Home Remedies for Stomach Aches & Abdominal Pain

Swedish Bitters

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Posted by Juliana (Canada) on 12/31/2015

I have been having GI issues for many years.Had Gastritis, H Pylori..acidity of the stomach is 1.Tried everything(advice, herbs, medications from MD's) is on this website and much more, but nothing worked for long...The valve is weak and bile comes up to my throat many times during the day and night.All of these caused at times severe pain in my stomach and users in my tongue.Prescription pills did not worked.By the advice of my friend, I bought dried Swedish Bitters in health food store and followed the instruction on the package and only change I made to it, is this:Instead of keeping it in alcohol for 8 days, I kept it about 4 month. by the advice of my friend who had same issues with stomach before.Longer you keep the herb in alcohol is the better. I take 1 tea spoon of that mixture and mix with 2/3 glass of water and drink it.pain stops right away. If anyone find the solution to stop the bile coming to my throat, or find a way to straighten the valve, please let me know..Thank you

Swedish Bitters
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 01/18/2012

Take a teaspoon or two of swedish bitters shortly after you eat.

Replied by Juliana
(Edmonton, Canada)

I use every time when I have stomach ache this wonderful well known Swedish Bitters. I usually purchase the dry herbs in a package and follow the direction on the package for the first time and first bottle, but for the next bottle I keep it much longer(a few month in alcohol).I pour contents of dry herb into alcohol in the jar and keep it 8 days for the 1st batch, but for the next one up to 6 month, then screen it through cheesecloth.I take 1 teaspoon of this herb mixture and dilute in 1 cup of water and drink it right away.Pain stop also immediately. I purchase the herb in health food store.Thanks.


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Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 05/01/2013

For stomach pain and issues, if you don't have Apple Cider Vinegar, you can just drink water 1/2 hour before eating prepares the body to pour on the acid that breaks down the food, and add a bit of salt to your diet and get similar results... Read the book Your body's many cries for water by Dr. Batmanghelidj.

For gallbladder issues and problems digesting fats, use betafood. For liver issues use coconut oil in your diet. Add magnesium to your diet for muscle health that affects digestion and elimination and add probiotics.


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Posted by Lauren (Detroit, MI) on 08/02/2021

I don't often get stomach aches, but when I do, I take wormwood. It also treats and prevents nausea, so I'll take wormwood if I'm anticipating nausea as well (like from certain supplements). It is absolutely foul tasting, so if you plan on taking this for when you get sick, you might want to familiarize yourself with the taste first. That said, there really is nothing better for digestive issues.

You can take it as either a tea or a tincture. You can take the tincture by putting a dropperful in a small glass of water. For the tea, I use one teaspoon in one cup of hot water and steep for five minutes. When I have a stomach ache, I won't bother bringing the water to boil since I want to drink it as soon as possible.

Yoga, Massage

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Posted by Marie Gal (Calif.) on 06/03/2015

I tried pretty much all of these remedies for a bad stomach ache but it wouldn't go away. I called a friend and she suggested the cat position on the floor. Which I did and in a couple of minutes my pain seemed to be gone even to the touch which was very severe before. I did cat & cow poses and couldn't feel the pain as before.

She also suggested I lie on my back and rub my stomach in a circle with my hand. I still can't believe it. That was yesterday, today my stomach is still all right. There was nothing ACV could not help me with, except this stomach episode. I'm still a believer in ACV and most of the solutions in Earth Clinic always work. I just had not seen this. Thank you anyway.

Replied by Ward

i find epsom salts to do wonders it also flushes the body.1/4 tsp in a cup of luke warm water stirred.you tummy will run and you feel great afterwards.but if your stomach pain persists then you will need to be diagnosed so then you can start looking for natural cures.just don, t get the prescription drugs they give you. I hope that helps

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