation & didn't feel like feet at all. They tended to get cold & stay cold for hours. The problems were getting to the point where they made walking & sleeping difficult. I was beyond dismayed. Then I read of some of the castor oil cures & wondered if it would help me. At the very least, they would be moisturized even if nothing else happened.

I bought organic castor oil & started using it daily. I would take a few minutes to massage the oil deep into my skin. I used a generous amount on both feet. After applying the oil, I put on socks to help keep the oil on my feet. The socks stayed on until all the oil had been absorbed.

Two days later, my feet are lovely & soft; my feet feel like feet again; and, the sensation has returned. Castor oil is now a permanent part of my daily routine.


Liver Transplant Preparation

Posted by Esa (Edmonton, Alberta) on 12/29/2016 3 posts

Editor's Choice

When my husband waited for a call for a liver transplant, we used castor oil packs each night, overnight. And would leave off for 3 or so days each 2 weeks or so. It kept his abdomen from becoming distended until he (months later) was able to have the transplant. I myself use it whenever I have gastrointestinal problems. My daughter in law used them across her abdomen during pregnancy, to keep the baby healthy and to keep from stretch marks. Go to the A.R.E. site if you are interested in learning more about the packs and other remedies from Edgar Cayce's readings.

Beautiful Skin

Posted by Linda (St Amans De Pellagal, France) on 11/08/2016

Editor's Choice

I have been using castor oil mixed half and half with coconut oil as a moisturizer for a couple of months now. My skin looks and feels great and I really feel I look a hundred times better than I have in years. And even more wonderful is that not only have the bags under my eyes gone, my eyelids are not sagging any more - at one time I could actually see them drooping from the inside.


Posted by Clairevg (Cumbria) on 10/07/2016

Editor's Choice

Castor Oil is amazing for any kind of sprain. Yesterday my husband sprained his ankle whilst out walking and by the time we were home he couldn't put any weight on it, I was very worried and thought a trip to the doctor would be necessary. We rubbed Castor Oil around the swelling and on the bottom of his feet and this morning the pain is very much reduced and the swelling gone. He can now walk fine on it (with much reduced pain) but I am amazed as it was very serious last night, even to the point I thought he had broken a bone as he could put no weight on it at all. The other thing he mentioned was that the leg which we rubbed oil into has less muscle fatigue than the other which we didn't (we walked over 20 miles in the last 2 days over mountains before he twisted the ankle) and so it seems to have helped the muscles to recover too.

Love Castor Oil and wanted to share our story as I find this site really helpful. We have used Castor Oil in the past to help painful fingers when they have crushed accidentally or hit with a hammer by accident and that has helped which is why we thought of it last night. Give it a try, it can only help!

Broad Benefits

Posted by Mary (Usa) on 05/05/2016

Editor's Choice

I am a total believer of Castor Oil, By the way buy ORGANIC Castor Oil only (Baar has it) as Castor oil is now a GMO. If you have some left call the company and ask if there's is organic.

I use it for EVERY infection always with success even open wounds or surgical wounds (but that's for you to determine). I use it for pink eye (gone in 3 to 5 days) right on the eyes, mosquito and spider bites (for spiders best activated charcoal packs and internal until all is gone, change frequently), in the ear for ear infections, over a tooth abscess for relief and reduction in inflammation, for vaginal and uterine infections (pack), for arthritis, fibromyalgia swelling, moles, athlete's foot, sore throat on throat, swollen neck glands, WONDERFUL FOR SCALP AND HAIR....

The biggest miracles were for uterine infection and it dissolved a tumor the size of a mini golf ball in 5 days that formed behind my navel after a tubal ligation.

I used it to massage my brother in-law's body in the hospital after a car accident that left him with 87 broken bones including all the bones of the face. He was scheduled for face surgery. In only a week all his bones went back into place except for one clavicle and no face surgery was necessary, the doctors were baffled (of course they did not question the castor oil rubs because that to them is an impossibility).

A small study at the Meridian Institute at one time showed that the oil raises the lymphocytes in the blood. My brother in law had a lung infection concurrently that would not heal with ANY antibiotic - it only started to clear AFTER the oil was used. That infection alone could have cost him his life, it was the biggest fear. Many may say this is correlation - but all scientific observations start with correlations... which is observation. Otherwise Neanderthal man would not have survived millennia!!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Kem (Joplin, Missouri) on 01/09/2016

Editor's Choice

I had recently been using Magnesium Oil for muscle spasms and joint pain and having great results. I noticed the phone number on the bottle, and thought I'd call to see what other products they had. I was mainly interested in finding something natural to dissolve internal scar tissue and incapsulation after a surgery.

