Apple Cider Vinegar
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar: Uses, Health Benefits and FAQ

Posted by Tan Koon Peng (Singapore) on 06/27/2008

If you are burned by fire immediately pour ACV over the wound, there will be no pain or scar. Try it and be amazed.

Sinus Infections and Sinusitis
Posted by Rob (Justice, IL) on 06/24/2008


Flus and Colds
Posted by Betsy (Morrow, Georgia) on 06/24/2008

My 96 year old Grandmother insisted on 2 Tbl of vinegar 3 times a day in something you were drinking. She was right and vinegar continues to my answer for just about everything. 2 Tblspoons in your drink, every day and you should never be sick. A week before she passed away, she was reminding me to drink my vinegar!

Apple Cider Vinegar Tips
Posted by Sylvia (Toronto, Canada) on 06/23/2008

I would suggest rinsing the mouth with water and not brushing for 2 hours so the tooth enamel can harden again.

Multiple Cures Reported
Posted by Carol (Newhall, CA) on 06/22/2008

I just had to tell others that have experienced stomach problems (had gallbladder removed 8 yrs. ago), sinus problems, allergies. asthma, and yeast infections that the acv has really changed my life! that is the organic acv from trader joe's! I had poop and gas problems. I had breathing problems too! I even got off my inhalers including my steroid! I am also trying to lose weight. I feel healthier and can walk and exercise more now. My social life had changed to not wanting to go out of the house or being away from the toilet! If you try a little bit to start, get used to it first. I was drinking one capful to one cup of water about three times a day. It has also led me to drink more water. I will let you know about weight loss as I am trying walking and taebo. By the way I was also having chronic fatigue, but when I drink the stuff faithfully, I feel great! (Also it helps your bowel to not smell bad.) So if you try it start small and dilute it. Don't burn yourself with it straight because it is a acid base. Good luck!

Laundry Tips
Posted by Stella (USA) on 06/21/2008

A great way to get the smell out of towels especially micro fiber (Dish towels) is to soak in vinegar overnight then wash. Do this once a month if needed.

Brands of Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lisa (Brooklyn, NY) on 06/15/2008

You should be able to find organic unpasteurized ACV at any health food store, Whole Foods, etc in NYC. I've most commonly seen the brands "_____" with a yellow label and "Eden" with a dark blue/green label. I just bought a bottle last night.

Multiple Cures Reported
Posted by Mike (Seguin, TX) on 06/12/2008

I have been oil pulling for 4 days. I used to smoke two packs a day and drink so much coffee I ended up in the hospital with caffiene intoxication. My teeth look so much cleaner and are starting to get white. They had been terribly stained. I work nights, 12 hour shifts, and always have big black bags surrounding my eyes. These bags are almost completely gone and my skin looks so clear. I also starting drinking 2 tablespoons of ACV in 8 oz of water before each meal. My skin is really starting to glow. My energy is reaching levels I have not felt in years. I am in my mid forties. I am really starting to look younger. This upsets my wife very much. She is upset that I am being stared at now by others whenever we are out together. She sees the differences in my appearance and energy but for some reason will still not try oil pulling or ACV. I am going to start keeping a journal and track the changes in my appearance and energy. I am so pleased with the results and it has only been four days!!!! I am enjoying being "noticed" so much more when I go out. It always nice to know that others find you attractive. I FEEL GREAT!!!!!!!!! I will continue with both of these practices for the remainder of my life. It is so cheap and yet the rewards are so tremendous.

Multiple Cures Reported
Posted by Nath (Winnipeg, Canada) on 06/11/2008

I've been using 2tbs of acv with a glass of water. Benefits have been better digestion, energy, less asthma symtoms, not so pale in the face, weight loss. I stopped taking for a while to see what would happen, and the reverse of the benefits occured.

Dental Enamel Issues
Posted by Hope (Inverness, FL) on 06/10/2008

Hi. I absolutely LOVE the benefits of apple cider vinegar. However, I must warn people about drinking it straight. You must use a straw. I have been drinking it for about a year and my teeth are starting to wear down. I even have a hole in my front bottom tooth. Really weird. The dentist told me it was from Apple Cider Vinegar. So please use a straw if you drink it!

Posted by Dalvin (Los Angeles, CA) on 06/09/2008

How long did it take for your warts do go away after drinking the ACV?

