Natural Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis: Effective Solutions

Posted by Benghiman (La Houssiere, Vosges, France) on 05/02/2012

There is just one proven way to be rid of arthritis in all its forms.

80,000 iu Serrapeptase is now known to be the THE way to get rid of all types of inflammation - for this is arthritis - along with a mass of other problems. It was first used to remove blood clots. The most recent way I have heard of its benefits is in curing TB.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Sick Of Pain (Austin, Texas) on 02/25/2012

I could not stand upright or walk without limping for pain. I tried the H2O2 in a spray bottle as seen on u tube. Within 15 minutes I noticed reduction in pain. From an 8 to 3. So I remembered I use to put on a little DMSO and sprayed a little HP on my leg, hip, and lower back. I am now so delighted I can hardly type. Pain is almost gone. Just a little pain in mid back and neck. I have lived with rheumatoid arthritis for 30 years. Thank you so much for the tips. Rose

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Janine (Melbourne, Vic) on 10/15/2011

My parents gave me the ACV/water and honey when I was very young as it had been recommended to them as a treatment for Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.

I cannot remember what the results were, however, luckily I grew out of R Arthritis. I did receive other medical treatment.

At 56, I have just started ACV and water again as I suspect there could be Arthritis present, judging from some sore joints in hands. It's like a 'flash back'. I hated it as a kid but now don't mind it and hope to keep my system more alkaline.

I will report any noticable improvement.

Dietary Changes, Apple Cider Vinegar, Herbs
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 05/04/2016

Dear Bill (Brockton, MA)

Wow, you are doing a lot of great things. It would be discouraging to not see progress with so many things you are doing.

I would consider trying milk kefir and nettle. Those are the two things that seemed to turn my daughter around when she was dealing with possible RA and asthma. She has neither now.

You say you were in great health until last year...what happened last year? Did you move or have some illness? I am just wondering if there was a trigger to this for you.

I am hoping others here will have some ideas for you.

Posted by Bhkh3433 (St. Clair, Missouri) on 07/06/2009


I found out 2 years ago that I have rheumatoid arthritis. I've seen doctor after doctor trying to find a cure to the pain that I was enduring. They put me on several different medicines starting with Naproxy Sodium and going all the way up to Cyclophosomide (I probably spelled that one wrong.) which is a chemotherapy drug with horrible side effects and about the worse you can get. My next step if this treatment didn't work was bone marrow replacement therapy, which scared me to death. Anyway, I have been sick for a very long time. Lethargic, unable to fight off infections, getting them over and over again as soon as I stop taking precription antibiotics for them, unable to stay motivated, memory loss, etc. I wanted to found a natural cure after I started reading some articles on the internet. They told me that not only was Prednisone and Cyclophosomide bad for you, but that they were slowly killing me. They are toxic over a long period of time and even though they were taking care of my arthritis pain, I was constantly sick, tired, and not really even wanting to be on this planet anymore because my quality of life was so poor. I couldn't do anything, not even shopping at the grocery store without becoming so incredibly tired and lethargic afterwards that I had to go home and go to bed. In fact most of the past 2 years of my life has been spent in bed, missing family functions and kid time. I started looking for natural cures for arthritis and came across an article about garlic, not just garlic, but the allicin found in garlic. One of the websites that I found told me to take a garlic clove, which you should be able to buy at any grocery store, chop it up and eat it quickly, along with ginger in some milk. You have to eat it quickly and raw. If you keep it out in the air too long, the allicin will evaporate. You only have a few minutes and the allicin is what you are wanting, not the garlic. The ginger helps the inflammation of the bones and joints because it has a warming effect, and the garlic helps to cure the disease. It doesn't just work on arthritis, but they are claiming, cancer, aids, sinus infections, sore throats, staff and strep, plus many others. I've been doing this for about 3 days now. I've been off of cyclophosomide for over a week and I'm feeling better than what I have felt in about 2 years. When I first started taking the garlic, about 2 days ago, I had a severe sinus infection that wouldn't leave. I've had it off and on for about 4 straight weeks now. Garlic is also supposed to help fight asthma and allergies which I also have. None of those have been bothering me since I took the garlic. Just make sure that you have plenty of cool milk or some other cool liquid nearby because when you eat it raw, it's very hot! The only side effects that I've noticed is of course, garlic breath, and a little heart burn. Everything else this website promised has worked and I'm feeling energetic again, but also pain free. I found out later that the cyclophosomide that I was taking is also a carcinogenic, meaning that it will eventually give me cancer. I understand that doctors are trying to help you and release you from your pain, but to give you something that will take the pain away, but kill you in the process just doesn't seem right to me.

