Lemon & Olive Oil: Effective Kidney Stone Home Remedy

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Linda (Dallas, Tx) on 03/06/2011

I had a 5mm stone stuck at the entrance to my bladder for the past month. (The pain actually feels much lower) This last week was the worst. Finally used 2 oz lemon juice/2 oz olive oil followed by LOTS of water for two days. Also used a prescription of Rapiflo from my urologist. Stone passed on the third morning. What a relief!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Esena (Ottawa, Canada) on 02/10/2011

I just want to grab all of you in a biiig hug!!! Thank you for the remedy oo and lemon jus!!! Ater ER and 5 days of excruciating pain my husband is cured. It have taken less than 15 hours for the remedy to crush his 3-4 mm stone which stuck at the end of the tube almost at he entrance in the bladder. It is amazing... And we are so thankful to you all for posting your experiences ( I have read almost all of them in some hours). We are happy; he is better and we have the remedy and know how to prevent this stones for forming. For those who are looking for a remedy for kidney stones, please, believe in this one, it helps- give it a try!!!

All the best for all and keep helthy.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Robert (Everett, Wa) on 02/01/2011

After going to the doc and learning I had my first kidney stone, my wife, who is all about natural cures, happened upon this site to learn about the olive oil and lemon juice remedy. When I returned home about 8:30 pm, I set up 3 shot glasses and into each one put half lemon juice and half OO. I downed all 3 in succession, and followed with 2 large glasses of water. After 30 minutes, I downed 1 more shot of the mixture, followed by 1 glass of unsweetened cranberry juice. For every hour after that, I drank another glass of water. By this time my abdomen was huge with liquids, but nothing was coming out- just the usual trickle and then it would stop, despite the urgent feeling of constantly needing to go.

After about 5 hours, I actually had the urge to go No. 2. I got on the throne and pushed for the bowel movement and immediately the stone shot out at the same time and I finally flowed with urination again. I never thought I would take that for granted, but I have a new appreciation for being able to urinate normally.

So Yes, I'm a believer in the OO and lemon juice, so if this feeling ever returns, I'll know exactly what to do.

Thanks to the people on this site who provided the information to get better. I would still be in pain without you!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Cyndi (Durham, NC) on 12/09/2010

I have suffered intermittently from kidney stones for nearly 9 years. One was so bad I had to have surgery to remove it. Later, my grandmother was hospitalized with a kidney stone and told me about a home remedy given to her by a nurse and believe me, this really works! Mix 2 oz of olive oil and 2 oz of lemon juice, drink it straight down and follow with a large glass of water at the first sign of stone pain. The stone(s) will pass within 24 hours. I have eliminated at least 8 stones with this remedy and have not gone back to the urologist since I started taking this.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Bfroehling (Sunnyvale, CA, USA) on 12/26/2010

I really appreciated this helpful information. I experienced a kidney stone on Christmas Eve and never had one before. (I have high tolerance for pain and this was high on the painOmeter!! ). By the next morning I searched and found the olive oil and lemon juice remedy. Within the hour I did experience some relief and was grateful. I started to thing about the Chemical implications and why the oil (to lubricate) and the lemon juice (to breakdown the stone) was a good combo. Then I saw the Apple cider vinegar which made perfect sense being a better acidic approach to breaking down the stone. I went and got a bottle and took a few swigs. By Christmas day I was much improved and in very little pain. Thanks again for the help!"

05/04/2011: Terra from Citrus Heights, CA replies: "My dad just had a spinal surgery done was released from the hospital after a few days feeling great. A day after being home he had severe left side pain, so we went back to ER and sure enough it is a kidney stone. I made him the lemon juice and olive oil remedy to drink and within the next 24 hours it came out. This was very helpful beings he just had the surgery and needed to recover from that as well. Definitely going to remember this one, Thank you so much!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Becca (Tucson, Az) on 01/05/2012

I am so happy I found this site! I have had numerous kidney stones over the years and always ended up in the hospital to pass them. I felt that old familiar pain yesterday and decided to try to find relief at home and I found this site. I tried the olive oil and lemon juice remedy, except I decided to just use four ozs of lemon juice instead and leave out the olive oil since I didn't have any. I slugged down the lemon juice and then followed it up with 2 more doses of 2 ozs of lemon juice in a cup of hot water with a small amount of sugar (hot lemonade!!! ) and within an hour my pain was down by half. I continued drinking hot lemonade and this morning I can't even tell I passed a kidney stone. It's just amazing. You saved me a lot of time, money and agony of going to the hospital. I hate hospitals! Thanks so much!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Emir (Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia) on 01/05/2012

Hi there from Malaysia. I am 33 male. I started experiencing lower left back pain one month ago. The pain occurs just above the buttocks and not higher up where the kidneys are. And the pain only occurs when I bend over to the front right. Earlier I brushed it off as muscle pain. But now after 1 month, the pain is still there and spreaded to both left and right kidney areas.

