Home Remedies for Stomach Aches & Abdominal Pain

Multiple Remedies

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Posted by Teena (Aus) on 07/28/2017 233 posts

My son had severe tummy pain last night I massaged arnica oil and made tonic with pink salt, Baking Soda & acv. He refused to drink it. I have a tablespoon of coconut oil which he reluctantly and slowly ate. He advised her had not been to the toilet (bm) that day or previous. So I gave him 2 x vitamin c ester c 1000 mg and 280 mg Magnesium. This slowly went down over about a half hour. Yes I have ordered powders these tablets do taste bad! I monitored him for 30 min's he would occasionally take a sip of the Apple Cider Vinegar and snuggled on the couch. After this time he asked if he could go back to bed he couldn't straighten his body still so I carried him. Well this morning he bounded down the stairs to give me a hug he said he didn't have any pain and he had had a bm. So relieved to find the cause of the pain and remedy.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 02/15/2012

Mix 1/2 teaspoon baking soda (not baking powder) into a glass of water, add 1 heaping teaspoon psillium fiber, stir up real good, drink immediately. Then drink another glass of plain water.

On an empty stomach: cover and steep in water 1 teaspoon Chamomile tea and 1 teaspoon Catnip tea together, drink when cool enough, wait an hour, then drink milk/soy milk.

With meals (preferably salad) 2 teaspoon Swedish Bitters mixed into a glass of water, 2 times a day as needed.

Quit drinking soda, coffee, green and black tea, cocoa, don't eat chocolate, gluten (such as in wheat, barley, rhy, somtimes oats), dairy, sugar.

On an empty stomach: mix into hot/warm soy milk 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg and 1/2 teaspoon clove powder, drink (you can add cinnamon, cocoa powder or coffee too, if you like). Drink lots of water. Eat several fresh oranges. Very strong, very dehydrating, do it when you have the day off. Don't go to bed until much later.

Fast on green juices and fresh fruit. Parsley, cilantro, bok choy, fennel.

Consider hepatitis, IBS, celiac, hernia.

Gluten free oatmeal, 2 tablespoons raw organic coconut oil, 1 teaspoon organic cinnamon. Mix and eat on empty stomach. Drink lots of water.

Dice and lightly cook a large onion in 1 tablespoon safflower oil, it should still have some of the bite to it, eat the entire thing on an empty stomach.

Replied by Wen
(Benton, Arkansas)

Soy is highly estrogenic as well as having other issues, please look into using another milk such as almond if you can't drink dairy

Replied by Gina

Slippery elm added to those suggestions is good. It's easier to take in capsule form than the powder in liquid. Very soothing. So is peppermint tea and of course Swedish bitters which is good for digestion, haemorrhoids, fibroid tumours and just for general stamina and immune system.

Myofunctional Therapy

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Posted by Angela Lynne (Vancoover, Wa) on 03/27/2014

My daughter had chronic stomach pains and 1 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar helped her most mornings. But she still had pains at night. The doctors couldn't find anything wrong and one even suggested we look into removing her gall bladder to get rid of her pain. We didn't do that! After an endless search we found out she had a slight tongue tie that led to a reverse swallow. With a reverse or tongue-thrust swallow, she was gulping a little bit of air each time she swallowed and that led to chemical changes in her stomach acid. A myofunctional therapist helped her to learn to swallow right and her mysterious stomach aches went away. She's sleeping better and waking more rested

Non-Alcoholic Beer

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Posted by Robert (Orlando, Florida) on 03/10/2008

Non-alcoholic beer remedy

Years ago I began to drink large amounts of fruit or vegetable juices like grape or V-8 or tomato juice, but the acid content eventually began to irritate my bowels. At one point my body could no longer tolerate those juices getting severe intestinal pains if I took any amount.

Then I began drinking juices together with non-alcoholic beer and found that, amazingly, I could drink unlimited amounts of juices that way without any problem whatsoever. I don't know what it is about beer that mitigates the effects of the acid in juices but I have been mixing the two and drinking them for many years now with no ill effects whatsoever. In fact, I find the taste of the combination to be superior to the taste of either one alone. The best way to do it is to mix the juice together (maybe about 25% to 50% beer) but they can be taken separately too.