When taking the garlic, you need 1 clove. What I've been doing is chopping it up into small pieces, and then eating the pieces and grinding them up further with my teeth. Once again, I STRESS. It's very hot, so make sure you have something to drink that's COLD nearby. I'd really love to hear from anyone else to see if you have the same results I did.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Liz (Rhinelande, Wisconsin) on 07/31/2011

I just want to comment that when I read people say, "I had rheumatoid arthritis in my hands... Or in my knees... Or one specific joint" that is NOT rheumatoid arthritis. That is osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis jumps around and affects ALL of your joints and organs. Osteoarthritis is degradation of the cartilige in one joint. You may have osteoarthritis in more than one joint but it is still joint specific. Rheumatoid arthritis is an immune system attack on the body which causes fatigue and a whole host of other problems. Please be sure you know what kind of arthritis you have because what works for osteoarthritis may not work for RA and vice versa. Thank you.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Doris V. (Orland, Ca) on 10/31/2008

My husband was diagnosed with rheumatoid Arthritis 6 months ago and started on Prescribed Medication then they decided he had high blood pressure and trouble sleeping and that made him depressed so he was given Mood Elevators... More Meds. Now 5 months later on 5 meds and his sholder and wrist still ached bad But doctors told him just keep taking the pills. After taking Apple Cider Vinigar for 2 days he lifted his hand above his head several times after the third day he is moving his wrist that has not moved in a long time. Its been a week and he takes it 3 times a day. He had been bald since his 20's and we are seeing hair growing back. He started on the BSM today and we can't wait to see the results. thank God for web sites like this one. We understand that he is only supposed to take the AC Vinigar for about 2 weeks then stop does anyone know if this is true? When can you start again? He takes 2 teasp of just plain Apple Cider vinegar with a Tea of honey and about 4 to 6 oz. of water (Cold tastes best) Doris

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kris (W. A) on 09/13/2021

ACV IS a brilliant alkaline product. So one would become less acidic. Perhaps the week off the ACV would prevent becoming too alkaline.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sharon (NY, NY) on 03/25/2009

Hi, sorry to hear you are having a flare and it will not subside. I hope by now you are better. when remedy that should help do not, then you must become the great RA detective and look at foods as the culprit. A food particle leaks through the intestinal wall and the body attacks it as a foreign and produces antibodies. The first time food is eaten or leaks through there is no reaction. The next time antibodies go into action and you have a food sensitivity. But with autoimmune disease antibodies go into overdrive and attack joints. This is why immune suppressing drugs are given. Look up leaky gut on the internet. Antibodies could attack other stuff in the body too.

So my hit list of food include milk, wheat, rye, rice, cashew, pistachio, banana, chocolate. Antibody reaction can come from chemicals as well. Good book is The Autoimmune Epidemic.

Go on a simple diet of fresh and cooked vegetables and fruits fish and beans. I became very fond of soups that I make fresh every day and organic salads. You body will heal but you need to think in terms of creating super health and repairing the immune system.

The ACV should be organic and take 1 tablespoon in water in the A.M. You can get RA under control but dietary changes and super good eating habits are the foundation.

You may want to see an intagrative physician or alternative health practioner for help.
good luck

Posted by Nohard (Aristomenis, Greece) on 03/06/2012

Copper bracelets are so simple to make, just go to your local electricity wholesalers and by some 6 or 8mm copper cable, strip off the cover and cut to the lenght of you wrist, you can either make as a single wrap or double or treble, it's your choice to help heal and as a fashion accessory, seal the ends with some solder, job done, enjoy. Good Luck

Juice Fasts
Posted by Gabriela (Pahoa, USA) on 02/04/2008

Hi Deirdre,

Thank you so much for your appreciation. When I was fasting for 4 weeks and drinking only herbal teas and fruit juices, I did very simple juices at the time. Carrot -apple was my favorite. What I wanted to tell you was: it is not soo terribly important which exact recipe cured me. Important was the fasting of 4 weeks with juices. What I wanted to say is, to stop eating industrialized food, food from cans, dead food, chemical food, beverages, comfort food and so on, - THAT is important. There are books out there for juice fasting with recipes. To overcome RA you have to do serious detoxification programs on all levels.

1) strong determination and motivation for self-cure including learning about healing and detoxification and your specific illness (I read a ton of books)

2) juice fasting and detoxification on all levels (in US cities I would care very much to filter drinking water, in my area it's not a problem)

3) RAVE diet (google it)

4) Exercise

5) Relaxation and understanding of your situation from a higher perspective

6) Connection to the spiritual

7) Necessary changes in life (work, relationships, etc) (illness comes from a major stress in life) I always got a serious outbreak of RA when something was very wrong in my life. This has to be determined and worked at. I had to change jobs and work on my relationships and I had to leave a marriage. My illness was actually guiding me. Through my illness I was often forced to do something what I couldn't and wouldn't have done otherwise. that is the spiritual part of the "deeper connections".