I went for a checkup, did blood test and urine, doc says both are fine. Done KUB X-ray and ultrasound found out my right kidney is a mild hydronephrosis (swelling due to backup or obstruction of urine in ureter). This worries me more since we cannot see a dilated right ureter in the X-ray. The left kidney seems ok and left ureter is dilated as normal. I'm due for a CT scan end of this month.

Meanwhile I found this website and tried both the ACV (2 oz 2 oz of wter), and the 2 oz lemon juice mixed with 2 oz of olive oil. Nothing seems to come out when peeing. But I do notice that 10 minutes after gulping the ACV, the pain on the left seems to be reduced by quite a lot. Does ACV has some kind of anaesthetic characteristics??

Anyway, to describe my problem further, the pain that I have, is not as "giving birth". It is just a mild and dull but needle pricking sharp kind of pain. It seems to be worse when I am lying down esp when I go to sleep at night. I for sure will wake up 3-4 times each night because of the sharp pain, and I will try to adjust my sleeping position to ease it. I also experience numbness at both left and right pinky and ring fingers if I put my arms under the pillow (Ulnar?).

I am beginning to think that my problem is nerve related but due to the hydronephrosis I have I am pretty confused and depressed with all this, that I shed 4kg in the 1 month. I used to be 82kg 1 month ago and now I am 78kg. Does anyone have this kind of problem, do share.... Thanks.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Jojmom (Southlake, Texas, Usa) on 01/07/2012

I am so grateful for this advise. I took a shot of the mixture yesterday and already this morning peices of the stone are coming out. I'm not in near as much pain as I was before. I also read the article about the "Jump and Bump". Worth trying too. It's not this OR that, it's this AND that! To our health!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Alina (Dacula, Georgia) on 01/09/2012

This question is for Emir from Malaysia; Emir, what did you find out about your mild hydronephrosis; my 15 yrs. old son was diagnosed with it last summer but the doctors didn't do anything for him; just sent him home from the hospital with tylenol for pain; he's not in pain now, but I wonder about the implications of this if left untreated???

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Emir (Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia) on 01/10/2012

Alina from Dacula, Hi, I haven't found out anything about my mild hydronephrosis to my kidney yet till today. Tomorrow will be going for a CT-scan (first CT-scan). Ever since I was diagnosed with hydronephrosis, doc gave me Ural (urine alkalinizer) 1 sachet 3 times a day after meal because he fears for Uric Acid stones that are invisible in both Ultrasound and KUB X-Rays. I would suggest you take your son to do a normal CT-scan in case of stones. Not sure how expensive it is over there, but here it is about usd200 for a normal ctscan of the abdomen. For my case it is weird because I feel no pain at all if I am sitting down or in vertical position. Just when I lie down to sleep, for a long time (>1 hour), then the pain starts, and it is more of a dull pain, with occassional needle pricking pain at the flank area randomly. To be honest I am scared of what the outcome of tomorrow's ct scan.... Really stressed now.. And boy do I regret for not drinking more plain water everyday instead of just coffee and sugary water and sodas.... :(

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Elaine (Dallas, Tx) on 01/19/2012

Thank you for posting the lemon olive oil remedy. Just took it and hope it will work for me. Praying for healing for all who suffer from kidney stones.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Penguin (Akron, Ohio) on 01/24/2012

I am going to try this too. Not sure what is going on with me but for about 5 months, I have been having discomfort and a fullness sensation on/off just below and under my left ribs that radiates to my back around where my kidneys are. Sometimes the discomfort is sharp. It seems most uncomfortable when I wake up and does get better after I wake up. I have not had a fever, no vomiting, no diarrhea and no blood in the urine. All labs including BUN/creatinine have come back negative except I did test positive for mono. I do not have an enlarged spleen though which is usually classic for mono.

