Sore Throat
Natural Remedies

10 Best Natural Remedies for Soothing a Sore Throat

Cayenne Pepper Recipes
Posted by AristidSes (San Juan, Puerto Rico) on 05/12/2007

Cayenne (don't use if you have low blood pressure) pepper works wonderfully, it's also great to mix with other remedies cause it helps them work faster. Why? It thins your blood and since your body registers the hot effect as fire it gets your heart pumping more blood to rush the endorphins (natural body made morphine) to the mouth area. This creates 2 effects: 1st, you get relaxed due to the anesthesic effect of the endorphins and 2nd, the nutrients that u took with your remedy spread through your body faster, and on top of that it's a natural antibiotic. I use it for sore throats and colds in the following manner:

in glass pour about 2-4oz water (for diluting purposes [gonna try ACV next time]),
1 whole lemon (not those dry lemons we want some juice here),
1-2 Tbsp of honey (natural honey none of those syrup mixed ones) and cayenne (lots of it)

I usually put cayenne till it's red (remember were going for the blood and endorphin rush here). Bottoms up! (this is a shot) There still hasn't been a cold to pass the 3 day mark with this stuff.

Cayenne Pepper Recipes
Posted by Sabrina (Canada) on 05/04/2007

An oldie but a goodie, my recipe is a little different. Mix vinegar of any variety with a spoonful of cayenne, a spoonful of licorice root, and a small amount of RAW honey. Drink it back - the sore throat will go away shortly. The raw honey is great because honey has natural antiseptic properties, and it makes the mix a little easier to drink!

Coconut Oil
Posted by GuestCC (SLC, Utah) on 10/16/2008

I have had a sore throat for a couple of weeks now. Woke up at 3:30am and the sore throat was much worse!!! I already had some VCO in the frig but I didn't have cloves. But, I did have ground clove spice. I took about a spoon full of VCO and sprinkled ground clove spice all over the spoon full of VCO. I let the VCO / clove spice just melt in my mouth and it made me feel much better. Thx!

Cayenne Pepper Recipes
Posted by Ken (Arlington, VA) on 02/03/2007

Simple remedy that is working for me to assist in ridding your body of sinus issues and assisting in the reduction of sore throat is just this.... 1 cup of lightly pre sweetened tea, 1 teaspoon of minced garlic, 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper, 1 vile of ginseng and royal jelly. Heat in the cup for about 2 minutes, let set for another couple of minutes and slowly drink. You will start to feel the sore throat go away while your sinuses drainage. It also appears to help me relax. Always remember to discard of any excess mucus in order to get rid of the bacteria that has collected in your sinus cavities during the time of mucus build up. Good luck to everyone.

Cayenne Pepper Recipes
Posted by Janeene (Saginaw, MI) on 12/28/2006

I have used this remedy for YEARS and can tell you, IT WORKS!! The only thing that I do different is, I add an equal amount of ground ginger along with the cayenne pepper into a cup of HOT water and allow it to steep with a lid on the cup for 5 minutes. Then allow it to cool to a comfortable temperature (or add a little cold water) and gargle. This may seem time consuming when you are in a lot of pain but it is worth the wait! Allowing it to steep like that makes sure the spices are at their best. The cayenne brings the blood to the throat helping circulation for those well needed "healing soldiers" and the ginger calms the throat and helps reduce the swelling. I sometimes drink this as a tea on those cold winter nights to help me stay warm! For you hunters out there...sprinkle cayenne in your socks to keep your feet warm out in the field. The moisture from your feet activates the heat of the pepper keeping those toes TOASTY!!! CAYENNE PEPPER IS THE BEST!

Oregano Oil
Posted by Sterling (Honolulu, HI) on 02/18/2006

sore throat,colds ,flu, parasites. Oil of oregano - the king of herbs, books have been written about it, as well as many studies and years of tests. I myself have used it for many years with stellar results and also raves from thankful patients. A couple drops sublingually held for thirty seconds will get a bit intense. This will get it into your blood stream asap. Your sore throat will be gone in less than fifteen minutes.

Posted by Grammyp (Gaithersburg USA) on 02/11/2024

I'm 64, when I was a kid my mom would literally paint my tonsils with Iodine or Merthiolate...

