Natural Remedies

Combat Warts Naturally: Top Remedies Ranked for Effectiveness

Banana Peel
Posted by Agatha (Davisville, Wv, usa) on 05/15/2012

IT REALLY WORKS!!!! My daughter 9yrs old had a planter wart on her foot, had them frozen a couple times, never worked. Then 6 months later all of these little warts started to pop up on both of her feet (cluster warts). Took her to the doctor they sent me to a specialist. They were going to put a needle in every wart she had , horified of the thought. She gave two other options freezing again, and another treatment that would also cause blistering. Well I left to get a perscription as a plan B option and it was going to cost $400 and with insurance to cover some- no thanks.

So I have been reading all the statements about the banana peel on this web site so I tried it what would it hurt. I was amazed of the results within three days the warts were turning black and starting to shrink and fall out within 10 days of putting a green banana peel with white surgical tape every night and taken off in the mornings they were gone. I just wish doctors would let you know that there can be a natural way to get rid of warts. I also gave her vitamin D3 for children to help increase immune system. Thank you!!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kaz (Launceston, Tasmania) on 05/14/2012

I've used ACV for both my children with warts on their feet. Currently I am treating my son, with two planter warts on each of his big toes. They have been there for a while, and all of a sudden became quite uncomfortable for him to walk and wear shoes. All I do with the ACV is use a cotton bud and soak the tip with the ACV and then just rub the wart and make sure it's nice and wet. I do it just before bedtime and we just wait for it to dry and off to bed he goes. We tried putting something over it in the beginning, but he was too stressed about it all.

So the process I use now doesn't bother him at all, except the smell, but because I'm only using a cotton bud you can't smell it for long. It is working quite well, within a day the warts had risen in height, and it didn't take too long for the centre to go black. Depending on the age of your children and their temperament, this might be the best way to go, it may take longer, but it is less of a process for the child. Give it a go, I've used the pharmacy stuff and that didn't even do anything, but make us feel sick everytime we had the lid off. I'm not a greeny by any means, but will try anything that is simple and easy and of course WORKS......

ACV, Banana Peel, Duct Tape
Posted by Erin (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) on 05/09/2012

I have been alternating a taped on banana peel and Apple Cider Vinegar for the last week while just putting some athletic tape on it during the day.

Now, I am beginning to question whether I have a plantar wart or a corn. If you do a search for either image, you will get pictures of corns that are plantar warts or vice versa. I did have a black dot I think (could have just been dirt I guess), and now I have a tiny crater surrounded by puffy skin, but no dots. Nothing has turn black and cauliflowery yet, but I have that damn tiny crater and puffy hard skin around it (kinda looks like a wide volcano) that will not go away. It has been only a week though.

As far as the previous question about oil pulling, you cannot find information for why it "detoxes" because it does not detox. Oil pulling is great for teeth whitening and gum issues and hairy tongue (most often confused for oral thrush) which is a bacteria issue (not yeast, though there may be a yeast build up on the tongue because of the poor shedding).

People think that somehow the vein under your tongue transports the oil into your blood which attracts toxins, causing a "herx" reaction with symptoms. These symptoms that people think are proof of detoxification include, mild headache, diarrhea, sores in the mouth, fatigue, etc. Once these "herx" symptoms go away, people feel detoxed.

Here is the thing about the Herxheimer Reaction. There is very little modern research on whether or not this reaction exists, and the older research deals with serious antibiotics used on serious diseases, like Lyme or Syphilis. Even if Sunflower Oil (which is antimicrobial) was somehow able to be absorbed into the blood stream and act as a magnet for toxins, it would not be to the degree that would cause a herx reaction. There is a confusion of bacteria with "toxins" here too. Just look this stuff up.

So the symptoms can be much more logically explained.

mild headache- you are stressing your jaw for twenty minutes. Too much vigor would cause a stress headache (mild).

Diarrhea- You are still ingesting some oil which is fat. If you have ever eaten at a high end restaurant that uses high quality butters and oils, you have probably had diarrhea to mild loose stool issues after that meal. You have lubed your tubes.