I also tested positive from an ultrasound for what my doctor describes to me as what they thought was a small stone on each kidney. She told me to wait 6-8 weeks and see if I feel better. I am halfway done with the wait and do not feel any better at all. My stomach has been upset on/off too and I feel pressure on my bladder on occasion with the urgency to urinate a significant amount in the morning when I wake up.

Does anyone else with kidney stones have any of these symptoms? I am trying the lemon juice tonight. However will pick up some olive oil tomorrow. (oh, and I have not been constipated at all but also did give myself a bowel regimen just in case and it did not take away my symptoms). Will let you know how the lemon juice works.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Bruce (Ada, Oklahoma) on 01/31/2012

I will be 65 in August and had my first kidney stone when I was 25. I have had regular surgery once (100 stones removed from left kidney) and lithotripsy six times (3 times on each side). I have a half dozen stones in each kidney right now with the largest being about the size of a nickle in my right kidney. It is not coming out, in fact, all of them are too large to pass. I have been drinking about a gallon of distilled water daily and my wife cooks with distilled water. Kidney stone formation is down by 60% since we began this about ten years ago. My stones are calcium oxalate formed around uric acid molecules. I was totally off all calcium for 20 years until my doctor said to forget that because there was a study out that said diet makes no difference in people like me who have a hereditary issue. My father had them terribly bad, too.

I think I will try the lemon juice and olive oil thing for a while to see if it makes a difference. I am really tired of passing stones. Once after double lithotriply (both kidneys at the same time) I passed 143 stones during one urination episode and over 800 before they were all out from that one lithotrisy procedure. I have passed thousands of them and the largest was larger than a wooden kitchen match head. It was the largest stone my urologist had ever seen passed. Hopefully the lemon juice will help dissolve them. I honestly think the distilled water helps both because of the high ph and because there are no minerals in it.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Cynerjii (Petaling Jaya, Malaysia) on 02/16/2012

I always know that I have kidney stones back to several years ago and just a day after the Valentines day, my left testicles start to get pain and it goes around my back and then to my left legs, I know this kind of pain is different from the "normal" pain and this is the "Stone Pain" instead of taking medication. I took the Lemon & Olive Oil remedy. 2 teaspoon of Lemon juice, and 3 teaspoon of Olive oil, down with a large glass of distilled water approx 1Litre. 45 Mins later I gotta pee, and guess what the stone with a size of the seeds of a papaya came out, and immediately the pains are gone (actually up to 20 mins after that 1L of water the pain is starting to go away). This is really working! Whoever shared this info Thank you very very much! Muakkkkk!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Angela (Dallas, Tx) on 03/07/2012

In response to Penguin from Akron, Ohio. Sounds to me like you have Gall Stones and not Kidney stones. I suffered from the same symptoms for three years before finally having to have emergency surgery. Get your doctor to have a sono done on your gallbladder the next time you have symptoms.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Ed (Santa Rosa, Ca / Usa) on 04/27/2012

Hi everyone - just diagnosed this week with a centimenter and a half (13mm??) stone. The pain has diminished great and I feel pretty good. Surgery is scheduled for May 2nd and I'd love to try and dissolve this by then. Anyone have any suggestions? Could the Lemon Juice dissolve something that fast? If the pain has gone away would I still go into surgery? Thanks Ed

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Harry (Alameda, Ca) on 05/06/2012

After two trips to the Emergency room in 3 days for Kidney Stone pain and after a week on Vicodin to manage the pain, and then being scheduled for surgery to remove a stone, I found and tried the 3 oz. Lemon Juice and 3 oz Olive Oil treatment, followed by water in one of many online searches I did for relief.

WOW! It's been 2 days, now, with no pain, no Vicodan and I passed a 2mm stone. My urine flow has more than doubled, so, it is likely that the 7mm x 5mm stone that was blocking my ureter is dissolving, breaking up and passing.

