Dear Earthclinic, Please put Ted's Rheumatoid arthritis remedies that he has under 'Rheumatoid Arthritis Questions' in with the Rheumatoid arthritis cures. They are not there. Thanks; Tina
EC: Hi Tina,
Working on it, thanks for the suggestion!
General Feedback
If borax cured your RA, how long did it take before you were cured? Since you are cured do you still take it? Rain
Dear Ted,
A friend of mine has Rheumatoid Arthritis believed to be genetic in nature. Would you please send one of your amazing cures for this disease. Thank you for all of your wonderful posts, they give us so much help and hope.
This is for Mother Earth from Kansas. Rheumatoid Arthritis is a terrible disease. I am not Ted but I can surely tell you something that will help your friend. Get a water ionizer that produces alkaline water. My husband has arthritis and I can't tell you how much this has helped him. A lot of our problems are caused by the Sad American Diet. We eat all foods that cause our bodies to become more acidic than alkaline. Tell your friend to get on an alkaline diet (google acid-alkaline diet). My water ionizer is a Jupiter water ionizer and you can get one for about $1,500. It is the best money I have ever spent. Also google benefits of drinking alkaline water.
Good Luck and God Bless,
Ted's Remedies
Hello, I really hope this can help someone.
This doctor believes a virus is at the root of RA... He is helping people with Lysine and B Vitamins. Of course, you must actually be absorbing the B vitamins and if you're stomach acid is too low, you will end up with terrible deficiencies.
Betaine HCL solves this - take after meals.
Dietary Changes, Apple Cider Vinegar, Herbs
Dietary Changes, Apple Cider Vinegar, Herbs
Interesting. I have had pain in feet, shoulders, now legs and knees and some arm pain and hands on an off. I just can't figure what it is. I'm juicing now carrots, canteloupe, ginger, apples and orange. I also take turmeric, d3, ACV pills still not much change. I could use some answers.
I'm 60 and been in great health all my life and only since last year has this pain started.
Looking for the right combination of herbs etc to fight this thing.
Thanks, Bill
Multiple Remedies
I'm inquiring about a problem I have with RA Arthrit I've had this nasty problem for 18 yrs. now. I have done all the dr. things. All kinds of meds. pills, shots and injections as well. Needless to say, some did'nt work at all! And some worked for several weeks even a few of them lasted several months. Ran out of stuff! Then tried all sorts of different Vitamins, then certain food diets.ect I could go on. At times I had to live with horrid pain. I don't know what else can be done? I need help, if anyone could help with info, PLEASE send asap. Thanks ru
EC: Hi Ru, can you please tell us exactly what supplements and special diets you tried?
Hi Ru, Have you tried msm? Also, dmso. Both are quite amazing. You didn't really say exactly what you've tried but I would try both. You can get high quality msm online. I use them both and find them to be quite effective. Also, eliminate dairy if you haven't tried that. Perhaps you can be more specific in what you have tried. Then, we can give better feedback. Thanks, Lisa
Multiple Remedies
Dear RU,
Sorry to hear about your RA pain. I watched "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead" and it teaches how the body can heal itself if we stop poisoning it with sugar, processed junk and avoid dairy, grains and nightshades. My labs improve and my swollen joints improve when I stay on a raw food diet, not raw meat, raw fruits and vegetables.Try eating just raw fruits and vegetables for two weeks and you will see and feel an improvement. I like high dose of vitamin c for my choice of supplements. Hope you feel better.
Multiple Remedies
Vit C is a water soluble vitamin. The body will only absorb about 500 mg +/- at a time and the rest is excreted in urine. It is best to take it several times a day to maximize absorption. Think smart don't throw away money. I have RA also and it is under control. I am going into research for RA. I am 27 yrs old. NOT MEDICAL ADVICE.
"If you keep it out in the air too long, the allicin will evaporate. You only have a few minutes and the allicin is what you are wanting, not the garlic."
Just wanted to note that the above part is untrue. It is actually best to let chopped or minced garlic sit for 10 minutes or so before eating or cooking with it. Garlic does not actually contain allicin as such - it is formed when the garlic is cut or crushed and it takes time to maximize. Google for many references to this. Here's just one (this one recommends 5-10 minutes sit time; others say 10 minutes minimum):
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hi Tina, How are you feeling now, it's been over a year now. I 'm just starting this treatment and would like to know how long you were on this therapy and how well it helped. Thank you, Sharon
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hello, I would also like Sharon to have my e mail to let me know how she is feeling now after her treatment with HP. It has been 4 yrs since started. Also she uses for a perforated ear drum. My son has the same and would like to be sure I can use it, since anything in his ear causes pain. Thank you
Hydrogen Peroxide
Are you still doing this.. post is pretty old, I have Psoriatic arthritis.. Shannon
Hydrogen Peroxide
What HP mixture was used for his ears?
EC: Probably using 3% peroxide. Please see EC's ear wax and h2o2 page for more info..