The lady on the phone (not sure if she was the owner) told me about using Castor Oil packs, and that by also rubbing it onto the bottoms of your feet, it will absorb into your body and take it to wherever your body needs it. Just use an old pair of socks to sleep in after applying it to the bottoms of your feet. I've been using it for only about 3-4 weeks now, but I think I'm feeling results already in the softening of the tissue where the scarring is located. I've only massaged it into the areas needed, and I haven't even tried the true heat pack method yet, but I'm still seeing results.

I've had dark spots on my cheeks for many years now, and I'm seeing a lightening of these after rubbing the castor oil onto them and massaging it in really well. I've used ONLY organic coconut oil for about 8 years now on ALL my skin as a moisturizer, and have people comment on how few lines and wrinkles I have, but it has never lightened these dark spots.

One thing I'm definitely amazed at realizing, and I haven't read as a benefit yet, is that I am remembering my dreams now every night!! I haven't been able to recall what I was dreaming for many years now, and now I'm recalling them nightly as I wake up every morning!

I'm hooked on it now!!

Abscessed Tooth

Posted by William (Plains, Mt.) on 03/18/2015

Editor's Choice

Castor oil is the best oil ever. I personally have used it for an abscess in my teeth, more than once. I cured an infection in my jaw bone from the abscessed tooth. This was examined by a dentist who wanted to pull the tooth. I did not want the tooth pulled so I used castor oil on my gums and on the tooth. It cured the infection and took the pain away within an hour. I still have the tooth many years later.

Application Tips

Posted by Medbear (Martinez, Ca/USA) on 05/24/2012

Editor's Choice

I use absorbant pads which have an absorbant side & a non-absorbant plastic other side. Apply oil directly to area or to absorbant pad, then place pad on area & heat pad to plastic non-absorb side. I treated a leg problem & wrapped the pad & taped edges. Then applied pad & secured it with rubber band or string. I buy the pads from the dog store or dog supply area of a store as I assume the pads for humans are more expensive. They are usually called indoor training pads & come in various sizes. Price for 50 is about $10US. I don't like wasting the oil, so I keep it refrigerated which thickens it up, then apply directly to skin area. They make perfect wraps for those areas needing a wrap versus a flat application for which they are also good.

Activates T Lymphocytes

Posted by Redman (Adelaide, South Australia) on 04/10/2011

Editor's Choice

Hi, this is Dr. Red from Waterfall Gully South Australia.

You may not know that the A.R.E. of Edgar Cayce Virginia Beach did a study supervised by Dr William Magarey many years ago. They found that 'T' cell Lymphocytes accumulate in the thousands where a castor oil pack is applied. The castor oil does not osmose into the skin, it is too viscous, however, it acts as a giant ultrasound unit attracting the 'T' cell to the area which do the healing.

The A.R.E. has this on record as a double-blind study.

Hope this helps you all... Dr Red.

Deep Sleep

Posted by Brenda (Miami, Florida) on 02/18/2011

Editor's Choice

Well I must say I was a bit hesitant to try castor oil on the eyelids, but to my surprise it worked! I've used sleeping pills for years, now I'm cutting back on all the chemicals in my body and I never felt better. Thank you EC for all this great info.

Injuries and Bruising

Posted by Soulon (Dittmer, Missouri) on 03/17/2010

Editor's Choice

If you've ever been hit by a ball or smashed your finger then "Castor Oil" is your best bet. As soon as the hit or smash occurs, saturate the entire area with Castor oil and leave on. Really lay it on! This has been advice that was given by a medical practitioner some 40 yrs. ago and it works. It will also remove blood blisters, take the swelling down and stop the pain. I was hit in the arm muscle with a zinger grounder and immediately applied my Castor oil. It took out the pain and never swelled and where I did not go down my arm far enough it did bruise, but where I applied the Castor oil it did NOT bruise. It's awesome for toddlers who constantly are falling. Apply ice on top of the Castor oil if you wish, but many times it's unavailable and the oil is handy to carry on you in a small bottle.

Sinus Issues, Loss of Smell

Posted by Gautam Desai (Vadara, Gujarat, India) on 03/17/2009

Editor's Choice

i had severe problem of sinus coupled with loss of smell. Doctors suggested this is dsue to polyps and i had them removed about 5 years.

this surgery has given temporary relief but the loss of slell continued.

some of my friend suggested use of castor oil.

i put one drop of luke warm castor oil in morning and one drop before i sleep.

this i am doing for last 10 days and to my surprise i got rid of my sinus problem and smelling sense is gradually coming back

EC: Thank you for this feedback! We take it you mean 1 drop of warmed castor oil in each nostril?

