Natural Remedies

Combat Warts Naturally: Top Remedies Ranked for Effectiveness

Posted by Nelle (Sarasota, Florida, Usa) on 09/13/2012

I used acetone for my wart and it dissapeared in 5 days. Whenever the wart is hard I applied acetone and when it's soft I scrape it with a nail file and it work.

Banana Peel
Posted by Kim (Beaverton, Or) on 09/11/2012

I am now trying the banana peel. When I used just the duct tape as suggested by someone - my wart exploded into several warts instead of just one :(

Posted by Kay (Destin, Fl) on 09/02/2012

I followed a recomendation of taping an asprin (or piece of an asprin) to a very stubborn old wart, and also to a dime sized skin keratosis; after 4-5 days, both disolved and never returned. It resulted in a normal scab then scar, both of which healed normally, in the usual time frame. As predicted, the salysilic acid in the asprin simply disolved all the layers of built-up skin. I treated several stubborn warts and a keratosis that caused by over exposure from the sun.

Helpful hints: On the 3rd morning, lift the tape and check it every day & night so you don't over-do the treatment and get a sore spot from leaving it on longer than necessary (which occurred during my first trial; but which I later found was beneficial because it killed the deep wart root as well). Also be sure to cut your asprin to size, and use a chunk just a bit smaller than the growth so no surrounding/healty skin is burned. Also scrape off the coating of the asprin if it is "enteric coated", and wet the asprin before taping to shorten the treatment time by a day.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kay (Destin, Fl) on 09/02/2012

I had what I assume was a plantar wart imbedded into the ball of my foot; it was a growth that looked exactly like a kernel of corn (when dug & pried out) but obviously with a root attached to a blood vessle, because it was a bloody mess to remove. Despite removal, it keep growing back bigger year after year. Nothing 'cure it' after 10 years. Being my dominant foot and very painful once it reached a certain size; I got desperate and used an insulin needle to inject it with a bit of Clorox. Problem solved; within a week it 'died" once and for all, and turned into a dried up callus-kernel which I pried out for the very last time. It's been 10 years now and no sign of it! What a relief to have that over & done with!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Canyon (San Francisco, Ca) on 09/01/2012

I get the feeling everyone here appreciates this forum as much for therapeutic reasons as they do for the key to treating this upsetting condition at home. For me, I've read nearly every post, women and men, because this condition has bummed me out so bad, and we all have this in common. It is such a burden to carry something like this-scared to talk to partners and even friends and family.

I'm writing to warn that the ACV can burn the skin around a wart pretty severely, which I feel naive for realizing after I burnt myself.

It seems very important to keep the soaked cotton no bigger than the wart and maybe to try the application in shorter increments than leaving on overnight (which is what I did). The larger of the three peeled off as my skin was melting essientally, but I'm not convinced the others are coming off.

This has been a learning experience. Next time I will take two weeks in my mind to complete the process with healing and all, and also do a more regimented job with the ACV.

I'm about to tell someone I've slept with unprotected a couple times, and I can't be more afraid. Now, having burns on my cock hasn't helped much either.

Good Luck Everyone.

Posted by Red (Greater London, Uk) on 08/18/2012

Dear Reggina, I have the same problem as you had, that is warts around the neck and face. When did you start seeing change? Basically how long did you apply the urine for? Thanks a bunch, well and truly appreciated.

Posted by Reginna (Houston, Tx, Usa) on 08/17/2012

I love EC, since then I been using it on my ailments and giving all remedies a tried. I have to share that I had great success with URINE. I had for several years tiny warts on all my neck, the warts are not plantar so there is no way I can cover them with makeup. I tried vitamin C and ACV but the warts were still there! So anyways I kept on doing them. I saw the URINE THERAPY on this page and wanted to try for my candida and give it a shot to see what happen to my body but I failed.. I just could not drink it! But I used it and apply it all over my face and neck-thinking what wrong could that do... in the morning when I woke up I saw my face clearer and checked my neck, WOW I WAS SO HAPPY I COULD Barley see any WARTS!! I'am super happy know I can wear my V tops with confidence!! I will keep on trying it!