Posted by Cyndi (Roethis, Austria) on 06/07/2008

I have always known ACV is good for sunburn, one cup in a tub of water and the sunburn is gone! So, when I was at work alone and severly burned my hand, I put ACV in a sink of water with ice cubes. I had to wait until someone else came into work before I could go to the hospital. On and off for about an hour I kept soaking my burnt hand in the ACV solution. When I arrived at the hospital my hand was bandaged and treated and I was told to return the next day to have this treament repeated. The next day I went back to the hospital and as the bandages were removed, the doctor was shocked! The deep red welt, the blister and all signs of a burn were gone.I had only a pink line. When I explained I had used ACV and ice, the staff were amazed! It truly worked a miracle, where I would have had a scar and therapy, I had onle one day of discomfort. I thank my mother for this.

Posted by Tina (DFW, Texas) on 06/06/2008

I had a plantar wart right on the edge of my heel that I could not get rid of. I tried the OTC freezing stuff and it did nothing. I starting putting ACV on a pinch of a cotton ball on it at night with a bandaid. I would also put a fresh one on in the morning and try to keep it on all day. This was during the summer even, I would just put a bandaid on it. It looked better than the wart anyway. After a few weeks, it turned white and eventually came out. The hold healed up and now you can't even see where it was and it has not returned after 2 years.

Multiple Cures Reported
Posted by Joseph (Chesapeake, Virginia) on 06/05/2008

curious what is oil pulling -- can anyone explain please? Also I just started to lose my voice. Apple cider to the rescue within one hour the flem from my throat is clearing.

EC: Read more about Oil Pulling here:

Posted by Terri (Babbitt, MN) on 06/03/2008

After numerous trips to the Dr. & failed painful treatments of the freezing method for the warts on my finger, my sister suggested this remedy. At night I wet a cottonball with the ACV then put it on the wart and cover it with a bandaid. I change this nightly. within 1-2 weeks my warts were gone.

Brands of Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Aseem (New York, NY) on 06/01/2008

Hi how are you? my wife and me live in Manhattan, NY. its virtually impossible for us to get unpasteurised acv. the only product we've been using since years is Heinz. just cant procure pure organic undistilled acv in the city. any other brand alternatives suggested? ive been having 2tblsp acv with 2tblspn honey in a glass of water first thing in the morning. 2tblspn of acv only in a little water with each meal since 1996. had cut my finger once and immed poured raw honey on it, within 20 seconds the bleeding stoppped and there are no scars. Thanks to whoever first understood the value of these two natural wonders!

Posted by Page (Los Angeles, CA) on 05/31/2008

In 1972 my father was in his late 40's. Being from Wisconsin his diet included quite a bit of fatty food. Most of his weight was in his belly. Not uncommon in Wisconsin. At that time, I don't know where he found it, but he came home one day and announced that he was going to cut out 25% of the fat in his diet and drink 8 oz of luke warm water every night with 1 Tbsp of Cider Vinegar and 1 Tbsp of Honey.
I was still very young, and had a problem with bed wetting. He gave me his mixture one night before bed and told me that I would never wet the bed again, I didn't.

I now suggest organic for both and Raw Honey.
In a matter of two months, all of his belly weight had disappeared.
To add to that what I have learned over the years...
I am not Jewish, but NOT mixing milk products with meat is also very helpful since it it easier to digest out food.
What Western medical doctors won't tell us also is that when we combine our protein and carbs they turn into fat in our bodies immediately. We do need carbs, but complex carbs rather than all of the processed white flour and white sugar. Processed food is poison more than anything. We really can't trust the FDA. They allow chemicals to be put in our food. I believe that so many health problems are caused by chemicals that our bodies just don't agree with. Western doctors will just keep treating the symptoms.

Try Oatmeal and sprouted grain breads and pastas, you'll be surprised at how quickly you get use to them.
Lean protein and vegetables together.
Don't get on the scale every day, you'll just frustrate yourselves.
When I got pregnant with my son I weighed 125 pounds. I ate like a foodball player during my pregnancy. I gained over 100 pounds! He was a big beautiful 10 lb baby, lol
After nursing for a year and continuing to eat well I lost it all.
Look at the size of your bone structure and don't pressure yourself. Not all of us are meant to be skinny, just healthy and in proportion. Consider your genetic background.

I believe that Cider Vinegar is an amazing remedy for just naturally cleansing out our bodies, not just breaking down fat. Bath in it too. Try a full cup in a bath and massage cellulite. You will need to increase your water intake. I weigh 140 pounds now and I drink almost a gallon of water a day.