All these things combined are the "healing factor". Not one recipe with a few different ingredients.

I did fasting for 4 weeks and afterwards RAVE diet (only natural and lots of raw and organic food). Plus exercise, saunas, taking out amalgam of teeth etc. It is not this ONE single recipe what will cure you but running, fasting, and changing your lifestyle on different levels plus the aforementioned determination and motivation and sense of purpose. All vegetables and fruits grown organically are healing foods. Juices are concentrated healing foods especially all dark greens. Sorry, I am not into this "one recipe thing". This doesn't heal a serious illness like RA.

So, I hope I am not disappointing you, but this is what still helps me when I have health troubles. this is just a broad guideline for people who are capable to read and learn for themselves. I had to believe in myself as I took the responsibility to get out of my medications against the advice of all these specialists and doctors and even against my naturopaths advice.

This is another important step: to start to believe in yourself more than anybody out there (however high up they seem to be). So, it's a real journey to yourself and your own powers.

Mahalo for your interest,

ACV and Baking Soda, MSM, Mag Citrate
Posted by Anonymous (USA) on 11/29/2007

I would like any help I can get from someone who has found relief for RA ( other than prescriptions). Any suggestions would be great. I have tried 2 Tbs AVC-1 tsp honey-1/8 tsp of BS, have been doing this for 2 months, added lemon juice 2 days before the 1st flare and continued with it until the 2nd flar 5 days later so stopped the lemon juice. Stopped taking meds 4 weeks ago and have had 2 flare ups, oddly they are both in the same shoulder and last longer than the 24 hrs.. Never had that happen before, it always moves to another joint. I did find a little info from Ted to someone, so I went and got powdered or granulated MSM, Mag citrate, and sodium ascorbate. Pain is still there but am ablr to move it enough to continue working. I did purchase the castor oil pack but haven't tried yet. Does this work for RA pain? I just wanted you all to know a friend told me of this site, so we both started doing some of these things together. I also have told a people to check out your site. I do alot of what has been suggested here. So far I love every thing I've tried and when I go back to doing other things like using soap...YUCK. makes your skin feel really sticky or it has a film on it. I also find oil pulling very relaxing. Thank you all for your in put and suggestions and really enjoy reading on this site.

ACV and Baking Soda, MSM, Mag Citrate
Posted by Albrecht (CA) on 11/29/2020

I have RA and food does the same to me. I had eat to only vegetables, no nightshades or starchy ones, fish and one fruit to get pain relief. If I add some fat, oils, grains or sugar I get pain. I got pain and swelling in my knee after dairy and high fructose. Grains cause me all over pain and si joint pain. I lost weight but the pain is better. Hopefully, others won't have to be as strict and I hope to add more foods soon. lets you check to see if you are reaching all your daily vitamin minerals goals by adding the foods you consumed.

ACV and Baking Soda, MSM, Mag Citrate
Posted by Caitlin (Austin, TX) on 05/09/2009

Nearly everyone I speak with who is over 50 is complaining about shoulder pain so bad that they can't sleep at night from the constant ache. Two years ago I had this bursitis or whatever it is and started eliminating grains predominately from my diet and it began lessoning within a week until, after 2 months the pain was gone. I stuck to fruit, veggies and meat. I've always been addicted to bread - be it spaghetti, pizza, rolls etc. Now that I know have grain/milk protein intolerances I limit these foods to no more than once a week. I initially lost weight but compensated by overeating other foods so I'm handling that problem as well. By the way, this shoulder pain can also be indicative of type 2 diabetes. Also, when fluoride is added to water supplies, doctors begin seeing more elderly patients with joint pain and more joint deterioration. Fluoride is a curse.

Posted by Art (California) on 10/30/2023 2269 posts


It sounds like your second choice is a good one. Start out at everyday and once your pain is well managed take one day off and then when you feel ready, add the second day off to the first day off.

Since people with RA are at increased risk for osteoporosis, it is good to know that borax also works against osteopenia and osteoporosis.


Posted by Melanie (Ireland) on 11/16/2018

HI, just wondering who the TED you referred to is please?!! would be interested to read about his dosage recommendations and any accompanying research, many thanks in advance!

Posted by Isabel (Tampa) on 05/05/2016

I also have rheumatoid arthritis. For the last 2 months I had taken golden milk, it has changed my life completely. You can look at you tube and there is a lot of information on how to do it. I use 1 cup of milk (almond milk) 1/2 a teaspoon of turmeric 1 teaspoon of oil (sesame, but it can be any kind) and little bit of black pepper. Just warm it up, not boiling, and drink it before going to bed, Just try for 2 weeks and it will change your life.