Thank you to all for saving me from unnecessary surgery.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Dan (Baltimore, Md) on 10/11/2012

Hi, about a week ago I started waking up with dull flank pain on the right side. It subsides after getting up and I have little to no pain throughout the day, but when I go to bed, I wake up 5-6 hours later with significant flank pain. I have no visible signs of blood in the urine, urine is pale yellow with no foul odor, I have no fever. I drink tons of H20 from my santevia filter. I am not debilitated from normal activity at all........ Hell I started the insanity workout this week. I am concerned though that I have this pain that is only present in the early morning hours after I lay down for 5 hours. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Dave (St Clairsville, Ohio) on 01/16/2013

I have been having kidney stones since I was a teenager. About every 6 years I get a large one that gives me problems while all along I pass the small ones. I have had lithotripsy, stents, cystoscopies, laser to break up one that got stuck in scar tissue from passing so many stones.

I just had litho twice on the same stone a month apart that was a 1/2 inch that the first litho could not fully breakup. I have a stent in now that is there to widen the ureter with scar tissue so that I can pass some of the stones that are remaining. The stent is a minor irritation but I have been passing small stones and dust almost daily for the past few weeks. The stent is to come out today in the office and I will schedule litho for an 8mm stone in my right kidney.

I am going to try the OO and lemon juice combo and see if it can break up the stone before my next litho. I am 62 now and tired of all these stones. I hope it works.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Noel (Asheville, N.c.) on 01/16/2013

For kidney stones I have used gravel root extract that you buy in whole foods or health food store. Meat protein and dairy products are very hard on the kidneys so you might want to watch consumption of these products. I have a kink in my kidney which causes me problems. If I eat walnuts or other kinds of nuts other than almonds I have problems. Good luck just wanted to mention what has worked for me.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Pencilscribbler (Texas, U. S.) on 11/30/2010

I have a question's regarding the Olive Oil and Lemon Juice to dissolve Kidney Stones; I have a 15 year old dog who is having problems with his kidneys and has an ulcer, he is approximately 16 lbs now (he has lost 7 lbs since becoming sick for the first time). 1) Can you use this same remedy on dogs?

2) What can you do to neutralize the acid in the lemon juice so that it would not aggravate an ulcer?

3)Would you use the same mixture: 2 oz of olive oil and 2 oz of lemon juice, drink it straight down and follow with a large glass of water? Can you break this mixture down into smaller portions?

4) Can you use the Real Lemon Juice or should they be Fresh Hand Squeezed Lemons?


Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Kanthi (Sharjah, Uae) on 12/20/2010

Hi iam having 5mm thick kidney stone. I'm having severe backache. Can I use lemon juice and olive oil as a remedy? And how much I ahve to use per day. I'm feeding my 7 motnhs old baby. Can I use this remedy even if i'm feeding her. Pls reply to me I am very much worried about my pain and as i'm feeding my baby that is the main reason why i'm asking you.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Becky From Ohio (Ashtabula, Ohio, Usa) on 12/20/2010

Kanti, I've never heard of not being able to ingest lemon juice or olive oil when breastfeeding. So, I can't think of a reason why you couldn't.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Aarcain (Kilgore, Texas) on 10/25/2010

My father has been using the Lemon Juice and Olive Oil to pass kidney stones for years now. It works within a week, depending on how large the stone is. This is well worth the risk in using as it cost less than a doctor visit and it is all organic.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Shanna (Fayetteville, Nc ) on 09/13/2010

Suffering with my first kidney stone and on day 19 decided to try this "remedy". Its been 24 hours and my stone is still there, painful as ever.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Sam (Bangalore, Karnataka, India) on 08/26/2010

Hello Everyone, I am not that good in writing such blogs so I will keep it simple and sweet. One fine morning, I had a severe pain in my lower abdominal. I went to the doctor and he suspected that it could be the Kidney/Urinary Stone. I had my Ultrasound Scan done and found that I have got 3 Stones:

2 In the Kidney of around 4mm
1 In Urinary Bladder of 7mmX4mm

After 4-5 hours, my pain was gone and doctor gave me a medicine for 2 weeks and have told me to wait if I would pass it. If I would not, I would have to go for an operation. I tried those medicines for a week and nothing happened. NO pain though. So I started feeling worried about it. Because I knew if I would not pass it then I have to go through an operation which is ticking on my mind constantly. And by taking those medicines, nothing positive was happening so I was kind of loosing hope of passing my stones. So I started looking on Internet what would be the easiest way if I have to go through an operation. I did a bit of research and found that there is a Shock-wave Therapy and I thought of requesting that one for an operation. But then I thought, WAIT A MINUTE... Let me see what people has to say for the problem like this. Searched on net. And... FOUND THIS SITE!!! I read this blog and was surprised to know that Olive Oil and Lemon Juice was consistently effective on more than 200 people. I had decided to give it a try.... Went to a shop and bought a EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL and FRESH LEMONS. Went to home and before sleeping, I took about 60ml of Olive Oil and mixed 60ml of Lemon Juice with it as suggested by this blog. Drank it followed by lots of water at around 11pm. After few minutes, I felt my stone moving!!!!!! I thought it would start paining now so I went to bed immediately and slept before it starts hurting me. But got no pain that night. Woke up in the morning but didn't pass it. So before going to work, had another shot of the same at around 10am. I went to office, around like 5pm I went for a toilet and I felt it is moving and it is in the Urine Passage!!!!! But unfortunately the force of urine was not enough to push it outside as it was 7mmX4mm of stone!! But stone got stuck in my urinary passage and I was like.. Was not able to walk properly, was not able to even sit as it was stuck right there in the urinary passage!! SO drank lots of water.. Went to home.. Waited until I got good pressure in my urinary bladder... At around 8pm in the evening.. I thought I should give it a try again. Went to the toilet and pushed it hard and guess what???

IT WAS GONE!!!! I was so surprised!!!! Just 2 shots and my stone out!!! Amazing... Isn't It?

I was so happy, I called up all my friends and my family and told them about this. Went to the Doctor after two weeks from here for a scan and found that I have ZERO stones inside of me!!! Moral of the story is....
1) Olive Oil and Lemon Juice funda really works
2) I just had to take 2 shots so it is very effective and works straight away
3) It also cured my other 2 stones in my kidney
4) No pain and it was not at all bad in taste. It was just like drinking a lemon juice..
5) I felt I must share this so whenever I got chance, I share this around me

If you have a stone problem.. Please give it a try. You do not have to loose anything. It works!!! Give it a try!! Hope this would help!! Cheers,
SAM :)

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Ggharter6 (Milford, Mi, Usa) on 08/29/2010

My story: I have suffered with kidney stones since I was 16 yrs old. I had my first surgery for a 9mm last yr I recently found out there was more in both kidneys. I came across your site and decided what did I have to lose but hopefully some stones. I couldn't bring myself to drink 2 oz of each so decided to try 1 oz of each once a day along with the water afterwards and throughout the day low and behold the second day I passed 7 stones of good size the biggest being around 3mm with no pain also passed all kinds of small sand like ones. I'm still facing surgery as they want to know why there was so much blood in my urine but I will continue doing this on a monthly basis to keep the stones at bay. I can't thank you enough for having a site like this.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Jay (Dayton , Ohio) on 08/31/2010

I was told the blood in my urine is from the crystal that make up the stone. These crystal cut up the bladder causing bladder infections. Calcium citrate and a low to medium oxalate diet can also help prevent them from forming to often. Research low oxalate diet.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Laura (Toronto, Canada) on 02/23/2015

Can I eat food before lemon and olive oil treatment? And is it imperative that I drink apple juice before this treatment, I am not able to have any juices due to the sugar content (allergy).

Also I have a problem where it takes awhile before I can fully empty bladder each time I go to the bathroom... wondering if that maybe a concern when stones are passing out.

Thank you for a great site!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Jp (Buffalo, Ny) on 08/17/2010

Olive oil & lemon juice seems to have cured my ureter stone. 5 days ago a CT scan revealed the stone. Today was my follow-up x-ray to see if the stone moved positions. This morning a friend emailed this link, so I made and drank the cocktail 2.25 times prior to my appointment scheduled 4.5 hours later in the day. I figured it couldn't hurt to try. My first dose was around 10am. My x-ray was at 3pm. When I consulted with the urologist immediately after my x-ray he said the stone was gone. Twice I used the full recipe of 2oz of each ingredient and one time I used 25% of the recipe because I ran out of lemon juice. I went on an empty stomach until the x-ray. I'm scheduled for a follow-up in 4 months.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Cindy (Rome, Ny) on 07/28/2011

I had to use this remedy over the other day and I have to say I feel so much better. I was in the hospital 1 time and then to my Dr.when the pain got so bad she said to return to the er, reluctant as the first trip they diagnosed me with pheumonia when I clearly told them I might have a kidney stone, they didn't do a urine test to check for it. I did not want another run around so I tried this remedy as a last resort before a return to the er. I usually never go there, but the pain was very bad. I tried this and within a few hours the pain began to subside and by time dose 2 kicked in I could breath without pain and am sure everyting will be fine. I estimated it at 1/4 cup of each my oil wasn't extra virgin, so I'm not sure if it really matters what kind of olive oil as long as it's pure. The lemon I used was pure lemon out of the bottle.