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Posted by Vicky (Manila, Philippines) on 07/16/2009

Hi there! I read some of your problem, well, indeed, I have abdominal pain also and it has been aching for seven years and I have undergone several treatment and medicines but still those procedures which is really "costly" didn't work for me. what worst is one of my physicians whom I asked for other opinion adviced me to prevent my favorite foods that is harmful to my stomach system and that I should prevent of having full stomach.I was really on my dilema and eager to find solution for this so I tried to take "oatmeal" an instant one and though I don't really like the taste and texture of it, I drink it every morning with an empty stomach before breakfast. I used it as "hot beverage" in a half glass of hot water, eneough to dissolve the instant oatmeal. You can also try to eat it as porridge but your eating habit will be change because of lightweight food in your stomach so better you take the oatmeal as hot beverage, not thick but just eneought to drink it. Your acidity will also lessen and soon will dissapear plus you'll gain other benefit from it. I don't also prevent taking my antiallergy and avoiding my favorite foods just because of my stomach condition....I hope it somehow help you out there because the only way to cure our illness is to find remedy and it work for me... I am now free from acidity, and stomach pain...

Replied by Skinnythia
(Canton, Georgia)


You might want to watch the oatmeal. I have had the pinching in the sides, on both sides, high and low, for most of my life. I finally got really tired of it and started questioning my drs. About a year ago. I wanted to make sure there was nothing wrong with me. So much that I had been told through out my life in way of pain had ended up as being major, (Heart area pain ended up being large hole in my heart, being found after stroke at age 40). So I started the quest and didn't let the Drs. say relax. I finally had a colonoscopy to find I had kinks in my colon, and really needed to stop all fiber, and drink the Mi_____x once a day because of how kinked up I was. He was shocked because it was so difficult to do the colonoscopy. My pain was from not emptying properly. I thought I was, but guess I wasn't. Now I don't do it like I'm told to. And the other day, I forgot and for two days ate oatmeal. I ended up writhing in pain on the floor of Hobby Lobby. The pain didn't subside for 10-15 min. My husband, an EMT was so worried, but I had realized what I had done. I went home and started a double dose, for 2 days, and then single dose for 2. I thinks I'll try 1/2 dose every day. It really helps. But do get checked out to make sure it is the problem. And people, take care of yourselves!

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2063 posts

Milled Flax Seed is my daily hero for Colon health; it provides a gentle yet strong purge that keeps those inner layers clean. I also use Aloe Vera softgels every other day to purge infection, which from my personal experience, Flax cannot.

Oats With Fresh Ginger

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Posted by Robert (Sunyani, Ghana) on 01/11/2009

Am Robert, have been surfering from stomach aches for so long indeed but with the use of ginger cut into into water with oats cooking did help me a lot and suggest any one with same conditions to try same.

Heart burns too, olive oil one table spoon a day works so good too plus using lemon juice scrab on the chest twice daily is good too.

Oregon Grape

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Posted by Andon Science (Limassol) on 06/12/2022 21 posts

Stomach pain (Acid reflux (Gerd), Ulcers , Stomach upset, etc)

Since I am a researcher, I found this curement by complete coincidence. In rare occassions that I may eat something, that may irritate the stomach, I take two capsules of 500mg (1000mg). I am not cooperating with any vitamin company, thus I will mention which brand works for me. I did not test any other brands, thus I do not know if other brand works. The brand name is "Nature's way" and I bought it from iherb. The pain dissappears in very quick time. I Google searched Oregon grape for stomach pain and I found this in brief (you can google search also "Oregon grape for stomach pain and see the results"). This was the result in Google search:

"Oregon grape is a plant. The root and root-like stem (rhizome) are used to make medicine. Oregon grape is used for stomach ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), stomach upset, as a bitter tonic, to treat infections, and to cleanse the bowels."

Peppermint and Ginger

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Posted by Tt (Japan) on 03/28/2015

For teens and adults, I give 1-2 peppermint and 1-2 ginger pills based on the size of the person and the severity of the pain. It works.

For a child that can't swallow pills or doesn't like the taste of ginger and peppermint teas, I give Hylands #10 homeopathic pills which are very tiny and dissolve almost instantly in the mouth with no bad taste. Both my younger children are prone to stomachaches and they both swear by these pills. I don`t know if it is just a placebo effect or if there really is something to homeopathy, but for my children these do work for general stomachaches, there are no side effects, and I feel they are safe for young children. I have never had any problems, there's no choking hazards because they are so small and dissolve so quickly, and my children take these willingly.

