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Ashwagandha and Magnesium Glycinate to Help Taper Off Benzos

1 month ago
Posted by Blanche (Cebu, Philippines) on 06/26/2024

Currently helping my dad wean off benzo dependence (Xanax). Bought him ashwagandha capsules and magnesium glycinate to help buffer withdrawal symptoms.

 Hypermelatoninemia Remedies Needed

1 month ago
Posted by Art (California) on 06/26/2024

Hi Alexa,

You can google "foods high in melatonin" and make sure you aren't eating any of these in quantity or if you have a relatively narrow range of foods that you eat, just google those specific foods to rule them out for higher melatonin content.

Midday sun exposure may also help lower your melatonin levels, but not earlier morning or later afternoon sun exposure. Lastly, if you are using any type of red light therapy or an infrared sauna, you might stop using them as they are known to increase melatonin levels.

I have never run into anyone with chronic hypermelatoninemia. So can you describe what symptoms it is causing you and how you were diagnosed for it?


  Re: Question Regarding Art's Melatonin Lotion

1 month ago
Posted by Art (California) on 06/26/2024

Hi Helen,

In the original article I wrote about melatonin lotion, I described how my friends made their melatonin lotion using the bulk powder form of melatonin which has no fillers or additives. On the other hand, capsules and pills have multiple fillers which will not work very well for making the lotion because the fillers are a significant amount of extra powder. You might try following the original recipe which calls for using bulk powder such as this, which appears to be available on ebay Canada :|tkp:BFBMvtPR1opk


 Re: Excess Phlegm Affecting My Breathing

1 month ago
Posted by Natasha (Chicago) on 06/26/2024

are you coughing up phlegm?

check this site


Alkaline Water for BV

1 month ago
Posted by Nic (Biloxi, MS) on 06/26/2024

I just want to say……… I've come to this site for YEARS (before not being able to find it for a while😂)- trying to find a cure…. I stopped taking antibiotics, that was about a year ago, maybe longer….

I did a lot of reading here about 2-3 years ago and I ran across this specific one *Alkalize*…… Hardheaded…. Went on to try some of the harder remedies like garlic and other things like that….. when it all could've been SO simple. ALKALINE WATER. I normally drink spring water because I thought it would be better or healthier for me…… nahh. I'm talking 6 bottles a day. Ran out of spring water one day so I went to the store and all they had was Alkaline water so I grabbed a few big bottles. As the days go on, I'm noticing that my bv symptoms are gone……. Ran out of alkaline water, back to spring water……. The symptoms came back………. I'm thinking hard about what I did and what had changed. 💡— alkaline water……. Now I start thinking back to this forum right here where I read a few women saying that *that* water got rid of bv for them and it just CLICKED… I've been doing all the wrong things all of these years when it could've been so simple… I'm already a BIG water drinker anyway, I don't drink sodas, I may have a small cup of juice every blue moon. But this doggone alkaline water, magic 🪄. I haven't stopped drinking it since and I've had little to no problems since, either. Right before my period I may get a slight smell, but NOTHING compared to the symptoms I used to have. And I've only been drinking it for 2 months now. So so so so so so simple. I don't even have to take prebiotics or probiotics anymore. I actually took one last week for the 1st time in 2 months and I got bv symptoms, crazy right? I knowwwww lol. Definitely definitely definitely definitely if you have recurrent bv, pls give it a try, it's only water. I'm not self conscious about people smelling me or those horrible smells and symptoms that come with bv, I'm really out here living my life carefree and smelling fresher than a………

I've been looking for this site for a while, have not been able to find it til tonight. I was happy because I just had to come share this with yall. This is fr.

Thank yall so much ✊🏾

  Re: Betaine HCL Side Effects

1 month ago
Posted by SWATI (India) on 06/26/2024

Are your heart palpitations gone? I had the same issue after taking it.

Protocols for Cholesteatoma

1 month ago
Posted by Cheryl (Coos Bay USA) on 06/25/2024

I was just diagnosed with a cholesteatoma in my right ear.....and they are recommending surgery and I am wanting to try other natural approaches. My eustachian tubes are clear. Does anyone have experience or know of a natural protocol to take care of this?

