The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Lauren (Detroit, MI) on 08/02/2021
I don't often get stomach aches, but when I do, I take wormwood. It also treats and prevents nausea, so I'll take wormwood if I'm anticipating nausea as well (like from certain supplements). It is absolutely foul tasting, so if you plan on taking this for when you get sick, you might want to familiarize yourself with the taste first. That said, there really is nothing better for digestive issues.
You can take it as either a tea or a tincture. You can take the tincture by putting a dropperful in a small glass of water. For the tea, I use one teaspoon in one cup of hot water and steep for five minutes. When I have a stomach ache, I won't bother bringing the water to boil since I want to drink it as soon as possible.
Dietary Changes
Posted by Maria (Canberra, Australia) on 06/30/2021
I asked my Chinese doctor what is used for high blood pressure in her home country and she said "Always Hawthorn" but she is not allowed to prescribe it in the West. I told a friend who was in need and he bought Hawthorn capsules at the health food store. It took two months, but worked well and no side effects. He just followed instructions on the bottle. Hawthorn is from the May Bush.
Avoid Whey
Posted by Francine (CA) on 04/11/2021
Not everyone can tolerate whey protein. I took it for years and couldn't understand my weight gain, bloating, horrible stomach cramps for years. I was convinced I had stomach cancer. Until I cut out whey and started intermittent fasting. I was finally feeling normal and lost weight.
Posted by Barry (Australia) on 11/17/2020
I hope that this will help others experiencing this problem and similar.
Decades ago, I experienced routine bouts of reflux and abdominal pain. GP's dismissed this as an eating disorder, due to the weight gain program I was on to build muscle with weight training. Similarly to yourselves, however, I wound up reading a book by a naturopath explaining that the medical focus on recommending limiting salt intake is having extremely harmful effects on health. The piece which caught my attention was when he detailed that the body requires salt to produce the hydrochloric acid in our stomachs.
Contrary to common belief, hydrochloric acid only commences the stomachs digestive process. Its real significance is that a sufficient amount of it is necessary to trigger the release of digestive enzymes required to complete the job of digestion.
Apple cider vinegar can help to stimulate the production/release of hydrochloric acid but your body really requires a sufficient supply of the ingredients needed to produce it.
Dietary Changes
Posted by Anne (Cumming, Ga) on 04/30/2018
Concerning bleached flour, I just read where our flour here in the USA was changed some years back. They took Iodine out of the flour and replaced it with bromine. Iodine which we need has been replaced with bromine which causes health problems.
Bromine is harmful to our health. It is used because it causes the dough to rise higher and be strong and springy. It also bleaches the flour. You can find organic flour that uses iodine rather than bromine. These same flours have also removed aluminum, another ingredient that is very harmful to our health.
It seems that on top of the GMO wheat that most of our bread is made of...we have the problem of bromine which is a thyroid disrupter and causes stomach problems. It is also a carcinogen. I have noticed that those with gluten intolerance have major stomach problems and must stay on a gluten free diet. We are told that grains are terrible, but I believe that we have a contaminated food problem in our nation and it all relates to those given the responsibility to protect the public and are not. Sad but true. Thank God that we have Earth Clinic and those that have given us the answers to so many health problems. This is the first place I go for health solutions. I am 76 and I only take thyroid meds and blood pressure meds. I hate doing that but my thyroid was removed when I was 13. My blood pressure started giving me fits when my son and grandson died in 2014. It was the worst year of my life and my stress level and emotions bounced out of control. Most of the BP meds made me feel like I was dying but finally they gave me one that addressed the underlying problem of stress. I am working on coming off of BP meds.
I have been into natural cures and health since I was 34. Our food must be addressed in this nation as those without the means to buy organic food are at risk every day. Thanks, Anne
Apple Cider Vinegar, Digestive Enzymes
Posted by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 04/10/2018 233 posts
Hi Robert,
I believe the ACV helped because the issue was low stomach acid causing food to not be properly digested, causing probable flow on issues like leaky gut, where undigested proteins and food particles make their way through damaged intestines into the bloodstream, causing a myriad of health issues not properly understood, thus blanketed as autoimmune disorders. ("Treated" with drugs that don't treat the cause this begins a downward slide of ill health). This reasoning also explains why the digestive enzymes assisted. Iodine deficiency, which most have, is a cause of low stomach acid production.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Digestive Enzymes
Posted by Robert (Nj) on 04/08/2018
I have the same issue but why does it help??! Did you ever find out? Bob
Posted by Martha (Jackson) on 02/15/2018
Yes, it is true that humans can live on a plant based diet with no meat.