Broad Benefits

Posted by Ed (Dayton, OH) on 12/17/2008

Editor's Choice

Near Miracle Cure: I tore my right rotator cuff a few years ago, and the surgeon recommended three surgeries for the damage, and told me I would be lucky to have 20% mobility of my shoulder (range of motion), and that I'd never be able to use it for any strenuous activity. A second opinion was needed in my mind, and a coworker recommended Deb, a massage therapist that specialized in sports injury who was helping her with her Fibro-mialgia. I decided to give Deb a chance, and she talked to me while working on my shoulder with some almond massage oil, and in 15 minutes she asked me to stand up and show her my range of motion. Amazingly, I was able to hold my arm all the way vertical, albiet with much pain, which meant that I really did have 180 degrees of mobility, though it would not be permanent without some maintenance and healing. She told me at that point that if I wanted to heal the shoulder, come see her once a week for two months, and rub a table spoon of castor oil on my shoulder morning and night with heat whenever possible, and to do the 'wax on / wax off' exercise against a door each day.

4 months later, I started lifting weights again with my shoulder, and it's as if it was never damaged now. The castor oil got rid of the inflammation, the massage kept the muscles and tendons in the right places, and the exercises brought blood and healing to the joint. I have to say, the castor oil was the hero here, as Deb said it would not have been possible otherwise. The body's self healing was able to take place (the true miracle) thanks to the lack of inflammation!

Since that time, I've used Castor Oil to heal back injuries, nasty scrapes (my 240 lbs supported by my shin as it raked across a 2x4 board in the attic!), inflammed eyes, skin softening, hemorrhoids!, and much more, and in all the times I've used it in a heat pack, the results are dramatic and instant, as in next-day you can't tell you were injured! For doubters, just try it, you will no longer doubt it.

Deep Sleep

Posted by Parag (Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA) on 10/29/2008

Editor's Choice

Castor oil is great to get that deep, restful sleep. Apply about a drop of castor oil to your eye lids only. It is okay if it enters your eye. This is the normal, regular castor oil you get at the stores. Initially you will fall to sleep the moment you hit the bed. So make sure you are ready to sleep when you use it. If you plan to sleep only 3 to 4 hours, i.e. not you full normal sleep, do not use castor oil as it will make getting up very difficult indeed! I use it when I have anxieties or when I find it difficult to sleep. I and my wife have been using it for decades now.

Hope it helps you too. Wish you sweet dreams!

Broad Benefits

Posted by Cassandra (Dundas, Ontario, Canada) on 09/19/2008

Editor's Choice

I have been on a castor oil patch on my back where I had surgery (4 years ago this past August 18th) for my ruptured disc for over 1 1/2 years now. I have found it very benefitial for my back and most excellent for keeping the toxins out of my body. I tend to wake up in the morning with loose or liquid stools if I eat processed or "bad for me" foods the day before.

At the beginning of this year I decided to increase the times I put the patch on to every night. The damp and cold weather plays havoc with my back. The pain, decreased mobility, increased sciatic problems, etc. are enhanced by the cold, damp weather (basically the end of August to May). Thus why I hate 8 months of the year here.

Using the castor oil patch (cotton flannel swatch with a piece of plastic between the cotton and a hot water bottle, with a quarter size drop of castor oil on the flannel - flannel soaked with castor oil is the best - laying the castor oil against my scar area) has helped reduce the pain, increase my flexibility and mobility (when I first wake up and throughout the day), which is a BIG YAY for me!

But this summer I have found it has helped in other areas, too!

1) I have been working in my parents garden quite a bit (for me) seeing as this would be year 3 that my mother hasn't been out there working in it due to her Alzheimers. The mosquitos have been horrendous and I have been bitten like crazy. Normally I end up with tons of mosquito bites from head to toe and I scratch them like a raving lunitic. This year I think I have had less than 10 bites stay, with only a couple getting even the least bit itchy. I've even rubbed a bit of the castor oil on the ones that do itch and they stop itching!

2) I have had etopic eczema since I was a youngster. Doing dishes has had to been done with rubber gloves on. Leaking rubber gloves causes a burning feeling on my hands, then itchiness, followed with my hands either going raw, cracking, loosing their finger prints, or a combination of all. Sometimes I get lazy, forgetful or I don't have any to put on but I need to do the dishes and end up with this within minutes of my hands being submersed into the dish water or touching the soapy cleaning cloth or sponge. Well, I was at the Community Centre where I work and no gloves were to be found, so I went ahead and washed, anxiously anticipating the outcome but nothing happend! Hours later I still didn't have any repercussions!!! I now sometimes wash dishes without gloves, but I try to make sure I still use them because I am so concerned that the spell will break! lol!