Placebo is a big deal, and if it works, awesome. The mind is a powerful tool and there is nothing wrong with a little mind over matter to get well in very minor instances of illness. Taking any action towards one's health improves one's mood. Once your body gets used to the slight increase in fat intake, and the diarrhea subsists, and you believe that you are toxin free, a boost in mood and energy (though possibly fleeting with exercise and a health diet) is guaranteed.

People also like to feel in control of uncontrollable situations, and often times these instances of supposed "control" are unhealthy bc medical advice is being ignored.

We live in a society that wants to believe unlicensed "naturopaths" over highly specialized, trained, and scientific doctors. I am not sure why it does not occur to the same people that someone is much more likely to seek a quick profit off of pseudo"natural" products that take no effort and little money to create, than scientists who dedicate hundreds of thousands of dollars, all of their time, and their careers to curing disease and preventing death (which is a pretty hopeless position to begin with considering dying is inevitable).

Just use common sense. Oil cannot pull toxins out of your body through your tongue, your intestines do not store ancient, indigestible poop, and candida has not infested your entire body causing extreme fatigue and poor digestion (eating poorly does this which is why giving up sugar eventually makes you feel better... To give up sugar one must give up many preservatives and food without nutritional value).... And science is not evil. Common sense.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Liliane (Tel Aviv, Israel) on 05/01/2012

I've had this wart on the side of my R foot big toe for 20 yrs now (! ) Hated it.

Over the years I tried lots of ways to get rid of it- freezing, acid burning, acid band aids, alo vera, banana peal, even my own pee.. Some of them seemed to be promising, but at the end, nothing worked... A friend of mine recently told me about a method he learnt from a Thai woman in Thailand that got rid of his wart: rock burning. You take a small rock, (not larger than fist size) and heat it on the stove (he said to be careful, cause it might explode.. You never know.. ) then you wrap it up in cloth with a few layers and put it on the wart. The idea is that it kills the skin and the wart slowly, without really burning and wounding your skin - like you would if you touched the rock directly. Between rock sessions you file down the dead skin. He said his wart just fell out after 4 days, leaving the famouse "crater". Then he did one more burn to make sure it was dead and that was it. So of course I went straight ahead and tried it. Burns like hell. Did it for 2 weeks. It kills a layer of skin, you let it rest for a day and then you file it down. I reached the point where it was flat and you could see the raw area of the wart (a circle about pea size). It was as far as I've gotten with any treatement, but felt in my case I needed something else to do the job because the rock burning seemed to have lost it's effect.

Found THIS amaizing site - and read about the ACV. So went right on it: it's been 4 days already. Hurts like F---@#& HELL. Acttually couldn't fall asleep with the pain on the second night, so I decided to do it only during the day.. First day- some black spots appeared, and was quite dark all in all. I was so excited- it's actually killing the damn thing! Second day they became one centered black dot. I let it rest for the night and then filed it down a bit- so the raw wart appeared again with a black dot in the center. I also read in the testmonials about the burning of the surrounding healthy skin, so I took 2 layers of surgical tape stuck them together and cut a hole just a bit bigger than the wart - and put it as protection. I think it helps.

Anyway, I'm into the 4th day of the ACV treatement, and besides the black dot in the middle, there hasn't been much change. I'm wondering- what's all that raw part around the dot? It's distinctively not part of the regular healthy flesh. Is the whole thing supposed to just fall out when it's ready? It's not showing signs of doing that yet...