But it is not correct that plants have more protein than meat.
Meat is made of protein and fat. Meat do not contain carbohydrates. Animals eat plants which are mostly carbohydrate. They use the carbohydrates for metabolic processes.
Posted by Shiela (Maryland) on 02/11/2018
There is MORE protein in plants than animal products. Animals receive their protein from plant sources, and that's how we get protein from meat. Humans do NOT need animal products for protein. Animal products are not meant for human consumption, and can lead to premature death. Humans are herbivores by nature.
Ayurvedic Remedies
Posted by Dr Vyas (India) on 09/15/2017 2 posts
There are so many causes/reasons for abdominal pain, we will not go into the detail. Most commonly abdominal pain occurs due to indigestion (from undigested food residue).
1. eating heavy meals beyond one's capacity
2. eating something at inappropriate time and place (late night heavy dinner)
3. drinking too much liquid diet during meal timing - ruins the digestion
4. eating opposite diet at times (viruddh aahara) eg.eating meat and milk or fish and milk together, eg. eating meat and milk or fish and milk together, There are 100ds of possibilities
first aid simple solution
1. drink plain hot water sip by sip every 10 -15 min,
2. to aid in digestion hot water + powdered black pepper - sip by sip
3. hot water + ginger crush + 4-5 drops of lemon juice works wonder
4. fenugreek soaked in water over night and take in the morning 6-10 pc
5. soaked ajowan caraway seed 6-10pc( spices) in 50-60 ml hot water and drink sip by sip slowly works wonder
6. simply eat/chew fennel seed every hourly helps in digestion and also check the acidity
Multiple Remedies
Posted by Teena (Aus) on 07/28/2017 233 posts
My son had severe tummy pain last night I massaged arnica oil and made tonic with pink salt, Baking Soda & acv. He refused to drink it. I have a tablespoon of coconut oil which he reluctantly and slowly ate. He advised her had not been to the toilet (bm) that day or previous. So I gave him 2 x vitamin c ester c 1000 mg and 280 mg Magnesium. This slowly went down over about a half hour. Yes I have ordered powders these tablets do taste bad! I monitored him for 30 min's he would occasionally take a sip of the Apple Cider Vinegar and snuggled on the couch. After this time he asked if he could go back to bed he couldn't straighten his body still so I carried him. Well this morning he bounded down the stairs to give me a hug he said he didn't have any pain and he had had a bm. So relieved to find the cause of the pain and remedy.
Peppermint Oil
Posted by Tassi (California) on 03/16/2017
Peppermint Oil for Stomach Pain
Thank god for this remedy -- it worked. I happened to have organic aromatherapy peppermint oil: 3 drops in half a cup of water chased with a little more, and within 5 minutes lots of gurgling began, and I am now, about an hour later and a visit to the john, pain free.
Manuka Honey, Amaranth Tea
Posted by Libraloveshealth (Los Angeles, California) on 02/27/2017
Manuka honey works great for me! Its only the relief pretty much at times and I could feel it healing my stomach. It just sucks its so pricey so it can be a little tough for me to consistently get it and I like the more expensive stronger one. This is the only thing that helps as well as I have had flowering globe amaranth tea which made a big help. The only thing is it came with a tea set and it is a pretty hard tea to find but it really helped my stomach a ton! I was able to get things done today with out the irritating pain I usually deal with. but ill be ok once I get my manuka honey back, it helps me to digest protein easier.
Posted by Cibitka (Here&there In Eu) on 07/05/2016 6 posts
Trigonella foenum-graecum (Fenugreek) never failed to help me when I felt sick to my stomach. Also proved successful when I gave it to family and friends. Usually works in about 30 mins.
- Take about 2 tablespoons of seeds (I use whole seeds) and place it in a cup.
- Boil water and slowly pour it over the seeds.
- Leave for about 15 mins to rest under a cover to omit important essential substances to evaporate.
- Slowly sip the 'tea' and at the end eat the seeds as well - by then they should be soft enough.
Small inconvenience: you will smell like a chicken soup during next 2 days. This is due to strong flavours, that this seeds have inside. How ever the nice calming effect on your body is worth it I guess : )
Baking Soda
Posted by Chris (Long Island, Ny) on 02/08/2016
My stomach hurt all day after having two cups of coffee this morning. I tried Pepto Bismol then later Apple Cider Vinegar to no effect. Later in the day, I took a spoonful of baking soda, mixed it into a cup of warm water and drank it down. Within minutes the acid pain in my stomach was gone. It was a miracle.