Thank god for you and natural cures, otherwise I would have been through a long list of anitbiotics I do not believe in unless absolutely necessary.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Yak (Winston Salem, North Carolina, Usa) on 08/03/2011

About ten days ago I started having severe pain in my right kidney; I immediately thought it could be a kidney stone, so I went to the clinic. From the general X-rays they couldn't see anything (being this a Prime Care, they couldn't do detailed x-rays), but they found traces of blood in my urine, so they confirmed my hypothesis it could be a kidney stone. So I came home and I dealt with the pain.

Two days ago I found out about this site, and the oil and lemon cure, so I started immediately. I took 2 oz of oil and 2 lemons the first morning; during the day I felt the pain was easing, but yesterday evening the pain was still severe. This morning I tried with 3 lemons and 3 oz oil, and I'm waiting to see how it goes. I don't have insurance, and I work outdoors, but I can't really work effectively in this condition, especially in the heat (dehydration is the first cause of kidney stones). I'll keep you posted...

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Andy (Orlando, Florida) on 06/18/2010

I have tried every formula of everything I can find on the internet and my kidney stones are still in my kidneys. I hear of so many success stories and I still wonder why I cant seem to get rid of the stones. For this reason I say my stones must be a lot bigger than normal.

EC: Please let us know exactly which formulas you have tried!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Wendy Jo (Bellevue, Wa) on 04/15/2010

Alleluia for lemon juice & olive oil! I have endured the passage of kidney stones since I was in my 20's. I am now almost 50 and just recently suffered another kidney stone attack. After using the usual pain meds and massive amounts of water, I was still in tremendous pain, nauseated, weary, and still no stone after 6 days. I chatted with my naturopath and he recommended I start taking magnesium supplements. I did this and it definitely helped ease the pain level so that I could get by on over-the-counter pain meds. But still no stone. I then found this website and the many testimonials for the lemon juice & olive oil remedy. I thought I would give it a try - far better than going through another surgery. I used 3 oz of lemon juice & 1 oz of olive oil (just couldn't quite get myself to do 2 full ounces). Followed that with at least 32 oz of water in about 10 minutes. I did 2 oz of lemon juice and 1 oz of olive oil followed by 32 oz of water again the next day - twice. Went to bed without any pain, woke up in the morning and passed the largest, most jagged stone I've ever passed. What a relief. Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to tell their story - you gave me the hope & gumption to try something new. I hope my story can do the same for someone else.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Mhillqt (New York, Ny) on 05/28/2010

I'm a 49 yr old male who is very active. running/working out, etc... about 4 months ago i noticed VERY dark urine only after running... my doctor thought it was runners hematuria... but since it never went away after running... i got an ultrasound, cat scan and kub xray... all comfirm that i have 2 small stones and one large one - ie 1cm... can the lemon juice olive oil remedy help passing the large stone?....i'm afraid it will get everything moving and the stone will then get stuck..ie pain/surgery... i havent had any pain for yet with this stone since it's still in the kidney... so i'm afraid to do anything that will let it move... but i also feel that eventhually this stone will move on its own and i'm in for pain... so is it ok to do this remedy when you have large stones?

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Mhillqt (New York, Ny) on 05/30/2010

thanks Robert....i was just questioning if this works for LARGE stones?

If so.....should i do 2 oz lemon juice, 2 oz of olive oil and 8 oz of water....if so...how often? Also, how do you know your stone is moving...you can feel it? Is it painful when it moves? OR do i do 8oz lemon juice and 32 oz of water...if so how often? thanks

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Mhillqt (New York, Ny) on 06/02/2010

BUT if its a large 1.2 CM stone... isnt it possible that it will break down but not enough and get stuck... is this method ok for large stones or are you asking for more trouble by breaking the stone down but not small enough...ie so it gets stuck? I have URO appt tomorrow....so need to decide.....btw...i drank 8oz lemon juice/2oz of olive oil and 32 oz of water on sunday... now feel more pulsation in abdominal.....more pain... so i didnt continue due to fear that i would make it worse... advice please?

