Re: Evening Primrose Oil for Stiff Person Syndrome
2 days agoI'm wondering if tDCS aka transcranial direct current stimulation can help with this like it does fibromyalgia and MS...
Seeking Support Groups for Low Thyroid, Covid +
2 days agoI am feeling frustrated and isolated right now. It's great that a place like Earth Clinic exists to get some alternative information. I've been sick most of my life. As a child doctors always dismissed my health concerns. Of course I did not understand at the time that they thought they knew everything, but knew nothing about what was wrong with me and were not interested in finding out what was wrong with me because, they thought they knew everything, so I must be the problem!!! I'm sure this is not news to people here.
I seem to have a low functioning thyroid and was treated for that many decades ago and did well then. I feel like Istill have a low functioning thyroid, but everyone says I'm fine, that lots of things can look like a low functioning thyroid, so you need to treat that instead.
Right now I'm being treated for covid and I'm also drinking cistus incanus tea. It's supposed to be good for Lyme disease, Strep and associated infections. It has been surprisingly helpful for some health issues. Although more information on these issues would be helpful, right now I'm mostly looking for support groups for these issues. I really need contact with people who have some understanding of what I'm going through. Thank you.
Re: Question Regarding Taking Borax in Capsules
2 days agoMultiple Supplements for Overactive Bladder
2 days agoHi Steve,
Glad to hear that you have found relief for your overactive bladder!
Regarding the hyaluronic acid and Stopain for degenerative disc disease (DDD), it seems that you are using a different product than what I have found to be effective, as you mentioned that the product you are using also contains chondroitin and collagen, both of which are not in the NOW brand Double Strength Hyaluronic Acid that has been effective for DDD in many of my friends and EC members.
About 2 years ago, it became impossible to get the NOW brand HA product and quite a few friends had to use other products that contained 100 mg of HA and they all found out that the products they used did not work for DDD, but the NOW product did and as soon as it came available again they started back on it and their DDD pains went away.
This may be the reason that you have not found benefit from your regimen. Here is a link to the specific NOW brand Double Strength Hyaluronic Acid product that they used to very good effect :
As you can see from the ingredient list, the NOW product contains neither of the ingredients that you mentioned, but it does contain other ingredients which are apparently synergistic with the HA. If you decide to try the correct product, please let us know your results.
Re: Evening Primrose Oil for Stiff Person Syndrome
2 days agoMultiple Supplements for Overactive Bladder
2 days agoI'm a guy, nearing 60, and for the last 2 or so years I have had to go pee every three hours at night. Nothing I tried worked to end the nightly trips until I started Art's hyaluronic acid and stopain routine for a nagging back ache. Per Art's recommendations, I was taking (3) 100mg HA supplements that include collagen and chondroitin and rolling on the stopain a few times during the day. My back never felt any better so I thought I would add what I could find in my medicine cabinet to boost the HA's effect, if that was even possible. Before I went to bed, I peed and I took my handful of supplements with a small drink of water and went to sleep. When I woke up and looked at the clock it was 7 hours later. I just stared at the clock. I haven't slept more than 3 hours at a time in 2 or so years. The only explanation is the supplements. So I repeated the routine the next night. I woke up around 5 hours later, but without the need to pee. I just went back to sleep. Happy. Every time I have done this, I have not gone for less than 6 hours without having to get up to use the bathroom. To test my protocol, I have skipped taking them at night and I'm up in 3 hours time, so for me at least, it's a cure. Here's what I take...
(3) 100mg Hyaluronic Acid w/Chondroitin and collagen
(2) 400mg Triple Magnesium Complex- oxide, citrate, aspartate
(2) 1000mg Vitamin C
(2) 90mg Potassium Gluconate
(1) 5000iu Vitamin D3
(1) 325mg Aspirin
Re: Barrett's Esophagus Without Dysplasia
2 days agoRe: Internal DMSO
2 days agoMom Arrested for Giving Borax to Child
2 days agoBarrett's Esophagus Without Dysplasia
2 days agoBarrett esophagus without dysplasia
After my endoscopy, my gastro doctor mentioned the lining of my esophagus is Barrett's disease. My gastro doc ordered Pantoprazole to take for one year followed by another endoscopy. I'm a 82 year old female with heart disease, taking blood thinners daily. I also have osteoporosis. I'm very worried about fractures, and among all the other bad side effects PPI's have. I also have a medium hiatal hernia. Your input on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Luise W.
Re: Evening Primrose Oil for Stiff Person Syndrome
2 days agoRe: Heart Palpitations Remedy - Blackstrap Molasses
2 days agoRe: ACV ad Baking Soda
2 days agoChest Pain After Eating - Update
2 days agoFebruary 2025
Thought I'd update on this. My mistakenly thought digestive problem turned out to be the precursor of a heart attack. In January 2024 I experienced same pain but this time it didn't go away.
Hubs took me to hospital mild heart attack I had 3 stents fitted to my blocked arteries home in 6 days. Still kicking one year later thank God and no more chest pain.
Borax Mouthwash
2 days agoBorax – Mouthwash
Boron compounds like borax were frequently used in Middle Eastern medicine to treat oral health issues such as toothaches, gum infections, and mouth sores. Borax- based mouth rinses were commonly prescribed to cleanse the mouth and alleviate pain.
Antiseptic Recipe
1 tablespoon borax or boric acid
1 tablespoon baking soda
1 quart hot water
3 or more drops cinnamon oil
3 or more drops peppermint oil
Dissolve the borax in very hot water. When it has cooled, add the other ingredients and bottle
Mom Arrested for Giving Borax to Child
2 days agoRe: Ginger for Depression
2 days agoRe: Evening Primrose Oil for Stiff Person Syndrome
3 days agoThank you for the reply, Jean.
I looked at 5 different EPO products and the label suggested dosing ranges from 1, 000 mg day to 1, 500 mg per day with the most common daily dose being 1, 300 mg / day. So that seems to be the most common suggested dose.
I forgot to ask you, how long did it take for the EPO to resolve your SPS?