Organic Juice and Coffee Fast
Posted by Felicia (Fl) on 11/26/2015

When I was diagnosed with RA I couldn't walk right, sleep or even use the restroom without tears. After tons of pills and shots the doctor prescribed to me and a fever that about killed me I decided to take matters into my own hands. I started a organic juice and organic coffee enema fast to rid my body of the toxins and poisons that I was filling my body on a regular basis with. I got the idea from The Gerson Therapy and diet. Look up any of those words and do research on the subject. For me it all just clicked and I understood how the body gets hurt and heals. I went all out and got the books and didn't do anything half way.

I am now drug free and best of all pain free and live a normal active healthy life..I keep my powerful juicer on hand and use it when I am not feeling like I should. Good luck.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Askmeaboutgmos (New York) on 09/19/2015

Apple cider vinegar (organic with the "mother") and getting back to walking worked for me. You have to drink 1 to 2 Tbsp. a day or your pain will come back and daily walking also a must. I'm recently diagnosed with arthritis, knee tear and after finally sticking with the ACV and getting back to walking I am feeling great. We've got to keep moving.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 09/13/2015

DMSO might help too...Google "60 Minutes Dr. Jacobs DMSO"....a three part series done by Sixty Minutes years ago on the benefits of DMSO. RA is one of the ones discussed.

Sesame Oil Massage
Posted by Bea (Arkansas) on 09/30/2016

I am one of those who is doing Dr. Brown's antibiotic protocol with Minocycline. I have been on it since 2007. I was dx'd with RA in 2003. It has worked well for me. I do not take the antibiotic every day. Currently I only take 100mg on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. It is an option. I have tried to discontinue the antibiotics, but regressed quickly to the point of not being able to function. There are a few books out there about therapy and also the Rhuematic Support board. That may help you get more info.

Sesame Oil Massage
Posted by Lori (Johnstown Pa) on 12/20/2018

What you are looking for is the Tetracycline cure. Go to a site called "The Road " and it will direct you to what you need. Amazon carries the original book and then there is a new updated RA arthritis book where they use minocycline which is more effective. You can seek out Drs in your area that use this protocol. I have not tried not myself but it is a low dose long term treatment to kill the infection they believe causes it. Good Luck

Posted by Sp (New Jersey) on 04/28/2015 32 posts

Hi Joi, MSM and vitamin C do work synergistically together, but I have no idea if it would help with the heart palpitations. I used to take MSM for my full body arthritis but what really did the trick for me was going 100% gluten free. Within the first week I could feel the difference and in a matter of months I felt so much better I could walk and take stairs without pain. It's hard to go 100% gluten free, but it's worth a try. It's so worth it for me. Good luck.

Posted by If it 13 (Ireland) on 11/24/2020

Did you ever go for a massager? There is one on eBay and Amazon websites. It's a shoulder massager with straps at both sides. When using it, go deep and then don't do it for few days to recover. Then redo it and don't be afraid to lie back to a wall etc but get to the muscle and keep it on it. You will get great relief after a few days. Go on the internet and see diagrams of where the muscle is and go along it with the massager.

Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 11/24/2020

MSM is interesting. As it works, it needs lots of vitamin C and it lowers other things. Go to the MSM page here and read up a bit may help you use it for relief and gain all its benefits. Blessings, charity

Posted by Chicago (Illinois) on 01/12/2015

Can I please have that recipe for turmeric bullet..

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by So Desperate (Your City, Everywhere) on 02/08/2013

Hey Guys, You are my last hope. I'm 32 and just diagnosed with RA and I have been doing the ACV thing and it's awesome and I can get out of bed with less and less pain. (I am also on a host of other supplements). This is my 2nd flare and I have run the gammut on the traveling joint pain. That has pretty much subsided except for extreme pain in my middle finger. I also have swelling issues with my right hand eg. base of thumb, pointer became swollen at the same time about 3 wks ago. Today I just noticed that my middle finger looks like it could be in the baby stage of swelling like my pointer finger and I'm scared it's going to swell up. I have been working to get my pointer finger down and now it looks like the middle finger is going to swell along with the pinky. My wrist has a lil swelling also. I have been on this protocol for five days and I realize that is not a long time but I am in the dark right now.