Voodoo Remedies for Warts
Posted by Indigo (Portland, Oregon) on 08/16/2012

Knotted String for Wart Removal - My grandmother had a similar remedy, and it was always successful: take off the string which is tied around a roast or other piece of meat, tie knots in the string - corresponding to the number of warts you have - rub the warts with the string, then bury or fling the string in a place where no one will ever find it. Don't know why that worked for Grandma and numerous children and grandchildren, but it did.

Nail Polish
Posted by Isabelle (Mahopac, Ny) on 08/15/2012

i read that warts need air to live, so I thought that perhaps cutting off the air supply would get rid of a wart I have on my arm, and one on my leg. I applied a coating of clear nail polish on the warts every day, and within a week I could see shrinkage of the warts. both are almost completely gone now... I hope this helps others.

Zinc Pyrithione
Posted by Lisa (Petrolia, Ontario) on 08/07/2012

Hello has the zinc pyrithone worked with your wart? Please up date as I am in such agony and a state of depression over a wart on the tip of my middle finger and a planters wart on my foot (foot I have had for at least 6 yrs and finger about 2. 5 years. I recently have had them froze at least 4 times now a week apart. The pain is horrible. I also soak them with Apple Cider Vinegar and sea salt then gently file. I have been using thuja ointment and duct tape alternating at times to relieve the painbut the pain is too much. Please update on the zinc pyrithione.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Babababavab (Nyc, Ny) on 08/06/2012

I used ACV and it worked for removing the outter layers of dry, thick skin but did nothing to kill the wart itself.

I have had amazing luck with 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide. Applied directly to the wart in full strength with a qtip. Older, large warts turned white, gray, black and fell off within 2-3 days just applying a drop in the morning and again at night. No bandaids, no vinegar smell. Peroxide does sting but once that sucker turns black it's all worth a little pinch.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Billygoat001 (New York City, Ny, Usa) on 08/02/2012

I had two plantar warts on my left heel and one on my right heel. I tried everything... Went to the dermatologist and had them frozen (Cryotherapy) at least a dozen times, to no avail. I tried banana peels, which looked like it might work, but didn't. I tried ACV, and that didn't work either. ACV was very painful but didn't work for me. I tried fresh squeezed garlic, fresh aloe, basil, and dandelion sap. I tried everything over a 3 year span, and none of those above mentioned therapies worked for me. I finally ordered 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide over the internet and I must say, 4 months later and I'm completely plantar wart free. The first wart (on my right heel) healed first, after about 3 weeks. The smaller one on my left heal took about 6 weeks, and finally the large one is gone after 4 months of using the hydrogen peroxide. Once a day, just on the wart itself, applied with a Q-tip, did the trick. Be very careful not to spill or get it on other skin areas and be persistent. Don't give up. I thought I'd never get rid of them.

Castor Oil and Baking Soda
Posted by Alt-rocks (Suffolk, United Kingdom) on 08/02/2012

Many years ago my youngest brother was constantly having to have thread warts burnt off from under his chin and neck area. He was very young and this was extremely painful for him. A retired nurse suggested that I might want to try using a slurry of castor oil and bicarbonate of soda on the area twice a day. It worked absolute wonders, they all fell off within a week, and twenty five years later he is still wart free. If I remember correctly, I used a teaspoon of castor oil and two teaspoons of bicarbs to create a sludge which I applied to his skin with a q-tip.

Banana Peel
Posted by Randy B (Calgary, Ab, Canada) on 07/25/2012

Banana Peel is amazing. My 7 yrs daughter had 3 little warts under her right foot toe. I was looking for an alternative to chemical treatment and found this web site. To be honest, I was not sure but I thought to give it a try before we see the doctor. Guess what, in just three days using the banana peel and duct tape the warts become black. I used an emery board to clean before applying the peel. In the fourth day they disappeared and left little scars that in about two weeks also gone.

Thanks a Lot for this website and the excellent feedback. This has spared my daughter the pain chemical or worse yet surgical treatment.

Banana Peel
Posted by Eamon (Joppa, Md) on 07/24/2012

I am going to try the banana peel for flat warts on my hand. I have nothing to use. Thanks to all.

