Abdominal Pain
Natural Remedies

Home Remedies for Stomach Aches & Abdominal Pain

| Modified on Dec 17, 2024
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Slippery Elm
Posted by Andrea C (Cardiff, Wales) on 03/20/2013

Take pure slippery elm powder as per instuctions on the pack as it has to be cooked first. It's excellent for rebuilding any stomach problems. It is also very nourishing and good for many other ailments too. It kept me alive when I couldn't eat after a major stomach operation, and sped up the healing time too. Love Andrea c xxxxxxx

Dietary Changes
Posted by Lisa (Socal, Ca) on 01/13/2010

My daughter was getting stomach aches almost every day as well. The doctor did a Food Intolerance test for her and found she was intolerant to: Milk, broccoli, peanut butter ( not allergy), Oats and barley. When we took these items out of her diet, most of her stomach aches went away. She still gets one once in a while when she knowingly "cheats".

The Food intolerance tests are NOT 100 % accurate, but it will point you in the right direction. Or you can do a food elimination diet to find out which foods "don't agree" with you.

Chiropractic Visit
Posted by kje10959 (Bedford, NH) on 07/03/2009

My daughter also suffered from unexplained stomaches. After a Dr. visit yielded no help I ended up taking her to a chiropractor. Presto!! Her spine was out of alignment and as soon as she was adjusted no more stomachaches. Now when her stomach starts to hurt, off we go to the chiropractor and she's always out of alignment. Quick and painless!! Give it a try. It's a much better alternative than reflux meds!! Good Luck!!

Posted by Pam (Middle Of Fl) on 03/18/2014

Aloe juice is an all time stomach remedy. Pro-biotics also good for that good bacteria flora. Kefir is a yogurt drink I buy which soothes a harsh belly for me, it has pro-biotics in it. You can also make tea which contain herbs such as; ginger, lemon, chammomile, dandlelion, milk thistle, green tea. you can add honey!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Rsw (Oh ) on 07/05/2016

Hi Deb,

When I was younger, I would get unexpected intense stomach pain, seemingly out of the blue. Pain so intense, just going from laying down to sitting up was excruciating, it even hurt to breathe or walk. When I was pregnant, I got it and my doctor told me he thought it was something I was eating, and if I thought about it, I could probably figure out what it was. Well, I finally discovered that every time I got this, I had eaten yogurt that day or a day or so before. However, sometimes I would eat it and be OK. Well, I stopped eating yogurt and never got it again. A friend reminded me that some yogurt contains live cultures, and some don't. This may explain why I sometimes was OK. FWIW, as I have gotten older, I find I can eat milk kefir and a little yogurt, although I still am hesitant to eat the yogurt because I can still remember that pain. Is there some food you consume on a regular basis, even something you consider to be healthy and is not known to be difficult for most people to eat, that might not agree with your system? Maybe a supplement or vitamin? Just a thought. I hope you feel better soon. Take care.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Faeqa ( Amman, Jordan) on 07/05/2016 70 posts

Hi Deb. I cured my stomach from H. pylori since 1999 by antibiotics, but some time still have this severe pain, and I tried a lot of things but what I found give a quick relief is drink 1 tablespoon of sesame oil, if you don't have sesame oil take olive oil but sesame give quicker relief, and drink one cup of chamomile and sage tea (nearly tablespoon of each of them for a cup of water.)

Posted by Patti B (Pa) on 10/05/2016

Hi Eileen,

Not sure if this helps. I had lower pain like yours that sent me to the ER. Thought it was diverticulitis but I wouldn't have a CT scan so they assumed. After searching on EC I came across AMP (Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharide) for internal relief. It helped me a lot as I am now on maintenance dose. It is expensive but it's worth it. Hope this helps.

Treat the Gallbladder
Posted by Terry (Ok) on 04/08/2017 7 posts

Re: Urgent Help Needed for Daughter with Chronic Stomach Pain

My son-in-law had this problem for 20 years, stomach pain all the time, could not work for the pain, could not eat or drink, lost weight, they said it was in his head treated him for head problems. All the time it was his gallbladder. It was rotten no stones. We told them to check it, they said it was fine, we found out it just worked sometimes. Had it taken out and he is fine.