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Jen (Fort Lauderdale, Fl) on 06/08/2010

After reading the reviews I am excited to read about the lemon juice and olive oil remedy however I have the same concerns as Mhillqt. I am a petite lady, only 5'0" with a 12mm kidney stone! I am also afraid that if I start using the remedy that it may pass, reaking havoc to my ureter. Has anyone used this to pass large stones? Any answers would be helpful since I have already had lithotripsy and scheduled to do it again in 2 weeks since the stones did not pass the first time.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Agyarko (Iowa City, Iowa, Usa) on 04/06/2010

I was taken to the emergency room for pain in the groin. After a few tests including a CT scan, I was diagnosed with kidney stones. I had a 4mm stone (in my kidney) and I was given medication to help it pass and to help control the pain. All this happened on a Tuesday. By Friday morning, I had been drinking over 90 fluid ounces of water daily, pain had been on and off (in groin and lower back), there was no obvious improvement and I had given up on the prescribed medications (meds). During this time, I had been reading about kidney stones and low and behold, stumbled upon earthclinic.com on Saturday evening (had not taken any of the meds since Friday morning). I saw all the 'yeas' for the olive oil and lemon juice concoction and decided to give it a try. And I'm glad I did.

I measured exactly 2 fluid ounces of extra virgin olive oil and 2 fluid ounces of freshly squeezed lemon juice, mixed it up, drank it (tasted great, the aftertaste is especially delicious - maybe it's just me) and drank 32 FL OZ of water over the next 3 minutes or so. In about 60 minutes the pain subsided. I later went to bed and slept all night with no pain. Sunday afternoon, I took the same mixture, and drank 40 FL OZ of water in about 3 minutes. Sunday evening whiles in bed it seemed like something was moving in the general region. I could feel it so I got out of bed, drank some more water and went back to bed (only second night of pain-free sleep since Tuesday). Monday morning, I took the same mixture followed by 32 FL OZ of water. By about 12:30pm, during one of the multiple urges to urinate, I could tell something was stuck somewhere. With almost no pain, the stone passed and I was absolutely overjoyed!! I am grateful for the mixture of olive oil and lemon juice, and the over 30 FL OZ strong backing of water!! And for Earth Clinic for relieving me of my agonizing pain. Thank you all!! I should also add that I drank about 100 FL OZ of water through out each day and I am in my 20's.

To summarize: a 4mm stone was in my kidney and it passed in less than 48 hours (Saturday evening to Monday afternoon) of drinking a teaspoon-stirred mixture of 2 FL OZ of olive oil and 2 FL OZ of lemon juice (3 times) and immediately following, about 30 FL OZ of water (3 times). I am in my 20's and very happy today. A big thank you to Earth Clinic and to everyone who shared their stories!!!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Lee (Cebu City, Philippines) on 03/25/2010

my brother is suffering a severe kidney stones problem 2days ago. I want to try the Lemons, olive oil treatment but my question is can i use calamansi instead of lemon? because Lemon in my country phil. is expensive but we have alot calamansi. thank you.

EC: For those interested in learning more about calamansi: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calamondin

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Greg (Alameda, California, United States) on 03/02/2010

A couple of months ago I had passed a 5mm stone using this remedy of olive oil and lemon juice concoction.

2 weeks ago, I had more discomfort - mostly in my bladder and urinating caused my penis to burn. Again I used the Lemon/Oil mix and finally pissed out a 9 1/2 mm stone..... my biggest rock to date!!!

I've noticed that the size of my stones have been increasing in size, probably due to a high intake of sugary foods and coffee.

This remedy definately works..... have been a regular user of this remedy for a couple of years now.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Marie (Stamford, Ct) on 03/04/2010

I have many stones in both kidneys (largest is 13mm) and I'm trying to avoid Lithotripsy (have bad reactions to anesthesia). I don't know if I can get myself to swallow 2oz of olive oil. I've found 1000mg olive oil gel caps, do you think if I swallow them with the lemon juice, it will work the same way?