One other tip. My Father had just put duct tape on a wart on the back of his hand, A tall wart type. It fell of in 2 weeks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Carina (Edinburgh, Uk) on 07/17/2012

I am responding to the lady with little white scars from warts, I have stumbled across dermal rollering and I am in awe, be carefull of doing this if you have any flatwarts as they could spread. It will bring the pigment back after time. My flatwarts were everywhere after being misdiagnosed and given cortisones ( which will stimulate them as sugary foods will too... So the CURE IS APPLE CIDER VINEGAR from head to foot ( yes I stank) 1 month 3 times a day and now I dermal roller I want to upload a picture one day as I am 50 and my skin is better now than it ever was in my entire life. Clarins 20 sunblock everyday and argan oil at night. This really does work. I felt like a leper a year ago now I am so happy I found ACV simple but it WORKS be patient and keep at it.. Love and light to anyone out there who feels like I did. BE DETERMINED xxx

Aloe Vera
Posted by Jay (Newquay, Cornwall, Uk) on 07/14/2012

Just wanted to share that I had many warts on my hands and had an aloe vera plant, had read somewhere they get rid of them. I had tried all the different products and just didn't get rid of them. I cut a leaf off the plant, cut it in half, put the flesh side down on the wart, covering it. Then wrapped a small bandage and tape over it, within a week they had gone!

Posted by Julie (Pbg, Fl) on 07/06/2012

Wash yourself with Sandalwood Soap and just before you get out of the shower put some of the soap on the warts and let it dry on. This company is trying to make a business of it with FDA approval:

Here is one of the earlier patents. I selected this URL because it gives many human individual cases if you scroll all the way down. In addition, these two sections caught my eye:

"At the time of filing this application, further clinical work is underway to refine the method of the present invention and to further characterize the active components of the sandalwood oil. At this time, a total of fifteen (15) individuals have undergone the inventive therapy and all 15 experienced the eradication of their palmar or plantar warts. The application of the sandal soap at least twice daily with occasional placement of soap residue on the warts, results in disappearance of the warts in about four (4) weeks. Deeply embedded warts took up to eight (8) weeks to resolve. Of the 15 individuals treated to date, twelve (12) were previously treated with salicylic acid preparations, liquid nitrogen or surgical techniques. In all twelve (12) cases, the warts reappeared. Upon reappearance of the warts, the subjects enrolled into the sandal soap study and have successfully completed their course of therapy and the warts have failed to reappear. It was noted that the individuals that had previously received salicylic acid treatments were slower to respond to the inventive therapy when warts were covered by scar tissue. However, in all cases, the warts had disappeared within four (4) to eight (8) weeks and recurrence of warts had not yet been detected."


"In light of these results, the inventors have concluded that sandalwood oil (or a component of the oil) is not only an antiviral agent against HPV, DNA pox virus and perhaps other viruses but it would also be a chemoprotective agent for skin cancers and an effective therapy for cancerous or precancerous lesions of the skin and the female genital tract.

Other Indications

Since warts are caused by human papillomaviruses (HPV) of different types and the sandalwood oil disclosed herein can eradicate this virus, it is contemplated that this composition may be useful in methods of eradicating other viral-induced tumors. Genital warts are also caused by HPV. Genital warts in women are a genuine nuisance and are very hard to eradicate. The sandalwood may also be useful to prevent other DNA viral lesions. Its effect on other DNA as well as RNA viruses needs further investigation. The fact that sandalwood oil appears to be extremely effective in eradicating palmar and plantar warts caused by the DNA HPV virus and also effective in treating Molluscum contagiosum rash caused by DNA pox virus supports its effectiveness against other DNA and RNA viruses.

It is proposed that the continued use of sandalwood oil or the components of sandalwood oil (such as B1- and B2-santalol) would be effective for the prophylactic treatment of viral tumors and eradication of DNA viral infections and bacterial infections caused by streptococci or staphylococci."


Sandalwood Soap as it is specifically called out in some of the literature that I have read and clinical trials. There really aren't tons and tons of companies that manufacturer Sandalwood Soaps. Another that readers could try would be Sandalwood-Tumeric Soap w/Neem in it. This latter soap additionally has coconut oil and castor oil too.