I just started Oil Pulling for my overall health and dental since I don't have a fortune to spend on my teeth.
Bless all of you and your health. You can do it!

Hair and Scalp
Posted by Tina (Sunnyvale, California) on 05/27/2008

The ACV may work on dandruff but boy it smells horrible. I tried the lime juice (yes, fresh squeeze lime juice) and it does clean my scalp like nothing else. You may want to apply the juice on your scalp for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with a little bit of shampoo. I've been doing this once every week now.

Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 05/26/2008 495 posts

To the Siberian Wolf on his "Whoa" on fever Hi Siberian Wolf, I agree with you onleaving the fever alone to let it do its job of fighting off infection. However, I noted that only one of those who wrote in said it failed to reduce the fever and that none of those who said it worked mentioned having to repeat the egg whites later. So I have come to the conclusion that the next time me or my loved ones have a fever, we'll give it a try and see if it works. Just think of the wear & tear on the body and the misery you could avoid if using egg whites one time removed the fever and it didn't return. I would have to say that obviously those egg whites delivered nuclear bomb to my soldiers fighting the infection and they wiped the enemy out!! Of course some of those who succeeded with egg whites could write in and let us know if the fever return and they had to repeat the egg whites. It would be helpful to all of us to know.

Hair Conditioner
Posted by L (South Portland, Maine) on 05/24/2008

I put two glass jars in my shower. One filled with a mix of borax and baking soda. (More borax for dry hair...more baking soda for greasy... half and half for normal.) I get in the shower and sprinkle approximately 2 tablespoons in the empty jar and fill it with water and shake it around. I then dump that over my head and rinse it out. I keep a bottle of ACV in the shower as well and pour approximately 1/4 of cup into the now empty jar add water pour over my head and rinse. The drying process looks a little funky but my hair is clean, shiny, flake free and dare I say fabulous. I'm actually a little dismayed that I have spent so much money over the years on toxic products that didnt make my hair look half as good. I switched to white vinegar for a week once and my hair became much blonder. The ACV brings out more amber highlights. Good Luck.

Posted by Siberianwolf (Omsk, Russia) on 05/24/2008


Whoa!Whoa! Whoa! FEVER is your FRIEND !!!! It is the indication that your body is FIGHTING the infection. Mess with it at your peril. Let your body do the work it was designed to do...heal itself. NO outside interference can do that.

Multiple Cures Reported
Posted by Nadia (Shenzhen, China) on 05/24/2008

I started taking ACV for 3 weeks about 3 months ago without baking soda and it was fantastic, cleaned my whole system, having lots of energy, no pain, weight loss and etc. I am taking AVC+Baking soda now but it seems I don't get the same result as before, am I doing anything wrong here?????. However I recommend it to EVERYONE to please try it for at least 2 weeks , 3 times a day. 2 TBS in a cup of water upon rising, mid morning and mid afternoon. I thank Earth clinic for this site.

Posted by Noel (Santa Fe, NM) on 05/22/2008

What is it with such antipathy to ACV taste? I don't find it hard to handle at all - just mix in some water and throw down; I usually add some stevia but don't really find it necessary.

ANYWAY, I do have a good testimonial, amidst doing a lot of other natural health stuff these recent years, so it's a little hard to scientifically isolate results. ONE thing I know for sure the vinegar has immediately helped me with is clearing up a sort of dandruff condition under my eyebrows -- frustrating and sometimes embarrassing for over 20 years! I never really liked applying things to my skin, even natural oils and creams; they never helped. The ACV cleared it up! Now I'm experimenting with my scalp too - wonder if it will help with my somewhat-thinning hair that seems possibly related to my scalp condition, tending to both oiliness and dryness.

Nail Fungus
Posted by Amy (Cincinnati, OH) on 05/21/2008

Hello - I'm a reporter looking for people in Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky who are fans of apple cider vinegar's health benefits. If interested, please email me at [email protected]. Thanks!

Apple Cider Vinegar Tips
Posted by Alise H. (Chicago, IL) on 04/12/2008

UNDISTILLED apple cider vinegar (ACV) has many natural benefits. Taking a shot of UNDISTILLED apple cider vinegar (ACV) has cured my sore throat on several occasions. Please be sure that it is the undistilled version and not distilled. This version has the particles at the bottom. The other type, which may look better, has no true nutritional value. ACV, if raised to a certain temperature can also lose some of its healing powers, better to take it at refrigerated or room temperature. In addition, ACV can be damaging to the teeth so be sure to brush them after rinsing with ACV.