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Boiled Egg for Sore Eyes and Styes

2 days ago
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 10/02/2024

Boil Egg – Sore Eyes and Styes. – Remedy.

Boil an egg, remove the yolk (yellow part) and have ready sugar, pulverized; fill the place occupied by the yolk and while hot and apply as needed . If too strong, add a little rain water.

Cover the egg with a wet cloth to maintain heat for 10–15 minutes. Apply the compress several times a day. After using the compress, gently massage the infected area.

I know some people that just use the boiled egg only.

Note: Sugar has been used to treat wounds for thousands of years, including during the Napoleonic Wars. Sugar's high osmolarity reduces moisture in the wound, which prevents bacteria from thriving. Sugar also creates a protective layer over the wound and provides energy for cells. Applying sugar to a wound can sometimes cause a burning sensation. This is because the sugar draws moisture out of the wound

Whiskey for Snake Bites

2 days ago
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 10/02/2024

Snake Bites. – Whiskey

Book - Dr. Chase's New Receipt Book and Medical Advisor or Information for Everbody by A.W. Chase M.D. page 135, 1920.

The National Intelligencer a year or two since published a recipe for the cure of the rattlesnake bite, which it claimed was infallible, it having been tried in a number of cases and always with success. It was nothing more nor less than the use of whisky, as above recommended, and it is but justice to say that a daughter of William Reed, of the town of Pittsfield, in this county, who was bitten on the arm some three years ago, was cured by drinking whisky until drunkenness and stupor were produced, and she has never felt any inconvenience from the bite since, which goes to show that the bite of the Devil's tea is worse than the bite of a rattlesnake

  Re: Rhodiola for Depression

2 days ago
Posted by Art (California) on 10/02/2024

Hi Cécilia,

There are other adaptogens you can consider if Rhodiola isn't quite giving a consistent response for you. Two that come to mind are Ashwagandha and Ginkgo Biloba both of which are thought to be useful for depression and anxiety. The following two links suggest that Ginkgo Biloba may be useful for both health issues :

Depression :

Here is a relevant quote from the systematic review and meta analysis :

' In conclusion, the main finding was that patients treated with GKB had better MBI, MESSS, BDNF, 5-HT, and HAMD values after 4 weeks, 6 weeks, and 8 weeks than the control group. GKB might reduce the risk of depression or depressive symptoms with safe clinical efficacy.'

Anxiety :, than those who took placebo.

Here is a relevant quote from the article :

' One preliminary study found that a special formulation of ginkgo extract called EGB 761 might help relieve anxiety. People with generalized anxiety disorder and adjustment disorder who took this specific extract had fewer anxiety symptoms than those who took placebo. '

I think you will find similar articles or studies for Ashwagandha.


Lemon for Corns

2 days ago
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 10/02/2024

Lemon for Corns. -Bind a piece of lemon over the corn every night for four or five nights.

From the book; Health Knowledge; a Thorough and Concise Knowledge of the Prevention, Causes page 1390, by John Leader Corish 1919

If a cripple will take a lemon, cut off a piece, then nick it so as to let in the toe with the corn, the pulp next the corn – tie this on at night so that it cannot move – he will find next morning that with a blunt knife the corn will come away to a great extent. Two or three applications of this was make a "poor cripple" happy for life.- London Field.

Book - Dr. Chase's New Receipt Book and Medical Advisor or Information for Everbody by A.W. Chase M.D., 1920

Rhodiola for Depression

2 days ago
Posted by Cécilia (Liège (Belgium)) on 10/02/2024


J'ai pris 1 gélule/jour, pendant 3 jours, d'un plante appelée "adaptogène" : la Rhodolia.

Pendant 2 jours, moi qui suis toujours fatiguée, sans joie de vivre, je me suis retrouvée joyeuse, pleine d'entrain, énergique. Patatras, au matin du 3è jour, j'ai eu une méga crise d'angoisse.

Mon neuro-psy ne me prend pas au sérieux mais moi, je voudrais revivre le bonheur des 2 premiers jours, où j'ai véritablement retrouvé mon moi d'avant. Et je me dis qu'il y a dans la plante Rhodolia quelque chose de bénéfique pour moi. Mais quoi?

Après, j'ai cherché sur Internet et j'ai lu que cette plante était à éviter pour les maniaco-dépressifs et les personnes atteinte d'anxiété sévère.

I took 1 capsule/day for 3 days of a plant called an "adaptogen": Rhodiola.

For 2 days, I, who am always tired, without any joy in life, found myself joyful, full of energy, and enthusiastic. But on the morning of the 3rd day, I had a massive anxiety attack.

My neuro-psychiatrist doesn't take me seriously, but I want to relive the happiness of those first two days when I truly found my former self again. And I think there's something beneficial for me in the Rhodiola plant. But what?