Does ACV get rid of swelling or am I just setting myself up for permanent joint damage? I was on another site and they just kept saying take the drugs, take the drugs! And I don't want take the drugs but I also don't want permenent joint damage, hands that are permanently twisted and lumpy (cause they are a lil lumpy now, a lil) and I also don't want my other organs to get involved. What am I doing? I wouldn't be here this sane and pain free w/o ACV, it has been a miracle worker so far but WILL THE PRE-EXISTENT SWELLING EVER GO DOWN AND WILL NEW SWELLING EVER STOP??? ANYONE OUT THERE, PLEASE RESPOND! I AM ON THE CUSP OF GETTING MEDS AND I DON'T REALLY WANT TO. THANK YOU

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kathy (Ontario, Ca) on 02/09/2013

First off... I don't have arthritis... However I know an older woman that does, I don't know if it's RA or not but about a year ago I commented on how lovely her hands were. She proceeded to tell me that her hands were so painful with arthritis and she has massaged them for years to help with the pain and to keep them from getting crooked. What she did/does is massage, squeeze her fingers so they are straight (at the point where they started twisting) and then wraps them with a fabric tape... Not sure what kind maybe the white tape in med supplies. (leaves the tape on for a few hours) She said that has prevented her hands from becomming claws. She also said it is a very painful process.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dan Cruz (Edmonton, Alberta) on 02/09/2013

Excessive taking of apple cider vinegar will some day irritate your throat. You can try Omega 3 as this is good for arthritis or RA and also Ezorbs capsule (browse it in the internet).

Rheumatoid Arthritis and UTI Connection
Posted by Colleen (Brooklyn, Ny) on 08/10/2013

I agree with the idea that aged cheese triggers/ brings on the symptoms of RA. This is something people who suffer from arthritis should take note of as simple as it sounds. More people should be made aware of it. I am one such sufferer who by way of elimination and deduction realized the source of my pain and now refrain from all cheeses and voila no pain in the joints.

Rheumatoid Arthritis and UTI Connection
Posted by Art (California ) on 11/05/2016 2269 posts

Pat (Merseyside),

Tetracycline, like many other drugs, comes with a fairly lengthy list of potential side effects which should definitely be considered given the proposed length of treatment (years). The longer duration of use probably increases a persons chances of running into one of those side effects at some point during the treatment, but this has to be weighed in relation to the possible benefit of eliminantion arthritis. As a person who used to have severe arthritis that is now in remission by usings Ted's borax remedy, I can certainly understand the desire to take that risk though. Here is a couple of links to the potential adverse events associated with use of Tetracycline of which some would be considered severe. Even borax is not compatible with everyone as mentioned on this forum.

This article discusses ways to help mitigate some of those potential side effects associated with antibiotic use:

Best of health going forward.


Rheumatoid Arthritis and UTI Connection
Posted by Kimberly (California) on 06/18/2021

Interesting. I've read a 3 day water fast will reset your immune system. Maybe, the fast gets rid of the antibodies. Going to try Dr Fuhrman's protocol for fasting. Antibiotics put me into remission 2x, but not this time. My feet are so painful.

Dietary Changes, Colloidal Silver
Posted by Pii (Pocatello, Idaho, United States) on 07/16/2012

Hi, In October of 2009, I was experiencing inflammation in my toes. They were red and looked like sausages. Then it spread to my fingers, elbows, shoulders, knees and I knew something was desperately wrong. It was a pain that one does not understand unless one has experienced it. Having gone through several brain surgeries in my life, I could not deal with this. Just thinking about this causes me to panic. I need to tell my story so that it may help others.

I made an appointment with a local rheumatologist. I also scoured the internet for some clue as to what I could find as far as a treatment. I read about Dr. Brown's protocol on Dr. Mercola's website. I figured it was RA. Without a long drawn out explanation of my experiences with the docs, I will tell you that I was diagnosed as having RA in more than 40 joints by a famous hospital in Scottsdale, Chicago, locally and in Idaho. Four doctors agreed that I should take methotrexate and Humera. NO WAY! I am 55 years old and know too many people that have died from cancer because of the drugs. My friend has Anchalosing arthritis and he quit taking the methotrexate and now he is awaiting a liver transplant.

After refusing the drugs, I contacted some alternative believing PhD's. I followed Dr. Mercola's recommendations according to the Dr. Brown protocol. I was so crippled but everything started coming together and making sense. Dr. Brown believed it has to do with a virus and with food.

I purchased a collgen2 ionic colloidal silver generator from Fred Peschel. I understand the science and I spoke with the inventor and his generator was being used by NASA and he had so many testimonials about how his 7ppm ionic silver is pure and it was inexpensive to make. I drink 16-32 ounces per day.

I started taking 30,000 iu of D3 per day. This dramatically decreased the pain by 40 percent in 1 week. I had my blood tested for my D3 level. The ideal level is 120 and mine was at 20. I have read that the average North American has a D3 level of 20. This is a BIG part of the reason for cancer, heart problems, etc. My daughter is a cardiac nurse and 30,000 I. U. 's is the daily dose for heart patients. I was told to buy the little gel pills and I buy the NOW brand. It is filled with olive oil.

