Apple Cider Vinegar
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar: Uses, Health Benefits and FAQ

Varicose Veins
Posted by Elma (UK)

After having my children 'I had a distended vien between my legs, to one side. I suddenly noticed it had gone after taking cider vinegar for about three months, twice a day.

EC: Click here for more varicose vein cures.

Varicose Veins
Posted by Catherine (Nairobi, Kenya)

[she has, to her amazement, found her varicose veins disappearing after taking apple cider vinegar daily!]

Yeast Infections
Posted by Susan (KY)

I am a little embaressed to write about this problem but felt I needed too. I have had a yeast infection for months caused initially by taking antibiotics. After being to my doctor twice and her giving me 2 different prescriptions (neither worked) I came across this website. I had heard that vinegar had helped women with this problem before but I was skeptical. Being desperate to try anything I used 2 TBS ACV in a glass of distilled water and drank it 2 times a day. At night I just used 2 TBS in a little water. IT WORKED. Thank you to the people who have had success and were willing to put it on this website!

EC: Click here to read the rest of these testimonials and many more yeast infection cures.

Posted by William (Las Vegas, NV)

It just stopped the the abdominal pain caused by my stomach ulcer. I thought I might have to go on antibiotics. I guess I won't.

Posted by Susan (USA)

As a child I was plagued with sprains. My grandmother mixed apple cider vinegar with red clay, heated it and made a paste. It was placed on the sprain and then wrapped with strips of an old sheet. After an hour the paste was soaked off with warm water and my sprain was healed.

Posted by Susan (USA)

I thought I had broken my ankle. It was so bad I had to crawl on my knee and my leg and foot were one! My grandmother told me to soak a brown paper bag in vinegar and wrap it around my foot all night. Incredible results. The swelling had gone down two thirds and in three full days I was walking on it again.

Posted by Susan (Lawrenceville, GA) on 03/05/2008

I was looking for a home remedy cure for my female dog who has urinary tract infection for the second time. I did not want to pay the expensive vet bill again.This is how i found your web site. I hurried to the store to get some ACV, put a tps. in her food and in no time she was back to her self. Praise GOD for this miracle! The same night while i was walking her i fell off of my shoe and spranged my foot to where i could barely walk' I took 2 tbls. of ACV 2 times a day. By the end of the second day i was up and running, literally. It decreased the pain and did not even turn purple.

Sinus Infections and Sinusitis
Posted by Lynne (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

I suffered from bad throat and cough, blocked nose esp night. It was so bad that as if I could not breathe, so I have to get up so often night causing sleeping problems. It was so bad that doctors thought I had asthma. Whenever I eat spicy food, I tend to get choked easily and it was so embarrassing. Sought help from ENTs (Ear Nose & Throat Doctors) but no avail and to extent they recommended surgeries. It was a friend who recommended me and literally forced to drink a mug at her apartment. In fact, it was almost instant remedy on road to recovery. I mix a tablespoon with a mug of water and drink in the morning. After about a month, it sort of cleared the irritants in my throat and I hardly have any bad throat problems, blocked nose problems at night and I hardly cough like I used to have like a monthly occurence. Apple cider really helps on sinuses. No need to go to doctors! Now I can sleep so soundly.

EC: Click here to read hundreds more testimonials on the best natural cures for sinus infections & sinusitis!

Sinus Infections and Sinusitis
Posted by Annie (USA)

I couldn't just believe ACV was a great cure for my suffered ear infection related to my sinusitis. I've been taking a lot of drug prescriptions and they didn't work. So, I was hopeless and had many sleepness nights of pain... until I researched the internet and found your site. I really believe it really works for me. Thanks.

Sinus Infections and Sinusitis
Posted by Jeff (Antigo, WA)

I was skeptical to try this. But I did after the first signs of a sinus headache and pressure. That was last night and this morning the headache was gone and my sinuses are draining very easily now. I would recomend this to anyone with a sinus cold.

Sinus Infections and Sinusitis
Posted by Connie (Lake City, Florida)

I have had allergies all my life. I have tried claritin, allegra, and a lot others but have had drainage through all of them. Along with flonase and nasonax. In the last five months I have had two sinus infections. So I decided to try the internet and found your page. I have tried the tomato tea recipe and have taken it in the mornings for one week. I have also taken the acv cocktail three times a day. Both drinks have helped.

Sinus Infections and Sinusitis
Posted by Jessica (San Diego)

acv cured my sinusitis - caused from living in polluted California.

Sinus Infections and Sinusitis
Posted by Kate (Chandler, AZ)

After years of sinus problems, the apple cider vinegar has allowed me overwhelming relief. Thank you.

Sinus Infections and Sinusitis
Posted by Marie (USA)

I was skeptical in believing that ACV would help my sinus infection. However, I took 2 tablespoons by itself and I felt my throat burning. Immediately it cleared up my nasal passages, and my throat was so much better. It was instantaneous! Forget going to the doctor!

Sore Throat
Posted by Faith (Sacramento, California)

I only use ACV to cure strep throat. Used to get them 2 a year, now I drink the stuff everyday, and have not gotten strep throats at all!! God Bless!

EC: Click here for many more sore throat cures (we have the best!).