Afterward, I searched the Internet and read that this plant should be avoided by people with manic-depression and those with severe anxiety.

Cayenne for Sinus Infections

2 days ago
Posted by laurextream (London) on 10/02/2024


I tried this but it burns a lot, I feel like I am choking.

Is there a better remedy, that does the job but doesn't burn like this?

Onion Juice for Kidney Stones

2 days ago
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 10/02/2024

Gravel and Kidney Complaints. – Gravel is a medical term for a collection of small stones or calculi that can form in the kidneys or gallbladder

Book - Dr. Chase's New Receipt Book and Medical Advisor or Information for Everbody by A.W. Chase M.D. page 101,1920.

1. Let the patient take from a tablespoon to two or three tablespoons of onion juice—that is, all the stomach will bear-eating all the raw onions he can, and continue it until free of the complaint. I have seen gravel the size of a common quill, crooked and one and one-fourth inches in length, which a lady passed from the bladder and smaller bits almost innumerable by the simple use of onion juice alone.

The onion juice (red onions are said to be the best) has and may be injected through a catheter into the bladder. Have no fears to do this, for I know a physician of 40 years' practice who has done it five times with success. A physician, however, would have to be called to introduce the catheter.

2. A strong decoction made by using a large handful of smart weed, adding a gill (equal to one-fourth of a pint) of gin and a gill each of horse mint and onion juices and taking all in 12 hours has been known to discharge gravel in large quantities. – Philadelphia Eclectic Journal

  Activated Charcoal for Headaches

2 days ago
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 10/02/2024

SICK HEADACHE . – To Cure. –

Book - Dr. Chase's New Receipt Book and Medical Advisor or Information for Everbody by A.W. Chase M.D. 1920

Sick headache proper arises from acidity or overloading the stomach; when it is not from over-eating all that is necessary is to soak the feet in hot water about twenty minutes, drinking at the same time some of the herb-teas, such as pennyroyal, catnip, or mint, etc., then get into bed, cover up warm and keep up a sweating process for about an hour, by which time relief will have been obtained; but when food has been taken which remains in the stomach.

Bread Tea, Used in Taking Emetics. - Made by taking a piece of dry bread and crumbling it into a bowl with a little salt, pepper and butter to suit the taste, then pouring boiling water upon it; this soon allays the retching and strengthens the stomach to renewed healthy action.

Charcoal, a Cure for Sick Headache. It is stated that two teaspoons of finely powdered charcoal drank in half a tumbler of water will in less than 15 minutes give relief to the sick headache when caused, as in most cases it is, by superabundance of acid on the stomach. We have tried this remedy time and again and its efficacy in every instance has been signally satisfactory.

  Re: Ammonia Body Odor

2 days ago
Posted by HisJewel (New York) on 10/02/2024

Hi Valerie,

So much was happening in 2020, I pray all is going well with you and your husband. When I saw this post, I remembered about my early years of fasting. The old saints at my church did not eat or drink anything for three days and nights going into the New Year. This encouraged their faith to believe for a miracle. When I teamed up with them, I was still in my twenties and did not know how to power up with better eating and fluid intake before the fast. Sometimes a special three-day fast was also called for in the month of July and that's when I noticed that I would get an ammonia sweat. Once I resume eating and drinking the problem left. So I would forget about it.

Some years later, I read an online article that said athletes sometimes would get this problem because of not drinking enough water. From that, I learned that a healthy amount of water intake was necessary if you fast or lose a lot of fluid.

Quite a few health problems are simply from low water intake. Let's stay well.


  Re: Help Needed on Understanding How to Take Methylene Blue

2 days ago
Posted by Bill (Philppines) on 10/02/2024

I've always believed that trying to exactly create a 0.1% Methylene Blue(MB) solution from, say, a 2.33% MB solution is such a pain!

But there is a much easier way of doing it. All you have to do is work out the milligrams of MB powder that you need and the problem becomes easy.

And you only really need to know a few simple facts and here they are:

0.1% MB contains 0.05mg per drop.

1% MB contains 0.5mg per drop.

2% MB contains 1.0mg per drop.

So, if you're a bit picky and you want the exact MB amount then it follows from the above that:

2.33% MB contains 1.165 mg per drop

Let's try a quick example, so that everyone understands it better.

Say for example that you want to take 10 drops of 0.1% Methylene Blue per day but you only have 1% MB.

Here's how to work out the drop dosage:

From the above, 1 drop of 0.1% MB contains 0.05 mg MB powder, so a 10 drop dose will contain 10 x 0.05 = 0.5mg MB.

And that also means that 10 drops of 0.1% MB will contain the same milligram amount of MB powder as 1 drop of 1% or half a drop pf 2% MB.