  • NO MORE SODA, diet or regular
  • Un-pasteurized milk. I found a milk supplier at
  • NO processed foods
  • No high fructose corn syrup
  • Lots of green leafy vegetables
  • Olive Oil
  • Oranges, Lemons, Melons (live enzymes)
  • Little REAL sugar
  • Farm Fresh Eggs
  • Raw cheese
  • I receive emails about anti-inflammatory diets.

Well, I had to drastically change my diet, but we must , in order live healthy! 3 months after I started this way of eating, the pain slowly went away. I went to one of the docs who is an MD and has a PhD in immunology. He said "I've got great news, I checked your blood profile and you DON'T have RA!!!!! He told me that my D3 level was at a healthy 120. He even asked me how I did it.

4 hospitals diagnosed me and now it is gone.

Dr. Browns protocol uses mynocycline (anti-biotic) to put people into complete remission. The ionic silver 7ppm is bio available and it is not a drug. Don't let the establishment tell you that once you have RA, there is no way you can go into remission.

God Bless Anyone who suffers from this disease, but you can get better. I always say knowledge is power and wisdom is putting it into action.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Molly (Lincolnville, Maine) on 04/24/2012

Hi- I have RA, sudden onset last May. Have been doing a food journal and found I am sensitive to yeast, onions, garlic, citrus, night shades, eggs, MSM, MSG and glutten. Just because someone says to try something they do no know your sensitivities. I use a pendalum and also a chiropractor that does A/K muscle testing to check for foods and supplements. I am doing the hydrogen peroxide therapy( at 23 drops today) and just started the oil pulling with sesame oil and 30 mg of minocycline 3 days a week. Down from 15 mg of prednisone to 6 and 5 aleve to 3 in a month. Also seeing a homeopathic Dr, vita mix juices and walking/yoga and learning meditation. The food journal works. Write down reactions to foods 3 times a day. I started with brown rice and vegie juice. Still should get off cheese but time will improve my will power. Good luck- RA is mean- be kind to yourself- I am learning every day- god bless- molly

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Theresa J. (Wasilla, Ak) on 12/15/2014

Can you post the video or inform what video is called? Thank you!

General Feedback
Posted by Linda (San Francisco, Ca, Usa) on 01/22/2012

Hi Suzie, Yes I know exactly where to get it, but EC probably won't allow me to post it (IMO for good reason, we'd all be overrun with marketing spam :-)), so if you do a web search for 'hydrangea root herb' that ought to answer you with some good sources.

I want to repeat this and stress it most importantly- *I have to be very careful to avoid fillers and excipients in whatever I take! * Including in capsule supplements (read the *fine print* on the bottle before purchasing)! Especially Calcium Carbonate (powdered limestone), which sets me on fire everywhere, and then took several months to get the stuff out of my body.. There is only one brand of capsuled enzymes I know of which worked for me (from my post above, the brand name was removed), and those helped *a lot*.

When I got a dose of Calcium Carbonate, the thing that helped the most to get rid of it was Hydrangea Root Tea during the daytime, and ~3/4 to 1 tablespoon of ACV (organic, with the Mother), *diluted into 8 oz of water* and drunk at bedtime on the way to bed.

If you still cannot locate Hydrangea Root, then the Swedish Bitters recommended in the excellent work of the famous Herbalist Maria Treben are also reported to dissolve joint calcifications over time. The Hydrangea Root was much faster than this, for me.

I hope this helps,


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Babyc (Brasov, Romania) on 11/14/2011


I'm 31 now, RA started long ago, around 12. My experience with RA hasn't been so harsh (no severe inflamation, crippling, pain) but enough to change my life and my habits. The diagnose was given only a few months ago, as a matter of fact.


- I STARTED CRITICIZING LESS (MYSELF AND OTHERS), TOLERATING AND LOVING MORE (yes, a wise, compassionate, positive attitude CAN make the body more alkaline and be a relief to RA)

-BECAME ALMOST VEGAN (I dearly recommend you all to watch FORKS OVER KNIVES for the ones still skeptical)

- I move quite a lot, dance, walk, swim and lots of stretching, yoga, PRANAYAMA (breathing exercises)

- I do CLEANSING (colon, liver), I take SUPPLEMENTS , mainly HERBAL, such as HARPAGOPHYTUM, TURMERIC, SAFFRON (if one can afford it , makes miracles for damaged joints), MSM, CLAY, AND MY LATEST DISCOVERY, RECOMMENDED BY A NATUROPATH: LIQUORICE ROOT POWDER, 10-12GR / DAY (started taking the latter a few weeks ago and I am feeling so much better, I know it might seem a lot, some find it emetic but works for me). Learn more, might be of some help for you too!


