Natural Remedies

Combat Warts Naturally: Top Remedies Ranked for Effectiveness

Apple Cider Vinegar

144 User Reviews
5 star (126) 
4 star (5) 
3 star (6) 
1 star (6) 

Posted by Chris (New York, NY) on 11/19/2006

I've had a wart on my right hand for almost a year now. I've tried the freeing kits in the store and goign to the dermatologist with no luck! I searched online and found out about the ACV method. let me tell you i was very skeptical and now i am a believer. lol. I applied the ACV with a cottom ball underneath a bandaid. At times there was slight discomfort but after three days, the wart fell off and has been gone ever since.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Vickie (MN) on 10/15/2006

My husband has had a wart on his finger for years. It would start to pop out and he'd pull it and cut the top of it off. It was painful, would heal somewhat and start the process all over again. We soaked a small piece of cotton ball in Apple Cider Vinegar, put on the wart and covered it with a band-aid and left it on 1 day. It was a bit painful, but started turning brown. We did it again a 2nd day, it wasn't as painful and it's now black, dry and looks like it's going away.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Naomi (Athol, MA) on 10/05/2006

We're using apple cider vinegar to cure warts. My children had warts. My daughter had one on the bottom of her foot and my son on his toe. the dr prescribed that sallycic acid and it did nothing but kill the skin aound the wart. I tried over the counter remover-- it helped a little. But then found this web site, and it seems to be working. my daughter says it stings a little bit, not bad, and so far it has worked markedly in one day. I'll be sure to let you know in 3 days if it works. From what people say it should only take a couple of days.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Barbara (Lawton, OK) on 04/28/2006

I have been plagued by a wart on the middle joint of my pointing finger. it was painful and the acid treatment didn't work. I read about the ACV and decided to try it. After one night with cotton soaked in ACV, secured with a band aide, I was amazed that it was 95% gone! One more night with the same treatment and it is gone... It still is.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anne (Jacksonville, Florida) on 04/14/2006

I have had a wart on my thumb for almost a year. I tried to have to frozen off but that was not working so I looked on this website for home remedies. I initially tried the bananna peel but that did not seem to work for me, so I tried the apple cider vinegar. I put apple cider vinegar on a bandaid and left it on all day. I could tell it was working but the bandaid kept drying out too fast. I then put it on a small piece of cotton ball and put a bandaid over it. That worked so well that it kill the wart in one day. The bandaid by itself was just not mosit enough. Thanks to to website and it's remedies, I'm now wart free.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Laura (Winnipeg MB) on 03/15/2005

I have used ACV on my VERY BAD warts now for only three nights and my warts are turning black and starting to fall off!! THIS STUFF IS AMAZING!! Caution to all it burns a little but I've had my warts removed with surgery twice now and they have come back! I am excited for the coming week!

Replied by Beazy01
(Newark, De, Us)

[YEA] I Had 2 of these warts on the bottom of my left foot for maybe 2 years. Never even thinking they were anything more than calluses. Once I started feeling pain from the walking on the warts for so long (like having a pebble in your shoe). I started looking it up. Long story short. Did a 2 week ACV soaked bandage treatment over night. And it actually worked in about 6 days.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anonymous (USA)

Our son had a wart starting to grow near the cuticle of his finger and it was actually starting to go under his nail. After putting apple cider vinegar on a band-aid and wrapping it on the finger for about one week, the wart was gone and never grew back. Place a new apple cider vinegar band-aid on the wart each night.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bernie (Middleville Michigan)

I had a raised wart on my back, I took a piece of gauze and soaked it in ACV and applied it right on the wart, covered it up with a piece of duck tape. would leave it on for a couple of days. repeated for about a week or so and the wart started to get all soft and turned green, scaped the dead skin off and mole was gone.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses

Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia) on 04/07/2011

I have just come across an article which says that moles and warts are causes by a potassium deficiency. I had not heard of this before. Interesting that Apple Cider Vinegar is high in potassium and thus good for moles and warts. Another reason to take it everyday. Also molasses is high in potassium. Below are two links the second one has foods high in potassium.