While you write of Iodine painting the outside, she used her fingers and a cotton ball dipped in iodine, stuck her fingers down our throat(s), and quickly swiped around the Uvula. We gagged and it was over. Our sore throat(s) and any lingering disease causing germs were wiped out in a flash.

Question(s): Has the Iodine and Merthiolate available to our mother back in the 60's and 70's changed? Now I only find a tincture that has a warning "for external use only" which is higher in alcohol content than iodine and/or a tincture for thyroid with various inactive ingredients.

Does anyone know what the formulation was back in the 60's and 70's?

Citric Acid + Methylene Blue
Posted by hello (France) on 08/19/2023

Sore throat is due to microbe infection and virus infection.

Take citric acid as needed (multiple tablespoons) and make a cure of methylene blue for one week for example

Citric acid is for the microbe and methylene blue for virus

Posted by Jae (Walnut Creek, California) on 03/11/2022

If you suffer from chronic sore throats (like I did for 10 years), try gargling chlorophyll powder every day.

Chlorophyllin is a natural form of copper that kills bacteria/viruses on contact. It's the only thing that has worked for me and healed my never ending chronic sore throats. I use the World Organics Mega Chlorophyll (100mg) brand.

Open the capsule, pour some of the powder into your mouth, add some water in your mouth, then swallow a little, gargle for a few minutes, then spit out. I did this every day, morning and night. Warning: this will stain things green very easily so exercise caution!

Anytime I feel a sore throat coming on and like I'm getting sick, I'll gargle this multiple times a day and kill it on the spot. As someone who got sick with sore throats every few weeks, I wish I would've tried this years ago (and saved tons of time & money on useless doctor/ENT/gastro visits, endoscopies, prescriptions, etc).

Posted by Lorica (New Albany, Ind.) on 06/24/2016

I was having a problem with a sore, red and painful throat. I tried cayenne, a strong colloidal silver spray and salt. I used these separately and jointly. I used them through gargling and with a neti pot. They helped for a part of a day, then I would feel that pain again. This is what worked for me: 2 bunches of green onions tossed into a blender with just enough water to get a pudding consistency. I would "gargle" with this 3 times a day. That means I would kind of pour it in the back of my throat, make some gargling sounds and then spit it out. It worked when all else failed. Onions are known for being antibacterial and green onions seem to be the most potent.

Posted by Jackie (Gooding, Idaho ) on 04/01/2018

Omg.. the pickle juice and pickle helped me immediately. Thank you

Black Pepper
Posted by Mary (Toronto, Canada) on 07/10/2012

I read a lot of feedback about the benefits of cayenne pepper for sore throat on this website and I'm happy to say I tried gargle couple of times a day with black pepper instead, and for my surprise it works as well. It took me about one day for sore throat and 3 for tonsils, no need for antibiotics or other medication.

Oregano Oil, Tamari Soy Sauce
Posted by Jo-jo74 (Philadelphia, Pa) on 06/30/2012

Oregano is a good option for sore throats. However, it's important to dilute it with something other than water, like honey or coconut oil. This way, there is less chance of throat irritation. (Oregano oil is strong! )
Option #2- Tamari soy sauce worked well as a gargle as an alternative to ACV or pickle juice.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sam Jam (Burbank, Ca) on 09/14/2011

I am so excited to share this with you, my dad is a health guru, and I was feeling pretty crappy last night, the pain was so bad in my throat I was tearing up, and I was finding it soo hard to swollen and I just couldn't fall to sleep with the pain. I knew I needed something healthy in my system to repair me. So I wrote on a piece of paper (as it hurt so badly to talk) please make me a magic drink dad.. I didn't really think it would take away my pains and allow me to sleep but I did think that all the healthy stuff my dad would put in it would help me to recover quicker. My dad never gets sick because every day he has drinks like the one I'm about to share with you! But OH MY did it take my pain away and make me feel AMAZINGLY better!!!! I can talk, I can swallow, the pain is barely there, I do have to have this drink about every 3 hours to keep the pain down, when I'm awake but I just sip slowly :) the drink last night relieved the pain through the night. But then I woke up I definitely felt better but symptoms were slowly coming back. So I repeated the drink and wal-ar I feel amazing again! :) so here it is! Pleeeease try it you'll be amazed!! Try using all organic ingredients if you can!!