Posted by Maria Khan (Germany) on 04/07/2017

Re:: Urgent Help Needed for Daughter with Chronic Stomach Pain

Hi Sheila, So sorry that your daughter is in so much pain.Try pure honey for stomach pain.It helps me and my family tremendously in stomach pain or any digestive problem.She can take one tablespoon with each meal. For feet pain apply Magnesium oil .I make my own by mixing magnesium chloride powder with aloe vera jel and apply on the feet or legs of my kids or husband at night.They sleep restfully all night.For migraine Ted always advises to take potassium citrate.For kids dose of potassium citrate check Ted remedies for migraine.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Janet (In) on 04/06/2017

Re: Urgent Help Needed for Daughter with Chronic Stomach Pain

Dear Sheila, I have and still use Ted's remedies.

My first thought when I read your email was a twist in her intestine. I am sure she has been tested but thought I would mention it.

Ted's wise words have taught our family digestion. You did not talk about supplements. I will just go through our checklist.

Magnesium is my go to for pain so a castor oil pack would be effective. More than pain meds.

A cut up flannel about the size of a bath towel or a worn clean towel or even paper towels if all you have. In a gallon ziploc. Add castor oil. Enough to saturate. Using the bag squeeze out excess as you pull it out so it is not drippy. Add magnesium oil. To make it 60% mag flakes in a jar add 40% water. Let sit a half hour shake. Add a tsp or two to saturated flannel. If you have no other you can use milk of magnesia in a pinch. Dmso will help if you have it on clean skin only. A capful added to pack. Lavender essential oil a drop or two is healing and calming. Ideally you have everything but in reality not everyone has. My advice use what you do have. Coconut oil and m.o.m. applied if thats what is on hand.

Applying lavender oil to her spine will further help the internal reach of remedies you are using and castor oil would help it spread.

Epsom baths or soaks will relax and kill some pain too

Castor oil pack. Lay pack folded to fit torso. Add some plastic wrap to cover. Lay her on a towel add a heating pad on low to medium on pack. 20 minutes at least. We do them longer but 20 minutes at least.

Internally. The bs reset hunger. B6 as p5p we buy Terrys Naturally, is a pain killer. Digestion reset. It is very helpful. A miracle in a bottle.

Papaya enzyme stops pain comes as a chewable and resets digestion. Ours is American Health brand.

We use dried papaya fruit as a digestive help. And being a food gives correct nutrition to the gut. We buy at the co op as we do all of the things I am listing. Also available on Amazon. Farm stores usually carry these things too.

Humic acid. This heals the gut provides minerals. You can make it or order black water from the internet this is what I did at the start of our journey and makes it simple. A tablespoon in a beverage. It resets digestion. It heals. It is one of teds top remedies with good reason.

Bs the b6 I mentioned already. To normalize her appetite. There are several ways to do this. Brewers yeast 1 or 2 tbsp added to food is loaded with bs.

Liver you can buy powder in capsules. Or eat lightly cooked liver. Liver is great because it is high in b3 as niacinamide. Niacinamide is needed in the whole body from head to toe. It assists the liver, digestion, brain skin. It is critical in digestion. I buy niacinamide from the Vitamin Shoppe their brand because they do not add regular niacin to it.

Taking b50 or b100 is an option.

These are my thoughts on your needs right now. Because she is in so much pain some baking soda 1/2 hour after she eats would be a basic need in her body. 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of baking soda in water.

Bromelain enzyme helps food digest. Reduces reactions from foods. It relieves pain taken away from food. Amazing stuff. Look for one that does not come with msg added and it is hard to find.

To take magnesium internally 5 drops of mag oil in water is about 250mg or mag citrate capsules. 250mg 2x a day to start.

This will assist her stomach and gallbladder to work optimally helping improve her digestion.

Electrolyte drink 1/4 tsp of sea salt in water. Helps pain and provides needed trace minerals to entire body.

This is where I would start. Mostly though use what you have. Do not get caught up too much in details until you have a chance to get correct stuff. Amazon can get it to you quickly.