Thanks for all your support and for this AMAZING EarthClinic!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mrsb (London, London, Uk) on 05/01/2012

My three year old daughter had two plantar warts on the balls of her feet for about a year. After trying all the OTC ointments, the Doctor prescribed duofilm. Again, it didn't work. I was about to admit defeat and take her to get them frozen off (REALLY didn't want to do that), when I read on the internet the claims about ACV. Figured I may as well try it, I didn't have anything to lose. Anyway, the first night I soaked her feet in warm water for 15 minutes, filled the lid of the AVC bottle with ACV, absolutely drenched a cotton swab from a qtip and placed it onto the wart and covered it with duct tape. The next morning was amazing! The warts had risen and I could see a lot of dead capillaries. More than I'd ever seen before. I couldn't believe it. Finally something was working!! I carried on with this treatment twice a day and after three days, one of them fell off. A week later and all that was left were two tiny brown marks. I stopped with the ACV at this point and turned back to Duo-film. The next morning, I was able to peel the duofilm and brown marks off and underneath was perfect pink skin. So far the warts haven't returned, admittedly it was only a couple of weeks ago, but I'm pretty confident they're finally gone!

Highly recommend ACV, there was no pain (or at least my daughter didn't complain of any) and the only thing that was bothersome was the smell. She smelt like a vinegar factory for a week, lol. Plus she had to walk around with duct tape taped around her feet for a week, but it was all so worth it!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ken (Honolulu, Hawaii) on 04/29/2012


I've had this aggravating wart on the back of my L hand by the first finger knuckle from my thumb for several years now, and it has been slowly getting larger. On Wednesday, 4/25/12 from 2 - 3:45 AM, I searched the Internet for Wart Cures and found many references to Apple Cider Vinegar as a sure fire remedy to do this. I read several testimonies @ APPLE CIDER VINEGAR 96 YEAS!

These interested me enough that I've been applying ACV to my wart for five days now and you can see the result. It fried the Wart and it is now dead and gone, but the hand is STILL healing from the ordeal. By the third day the affected circular area (now about 2" in diameter) became swollen and inflamed from my 1st to third finger knuckles and is very tender and sensitive to touch. Also, it has formed this intensely itching, stinging scab about the size of your little finger nail in the center of it. Over the last 2 days, the swelling and inflammation is subsiding and the scab is slowly disappearing, but I do get these sudden waves of the stinging itch, which slowly recede and return at random moments. I have 3 Photos taken SA & SU of this episode.

You can't imagine how much I learned from this process. I observed the Wart through a magnifying glass every time I applied the ACV. It reacted immediately and violently every time - the first reaction to each application of ACV was a blooming of tiny, white cauliflower structures that morphed into hair like tendrils and a variety of strange tentacles and weird filaments that would slowly fade away as the wart dissolved into this black scab! A couple of times I actually saw tiny structures that looked like RF antennas form and disappear in a magic display so amazing to observe and so weird, I could scarcely believe what I saw.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Greg (Buffalo, Ny, Usa) on 04/27/2012

Hi all! My first post, what a blessing Earth Clinic is to all of us! Thank you very much E.C.!!

Anyway, I'm guessing that due to pumping out excess toxins using methods on this website, a bunch of warts have been poppin out. I've been applying A.C.V, and 3% F.G. H202 with great sucess! My method might seem crude, but I normally pick at the affected area for a little bit, then after the skins opens, I take a cue tip with ACV and H202 and apply vigerously. It stings some, but I then cover it up with a band-aid or duct tape, whatever to cut off the oxygen supply to the wart. My uncle who I lived with was using a much harsher method given the doctors and it took his twice as long with really scarey looking hole from the chemicals he was given. He sees I'm kinda crazy with all this stuff, but hey, I feel great and know that I'm doing what is nessisary in this toxic world we live in. God bless, Now go get em!

Posted by Vicki (Broken Arrow, Ok) on 04/26/2012

We removed a plantar wart from my preteen's foot with regular iodized table salt--the kind you get from the supermarket for less than 50 cents a canister. We had tried duct tape, ACV and banana peels, and the latter two did very clearly affect the wart, but it stubbornly remained. I did not wish to take my son to the doctor to have his wart frozen off, only to return, or cut out. After reading a suggestion here on Earth Clinic, we began soaking the affected part of his foot in a salt slurry for 10-20 minutes every day that we remembered or could get to it. It was very helpful to relieve his pain, and the wart became more black and scablike. After about 3 weeks of soaking, one evening my son's foot itched. He scratched at it absently, and a little cone-shaped piece of flesh (the wart) fell off in his hand. He had an equally tiny, cone-shaped indention in his foot with a little red dot at the bottom of it. We soaked his foot in the salt slurry a couple days more, just to make sure that little red dot could make no progress on any sinister intentions, but 4 months later, my son is still wart-free.