  Re: Question Regarding Art's Melatonin Lotion

1 month ago
Posted by Helen B (British Columbia, Canada) on 06/25/2024

Thanks for all your help so far Art!

I have an additional question about the melatonin recipe. It calls for 1 gram of melatonin powder. I have purchased a bottle of 90 capsules of 10mg strength melatonin which if I understand correctly is 900mg, 10 capsules short of 1 gram. Am I correct in my math and will it still be strong enough for the pain relief benefits?

(I found a store with 50 ml bottles of gin!! :o) )

Thank you so so much for all the help you have given me!


  Re: Only Alkaline Water Helping BV

1 month ago
Posted by NicNicole (Biloxi, Ms) on 06/26/2024

Came back to say, it worked for a week then it stopped…. The ONLY thing that has been working for me for the last 2 months is ALKALINE WATER. That's it. I don't take probiotics or prebiotics anymore either. Hope this helps.

 Re: Loss of Cartilage in Hips

1 month ago
Posted by Gracie (UK) on 06/26/2024

Hi Katzie

Thank you for your helpful post about the use of DMSO for loss of cartilage in hips. This is something very new to me, and I will certainly give it a try. I've actually put in an order to Amazon for the DMSO and it should arrive tomorrow.

I will report back on how successful it is, as it may help others.

Best wishes.

 Re: Loss of Cartilage in Hips

1 month ago
Posted by Hollyhock (America ) on 06/26/2024

Katzie, did you use straight dmso, not diluted? I love your story! I'm always reading to use dmso diluted down to say 70/30 etc. So you apply the castor oil first then a few drops of dmso? I will be starting this today! I've been fighting 3 herniated lumbar discs since 2006! It has now affected my knees after my back flared up last summer. Thank you for the information you provided!

  Re: Burdock Root for Severe Neuropathy

1 month ago
Posted by Mama to Many (Tennessee) on 06/25/2024

Dear Phyllis,

I cannot say for sure if it would help the tingling and weakness. If weakness is caused by reduced activity, then it might help in combination with physical therapy.

Burdock Root is an inexpensive herb. It is a blood purifier. It is very safe - in some cultures the root of the burdock plant is used as a food source.

So, I would say it is worth a try. It takes time to work, so give it a good three months before deciding it isn't helping. Hopefully in that time you would notice improvement, though.

~Mama to Many~

Hypermelatoninemia Remedies Needed

1 month ago
Posted by Alexa (Sarasota) on 06/25/2024

Female, 55, chronic hypermelatoninemia. Takes NO melatonin supplements. Lives in Florida. Any input is appreciated.

  Lymphoma Remedies Needed for Dog

1 month ago
Posted by Lady (WV) on 06/25/2024

Just found out that my Rhodesian Ridgeback has lymphoma..any and all suggestions are welcome. He has lost his appetite completely.

 Re: Loss of Cartilage in Hips

1 month ago
Posted by Katzie (Cancun, Mexico ) on 06/25/2024

A few years ago a chiropractor sent me for xrays after a serious fall. It was then he told me that in about 6 months I would be in alot of pain as I had no cushioning in-between my discs on both sides. When I looked at them I wondered why I wasn't in pain right then - there was nothing there!

Sure enough, 5 months later I was in pain. Thanks to this site I learned of DMSO. In my research I found a university study that said DMSO corrected dna back to what it was supposed to be doing; the dna's original purpose.

I started using it on my lower back 3x/day. I use Castor Oil to protect the skin, then put 7 to 8 drops on the DMSO on afterwards. I would let it soak in for 15 mins, and then go about my day. Over the weeks I noted I needed less and less drops, and applied it less frequently, as well. Eventually I did not need the DMSO applied anymore. It's been 3 years now and never had a re-occurrence either.

How did I know when to lower the dosage and/or frequency, you might wonder? My body told me. If the area was sore after applying, I knew that I was using either too much or too frequently. I count myself as blessed to have found DMSO!!! Read the reviews on this site and prepare to be amazed!