Dietary Changes, Apple Cider Vinegar, Herbs
Posted by Ash (Chicago Ill) on 09/14/2015

Hi Wendy,

Read your post twice, I was impressed to see the result and your dedication, I just turned 40 and since few years dealing with excess calcium in my body, Had great biopsy and came as fibroadenoma and after that a bone spur in my neck and now RA symptoms in my arms and toes and whole body hurts now and then but that is not bad, Hate to take any meds and now I'm sick and tired of pain and agony 24 hrs, please advice me a help me.

Thank you for the Answer

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Tina (Vancouver, Canada) on 04/14/2009

1.5 yrs ago I was diagnosed with RA (Rheumatiod Arthritis) and I learned what pain is. I have been taking 6 different medications for it and allergy medicine. I had gotten to the point where I wasn't sure if I would ever get better, and deffinatly knew that I did not want to be taking a handsful of pills everyday, when it was suggested that I look at this website and specifically at the Hydrogen Peroxide Cures, that maybe there was something there.

I did and also looked at some other websites to see both sides of the story, and decided that maybe this could help me.

3 weeks into treatment following the drop schedule I had started with 3 drops 3 times a day of 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide diluted down to 3% and was now at 25 drops 3 times a day, I felt good enough to stop taking all of my medications. I had been gradually decreasing them since I had started taking the HP, I didn't just stop taking them all of a sudden, I had feared withdrawl symptoms, or other side effects. I would simply take one pill out of my regime every few days or so, and see if there were any ill effects. As of today I am 3 weeks off my medications.

I thought it might be worth a mention though, as I haven't read it anywhere else yet, that I started experiencing the Cleansing Crisis, and went to the local Health Food store to see if they had any sugestions to help me to ease the new joint pain that I was experiencing as I did not want to take any Over the Counter Drugs for the pain, and the Health Food Store Owner sugested that I add more fiber, as some toxin's need to leave the body through the bowels, not just through the liver and urine. She suggested that since I was so far into the Therapy that I start out with 3 tbs of a fiber supliment 3 times a day for a week or so the help eleminate more of the toxin's. I have followed her direction for 2 days now, and have noticed a considerabe improvment. I think if I had been taking a fiber supliment regularly since I had started the HP Therapy, maybe I wouldn't have gone through the Cleansing Crisis, although I am by no means a registered naturopath or anything, just a regular person willing to learn, it deffinatly makes sence to me that this information might be of benifit to others.

Something else I have experienced is throat soarness. For this I have Apple Cider Vinager mixed with equal parts Honey ready in my fridge, and would take this 15 mls 3 time a day until the soarness went away. I have also found it a great way to head off colds.

And Just another side note: I have been using the HP as ear drops for my boyfriend and myself, and have noticed that his hearing has improved (he has a perforated ear drum, and was hard of hearing, he is in construction and the loud machinery has been gradually making his hearing worse). The other night he asked me to turn the TV down, that has never happened befor.e

I am still feeling some soarness and stifness, although I am not sure if that can be associated with the fresh snow on the mountains, but now I can see a future without pain and without RA. I am optimistic.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Connie (Manitowoc, Wisconsin) on 08/04/2009

Religiously avoid glutamate and other excitotoxins. Read up on glutamate and neurotoxicity. Scary...

A link between inhaling pig brain tissue and fibromyalgia type symptoms:

Star Tribune - "... Since December, 12 meatpackers at the Quality Pork Processors (QPP) plant in Austin and two at a plant in Indiana have reported fatigue, numbness and tingling in their arms and legs, with a wide range in severity. A few are severely disabled, while others have been treated and returned to work.

Their symptoms are like those associated with a number of diseases in which the body's immune system attacks the nerves or the sheath that surrounds them.

All the workers were stationed near the powerful air-compression systems that blow brains out of pig heads at what is known as the head table, officials said. The process is no longer being used at either plant."

I found relief from an overall achyness and pain in my hands and legs this way:

-- religiously avoiding excitotoxins like glutamate and aspartame, and mystery ingredients such as "natural flavor", "natural fragrance", "spices" and the like, also avoid all other additives and pervertatives... I mean preservatives...