The salt slurry was never carefully measured -- just a little pile of salt poured onto a dish, with enough water to get it to the consistence of mud.

Banana Peel
Posted by Jeanne (Mahwah, Nj) on 04/26/2012

Dealing with a huge planter wart and have done almost everything to get rid of it, trying the banana peel method for 5 days, seeing a huge change in my wart but not sure we are heading the right direction, can anyone help with the stage of what they saw with there wart. Mine got very big, white, then brown, then spotted, still hurts like heck, just wondering if this is the way that it works...

Posted by Joan (Loveland, Colo/usa) on 04/24/2012

My son had a large wart on the ball of his foot (about 2" round) and he had it burned out by a dermatologist and it returned, he tried all the alternative remedies but nothing worked. Finally, a podiatrist suggested the supplement - DIM. After 3 weeks of faithfully taking the pills according to the bottles instructions, the wart started to get smaller and smaller. After 3 months on the DIM, the wart was gone and has not returned. DIM eliminated any excess estrogen and balanced the hormones. Don't know why it works rid warts, but it works. Praise God.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Mandy (Houston, Texas) on 04/20/2012

Tea tree oil does work on small warts (for me anyway) It would not work on large warts. All I did was apply the oil every night with a Qtip and go to bed, did this a few weeks and the small warts disappeared!

For larger warts I found a solution buy some cheap asprin, smush them up add a drop or two of water to make it a think paste apply this to your wart cover with a bandaide and leave it on for 12 hours. This will kill the wart! I had tried everything, I could and this finally worked. I did this about 2 weeks and then noticed the wart started to change, finally it was going away, I filed the skin that was left on it down and have been wart free for 2 months, and this was a large wart under my finger nail.

GOOD LUCK this will work!!!

Posted by Mandy (Houston, Tx) on 04/20/2012

I had a large wart under my finger nail on my ring finger and nothing I did would kill it! I applied everything under the sun to it, to kill it and nothing worked, I think some of the things I did to it just made it bigger! Well, I researched warts for months trying to find something that would make it go away, and after trying so many things, I remembered reading how someone had made a paste with asprin and applied it to their warts every night covering it with an bandaide, and leaving it for 12 hours at a time. I did this for about 2 weeks and noticed the texture of the wart began to change, and then it was like going away. It literally just went away! There was some old dry skin and I filed it down with an emery board and it was gone!!! I pround to say I am 2 months with no MORE WART!!!! :)

All you need to do is buy some cheap asprin, and crush it, I always crushed 2 at a time, and then in a small container would add it and a drop or two of water making a paste, and then applied it all over the wart covering it up with the paste then cover it with an bandaide for 12 hours at a time.

GOOD LUCK this works!!!

Posted by Mandy (Houston, Texas) on 04/20/2012

This was a waste of money for me! I tried everything, and finally read online how crushing an asprin and adding a little water to it making a paste would kill the wart I tried it and it worked!!! Cover it in the paste (300 mg of asprin) then cover with an bandaide for 12 hours, do this for a week or two and the wart will start to change! Good Luck!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lee (Syracuse, Ny) on 04/20/2012

I had a wart on the pad below my big toe for three years. Went to podiatrist many times for freezing and took anti acid and used expensive cancer creams. Nothing worked. It was one of the most painful thing I ever experienced. Within two weeks of applying ACV with a little toilet paper and a band aid with tape so it didn't come off, it went completely away in two weeks! I noticed as it was going away that it was actually two warts, but looked like one.