For future reference. Look at d3 and selenium yeast as further gut healing and overall health. Janet

Dietary Changes
Posted by Sapna (Ny) on 04/06/2017

Re: Urgent Help Needed for Daughter with Chronic Stomach Pain

I have similar problems like your daughter couple of years ago. Doctor did all test and find nothing. One of my friend suggested to go gluten free and dairy free diet for some times. As soon as I went gluten and dairy free, all my problems went away. I am not allergic to wheat but I am gluten intolerance. I also take gluten free probatics everyday it helped me to eat wheat sometimes. Hope it helps

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Kay (PDX) on 03/28/2024

She did clarify it at the GFSE means GrapeFruit Seed Extract and ACV in Apple Cider Vinegar

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Marie-Cecile (Liège Belgium) on 02/01/2024

Hi, Mindy,

I'm French speaking but I learned English at school and can communiicate here. But I never understand what your acronyms mean. What mean ACV, GFSE.

I know that for Englis people, "gut" is a rough term/ Not in French. So, it's sometimes difficult for me to see if you all speak about stomach of about gut. Wich word do you use for "gut"? "Belly"?

Baking Soda
Posted by Vanillablooos (Texas) on 07/22/2023

I'd been dealing with some stomach issue for almost 2 weeks and then a friend of mine suggested drinking baking soda. I'd consumed baking soda in the past but didn't think about doing it this time. Well, I must say it did the trick!!! Not sure if I had a parasite or what, but the baking soda cleared up whatever was going on down there!

Oregon Grape
Posted by Andon Science (Limassol) on 06/12/2022 21 posts

Stomach pain (Acid reflux (Gerd), Ulcers , Stomach upset, etc)

Since I am a researcher, I found this curement by complete coincidence. In rare occassions that I may eat something, that may irritate the stomach, I take two capsules of 500mg (1000mg). I am not cooperating with any vitamin company, thus I will mention which brand works for me. I did not test any other brands, thus I do not know if other brand works. The brand name is "Nature's way" and I bought it from iherb. The pain dissappears in very quick time. I Google searched Oregon grape for stomach pain and I found this in brief (you can google search also "Oregon grape for stomach pain and see the results"). This was the result in Google search:

"Oregon grape is a plant. The root and root-like stem (rhizome) are used to make medicine. Oregon grape is used for stomach ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), stomach upset, as a bitter tonic, to treat infections, and to cleanse the bowels."

Dgl Licorice
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 11/03/2021

Thank you for that interesting feed-back.

Would you kindly tell me what Dgl Licorice is please?

We are unfamiliar with many of the acronyms used on this Site.



EC: DGL - Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice

Dgl Licorice
Posted by Brooklyn Baby (Brooklyn NY) on 11/02/2021 11 posts

I was just diagnosed with having a Duodenal ulcer last week. The doctor prescribed medication which I did not want to take because of prior experience with the medication that did not go well. I did some research and found out that DGL helps to prevent the flare up of the ulcer as well as helping to heal it. I purchased a bottle and started taking it immediately and right away I've had nothing but positive results. I can actually sleep through the night now without the severe stomach pain that used to wake me up two or three times during the night. I still get some stomach pains here and there but nothing compared to what I've experienced in the past. I feel very positive about the DGL and I'm convinced that it will help to heal me. I will keep you posted.

Brown Sugar
Posted by Malani (Florida) on 11/01/2021

You can make your own brown sugar. It is just sugar with molasses mixed with your mixer. That way you know what the quality is.

Menthol Cystals
Posted by Joe Arsanis (Stockton, Ca) on 09/18/2021 73 posts

A towel dipped in hot menthol crystal water? Can you purchase the menthol crystal water? How long do you apply? 5 min, longer? Tell me more. I have severe back, neck arthritis pain, am 79. Thank you.

Menthol Cystals
Posted by Winnie (Nairobi) on 09/17/2021

Angina, Back and Right Side Abdominal Pain

I have been having severe back pain, right hand side abdominal pain, and left side breast pain for years now. I got to know about menthol crystals recently and decided to use a towel dipped in the hot menthol crystal water. I first did it on my abdomen and back as I was afraid to try on the heart area.

The pain went away immediately. That was over a month ago and it hasn't come back.

The pain in my heart area has been persistent and this evening I decided to treat it with the menthol crystal hot water remedy. Guys, it worked! Immediate relief from pain. Am so elated and wish everyone who tries this remedy success and healing.