And just to be clear -- I always use the Methylene Blue that is advertised for fish tanks because fish breathe in water. And they breathe in the Methylene Blue as well. It's also well-known that fish are highly sensitive to poisons, heavy metals etc in their water -- much more so than us humans in our air environment. And I should also mention that Ted from Bangkok always recommended that Methylene Blue for the fish tank was quite adequate for human consumption.

Some other facts about MB, which might help:

The effects of MB on the body will always vary from person to person because we are all built differently. Generally, if you are using a low dose and use a certain MB dose with water that makes you a bit hyper or nauseous then you should reduce the MB dose. Similarly, if you are using a low dose and it's doing nothing for your problem then you should increase the MB dose.

Generally and for me anyway, a total daily dose of MB would be in the range 3 mg to 30 mg -- taken in split doses, depending on what was wrong with me.

According to my research, Methylene Blue has a half-life in your body of 6 hrs and is completely eliminated in 24 hrs.

If I had a serious and systemic fungal problem or a viral infection or a blood clot I would probably take more MB -- in the range of 80mg to 100mg or more in split doses. This is still well below the lower limit of 2mg/kg.

During the Vietnam war, the US troops took Methylene Blue powder by the spoonful. So Methylene Blue is tried tested and used both at high and low dosages over the last 130 years. So yes, MB is well known and quite safe to use.

I use Methylene Blue because it helps protect my cognitive abilities, anti-Alzheimer's, antioxidant, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, enhances the body's energy cycle and helps to regulate the immune system -- prevents inflammation and prevents out-of-control cytokine storms, which makes it doubly useful against COVID viruses.

Last fact for you. Methylene Blue kills a large range of viruses, bacteria and fungi that is probably only matched by Lugol's Iodine and Colloidal Silver -- and no microbial can adjust to those remedies. And, of course, pre-WW2 medicine used all three of those medicines to good effect.

  Re: Parasite Testing Methods

2 days ago
Posted by GertJr (Madison) on 10/02/2024

I was told by a lab tech how they test your sample. They mix it all up w/ saline so it's fluid, then put a smear on the slide and look at that. They see eggs but cannot say you have the parasite unless the # of eggs reaches a certain threshold, which it rarely does. Think - they diluted the sample and only took fluid, not chunks (the actual parasite). Even if they see the actual parasite, they must go by what the slide reveals. For an accurate test of parasites, take a stool sample to the Veterinarian and have them look at it. Much more accurate and they don't really care what animal the sample came from and you don't need much, maybe 1/2 tsp. My vet does a wink and a nod, tells me X product at the dose/lb and how often to repeat. They'll tell you pet meds are not as pure and ones for humans but that is not true. They're made at the same facility using the same process and merely packaged differently.

  Re: Flaxseed and Prostate Cancer

2 days ago
Posted by Richard (WA) on 10/01/2024

This study suggests that flax supplementation REDUCES the risk of prostate cancer.

  Re: Turpentine Remedy for a Toothache

2 days ago
Posted by Sherri (PNW) on 10/01/2024

Hi Lori,

Yes, some people have cured a specific type of cavity called a "root cavity" using Turpentine essential oil along with a few other ingredients. Several holistic dentists have lectured on this condition and it is easy to verify using one or several of the applications below.

I know of a few people that have traveled to Switzerland to have their teeth operated on because of this condition. You can actually see a few videos of the surgery showing them removing these organisms, yuck.

These types of cavities are most often caused by parasitic/ectoparasitic organisms and their associated pathogenic co-factors (viruses, bacteria, fungus, retroviruses, etc).

The organisms cause hyperacidity at the root level which eventually develops into a cavity. So, they need to be removed to cure this type of cavity.

Turpentine and a few other remedies are used for these types of cavities because they "drive" and/or "draw" out the organisms and infections (e.g., eucalyptus essential oil, orange essential oil, peppermint essential oil, oregano essential oil, thieves type of essential oil blend, other essential oils, salt, baking soda, iodine, pine tar, certain soaps, drawing clays and others).

Turpentine specifically creates an anaerobic environment that drives them out. The old American cowboys often used turpentine for this reason - on themselves and on the farm animals. They often mixed it with pine tar, sulfur, etc...

These substances "draw" and/or "drive" out the organisms and infections. Be sure to spit them out.

Most often, turpentine is combined with a few other ingredients like salt, baking soda, eucalyptus, a soap, etc.. and gargled with 2-6 times daily.

In addition, a pack is often applied at bedtime, stuffed into a cloth tube (contains such things as a drawing clay, salt, a thieves essential oil blend, activated charcoal, oregano oil, turpentine, ...).

Some people treat this infection externally by applying the same ingredients to the skin over the teeth as a poultice, twice daily, 30 minutes and apply an essential oil over the gum line at least twice daily (eucalyptus, oregano, turpentine, thieves, etc....).

Some use a wet hot salt pack with turpentine as the poultice placed on the skin over the teeth area.