I sincerely hope this helps some folks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Curtis (Kitchener, Ontario) on 06/30/2012

After reading all the positive testimonials on this site, I tried ACV. After just the first night with some gauze soaked in ACV bandaged to the wart, it turned BLACK! I kept it covered with ACV as much as possible on the weekend and only at night during the week. The skin around the wart got "puffy" and white - but not soft. I used a metal emery board to scuff down the "dead" skin and to expose the wart so the ACV could do its thing. I continued on like this for several days. The whole top of the wart was not black and hard. I used a very sharp knife with a sharp point on it to carefully scrape away the top layer of dead crusted skin. To my surprise, the skin underneath was red, fresh skin with what seemed to be the shrinking nucleus of the wart. I peeled off the dead, crusty, black skin after soaking the area. Then, after the skin dried, I put more ACV soaked gauze on it for the night. That hurt like hell and I had to take it off. The next night I resumed my ACV treatment.

It's now been exactly one week and after scraping off more dead skin, it seems my wart is completely gone. There are a few "dark" spots that I believe are simply dried blood. There was very little bleeding when I was scraping the dead skin off - pulled some healthy skin by accident. I'll soak it one more night to be sure but am very happy at the prospect of this wart being gone. Now, I can prove the processes effectiveness on the other 2 warts on that hand - :-S

Thank you all for sharing your stories. --Curtis

P. S. This wart was OLD and callused over. The other wart I have is new is more raised on the skin than the one I just treated. I'll be sure to report back on how it goes.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Stretch (La Salle, Manitoba) on 06/26/2012

I'm in my third week of the cider vinegar thing with the mosiac warts & my huge wart has shrunk to about 1/3 of what it was. It is very painful at times after reapplying the vinegar & tape but will be worth it if it goes away & it looks as if it's working. Tried everything else including having the doc cut it out which was very painful, they came back in full force with friends so that didn't work but am seeing good results with the vinegar.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Danapoll (Fort Worth, Tx, Us) on 06/23/2012

Thanks to earth clinic and ACV I removed 2 plantar warts from my 8 yr old and 1 from my 6 year old's toes! So excited! I also removed a mole off my shoulder and now am trying one on my face since it worked so well.

I just did what they said here: soaked a small piece of a cotton ball with ACV and put it on the wart/mole wrapped with a couple bandaids at night before bed. Took them off for the daytime. If the skin around it got a little irritated, I simply gave it a rest for one night.

5 nights total for my daughter and left it alone after that and eventually it peeled off. 4 sparatic nights for my 6 yr old son and it eventually fell off in a couple of weeks. Its been 1 month and totally healed! Toes look as good as new!

Took off a mole on my shoulder. Soaked it over night 5 nights total with skipped days in between. Eventually it turned black and into a scab and well, I picked it off. Tiny little mark still there from picking. So excited I'm ready to try it on my face! No pain for any of us as long as we gave the skin a break time of a day when it got irritated.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Girl (Seattle, Wa) on 06/20/2012

I have been doing ACV for a few days now and my wart has just gotten much bigger and white. What happened to you? Did it end up going black and coming off? I'm worried about this wart just getting bigger and bigger....

Zinc Pyrithione
Posted by Jackie (Grand Rapids, Mn) on 06/16/2012

Update: I happened to have grapefruit seed extract so I tried it on the wart for 2 days. It got on the surrounding skin but didn't harm it. Made it difficult for the band aid to stick so I kept it in place with an ace bandage. Lots of pain in the foot yesterday, throbbing even with range of motion to the foot, couldn't step on it hardly. Soaked my foot in white vinegar last night for about 20 min, then went back to the selsun shampoo with zinc pyrithione. Pain gone shortly. What a relief. I'm walking normally today. If it will be cured or not will remain to be seen but this treatment is an excellent pain reliever. Thank you Jane for posting this.

