Toenail Fungus
Health Benefits

ACV for Toenail Fungus: Effective Natural Treatment

| Modified on Jul 31, 2024
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Michelle (Baltimore, Maryland ) on 05/09/2017

Editor's Choice Just wanted to give encouragement to those suffering with toenail fungus.

I've had fungus on my big toe for about 4 years and it took over most of the toenail, right down to the nail bed. I first tried other recommendations, such as tea tree oil, vicks vapo rub, oregano oil, regular vinegar, and then acv. I have learned that what actually worked for me was braggs Apple Cider Vinegar with the "mother" diluted with approx 50% hot water. I buy the large gallon size on amazon. I first tried Apple Cider Vinegar straight, thinking it would be more effective than diluting it.
It seems to need the hot water to help the Apple Cider Vinegar penetrate better. I let it soak for a 1/2 hour twice a day. I used a small glass bowl added a little vinegar and some hot water just enough to dip my toes in to cover, but not my whole foot. That would use too much Apple Cider Vinegar because I changed the solution each time.

The other thing I did which I feel really helped, is that after soaking the first time for at least a1/2 hour or more in the warm acv, I trimmed the entire detached part of the nail down as far as I could and then used a power file deluxe rechargeable nail file made by the company"kiss"using the "pointed detail file" to thin whatever was left of the nail, which wasn't much at all. As I continued to soak twice daily, I also would thin, whatever nail was still properly attached to my nailbed, about 2 times a week.

It's been 9 months and my toenail is just about fully grown back.

You really can't miss a day, because the fungus will start to grow back and lift the nail up off the nail bed again. But if you keep soaking twice a day, it really should work. For the first 2-3 months I didn't see any change, but just when I felt like giving up, I started to see a a thin pink moon shaped sliver growing out of the nail bed. It grows very slowly and as long as I kept using the Apple Cider Vinegar and hot water soaks, it continued to grow a normal nail and I could tell that this time it was attached properly to the nail bed. It only works if its done twice a day every day. Sometimes I would do it for 20 minutes if there wasn't enough time.

I really owe it to Earth Clinic for the reviews that encouraged me to keep trying when nothing seemed to be working until I gave in and tried the hot water and Apple Cider Vinegar mixture.

I normally don't write reviews, but I wanted to encourage other toenail fungus sufferers to give Apple Cider Vinegar a try.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nancy (South Carolina) on 07/18/2017

Editor's Choice When I read about the Apple cider vinegar cure for toenail fungus, I was so excited but I knew I did not have time to soak my toe for 30 minutes two times a day. My life is very busy and so I decided to do the next best thing. I saturated the gauze of a Band-Aid and more the Band-Aid all day long. At night, I took the Band-Aid off, Took a shower, and at bedtime, I put another Band-Aid on my toe saturated in apple cider vinegar! It worked beautifully after two months! I recommend this for anyone on the go!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Suzanne (IN) on 10/08/2021

Editor's Choice I took a shot of apple cider vinegar in the morning and at night to help with losing weight. It works and the wonderful side effect was beautiful new toenails. I had tried everything and anything for years. Nothing worked. When I noticed my toe nails were growing out healthy I cut the infected part off. It wasn't pretty but I kept them trimmed. It took awhile to grow out the new healthy nails but it has been years and my toenails are still beautiful! The apple cider vinegar killed the infection from the inside out. I wish you the best.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jennifer F. (Usa) on 03/30/2018

This worked like a charm. All I did was soak a bandage in regular ACV, wrap it around my toe with saran wrap for 30 minutes morning and night. I did this for about 3 weeks and then had to stop due to travel. That's all it took, the nail grew out healthy and pink after that. Thanks for the tip, so cheap and easy!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anne (North Lanarkshire) on 11/11/2017

I developed a black line on my right big nail. I added chopped aubergine to the Apple Cider Vinegar and after 3 days of refrigeration I started using the liquid on my toenail. I was told I'd a subungual melanoma but because of poor prognosis with regular options for treatment and did not want it amputated I started this home remedy.

After my evening bath which I put dead sea or Epsom salt into every second day (a bag does 5 baths). I would then soak a piece of cotton wool in the mixture and cover the nail then wrap a waterproof dressing on it. After 6 weeks the black is almost half way grown out. I have taken pictures. The pressure is relieved under the nail bed also. I usually got pain then itching. I plan to continue this until the nail is free of blackness. In conjunction I do take Apple Cider Vinegar in water 2x a day. In the morning I take half squeezed lemon in warm water and half a mug each of dandelion root tea and Hawthorne berry tea. My blood pressure is dropping to near normal limits and the tired sluggish feelings are starting to disappear.