Tea Tree Oil, DMSO
Posted by Mandy (Houston, Texas) on 04/20/2012

I applied tea tree oil to some small warts I had on my arm and they did go away. Over about 2 weeks time. All I did was apply it every night (or every chance I remembered) and they just seemed to disappear! But, if you have a large wart it will not work, or at least it did not with mine.

IF YOU HAVE A LARGE WART LET ME SUGGEST THIS CHEAP TREATMENT!! SO EXCITING BECAUSE IT IS CHEAP AND WORKED!!! OK I had a BIG wart under my finger finger nail, and I applied everything you can imagine to it!!! And nothing worked!! I was so sad, I could not paint my nails, I kept the nail super short... But, I read some where on the internet that if you chrush an asprin and add a tad bit of water to the asprin and make a paste out of it and applied that to your wart and then put a bandaide over it and let it for 12 hours it would get rid of them.. Well I tried it I did it over a week, and I noticed the texture of the wart looked different, and I kid you not, the wart went away.. It just went away.. I used an emery board on some old skin left on it and it has not came back! This was in Febuary 2 months ago! Try it IT WORKS AND I TRIED EVERYTHING!! :D

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Paul (Redditch, Worcs, England) on 04/20/2012

A lot of people have been wondering what the black dots are that appear in warts. They are actually dead capillaries (tiny blood vessels) destroyed by the infection.

Contrary to popular misconception warts are not a fungal infection and there is no "seed" to be removed. It's an opportunist viral infection caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). Being a viral infection is what makes it so difficult to treat and the increased risk of it returning.

It's not advisable to pick warts as you can spread the virus to other sites as the virus will be active in particles of skin tissue. The virus can spread to under your finger nails, which can be a difficult (and painful) place to treat them. Plus if you get warts on your finger tips this increases the risk of the virus spreading to the face.

Take extra special care when treating the virus not to spread it.

It may be advisable to consider undergoing an immune boosting supplement regime while recovering from the virus to help the body fully heal.

Remember the virus can lay dormant even after successfully treated and if the immune system is compromised or low, the warts may return. There are a lot of ways you can boost the immune system, eating fresh fruit and vegetables, and taking a high dose of vitamin C supplement daily (1,000-3,000mg) is a good start.

Those experiencing discomfort from ACD treatment and filing may find a prescription pain treatment beneficial for a week or two until the treatment is finished.

Nail Polish
Posted by Pat (Lancaster, Ny) on 04/19/2012

My daughter had a plantars wart on the ball of her foot. The thought of her going to dr to have it burned out or cut out as I did as a kid... I went on line and found..... NAIL POLISH. They said clear I used pink... The point is it cannot breath... So it dies.... I painted her skin on location every couple days.... Eventually it peeled and came right out! Took a few weeks.... Very happy... most important...PAINLESS

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Earthstar (Chester, Cheshire, Uk) on 04/16/2012

In reply to Phil from Redding, Ca...After having verucca of several years on the soles of my feet without even realising until until stinging began, I tried all remedies to no avail.

Until I came upon ACV. I used to the same procedure as yourself, until left with your own outcome. At this point, I applied Tea Tree Oil neat after gently filing the area with a pumice stone. I did this just once a day. Couple days of this there was no more sign. That was about three years ago and they've not returned.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Phil (Redding, Ca) on 04/15/2012

Hey I have a question about the progress I am seeing with my ACV treatment. I am treating a smallish wart on the back of my hand with ACV. At first I used a whole cotton ball, and left it on over night soaked in ACV with a band aid. The next morning it was black. The second night I did the same thing, and awoke to the surrounding skin being very swollen. I stopped treatment after that to let me skin heal. After a week the skin has healed well and the wart has fallen off. Now I have a small crater surrounded by red swollen skin. Inside the crater there was a small black speck (maybe some leftover dead wart) and a small grey patch that looked suspiciously like wart that I didnt get completely (maybe cause I stopped after two treatments). I continued treatment last night (the day the wart fell off) to ensure that I had killed the wart. This time I used a piece of cotton just big enough to fit inside the wart. I also applied vaseline around the wart to protect my irritated skin. This morning I awoke to the crater being filled in a bit with a blackish/dark dark red color. The color is not as dark as the first time. Today I am treating the crater/wart the same way. Throughout the entire process the burning has not been severe, and most of the time does not burn at all. Here are my questions:

1. Since I only did two treatments and stopped, is it likely that I did not completely kill the wart even though it was black, and after a week fell off. (revealing a small black dot and a grey patch (possible wart)).