Zinc Pyrithione
Posted by Jackie (Grand Rapids, Mn) on 06/14/2012

I came across a website today recommending grapefruit seed extract as a remedy to cure warts. Apply a few drops to the wart and cover with a bandaid. Starts to work right away to soften the wart and kill the roots. No filing necessary. GSE is antiviral and useful for many things. Warts are caused by a virus. I'm hopeful. So anxious to get rid of it. I wonder about some remedies such as over the counter acids and nailpolish. If the wart is open at all wouldn't these products get into the blood stream?

Zinc Pyrithione
Posted by Jackie (Grand Rapids, Mn) on 06/13/2012

About 1 month ago, I came down with a plantars wart below the great toe and just above the instep when I noticed a burning sensation. It was a small white spot. I had 13 warts between the 2 feet when I was a teen and I don't remember them hurting this bad at the onset. Maybe this one is a different type? Anyway I think the ACV worked but it burned constantly and it just wore me down, so I tried the shampoo with zinc pyrithione (a sample size of Head and Shoulders dandruff shampoo) last night. I got immediate relief. Did it again before I went to bed and this morning I can step on my foot. Everytime I put the shampoo on it seems to get better, the deep pain around the wart when pressed is much less. I used it full strength and scrubbed it gently with an old toothbrush and let it dry without rinsing it off. The center is dark. I hope this is the ticket. They sure are miserable things.

Zinc Pyrithione
Posted by Jane (Houston, Tx, Usa) on 06/09/2012

This didn't work for me. But I have found something that does and is a LOT LESS painful than ACV. I caught 3 warts from a manicure/pedicure and for the life of me couldn't get rid of them. I tried Compound W, then finally ACV. ACV was VERY painful and just outright torture. I did the whole band aid at night with the vinegar and it did turn black but never fell off. I had to pull it off with tweezers. Well, this didn't get the whole thing (and it also gave the surrounding skin a chemical burn), there was still "dots" left in the skin so the darn thing was still there growing back. After doing 2 rounds of excruciating ACV treatments I finally gave up. I was tired of the pain and open wounds.

I then tried Brewer's yeast pills but for some reason, supplements make my moods go awry so I had to stop. Then I read a post by a girl who used Selson Blue anti-dandruff shampoo. It's main ingredient is Zinc Pyrithione. This was going to be my last ditch effort to combat these warts, and I just knew it wouldn't work. Well... It did! Several times a day, I gently wash my warts with this shampoo (with a nail brush). After about a week, they were GONE. They just dried up and went away. You have to try this, you don't have to endure this painful vinegar treatment anymore, zinc pyrithione is your new friend. They have not come back and my skin looks so healthy now where the warts used to be. Thanks be to GOD!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kyle (Suwanee, Ga) on 05/27/2012

After living with a deep plantar wart on the ball of my foot for a year and a half or so I tried the apple cider vinegar cure. After sleeping with a cotten ball soaked in apple cider vinegar duct taped to my plantar wart for weeks the wart remained very much the same and it was very painful.

Banana Peel
Posted by Crater-scared (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 05/26/2012

Hi, I'm gonna try the banana peel remedy maybe starting tomorrow, but just wondering, how noticable/ big is the crater left on your foot for plantar warts? I don't want a hole left in my foot.. And how long does it take for the skin to regrow and look normal again?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gregory (Dfw, Tx) on 05/17/2012

The homeopathic Thujua occidentalis works great for warts. Be sure to follow abstaining from certain things during use of homeopathics. I think its caffiene, menthol, alcohol, and mint.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Farah (Fremont, Ca) on 05/17/2012

Hello all, I have been using apple cider vinegar for a week now. At first I saw some black dots but eventually the wart got white and puffy. I picked on it and the outer layer came off. Thus the wart looked smaller but underneath the other layer there remained a smaller wart. I have been using a cotton ball soaked Apple Cider Vinegar and bandaid to cover it over night. But it's again getting white and puffy with some black dots, but that's about it. The wart is not getting completely black as I read it should. It hurts like hell. B4 Apple Cider Vinegar I tried raw crushed garlic one night but ended up with a huge blister. Now to treat that I am using neosporin around the wart and Apple Cider Vinegar on top of the wart. Getting impatient with this now. Need help.