In my case I believe my liver was struggling to rid my body of free radicals and heavy toxins causing a build up of toxins in the body. Most cancers are blood borne but oncologists won't tell you that. I think there's massive profit in 'treating' cancer and other disease. Taking care of this vital organ that is our main blood purifier along with the kidneys and intestines is vital to health.

Dr Eli Jones was successfully treating cancer in the 1900s using homeopathy herbal and apothecary medicines. He was sought after for his knowledge and success. As Mr Rockefeller was purported to have said "cures don't make profit" and we've been stuck with his snake oil medicine. Chemo and radiation. My friend is permanently damaged by chemo and radiation and said she thinks her life span has been shortened. Pathologists will tell you that more people die from the 'cure' than the actual disease. I decided to take my chances with the disease.

Then I saw an Australian home remedy for skin cancer and London doctors trialling it and having success with non malignant melanoma. Some people using the home remedy reported success. I was impressed but thought it won't do any harm to try it..

No one is "permitted" to say it heals malignancy. In my personal experience it does and the Apple Cider Vinegar heals fungus too. I could improve my diet and am working on it and I am exercising every day.....light but regular 40 minute walks. I've lost just over a stone. Without changing my diet significantly.

Try placing a soaked wool ball on the nail bed and wrapping it up. Be patient. It will work. Use the Aubergine as it has an extract liberated by Apple Cider Vinegar that cures melanoma. Black toe nail (unless injured) is 90% likely to be melanoma.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Monica (Memphis, Tn) on 01/17/2017

I have had a stubborn fight with toe nail fungus since 2004 till 2016...tried everything from prescription meds (which only lasted a short while) to you name it... the ONLY thing that works is ACV internally and daily 2xs morning and night I take 2TBSP with very cold water and I also apply tea tree oil to the nails .. I keep attention to eating healthy which I have also attributed to helping the fungus to go away. The Ketogenic diet is excellent for leveling your high alkalinity to a normal PH which is the main reason the fungus grows... my nails have now begun to grow new, not hurt, and look normal again since doing all the above steps ...started to notice changes within a few weeks!! Thank you for this site it has been a great resource!!! My hope is that this post will help many people who suffer needlessly... the doctors just won't tell you this!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dixie (Sterling Heights, Mi) on 05/06/2018

Apple cider vinegar for treatment of fungal nails

I have been ingesting organic apple cider vinegar twice a day for 6months and my toenails have a very remarkable line . The nail bed (about 1/3 grown out now) looks so pink and healthy. Not discolored and thick like the rest of the nail. I wasn't even considering this as a treatment. I was taking it for blood pressure treatment and that too has worked. I could not be more thrilled! I will continue on this path.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by G (Vancouver) on 04/09/2016

I have had both toes progressively getting worse with fungus for the years since 1998-2015. one nail fell off after swimming and banging it on some rocks while on vacation in 2005 -(very painful). As you may understand, sandals or bare feet have progressively gotten to a point of "NO" over these years.

Since mid January 2016, I have been dabbing cider vinegar on both toes EVERY morning shower or not... it is early April and I have cut the nails down short 3 times over that period. I am here to say that the results are finally VERY evident, and my nails have almost grown back to normal! I have only "Soaked" my toes about 3 times over the 3 months, as I found it difficult to do and I am not a patient fellow...

After trying laser treatment and being reluctant to take a 6 month dose of medication... I see the light at the end of the Cider Vinegar Treatment.... I am not sure if it will "CURE" - but I am confident that I can easily control it and as my nail continues to grow out, it looks almost completely normal.

Good luck to you all and be diligent each morning or night! Apply cider vinegar!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Frances (Anaheim, Ca) on 10/04/2014

Finally decided to rid the fungus from both my baby toes. UGLY! I filed the tops down and then soaked them daily in ACV, mouth wash, and hot water for 30 minutes daily. About half a cup each. I also drink a coffee cup of warm water, 2 tablespoons of organic ACV and one tablespoon of lemon juice every morning before anything else. Yes it's gross but I do it. Not only is my fungus clearing up (nail was even split) but I've lost about 5lbs. Its been about six months now. I'm going to also add tea tree oil. Thank you for this website and for all of your suggestions.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Amanda (Phoenix, Az) on 11/10/2017