Using baking soda in some way is very helpful because it helps to neutralize the excess acidity. Can also brush with it.


1. GARGLE - as long as possible per session, minimum twice daily (e.g. turpentine + a thieves blend + salt)

2. HOT SKIN PACKS, 30 minutes, twice daily (e.g., hot wet salt/turpentine pack)

3. GUM PACKS, applied at night (e.g., keep it simple - baking soda + bentonite clay + a thieves blend and oregano - put into a cloth tube)

4. GUM LINE - apply essential oils to gum line twice daily, minimum (e.g., oregano, cloves, a thieves blend - can also add turpentine).

5. BRUSH - brush teeth with baking soda (can add essential oils to it).

Hope you resolve the issue soon,


  Re: Cayenne and Sage for Blocked Eustachian Tubes

2 days ago
Posted by Sherri (PNW) on 10/01/2024

Hi Rob,

I just wanted to let you know that your posts are so very helpful and extremely interesting. I also love to research old medical journals.

Keep them coming!

Thank you very much, your health knowledge is very appreciated (and of course Art's! ).


  Re: Elevated Liver Enzymes

2 days ago
Posted by bev (Texas) on 10/01/2024

I am suffering from high liver enzymes currently and a pharmacist friend told me to look at this NIH study on herbs among other things that could be contributing to it. If you click on each herb that you may be taking, it will explain any concerns or toxicity.

Also think overuse of my asthma inhalers...........albuterol and Symbicort are contributing.

Herbal and Dietary Supplements - LiverTox - NCBI Bookshelf (


  Re: Aspirin, Coffee Shrank Nasal Polyps

2 days ago
Posted by yearningtobreathefree (Tennessee) on 10/01/2024

Still cured! Would like to add a caution: I now have tinnitus, pretty sure it came on due to the congestion/infection I had in my sinuses and eustachian tubes. However, as I already knew, aspirin can cause tinnitus, later found that Pepcid can too, in a few people.

I'm now off both of those medicines, still drinking 4 cups of coffee a day. Fixing the tinnitus is the next project, but I had to get rid of the polyps!

Polyps still cured, breathing normally is wonderful! Use your own judgement of possible risks and benefits for you.

  Re: Help Needed on Understanding How to Take Methylene Blue

3 days ago
Posted by jp (home) on 10/01/2024

You are using equal parts.


1 ml of 2.3% 1ml of water = 2 ml of 1.15%



1ml of 2.3% 10ml of water = 11 ml of .23%

You just move the decimal point to the left for each factor of 10 since the quantities we are using are metric. 10 100 1000 = .23 .023 .0023

23 divided by 23 = 1

so 2.3 divided by 23 = .1

and 2.3 divided by 46 = .05


1 ml of 2.3 + 23ml of water = 24 ml of .1% solution.

Don't make it harder than it is. :)

  Apple Cider Vinegar for Gout

3 days ago
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 10/01/2024


From the Book - Dr. Chase's New Receipt Book and Medical Advisor or Information for Everbody by A.W. Chase M.D., 1920

Take hot vinegar and put into it all the table salt which it will dissolve, and bathe the parts affected with a soft piece of flannel. Rub it with the hand and dry the foot, etc., by the fire. Repeat this operation four times in the 24 hours, 15 minutes each time, for four days; then twice a day for the same period; then once, and follow this rule whenever the symptoms show themselves at any future time.

The philosophy of the above formula is as follows: Chronic gout proceeds from the obstruction of the free circulation of the blood (in the parts affected ) by the deposit of a chalky substance, which is generally understood to be a carbonate and phosphate of lime. Vinegar and salt dissolve these; and the old chronic compound is broken up. The carbonate of lime, etc., become acetate and muriate, and these being soluble, are taken up by the circulating system and discharged by secretion. This fact will be seen by the gouty joints becoming less and less in bulk until they assume their natural size. During this process the stomach and bowels should be occasionally regulated by a gentle purgative. Abstinence from spirituous libations ; exercise in the open air, and especially in the morning; freely bathing the whole surface ; eating only the plainest food, and occupying the time by study or useful employment are very desirable assistants.

  Re: Wild Blueberry Powder for Fatigue

3 days ago
Posted by mmsg (somewhere, europe ) on 10/01/2024

Natalee, have you looked into Blackstrap Molasses?

  Parasite Testing Methods

3 days ago
Posted by JOY (Wa) on 10/01/2024

Please note that parasite testing methods are not the best! There are a few parasitologist in the U.S. My naturopathic doctor told me story about a women that had all kinds of tests and had a parasite test and it was negative. She even flew out of the country to see doctors to figure out why she felt so sick no one could figure it out. My ND suspected parasites he put her on a long parasite cleanse she still felt sick but continued, after six months she felt very sick one morning and passed a huge parasite nest and was finally cured! I think tests, and scans miss things.