Baking Soda
Posted by Shirley (From New York ) on 01/23/2016
I had a stomach ache for 2 days. I thought it was cramps at first an took a pain reliever, it didn't help . I came to earth clinic read that the baking soda would help. I mixed 1/2 a teaspoon of baking soda in an 8 oz glass of water, with in 15 minutes the pain was gone. I will definitely do this again for my stomach ache.
Swedish Bitters
Posted by Juliana (Canada) on 12/31/2015
I have been having GI issues for many years.Had Gastritis, H Pylori..acidity of the stomach is 1.Tried everything(advice, herbs, medications from MD's) is on this website and much more, but nothing worked for long...The valve is weak and bile comes up to my throat many times during the day and night.All of these caused at times severe pain in my stomach and users in my tongue.Prescription pills did not worked.By the advice of my friend, I bought dried Swedish Bitters in health food store and followed the instruction on the package and only change I made to it, is this:Instead of keeping it in alcohol for 8 days, I kept it about 4 month. by the advice of my friend who had same issues with stomach before.Longer you keep the herb in alcohol is the better. I take 1 tea spoon of that mixture and mix with 2/3 glass of water and drink it.pain stops right away. If anyone find the solution to stop the bile coming to my throat, or find a way to straighten the valve, please let me know..Thank you
Posted by Desalegn (Harar) on 12/25/2015
Garlic saved me from bad stomach pain.
Yoga, Massage
Posted by Ward (Atlanta) on 08/28/2015
i find epsom salts to do wonders it also flushes the body.1/4 tsp in a cup of luke warm water tummy will run and you feel great afterwards.but if your stomach pain persists then you will need to be diagnosed so then you can start looking for natural cures.just don, t get the prescription drugs they give you. I hope that helps
Multiple Remedies
Posted by Gina (Australia) on 08/02/2015
Slippery elm added to those suggestions is good. It's easier to take in capsule form than the powder in liquid. Very soothing. So is peppermint tea and of course Swedish bitters which is good for digestion, haemorrhoids, fibroid tumours and just for general stamina and immune system.
Yoga, Massage
Posted by Marie Gal (Calif.) on 06/03/2015
I tried pretty much all of these remedies for a bad stomach ache but it wouldn't go away. I called a friend and she suggested the cat position on the floor. Which I did and in a couple of minutes my pain seemed to be gone even to the touch which was very severe before. I did cat & cow poses and couldn't feel the pain as before.
She also suggested I lie on my back and rub my stomach in a circle with my hand. I still can't believe it. That was yesterday, today my stomach is still all right. There was nothing ACV could not help me with, except this stomach episode. I'm still a believer in ACV and most of the solutions in Earth Clinic always work. I just had not seen this. Thank you anyway.
ACV and Salt
Posted by Deborah (California, US) on 04/21/2015
I just tried Andreina's recipe of mixing 1Tbl ACV with a pint of water, and 1/4 teaspoon of salt for my upset stomach that has been nagging me for 3 days. My stomach aches went away in a couple of hours, plus my sore joints are much better! And I that is only with 1 pint. I'm having another 2 glasses today. Thank you! A big thumbs up!
Peppermint and Ginger
Posted by Tt (Japan) on 03/28/2015
For teens and adults, I give 1-2 peppermint and 1-2 ginger pills based on the size of the person and the severity of the pain. It works.
For a child that can't swallow pills or doesn't like the taste of ginger and peppermint teas, I give Hylands #10 homeopathic pills which are very tiny and dissolve almost instantly in the mouth with no bad taste. Both my younger children are prone to stomachaches and they both swear by these pills. I don`t know if it is just a placebo effect or if there really is something to homeopathy, but for my children these do work for general stomachaches, there are no side effects, and I feel they are safe for young children. I have never had any problems, there's no choking hazards because they are so small and dissolve so quickly, and my children take these willingly.
Swedish Bitters
Posted by Juliana (Edmonton, Canada) on 03/17/2015
I use every time when I have stomach ache this wonderful well known Swedish Bitters. I usually purchase the dry herbs in a package and follow the direction on the package for the first time and first bottle, but for the next bottle I keep it much longer(a few month in alcohol).I pour contents of dry herb into alcohol in the jar and keep it 8 days for the 1st batch, but for the next one up to 6 month, then screen it through cheesecloth.I take 1 teaspoon of this herb mixture and dilute in 1 cup of water and drink it right away.Pain stop also immediately. I purchase the herb in health food store.Thanks.