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  Re: Hydrogen Peroxide for Dog With Tumor

4 days ago
Posted by Joe (San Jose, CA) on 07/22/2024

Is your dog still doing well? Did you dilute the hp at all?

  Re: Kefir Side Effects

4 days ago
Posted by Joe (BC, Canada) on 07/22/2024

It could be tryptophan or it could be alcohol or both. Kefir can contain quite a percentage of alcohol. Usually, it' about 1-3%, but if it's second-fermented the alcohol could by up to 5%, like in beer.

  Re: Kefir's Alcohol Content

4 days ago
Posted by Joe (BC, Canada) on 07/22/2024

No kidding, kefir hit your satisfaction button! Drinking half a gallon a day! It has alcohol in it. The strength could be up to 2-3% by volume. The guys who like second fermentation kefir get even stronger alcohol beverage, could be up to 5%, like beer!

Alcohol in kefir is not the biggest problem though. Drinking kefir can cause SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth), especially in the case of compromised/weak immune system. And that's the problem. When too many, those lactobacteria turn into pathogens. To avoid it, either reduce consumption of kefir, or using kefir grains make a small amount (~50-100 ml) of the "starter kefir", then put it with no kefir grain, just the kefir liquid, into a big batch (2-3 liters) of milk and stir. Let it get fermented as usual. This "derived" kefir will have lower bacterial load and virtually, no alcohol. It can be drunk in any quantities.

  Re: Glaucoma for Dogs

5 days ago
Posted by Kathy (Florida ) on 07/21/2024

I do know that steroid eye drops have a side effect of raising eye pressure. I have uveitis (inflammation of iris) and glaucoma and one steroid eye drop (stronger than Prednisone) damaged my optic nerve. I had to switch to a mild steroid Loteprednol which I take in addition to glaucoma drops for the pressure. Just ask your vet about the steroid eye drops and if it is necessary. Take care.

  Re: DMSO, Castor Oil + Shrinking Lipoma

5 days ago
Posted by Santo (New Territories) on 07/21/2024

hello, did you use all three oils with the DMSO. And, do you use the DMSO on of the oils.

  Re: 7mg Nicotine Daily for Long Covid

5 days ago
Posted by Hollyhock (America ) on 07/21/2024

How long did you take the nicotine? Was it a patch or the gum? Did you get a racing heart type reaction? When did you notice health improvements? I'm finding it hard to believe it to be a "super-nutrient"! I too suffer the after effects of covid. It's been 2 years. I am glad to hear of your recovery.

  Re: Seeking Plant-Source Cortisol for Addison's Disease

5 days ago
Posted by Simonne (Grand Junction CO) on 07/21/2024

Hi there, I don't know of a plant source of cortisol but I have adrenal insufficiency and have been taking Ancestral Supplements Adrenal (has both cortex and medulla). I also take standard process Cyruta Plus which has bovine adrenal and Buckwheat for cellular repair and strength. Best of luck.

  Re: Oregano Oil for Alpha-Gal Syndrome

5 days ago
Posted by Emma (MA) on 07/21/2024

Can you please tell me more about the wildcrafted oregano capsules you mention? I make triple soaked oregano tincture but I have not made capsules. My friends and family suffer from a lot of Lyme and AGS and I would love to make natural aid to help them. Thank you! Emma

  Re: Methylene Blue for Chronic Bladder Infections

5 days ago
Posted by ALEKSANDRA (Pennsylvania) on 07/21/2024

MHO will not answer I guess so I'll write what I did. I gave him 4 drops twice a day and it seemed to work for a week (bladder spasms)--i upped to 5 drops, and so far so good.

i think such upping the MB dose is the way to go -- esp. that somewhere I read that small doses of MB also work wonders!

 Re: Seeking Natural Treatment for Primary Aldosteronism... Is There One?

6 days ago
Posted by Heather (Illinois) on 07/21/2024

Hi, I also have Hyperaldosteronism. Were you able to figure out the cause and treatment of yours?

7mg Nicotine Daily for Long Covid

6 days ago
Posted by Maxer (Perth, Australia) on 07/20/2024

I cured all my long Covid symptoms by taking 7mg Nicotine daily with 2 capsules of Ashwagandha and 2000mg of vitamin C daily. I had swelling in hands and feet, lost sense of taste, lots of eye floaters, arthritis in joints, muscle weakness and couldn't take a full breath of air. All gone. Dr Bryan Ardis claims nicotine to be a super-nutrient. Based on my experience I have to agree. Forever indebted to Dr Bryan Ardis. Amen.

Iodine for Cherry Angiomas

6 days ago
Posted by Colin (Barcelona) on 07/21/2024

I tried iodine (Lugols 5%) after watching Dr Berg video on moles (I didn't realize it was a cherry angioma until later). It didn't get rid of it, but it did make it a lot less red and angry looking. I think it got a bit smaller, but not by much. Doesn't get itchy now. Added a little idonie for a few weeks.

DMSO for Hips

6 days ago
Posted by Gracie (UK) on 07/21/2024



I'm new to using DMSO, and have been using it on my hips, because there's only half the cartilage left in them, and consequently resultant pain. I also use it on my pelvic area and lower back, and |I think it is helping. However, I've found that whereas the pain in my lower back has lessened there's now pain in my upper back which wasn't there before.