2. Do I continue treatments when the wart is black?

3. The ACV has never burned as bad as some of these testimony's state. Is this an issue?

P.S thank you for all the feedback on this site, it has been very helpful. I am continuing treatment right now and hope to here from anyone that can give me some information. I am optimisitic about my treatment and feel I can defeat this wart, although it is very stubborn and has not responded to sayllic acid, liquid freezing, and tea tree oil. I'm not sure how old this wart is but I have been treating it off and on for over a year.

Banana Peel
Posted by Monica (Bombay, India) on 04/15/2012

First I must start by saying a BIG thank you to the earth clinic!!! I was so fedup with a huge wart between my toes, was trying all sorts of treatments but nothing really helped and the pain I had with using salisic acid on my warts is another story!!! I was desperate to get it off my leg and finally found your website and started using banana peel on my wart regularly for the last 2 weeks and finally the ugly looking wart is off. I'm still using the banana peel just to be safe. Thank you so much!!!

Banana Peel
Posted by Cj (Atlanta, Ga Usa ) on 04/14/2012

Banana peels worked great for me! What I did was scrape some of the banana peel inner membrane off with a spoon, then put that substance onto a bandaid, and put the bandaid directly over my wart. I changed the bandaid about twice a day. After 2 weeks the wart was completely gone.

On a side note, I've also had some luck in the past cutting warts off with fingernail clippers. It doesn't hurt as much as you might think it would, although you have to make sure you get deep enough down to cut the base out. Warning though, it can get bloody. My success rate with this method is about 60%, and you do have to have a pain tolerance. IMHO though, go with the banana peel!

Bach Flower Remedies
Posted by Amanda (Piedmont, Nc) on 04/09/2012

After trying apple cider vinegar to no avail, and then undergoing cyrogenic freezing and laser therapy repeatedly at a dermatologist, I've had great success with the Bach crab apple flower remedy. I applied directly to the wart twice a day, and it started healing almost immediately (which is saying something, because the plantar wart has been around for over three years). It is definitely worth a try!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ann (Yakima, Wa) on 03/26/2012

Apply Castor Oil, yes castor oil to the wart. I had one and in less than one week it was gone and no return:)

Banana Peel
Posted by Nm (Wokingham, Berkshire, Uk) on 03/22/2012

Banana Peel worked on my 10y daughter's periungual wart. I did not realise it was a wart for about 8 months as it is quite an unusual wart. I thought it was a skin infection from a torn hangnail aroung her big toe then as it got bigger I thought perhaps it was some kind of foot fungus. We treated it with Golden Seal ointment every night for months and months and although this did keep it from getting bigger, it just wouldn't go away and when we stopped the Golden Seal it would grown bigger.

Then one day we noticed two small, more normal looking warts on the next toe. I realised the growth was spreading and after some online research discovered it was a periungual wart. I had heard of the banana peel wart treatment before, my daughter was not keen until she read the posts on here and then she wanted to started right away. We did it with with a piece of banana peel and band aid. We saw an improvement the very next day, we changed the peel every evening and it was only on days when she had barefoot PE at school that she didn't want the peel, so we just put a band aid on with a smear of manuka honey on those days.