Peppermint Oil

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Posted by Tassi (California) on 03/16/2017

Peppermint Oil for Stomach Pain

Thank god for this remedy -- it worked. I happened to have organic aromatherapy peppermint oil: 3 drops in half a cup of water chased with a little more, and within 5 minutes lots of gurgling began, and I am now, about an hour later and a visit to the john, pain free.

Peppermint Oil
Posted by Tony (St. Paul, Alberta Canada) on 06/29/2012

The only thing I've ever used for stomach aches or consequences of eating something I shouldn't have, was 3 drops of peppermint oil in a glass of water, and drink it down. Its always amazed me how fast that works. It seems to put at ease a sour stomach very quickly.


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Posted by Alan (London, Enfield) on 03/04/2012

I was reading an article that I stumbled across of a Canadian farmer who would give his cattle raspberries when they had stomach problems with great success when ever the tourists cought a sickness bug the local doc would suggest they take raspberries or the juice or cordial. My 11 month old grandaughter had just started a nasty 24 hour sickness bug I went and bought some raspberries and gave her a few. The sickness stopped from then on. I was amazed. Evidently even the really nasty sickness bugs can be killed with raspberries. What a great site earth clinic is, thank you to all.

Replied by Jennywren
(Perth, Western Australia, Australia)

Yes, raspberry cordial is a must-pack for Aussie tourists going to Bali to stave off the dreaded 'Bali Belly'! Just a cap a day seems to stave it off. Farmers use it over here with the livestock, too. I find colloidal silver brilliant for stomach bugs - they go in about an hour!

Red Wine Vinegar

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Posted by BOB (BUFFALO, NEW YORK) on 03/10/2007



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Posted by Barry (Australia) on 11/17/2020

Editor's Choice I hope that this will help others experiencing this problem and similar.

Decades ago, I experienced routine bouts of reflux and abdominal pain. GP's dismissed this as an eating disorder, due to the weight gain program I was on to build muscle with weight training. Similarly to yourselves, however, I wound up reading a book by a naturopath explaining that the medical focus on recommending limiting salt intake is having extremely harmful effects on health. The piece which caught my attention was when he detailed that the body requires salt to produce the hydrochloric acid in our stomachs.

Contrary to common belief, hydrochloric acid only commences the stomachs digestive process. Its real significance is that a sufficient amount of it is necessary to trigger the release of digestive enzymes required to complete the job of digestion.

Apple cider vinegar can help to stimulate the production/release of hydrochloric acid but your body really requires a sufficient supply of the ingredients needed to produce it.

Separation of Food Method

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Posted by Mel (Los Angeles) on 08/16/2013

For stomach aches, I tried the ACV with water before. It did help for the situation but it didn't cure it for long. Two months ago, I found a new method from a book. It is a Korean method. Separation of beverages and foods will do the trick for most disease. No drink two hours before and after and during the meal. So the stomach works on its full strength for the food that the stomach fulid is not being diluted by drink. I tried two months ago. I had stomachache for two days at that time. Since the first day I tried the separation method, I haven't had stomachache. It works really well. I don't need to drink or eat anything. It also cured my heartburn.


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Posted by Don (Southwest, Michigan) on 07/27/2009

Strawberries for Stomach Pain and/or Gas

For any kind of stomach ache, gas pain, heart burn or stomach upset of any kind, I eat 4-6 frozen strawberries and the discomfort is gone instantly. This remedy has worked 100% of the time for me for many years. It has also worked 100% of the time for everyone I have told. My mother is 89 and takes several medications and supplements and sometimes gets terrible stomach pains and gas. She ate 5 frozen strawberries and by the time she ate the last one her pain and gas had disappeared. She is a devout skeptic and was amazed at the results.

I have tried this with many different varieties of strawberries and they all work. My favorite here in southwest Michigan is called Early Glow and we freeze about 60 qt. every year. Just hull the "caps", rinse in water, let drain in a colander and put into whatever size plastic freezer bag you prefer. Even if they are out of season in your area and you have to pay a higher price at a super market, get at least one qt. to keep in the freezer. When you get a stomach ache eat 4-6 of them and your pain should disappear.

I hope this helps you stop wasting money on expensive, super hyped, over the counter upset stomach chemicals that in my opinion just do not work and always made me feel worse.

Best Wishes For A Peaceful Future, Don

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