Fresh *garlic* clove chopped up really small, lump of fresh *ginger* chopped up small, flat teaspoon of powdered *cayenne pepper* (or as much as u can handle, teaspoon of *tumeric* powder, teaspoon of *cinnamon* powder, table spoon or two of *apple cider vinegar* (or as much as u can handle) spoonful of *raw honey*, squeezed *lemon juice* mix all that together with 8oz hot water let it sit for a few mins to all infuse. If you're not used to cayenne pepper like I'm not, at first it will burn your throat a little, but to me it actually felt good, coz I feel like I was attacking the pain. :) sip slowly and after a few mins of sipping you will start to feel relief :) stir in between sips when lumps of garlic and ginger settle to the bottom, try and swallow all the ingredients down. I swear this is the best remedy I have ever tried! It started last night and im now on my first day I'm interested on seeing how quickly I recover from all this goodness I'm feeding my body!! :) My mom is making me a homemade organic soup of carrot and ginger puree, it sounds soo good :) I'm excited!! I'm a lucky one to have my family look after me when I'm sick, I'm 23 and still loving the love ;) hope this helps a lot of you like it did me!! Also if you get a chance look up the book by Louise Hay, "You Can Heal Your Life" it talks about the reasonings behinds coughs, colds, sore throats, and other ailments :) love and good healing energy to you all!! Xoxo

Whiskey, Honey, Lemon
Posted by Kaylee (Philadelphia, Pa) on 09/06/2011

My grandmother told me she got this remedy from her mother and passed it down to me: whiskey, honey, and lemon. Use equal parts of each and mix together. It may not sound like the most appealing thing out there, but I promise it will relieve any sore throat!

Peanut Butter
Posted by Leriejane (Seattle, Wa, Usa) on 07/17/2010


Out of curiosity, I tried eating a spoonful of chunky peanut butter to soothe my sore throat, and it worked! It lasted at least 1/2 an hour, but that's longer than any cough drops, tea, honey, or apple cider vinegar that I've tried. Half an hour isn't that long, but most of the scratchiness and soreness went down and continued for awhile after. It's a lot of calories, but if you're sick you probably won't be eating much, so won't be a problem. This is probably a good solution to do when your throat hurts really bad, between cough drops or tea, etc.

I've also found that drinking a shot of cheap alcohol, the kind that 'burns' as it goes down, works really well at numbing the throat. Either drink or gargle a shot's worth (or add it to warm water with salt).

Peanut Butter
Posted by Kirky (Toronto, Canada) on 04/06/2012

Oh my god. Just had a bit of peanut butter and it instantly worked! I'll be keeping this jar by my side today~ Haha

Aspirin Tea
Posted by Jennifer (Fontana, Ca) on 11/27/2009

tea remedy for sore throat

My husband did this for me and I was amazed. I have had a sore throat for 3 days. He took a green tea bag, water, a half lemon, 1-2 tbs honey(taste) and 2 aspirin and put in in the microwave for 2 min... when it cooled enough i drank it and Im telling you my sore throat was gone within 20 min.. this is not a cure it will come back but do it every 6-8 hours or so and you will be able to swallow food! its thanksgiving and i spent it bed but at least i was able to eat what they brought home! This also works for cough and fever!! GOOD LUCK!

Posted by Gina (Denver, Co) on 05/20/2011

I have a sinus and ear infection and my throat has been killing me for 3 days. Went to the Dr. and got an antibiotic but my throat is still raw so I'm ready to try something "natural". I just tried 8 oz (240 ml) of warm water with a TBSP cidar vinegar, TBSP lemon juice and 2 TBSP honey. OMG I thought I was going to puke (maybe use less vinegar) I drank it all as quickly as I could and my throat is still killing me. Not a fan. Gimme drugs over this "remedy" any day.

Posted by Sara (Edmonton, Alberta Canada) on 05/29/2011

Vinegar Syrup Lemon, it may taste wierd but it instantly worked its magic. I felt a burning sensation, 10 seconds later my throat felt ALOT better. The sore throat isnt completely gone but the pain of swallowing has eased 100x better.

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