Does DMSO just provide temporary relief or can it actually cure?

And is is safe to take it internally, perhaps a teaspoonful in a warm drink?

  Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide for Athlete's Foot

6 days ago
Posted by Shs (NY) on 07/20/2024

This was a life saver. I'm not through the end yet but this borax and hydrogen peroxide solution changed everything. It honestly has stopped at least the unbelievable itching that the Lotramine ultra could only stave away for a little.

I combined it with salicylic acid washes before and turbinafine after . I've seen some relief

I thought I had gotten rid of it once, as everyone says don't stop short even when u can't feel it continue treating it.

I tried vinegar soaks, borax soaks, bleach, anti-fungal soaps and it kept coming back. Thai really assisted the most

  Re: Low-Dose Ivermectin for Hashimoto's

6 days ago
Posted by Joy (Montana ) on 07/20/2024

It's possible that the ivermectin worked because in some cases a parasite called blastocystihomimus (spelling?! ) can cause problems. Also EBV can be part of the cause. Like you I experience elevated bp and heart related symptoms. They used to be extremely scary and I think my reaction made them worse. I stay calm now and do better. I have found that a combo of nettle and dandelion teas daily (traditional medicinals brand is what I use) helped me a lot. Not sure why…? I've noticed that I also experience a rise in bp when I'm getting sick, so I'm guessing that the triggered immune response causes the rise..? I'm so sorry you find yourself in this predicament!! I wouldn't wish Hashi's on my worst enemy. 😢

Cold Feeling in My Foot

6 days ago
Posted by Etcher123 (Uk) on 07/20/2024

I'm left foot keeps getting a cold feeling, and some times it feels like there is a draft blowing up my left leg as well, any idea?

  Re: Seeking Remedies for Jerky Legs (Similar to RLS)

6 days ago
Posted by Jim (Anchorage) on 07/20/2024

This is how to choose a homeopathic remedy potency:

How to take a homeopathic remedy:

I dose is 1 pellet. It would say on a tube take 5 pellets. 1 is enough. Also FDA requires to write on a tube what it is for (unless you buy from a homeopathic pharmacy). One Homeopathic remedy could be for many things. So disregard what is written on a tube.

Acute and first aid situations:

  • start by MATCHING your symptoms to a remedy

  • give ONE DOSE of this well-chosen remedy

  • WAIT and see what happens

  • if nothing happens REPEAT - depending on the intensity of the presenting issue you may do so hourly but anywhere up to every 15 minutes in extreme situations

  • if something changes - WAIT

  • if symptoms begin to improve - WAIT

  • if symptoms return - REPEAT with a second dose

  • if new symptoms arise then WAIT to see if they pass. If not, take the case again and check which remedy should be given now

  • if after a maximum of SIX doses of the chosen remedy symptoms are not improved - the remedy is not your match, find another remedy that matches the symptoms paying particularly attention to any existing symptoms that have become more prominent or new symptoms that have arisen.

Intense symptoms:

You might need to give a higher potency for intense symptoms.

You might need to give the remedy every 15 minutes for up to three doses.

If you do not respond please get in touch with your homeopath and always seek medical advice when needed.

Protocel Cancer Treatment

6 days ago
Posted by Belinda (Texas) on 01/15/2022

Hi John H!

I have personally treated cancer with a product called Protocel. I have also spoken to many people that have used it effectively. One woman had breast cancer with Mets to bones and brain and she started using it last Christmas along with an antifungal diet, which is cutting out sugars and grains, and taking dog dewormer. She had already started having seizures due to the cancer in her brain. She is now clear and doing well. Protocel was invented by a chemist named Jim Sheridan. You can google Joe Tippens and read about how he cured himself with dewormer. It works!

Read about Protocel at

 Re: Natural Remedies to Heal Brain Aneurysm

6 days ago
Posted by Jim (Anchorage) on 07/20/2024

Good for you! Who advised you about collodial copper? Never heard of it.

I have something that doesn't have a name but symptoms. It is a variation of Mal de debarquement syndrome. I have it for a long time and the only medicine that keeps me from checking out is lorazepam. It started gradually over the years. Few years into on and off symptoms One morning as soon as I woke up I started spinning into unconsciousness and back for few hours. It was the scariest thing ever. I was sure I will die. Since then I have it non stop. Fast forward many tests, doctors, therapies, theories, medicine…nobody knows what it is and nothing works but lorazepam, which just takes an edge of the symptoms I am not alone, there are Facebook groups of people with spontaneous MDDs. It is hell on Earth.

It's like being trapped inside your own brain and never being able to properly rest because your brain is constantly in motion. It's absolutely the hardest and the strangest thing for anyone to understand

  Re: Seeking Remedies for Jerky Legs (Similar to RLS)

6 days ago
Posted by Jim (Anchorage ) on 07/20/2024

Tarentula Hispanica is a great remedy having profound action on nerves and mind. Extreme restlessness is one of the top most indication for its use. It is a leading homeopathic medicine for managing cases of restlessness, twitching, jerking, chorea (movement disorder in which there is involuntary, unpredictable muscle movement) and hysteria (an uncontrollable outburst of emotion or fear characterized by laughing, weeping, fits of rage or anxiety). Oversensitivity to music is another key indication for its use.