I am currently soaking my toe nail fungus in apple cider vinegar, one cup of vinegar uncut. The fungus appear to be growing out with the nail. It's been about two months now. The nail fungus polish from the doctor didn't work.
Apple Cider Vinegar
As soon as I quit using the Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) the toenail fungus would come back. It did work on one of my toes on one foot but then I got it on 2 other toes on my other foot............it didn't cure them like the other. I swabbed the ACV on the toenail once in the morning and once at night and put a bandaide over the toenail with more ACV put on the covering center part of the bandaide.
However, I came down with MRSA, over a month ago, and bought some Manuka Honey from my healthfood store that came from New Zealand. I put it on my 2 tonails just like the ACV but only once in the morning. No staining of my tonail color and it's healing them and no STINK .....I HATE THE SMELL OF ACV!
Apple Cider Vinegar
I never had toenail fungus until I started going to the nail salon. I quite going last year to the salon. I have been doing my own nails. I cut them really short and I cut off as much as the fungus as I could. I have been spraying ACV on my nails 2 times a day. They are so much better. I can now put on nail polish and I keep spraying my toe nails daily. I feel you never really get rid of the fungus, but you just keep it under control with the ACV. I went to the DR, he said they give you the fungus and then they sell you something to get rid of it. He also said they use the same water in the spas as they don't disinfect it after every customer and they also use the same polish so the fungus goes from person to person.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I have been drinking ACV with honey for 8 days and have noticed my new toenail growing in normally as the affected nail fungus grows out. It's just a wee small growth so far, but definitely can see the difference. I was surprised to see this today as I have also tried various natural topical treatments without much success. Plus, the toenail was so much easier to trim... softer nail, although my fingernails are strong and growing fast and the ridges are minimizing as well.
I had purchased the Dr Jarvis Book "Folk Medicine and Arthritis" and started the ACV and Honey(and one drop of Iodine every other day) and within a few days, my arthritis is improved by 85% and my lower back has been pain free for the first time in over a year.
And, my allergies seem so much improved too. Not completely, but so much better.
I am so pleased
Apple Cider Vinegar
Just wanted to let you know how I'm getting on with the ACV. Some nails seem to have improved, others I'm not sure (big toes). I've decided that I will keep going for at least 4 months no matter what (been doing it for 2 months so far). I've uploaded two more photos to Flickr, taken this morning www.flickr.com/photos/31174923@N06/?saved=1
Apple Cider Vinegar
I am in awe of the power of something as simple as apple cider vinegar. Two years ago I dropped a hairdryer on my right big toe. Apparently this was enough to cause an interruption in the nail bed where fungi developed. It started deceptively slowly with just a thin white strip on the side of the nail that was barely noticeable. My podiatrist didn't seem particularly concerned about it, so neither was I. Besides, I typically wear nail polish and didn't have to look at it. However, at the beginning of this week I took my nail polish off and all the sudden I was the creature from the black lagoon! Ewwwwwwwww!!!!!! Approximately 80% of my nail was funkified with yellow and white globules, bumpy, thick and just gross. I have never suffered with anything like this in my life so I was freaked out big time. I knew there is absolutely no way I could take another prescription like lamisil because I take so many drugs for other more serious conditions. My poor liver is stressed as it is so I went to the internet in desperate need of help from the homeopathic community. Thank God for websites like this one! I soaked my infected toe in full strength apple cider vinegar for 3 days equaling 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes at night. I saturated a piece of toilet paper with the ACV and just laid in on the nail while I watched tv. In just six treatments the infected part of my toenail fell off this afternoon with no pain whatsoever. Under the nail was the grossest wet sawdust-like substance I have ever seen. I can hardly believe the ACV worked so quickly to eradicate the ick. If someone would have told me that it would work this quickly I never would have believed it after everything I have read. At this point, my plan going forward is to use a spray bottle to apply the ACV after I shower and then apply tea tree oil for a fungus killing antiseptic while also using an over the counter fungal care you paint on before bed. I know it will take months for the nail to grow back, but I feel hopeful that I can put this behind me. At least now I can see a healthy pink nail bed which I absolutely will NOT be covering with nail polish. Any additional suggestions in how to proceed would be much appreciated. A big thanks to everyone for posting and sharing.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Check back:
I wrote in on June 21'09 after starting ACV soaks for my toenail fungus. I have now been diligently soaking my feet twice a day for six weeks. (See my previous post 6/21/09 for ACV/H2O amounts.) After a month I nearly lost hope because I couldn't see any real difference. Then I looked closer when trimming my nails. It was looking slightly different. With renewed hope - like others I'm in this for the fight - I kept up the soaks (my feet are in the bucket as I type this). My toenails are definitely changing, I can hardly believe it. It's happening v e r y s l o w l y. They look like they are starting to grow out normally at the base. The nasty debris/buildup is also diminishing though not entirely gone. No nails falling off however like others report. I am poised to begin Ted's remedies (got all the stuff) which was my next plan if I didn't see any change. Now I'm just continuing the vinegar soaks so I can watch the experiment further. For those of you asking about soaking vs. just applying ACV on the nails: I tried that a couple of years ago. YOU HAVE TO SOAK! I do it minimum 1/2 hr twice a day. I have had a severe case for 22 years! The soaking seems to get the solution into the nail and nail bed which is where the nasty bug is residing. Just applying the solution topically isn't enough; it dries before it can penetrate. I'm not yet done but this is amazing!! I will report back in a few weeks again!