 Re: Dog With Swollen, Itchy Paws From Biting

1 month ago
Posted by Bex7 (OR) on 06/25/2024

Change her diet. Try no grains, and a different protein. My dog had skin issues and it was after feeding her chicken. I have not fed her chicken in a long time. Also, I gave her a bath and then poured borax and hydrogen peroxide water over her and her hair stopped falling out, she stopped getting scabby spots on her skin, and her hair is now shiny, all filled in and she doesn't chew her feet. It takes several weeks of doing this, but it worked for us.

Dog With Swollen, Itchy Paws From Biting

1 month ago
Posted by Marty (Florida) on 06/25/2024

My daughter has a Cotton in France, I'm about to go to be with her dog for three months. Luna is 11 years old and for the last few years she has had really bad paw bitting. To the point now that there is no hair and they are swollen. Her ears also have a problem with itching. I want to bring her some natural remedies. I love this site and all of you who contribute to it to benefit all of us. She really doesn't have too much of a skin issue anywhere else that I'm aware of but each year I see her for a few months and each year I try to cure her. I've done acv, baking soda, cocnut oil, but so far I've haven't helped her.

Any suggestions are appreciated

  Re: Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy

1 month ago
Posted by Blanche (Cebu, Philippines) on 06/25/2024

Hello Liezel. How much dosage did you use for nebulizer? And how long did it take for full recovery from asthma? Thanks.

  10% Sulfur Soap and Sulfur Cream for Eczema

1 month ago
Posted by Maureen (CT, USA) on 06/25/2024

This is working really well for me! I've been putting 10% Sulfur Cream on a patch of eczema on my hand for only a couple of days and my skin is much improved. I've also used the sulfur soap but I think the cream does more to help because I reapply it throughout the day.

  Re: Olive Oil Health Benefits?

1 month ago
Posted by Kim L. (Kansas City, MO) on 06/25/2024

For informative purposes, while I completely agree that Saturated Fat from Animals is completely necessary....Unsaturated Fats (Cold Pressed/Non-Hydrogenated) from vegetables (ex: corn/Arachidonic Acid), plants (ex: Safflower Oil), fruits (ex: Olive, Palm, Coconut), nuts (ex: Sunflower Oil) are absolutely necessary too and is known by the rarely heard of name of Vitamin F.

These Unsaturated fatty acids are important for tissue respiration vital organs, making it easier for oxygen to be transported by the bloodstream to all cells, tissues and organs.

Vitamin F helps maintain resilience and lubrication of all cells and combines with protein and cholesterol to form to form living membranes that hold the body cells together.

Vitamin F regenerates the skin!! A lack of Unsaturated fatty acids, Vitamin F, could cause ulcerations on the lower limbs.

All of the above that I have just stated is from the book, "The Ultimate Healing System" by Donald Lepore N.D.

Additionally, he says he has found in his own research Vitamin F to be the antidote to a wheat and corn allergy.

From much of my own research, the hardest part is finding an uncompromised/unadulterated/unrefined/non-hydrogenated oil of all the types, whether it be animal saturated fat or plant unsaturated fat as listed above.

Researching the best of the best is extremely time consuming and exhausting. According to the renowned, Dr. Mercola, much of the Olive Oil and EVOO on the supermarket shelves today has been mixed with other oils all of which can easily become rancid when on the shelves too long and when not properly stored from light and extreme heat.

To date the best EVOO I have personally found comes from a single origin farm, Ellora Farms in Messara Valley Crete Greece. I have been buying their EVOO for 2 to 3 years now (I purchase in bulk in the tin cans as it lasts the longest) and am currently and completely satisfied with their EVOO. Note: Olive Oil has some of the highest content of Vitamin E other than Natural Red Palm Oil.

As always, anything can change and become compromised in these ever changing times.

If you're looking for a non-hydrogenated reputable source of coconut oil you may want to look into Healthy Traditions previously known as Tropical Traditions. Hopefully, they have stayed true to their tradition of non-hydrogenated coconut oil. That is where I purchase mine.

EVOO & Coconut Oil have some of the highest amounts of Monounsaturated Fats (MUFA's) where most everything on the market is highest in Polyunsaturated Fats (PUFA's) which a disproportion reeks inflammatory havoc and disease on our bodies.

I hope this helps. I have spent YEARS reading, researching and trying to learn and improve my health and inflammatory conditions.