3) For the last while... long while... I have had yeast infection after ever period cycle I get. Monostat, etc., etc. doesn't do a thing for me. I've tried putting yogurt up there. I've tried changing my diet. I've tried adding cottage cheese to my diet. Nothing helps. So one day I decided to use some castor oil up there. Within 2 to 4 days later it's gone!

A couple of weeks ago I told one of my friends I see at our Senior Centre about castor oil patches as he as M.S. and it causes him a great deal of back pain. He used it for 4 days (without the hot water bottle because being hot is something M.S. patients find hard to handle), but couldn't use it any longer because with M.S. he tends to get loose bowels, and the castor oil was cleansing the toxins out of him so much (he smokes) he couldn't handle it! He said the pain was easing, though, before he stopped using it.

Tonight I am going to use it on my throat as my throat is raw and I have laryngitis. I am praying it works well!

This stuff is AMAZING!

Burns, Serious

Posted by Sharon (Redding, California) on 08/26/2008

Editor's Choice

My daughter sunburned the shins on both legs. They had 3rd-degree burns. Big yellow blisters. She could walk for about 3 days. I was told by an elderly man to soak gauze in Castor Oil and wrap her legs with the gauze and leave it for 3 days. The next day my daughter was able to walk. The 3rd day I removed the gauze and she was healed. Blisters gone. Her legs we just a shade pink. It left no scars. Awesome stuff.

Swollen Lymph Nodes

Posted by Moorea (Santa Fe, New Mexico) on 05/06/2008

Editor's Choice

I am so grateful for this site! Last night I woke with a swollen lymph the size of a tennis ball and was terrified. I'm 24 and have never had something like this happen before. But, did a google search and found your site and Castor Oil recommendation. It REALLY works! I placed castor oil on the area and placed a flannel rag over it and a heat pad. This morning my lymph was still slightly swollen, but after a bath of epson salts, baking soda, and apple cider vinegar as well as eating miso soup (a very alkalizing food) I feel 100% better. I had been sick with a cold for about two weeks and these remedies seemed to cure that as well. I think it is also important to note that these remedies work really well when you have a frame of mind that supports curing yourself, by re-focusing on the things that give you joy and the things that you love, can only help you be more grateful and less focused on the thoughts that created this illness to begin with. Thank you so much!

Beautiful Skin

Posted by Evita (Chiba City, Japan) on 09/07/2007

Editor's Choice

Castor Oil removes crows feet and wrinkles on the forehead. Mine is not about illness or disease being cured by the castor oil packs. Mine is more of a mundane matter that concerns women about their facial beauty. The tale tell signs (wrinkles) that gives a woman sleepiness nights, avoids facing the mirrors yet counting out the crows feet and how many more lines crisscrossing the forehead. i advise my facial rituals to anybody who is interested to try and apply this very simple application.

Firstly....wash your face with lukewarm water. gently soap the forehead and around the eyes area. Wipe the face with clean towel and let it dry for a few minute. second... into your palm pour a little amount of castor oil. Dab a little amount of oil into the forehead enough to cover the whole area and massage. repeat the ritual around your eyes and be sure the crow's feet get enough of the ointment. If after the massage , you skin is still oily, just press the area with a soft facial tissue. Do not wipe off the ointment.

Do this ritual every night before bedtime, once a day only. It makes you look 15 years younger and you can save money by avoiding botox implants.

Increase White Blood Cell Count

Posted by Donna (Aspen, CO)

Editor's Choice

Increase your white blood cell count: rub your whole stomach with castor oil every day. My sister has cancer, and her doctor cannot figure out why her white count is climbing while the other blood counts are falling. He won't believe the castor oil story....hahaha

Abdominal Adhesions

Posted by Ellie (Durham, NC)

Editor's Choice

I had major abdominal surgery and a few years later knew I had adhesions as a result. I used the packs for an hour each day for about 2 months. One day I actually felt it break loose! It felt like being hit with a huge rubber band and was painful for only a few seconds before feeling better. No longer did I have the painful pulling sensation in my side. My doctor is from India and agreed with me that the castor oil packs dissolved the scar tissue. This saved me from more surgery, that would have created more scar tissue, and on and on and on.