It's been around 2-3 weeks and so far so good. I poured some ACV in a small container and use a q-tip and apply it around the nail and let it sit inside the infected part of the nail. I don't use much and then I just let it dry. It seems to be working. I also work from home and it's easy to just do it here and there. I've also cleaned up the nails and done some soaks and put a little tea tree oil on it today. I think I see diagonal line of where the healthy nail is. Either way, I can see down near my cuticle that it's healthy and clearly looks different. I'm SO happy I stumbled upon this site. I've had this one spot for over 10 years. It hasn't ever spread, but I could never quite get rid of it and then sometimes it would be a little painful. I'll follow up in a few months to let y'all know if I'm successful.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Carole (Wi) on 06/10/2017

I used apple cider vinegar for toenail fungus, and it worked wonderfully.

I had taken medication for it in 2005, and even after a year, it did not change one iota.

Then in 2015, my physician prescribed a brush-on solution, and still, nothing happened after a year.

In 2016 I read your article and tried it. I was very diligent in soaking my toe two times a day, every day. It gradually started to change, and am now fungus free, and looks as if I never had it. You really definitely need to be persistent and patient though, and not give up or skip days.

I am appalled when I realize that I was treated with a very strong drug which could have affected my liver, and then the brush on to no avail, when all they could have told me was to soak it in apple cider vinegar.

I will be telling my doctor that she should let people know about this simple cure, instead of dangerous drugs.

Thank you for your article, it was so easy and cost only pennies. I will be spreading the word, and letting everyone know about your site.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bb (Sma, Mex) on 12/27/2017

I think, as many people have stated here, filing the nail down to the nail bed is extremely important in order to get the ACV where it can really help. Literally...file that nail down to where there is normal nail and keep it filed until it becomes healthy. It might make that toe sensitive, but the cure will happen much more quickly!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mom (Naples, Florida) on 01/18/2014

Many years ago, I developed a very bad toe nail fungus - only in my big toe! . After seeing several doctors, who recommended antibiotics, a $100, bottle of nail polish, and disgusted pedicurists....... I began researching this for myself. Here is the bottom line:

Apple Cider Vinegar!

Fungus does not like or live in acid.

So, ACV can be used for this. Toes, fingers, anywhere there is a fungus.

Also, the worse the fungus is, the more times a day you should apply it. Soak in it, if need be. It can't hurt.

If you cut your nails, and accidentally cut through the skin, then apply equal amounts of ACV and topical, first aid, Hydrogen Peroxide. The HP is a topical for infections. That is all you need to do on a daily basis. You will see an improvement within a week. Be vigilant. It will pay off!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Penny (Nv) on 07/21/2017

I developed toe nail fungus, December of 2015. I went to the doctor, which was a waste of time. I've tried fungus ointments, etc., etc., etc. I ended up losing my whole nail. I started reading everything about ACV and hot water/cool water. Alternating the two. I started soaking my toe on June 23rd of this year (2017). I've also added Epsom salt and baking soda to the water. I've done this twice a day sometimes 3 times a day for 30 minutes, no less! After that, sometimes I'll make a paste of ACV and baking soda and leave that on for about 10 minutes. I also mix a combination of tea tree oil, Lavender and coconut oil and massage it into the nail bed and surrounding skin on my toe. In addition to all this, I have been drinking two tablespoons of ACV in two cups of cold filtered water twice/daily.

The 23rd of this month (July) will be one month!! I have been so diligent with this whole process. I have NOT missed one day. Trying to be positive because of all the excellent results I have read on this issue. But I have to say, I'm just getting so discouraged. I've lost my nail completely, I'm keeping it cleaned and making sure any discolored nail that starts to grow is cut. I don't know what else I can do. The doctor said it takes one year for a nail to grow. But I've also read reviews where the nail grew back in just a few months. I guess I'm just looking for some positive support from people who have been right where I am right now, or let me know if there is anything else I can do to help this process. I know everyone it's different for everyone and I just need to be patient. It's going on a month I've been at this. Is there anything else I should or can be doing??? Thank you for listening.


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nancy (South Carolina) on 07/14/2017

When I read about the Apple cider vinegar cure for toenail fungus, I was so excited but I knew I did not have time to soak my toe for 30 minutes two times a day. My life is very busy and so I decided to do the next best thing. I saturated the gauze of a Band-Aid and wore the Band-Aid all day long. At night, I took the Band-Aid off, Took a shower, and at bedtime, I put another Band-Aid on my toe saturated in apple cider vinegar! It worked beautifully after two months! I recommend this for anyone on the go!

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