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Greg (Alameda, California) on 03/15/2010

I've used fish oil gels as a substitute for olive oil and have had mixed results with it. The best way to drink the olive oil without gagging - is to mix 1 ounce with 2 ounces of chilled (cold) lemon juice. This gives the concoction a "lemon meringue" flavor.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Sandy (Evans, Co) on 05/02/2010

I suddenly had deep pink-colored urine, no pain. Went to dr. and after testing, was told it was either kidney or gall stones. I had no insurance, but knew my last round of having kidney stones removed had cost plenty. Went surfing and found this wonderful website. I tried the lemon juice and olive oil treatments (2oz of ea plus @ 1/4 cup water twice a day, but also increased magnesium from 400 mg to 800 and the next day the urine was clear again. Repeated the doses for 2 more days. That has been 5 weeks ago, and I have been symptom-free ever since. Just read that B vits and l-lysine can help. I already take 1200 mg of calcium. (It is a shortage of calcium that causes these, not too much as most doctors have been taught.)

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Mike K (Selkirk, Ny) on 02/17/2010

I am scheduled for surgery Mar 18. Have a 6mm stone in left ureter and 11mm stone in right kidney. About a week ago mixed up 2oz olive oil/2oz lemon juice and drank it followed by lots of water. Not too bad going down, but I have a strong stomach. But nothing happened. Repeated the concoction 3 days ago. Last night noticeable pain, but not anything like what caused my ER visit a month ago. Took a pain pill and got to sleep. Came back home from xcntry skiing today and went to bathroom for a BM. Got up and spotted a urine colored "smutz" about the size of a silver dollar on the side of the bowl with consistency similar to mucus. I don't recall sensation of urination but there it was. I'm 65 year male and I've never seen anything like it. Now, 2 hours later, all achiness and sensation of pressure on my left side is gone. I'm convinced something about those two stones has changed for the better. When I get my next xray I'll post an update.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Bill (Stone Ridge, Ny) on 02/10/2010

I'm a Nay. With great hope I began taking 2 oz fresh-squeezed organic lemon juice mixed with 2 oz organic extra virgin olive oil whisked together (like drinking salad dressing -- not bad) followed by a cup of warm water twice a day for the past five days and nothing. My 3 mm stone remained in a spot giving me flank pain. Finally yesterday the stone seemed to move two inches but it has not passed.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Cindy (San Diego, Ca) on 02/10/2010

Hi Bill, Sorry you are having kidney stone pain. This happened a few years ago to a friend and she was in so much pain, in desperation she searched online and found a "secret" that would dissolve stones. She paid the 30 dollars to find out the secret and then felt really stupid. But she did what it said and hasn't had any pain since. The directions? In the morning drink a whole 2 liter bottle of regular cola within two hours (she did a glass every 15 min.) then as soon as you finish the last of it eat 8 oz of pureed asparagus. She bought a can, added some seasoning and warmed it up before she ate it. She said when she urinated it smelled really strong and the directions said the stone would pass within hours. She said she must have passed the stone because she was in extreme pain when she started the cure and by the end of the day the pain was gone and she hasn't had any since. Obviously the chemistry of the urine changes and dissolves the stone. Not sure what's happening, but it seemed to work.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Bill (Stone Ridge, Ny) on 02/11/2010

Well, I seem to be a yea after all. I feel foolish, having posted myself as a nay, but its now been 48 hours since I've had any pain. I've peeing through a strainer and have not passed the stone but perhaps it has completely dissolved. A urologist I just saw last week recommended drinking 3 oz of lemon juice in 30 oz of water daily as a stone preventative.

EC: Rating has been changed - thanks for the update!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Bill (Stone Ridge, Ny) on 02/12/2010

I forgot to thank you, Cindy, for your kind response to my posting. I am still pain free and have stopped trying to catch the stone. However, if my pain returns I will definitely down a two-liter bottle of coke and then take the purree of asparagus (ugh). So, thanks.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Kathy (Antioch, California) on 01/08/2010

I started getting pains in my side monday nite went to the ER Tuesday morning, drank the concoction Tuesday nite wasn't fresh lemons but some concentrate. I got diahria really bad that nite, but the next day there was some sand like stuff in the toilet, so i wasnt sure if it passed or not. This is my first stone so to be sure 3 days later after much water intake i mixed 4 oz of fresh lemon juice & 2 oz of extra virgin olive oil and drank a full glass of water. hopefully this will work.