Replied by Sean
(Port Of Spain, Trinidad)

To everyone out there who has the wart problem I had one on my had for three years, tried lots of things never went. It began to spread to other fingers until I told myself I just have to live with it. That was until I finally found a solution. Vitamin a capsules yes it works trust me I pricked the capsule and just one drop on the wart every day and they all dried up. and the thing is I just applied it on one wart and they all dried up, till I just scrape it off I was so relieved to have a normal hand again :) I just say let me share this because I know what you'll are going through if it worked for you let me know jabjab123(at)live.com

Ascorbic Acid in Coconut Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by SE (Singapore) on 05/03/2023

Wart on ear lobe successfully resolved with Ascorbic Acid crystals (Vit C) in Coconut Oil

Just wanted to pass on what worked for me. Had a stubborn wart on my ear lobe a few years ago. Used ACV the first time and it resolved. Came back again in June 2022 and tried ACV, Banana peel and many other remedies till I came across Dr Andrew Saul's DoctorYourself website where he indicated wart cases which had been resolved with Ascorbic Acid crystals with water. Tried that but it did not work. However, when I applied Ascorbic Acid Crystal mixed with Coconut Oil to make a paste (toothpaste consistency) and applied it daily for a week or so, the wart resolved. The wart became black, then bleeding after which it went away. Its been about a month so far and skin looks fine and wart has not resurfaced. Just wanted to pass this along as the wart was very stubborn and did not respond to a lot of remedies. Good luck.


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Kay (Destin, Fl) on 09/02/2012

I followed a recomendation of taping an asprin (or piece of an asprin) to a very stubborn old wart, and also to a dime sized skin keratosis; after 4-5 days, both disolved and never returned. It resulted in a normal scab then scar, both of which healed normally, in the usual time frame. As predicted, the salysilic acid in the asprin simply disolved all the layers of built-up skin. I treated several stubborn warts and a keratosis that caused by over exposure from the sun.

Helpful hints: On the 3rd morning, lift the tape and check it every day & night so you don't over-do the treatment and get a sore spot from leaving it on longer than necessary (which occurred during my first trial; but which I later found was beneficial because it killed the deep wart root as well). Also be sure to cut your asprin to size, and use a chunk just a bit smaller than the growth so no surrounding/healty skin is burned. Also scrape off the coating of the asprin if it is "enteric coated", and wet the asprin before taping to shorten the treatment time by a day.

Posted by Mandy (Houston, Tx) on 04/20/2012

I had a large wart under my finger nail on my ring finger and nothing I did would kill it! I applied everything under the sun to it, to kill it and nothing worked, I think some of the things I did to it just made it bigger! Well, I researched warts for months trying to find something that would make it go away, and after trying so many things, I remembered reading how someone had made a paste with asprin and applied it to their warts every night covering it with an bandaide, and leaving it for 12 hours at a time. I did this for about 2 weeks and noticed the texture of the wart began to change, and then it was like going away. It literally just went away! There was some old dry skin and I filed it down with an emery board and it was gone!!! I pround to say I am 2 months with no MORE WART!!!! :)

All you need to do is buy some cheap asprin, and crush it, I always crushed 2 at a time, and then in a small container would add it and a drop or two of water making a paste, and then applied it all over the wart covering it up with the paste then cover it with an bandaide for 12 hours at a time.

GOOD LUCK this works!!!

Posted by Cathy (Johnsonburg, NJ) on 01/01/2009

Many years ago I discovered a remedy for warts. Take an aspirin and melt it with a small bit of water. Take a toothpick & take a small amount of the melted aspirin and put it right on the wart...do NOT get any on your skin (only on the wart) as it will eat the skin. Put a band-aid over it for a day or two...Then you may want to take the band-aid off. If the wart has turned black leave it alone. If it did not turn black put a bit more fresh aspirin on it & cover again for another day or two. Then take band-aid off & forget about it. You'll look one day shortly after & the wart will have disappeared...Just do NOT get the aspirin on the skin... Cathy

Bach Flower Remedies

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Amanda (Piedmont, Nc) on 04/09/2012

After trying apple cider vinegar to no avail, and then undergoing cyrogenic freezing and laser therapy repeatedly at a dermatologist, I've had great success with the Bach crab apple flower remedy. I applied directly to the wart twice a day, and it started healing almost immediately (which is saying something, because the plantar wart has been around for over three years). It is definitely worth a try!

Bacon Grease

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Vince (Bloomington, Illinois)

I don't know about hemorrhoids but the bacon grease gets rid of warts on the hands and fingers.