-- avoiding sugar, salt and the things you mentioned

-- avoiding fluoride and heavy metal sources etc. like processed foods and beverages, bottled and tap water, sodas (Coca Cola, Pepsi etc), premade juices

-- eating organic and raw foods as exclusively as possible; may I suggest avocados, limes, green apples, bananas, melons, rice, steal cut oatmeal, sea salt, cold pressed sesame oil, cold pressed virgin coconut oil, cold pressed extra virgin olive oil

-- taking a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in water daily or as needed (I use the kind with the "mother), this worked nearly instantly, and mixed with a little baking soda has a pleasant taste

-- taking 1,000 to 4,000 mg ascorbic acid with rose hips daily or as needed (can cause gastric discomfort)

-- taking a 1/4 teaspoon Borax in a liter of water daily for a few days or as needed (God bless you, Ted)

-- taking a tablespoon of unsulfured blackstrap molasses as needed, try to find one with a high iron and potassium content

-- taking a teaspoon of magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt - a laxative) in a short glass of warm water with a chaser such as a strawberry or glass of cold water to rinse the taste from the mouth, I also do this if I feel pressure in my chest when I lay down

-- do a juice fast drinking dandelion roots/leaves put through your juicer and water - but not fluoridated pharmaceutical soup tap water:

Washington Post - "... In addition to caffeine, the drugs found in water treated by the Washington Aqueduct include the well-known pain medications ibuprofen and naproxen, commonly found in Aleve. But there were also some lesser-known drugs: carbamazepine, an anti-convulsive to reduce epileptic seizures and a mood stabilizer for treating bipolar disorders; sulfamethoxazole, an antibiotic that can be used for humans and animals in treating urinary tract and other infections; and monensin, an antibiotic typically given to cattle. In addition, the study uncovered traces of triclocarban, a disinfectant used in antibacterial soaps."

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by JJ (NY) on 11/01/2008

I've never heard of anyone stopping the apple cider vinegar after 2 weeks but maybe its different for RA patients. I have heard about 5 days on, 2 days off each week. This is what I do unless I am sick, then I keep going until I feel better, then stop for a few days.

Posted by Charles (Hendersonville, North Carolina) on 09/25/2008

Potassium is the name of the game so far as rheumatoid arthritis is concerned. However you do not have to drink vinegar to interfere with potassium excretion. You can get enough from food. To see how, see my website: Sincerely, Charles Weber

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Marcin (Toronto, Canada) on 04/14/2015

Two remedies for rheumatoid arthritis from ayurveda are:

1) Massage of the inflamed joints with a warming oil, such as sesame oil, almond oil or castor oil, or even better, mahanarayan oil, which is a sesame oil loaded with beneficial herbs, but may be hard to find.

2) Formulas with Commiphora Mukul: yogaraj guggulu if your joints are cracking or kaishore guggulu if your joints are hot. If not available, you can try Boswellia.

Posted by Butterfly (Albion, Mi) on 10/06/2015

Hi, I have tried acupuncture 4 times but very painful for me. I was so bummed, but I balled like a baby, he was trying to help the pain in my feet so I could take my long walks, he stuck needles between my toes and I literally balled and he stopped. Now we are doing Lidocane injections. I was wondering if anyone on here has had Breast Augmentation? I had it done in 2001 and I have researched this that it will cause Rheumatoid Arthritis. I have changed all my eating habits, I cut out gluten, I drink Apple Cider Vinegar, I make green smoothies and fruit smoothies, cut out sugar. so now I know my Acupunture may be right that it's the augmentation. Anyone else go thru this?

Oil Pulling
Posted by Trina (St.Helens, Oregon) on 08/07/2008

Rheumatoid/Osteo Arthritis: So update, I have done oil pulling and still have twice everyday. My Arthritis is not completely gone. I think it's because i aint using the right oil. But i still sleep well and no more chocolate addiction. And branded scar is completly GONE Due to the Organic Sufflower oil that i pulled with. Anyways i wanna loose weight to help my arthritis because my doctor says i have both.((RA/OA)) So i try the recommended Master Cleanse Diet (from this site by a person). After day one i felt really Pain free. in that diet all you drink is Cayenne pepper in filtered water with Grade A/B Organic Maple syrup and organic lemon. Oh and diet tea and salt laxitive. I did that diet for 2 and half days without eating.

Anyways it was the cayenne pepper that made me pain free. I researched cayenne pepper online and bought the pills. It works great. I take more then it says too. it takes about 6 Cayenne fruit pills. it cost less the 3 dollars at Wal-mart. And Well worth it!! - u know that diet i was supposed to have min. Look up Cayenne pepper it does much more then just for pain oh and weight loss. 3 thumbs way up.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Trina (Saint Helens, Oregon) on 05/21/2010

My update -- i stopped oil pulling in 2009 because i was pregnant with my daughter and I became ill every time i tried to swish. Anyways in that time NOT Oil fibromyalgia Pulling My RA had gotten worse and my teeth. I finally got the doctors to agree that I had RA and ruled out OA but i might have fibromyalgia. So anyways i am on day 2 of oil pulling and already i can feel it working and i slept better and it was easier to get up 3 times in the middle of the night. (( oh and i found sunflower 100% oil at the Dollar Tree of all places ))

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