It is just over three weeks now and the periungual wart is GONE. The other two little warts on the next toe are being a bit more stubborn but are smaller and I am sure they will be gone soon as well. My daughter loves reading the posts on earthclinic now, as much as I do. Thank you.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Chuck (Dayton, Ohio, Usa) on 03/20/2012

I have used tea tree oil on warts with good results. I use full strength right out of the bottle. The trick is how much and how often to apply. Instead of a q-tip, one of those mini-screwdrivers (like in an eyeglasses repair kit) with a flat blade is a perfect applicator. Just dip in the tt oil and coat the wart only. This minimizes irritation of surrounding areas. I would apply every 2-3 days until resolved.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Patrick (Edina, Mn) on 03/10/2012

ACV worked like a charm for me after all other costly methods failed, but it hurts like crazy (an achy, stinging hurt), so if you can't put up with pain for two to three days…. Well…? Details: I had a wart on the heel of my right foot that spread and eventually became so large that it covered almost half of my heal (about the size of an American Eagle coin, without exaggeration). The wart started as a tiny little thing, then spread aggressively DURING treatment by a dermatology center. After ~$800 out of pocket for extremely painful and worthless dermatology treatments (acid, liquid nitrogen, and laser, where they numb the area first with stinging pain killer).

I began to scour the Internet for other methods. I came across this string of notes concerning the application of ACV to your warts, and decided to give it a try. I took a cotton ball and centered it on an ~4" strip of duct tape [buy only 3M duct tape… all the other brands are worthless as they do not hold to your oily skin very well], then deposited a cap full of ACV on the cotton ball and taped it over the ginormous wart area, sealing it on either side with a couple more 1" wide strips of duct tape at the same ~4" length as the one that held the ACV cotton ball. Within hours after applying this homemade gauze the area began to hurt like heck, and by the next morning my leg was throbbing with pain. I didn't care though, as I knew this was a good pain; that my immune system FINALLY had kicked into high gear to battle my wart. I downed a couple of ibuprofen to help ease the pain and kept the wart dressed like this for two days, changing my homemade gauze every 24 hours or so. By the third day, the pain began to subside a bit, so I removed the dressing. To my wonderment the wart has begun to turn a disgusting shade of green, yellow and black (just like the article I read said it would). Within a week or so the wart area dried up to all black, scabbed over and fell off. It was amazing. The area now is semi rough after it healed over, but I can live with this.

I told of this treatment to the dermatology center that I had gone to during a visit there with my young daughter for a different issue. The older Dr. that I spoke to was very interested in this method, and asked his assistant to get the details from me, which she did with pen and paper. The fact that the Dr. did not pooh-pooh this homemade remedy in the least was refreshing. The Doc said this method made perfect sense, that the acid content of the ACV was obviously enough for my body to react to it as foreign matter as it interacted with the wart area, and as such attacked the area with antibodies. The Doc said that that is really all they are trying to do with their methods… to get our own antibodies to kick in.

As a coincidence, last summer I ended up with another set of warts on my right pinky toe and the toe next to it after I injured / cut my foot. Somehow the papillomavirus (HPV) found its way to this wounded area. Again after trying to apply other methods to rid me of this wart-infected area, I finally decided to try the ACV method. I'm in my third day of treatment as of writing this letter, and again, my foot / leg aches like the dickens, but the warts are already beginning to turn black. I'll remove my homemade gauze tomorrow, and let nature take its course from there. Good luck using this method… I personally can vouch for it, but it may not work for everyone.

Green Banana
Posted by Jecy (Cebu City, Philippines) on 03/06/2012

If you know a banana which you can eat right away. But you need the juice of it while it is still green and still growing. What you have to do is cut the green fruit (not ripe yet) while it is still in plant and put directly to your wart and will dissolve easily in just less than a week.

We call that banana here as our native "Tondan". Its not the one that we exported.

Posted by Francisca (Zug, Switzerland) on 02/17/2012

Interesting post Joseph. Here in Europe Thuja is often prescribed to patients with warts. It has never worked for me though but I am talking about homeopathy so I suppose there are no gases in it anymore! I think that there is also tincture but as I haven't used it for a number of years I don't know anymore! I do have cedar essential oil, would that work for my last very flat little wart on one of my little fingers? I had the others frozen by the dermatologist, I got fed up of trying all kinds of treatments that never seemed to work! I suppose that it is not the same oil as cedar oil is used in aromatherapy!