I've been on MSM for 33 days now. I started off on low doses and now I'm taking a half a teaspoon two times a day. I guess that is 4 grams. I'm drinking 2 litres a day and that is about all I can take. I'm not a big person. I'm getting mild headaches, flushed flu like sweating, mild and painful bloating, not severe. I understand about toxic reactions as far as herxhimer reaction goes. I have rheumatoid arthritis, and a yet undiagnosed numbness in three fingers in my right hand. In the past, I have suffered from migraine and insomnia, and stomach problems, so I know the level of pain in these symptoms. My thoughts are, how toxic is your body when you have a chronic disease? I assume having RA I have levels of toxicity all the time. I am not experiencing any RA symptoms at the moment because it usually occurs in rainy weather. It is summer here, and I wanted to begin the MSM now in preparation for the colder weather when I experience the worst pain. I really need to find an anti-inflammatory as I don't have one. Either they are ineffective or have been taken off the market (Vioxx and Prexige). I am on methotrexate 7.5mg and do not want to take any more 'drugs'. Considering the toxic effects of RA, can anyone tell me how long I have to put up with the MSM side effects. It's been over 4 weeks now? Also is glucosamine and or chondriatin effective for RA?
According to the internet (which never lies) Iodine supplementation must be accompanied by Selenium supplementation. 200 micrograms per day. Thyroid function suppression begins at 750 mg (milligrams) of iodine, therapeutic doses run around 100 mg, and maintenance runs around a few mg, and more isn't a problem.
And the iodine supplement should be a combination of elemental iodine and iodide compound such as potassium iodide. Lugol's liquid and iThroid capsules are good examples. Lugol's is cheaper, obviously because it's just a bottle of liquid, without all the capsules.
What brand of iodine are you taking to relieve your pain? How many milligrams of iodine does that equal?
General Feedback
l am a female got diagonised with ra at the age of 15years. l am now 40years old with three kids and married. My main problem is, my ra is getting worse, l can not do house work. I find it difficult to stand up where am seated. I am using predinsoline, methotrixcite piroxicam and chloroqine with no change.
I really need help because at the moment 1 am always in pain.
Thank you
Keep doing natural solutions research and realize the drugs are NOT working, so try something else. DRUGS don't heal - your body heals itself. Strengthen your immune system in every way you can .... quit eating foods that harm your body and give the natural alternatives more time. If you have given the drugs years (and they still aren't working) why would you expect a natural solution to work in 2 weeks ???? Read, read, read .... and read some more. Educate yourself on the CAUSES of the problem so you can get to a solution. Your body isn't hurting because it's lacking the Rx, it's hurting because it is out of balance. Find the balance and you won't be hurting. It's up to YOU, not the Rx companies to heal your own body. This site has some great solutions - at the very least these natural solutions are not TOXIC like the Rx are ...
General Feedback
RA, is caused mostly by a few things; root canal teeth, consumption of nightshades, zoonotic infections (insect vectored infections ( best test for this in the USA, spirostat (triple shot babesia add on test). Triple means three different blood specimens. Most docs are doing finger, big toe stick and venous blood draw. They may not be doing business in your country yet, but you could go to their site and email the question.. Zoonotic infections include not only "Lyme disease" but 50 or 60 other spirochettes and non spirohettal infections like Leptosira, Q Fever, and a dozen or so Richettsia family. The flouride issue does play into this but for the most cipro and levaquin are causing theses types of symptoms because they are very effective at killing spirochettal infections which in turn causes a secondary immmune response to the cell membrane blebs of dead organism. This is the classic "herz". Although the floride or flourine residual also Chlorine can make RA much worse. Drsteve
General Feedback
This message is for DrSteve, He was explaining about inssect vectored infection on RA patients. An interesting option to have checked. He mentions to "go to their website" but does not specify the website's name. Can he input on that? Thank you. Mary
Oil Pulling
may I ask what you drink then if you don't drink juices, colas ect? I admit I drink alot of sodas, I try to buy 100% juice on the labels when I buy juice. Is this still not good? I buy purified water.....I have city water which I don't drink, can taste the chlorine and hate the taste. Lord knows what else is in the any suggestions on healthy things to drink would be appreciated!
Hydrogen Peroxide
Could you make the instructions a bit clearer. How many drops for how long, and then you go backwards and forwards again. I am a bit confused, please explain what you mean by this. I appreciate it greatly. Thank you.
Also it should perhaps be mentioned that serum copper levels are usually high in those with RA.
Check out Honkanen V, Konttinen YT, Sorsa T, Hukkanen M, Kemppinen P, Santavirta S, Saari H, Westermarck T: Serum zinc, copper and selenium in rheumatoid arthritis. J Trace Elem Electrolytes Health Dis 1991, 5:261-263.
Also, there has been some success in treating RA with drugs that LOWER copper in the blood. Look at, for example,
So giving copper to a RA patient who is already above normal in copper, is maybe worse than giving them calcium. I would say it is asking for trouble. Two months later the swelling in my wife's hand caused by a copper bracelet still hasn't come down.
Plus, if you really want to experiment with the possibility of destroying your health then just go to some hardware store and get some copper wire and wrap it around your wrists. It will only cost a dollar, instead of the 30 dollars or so for an expensive ornament. But I'd say, don't do that. Resist the temptation to look elegant. Take care of your health instead and don't even think of supplementing copper if you have RA. (Maybe osteo arthritis is different?)
Juice Fasts
I read your post and EVERYTHING you said was exactly what I have found to be true! I have been off of all Meds for just over 6 months! Freedom and feeling great!
Juice Fasts
Juice Fasts
How much did it cost to remove your amalgams and how many did you have removed? Thanks. I would have to pay out of pocket as it is not covered under my insurance.
Nettle Tea
I was diagnosed with RA 1 year ago. The pain continued to worsen, darvocet didn't touch the pain. The pain was constant. Someone suggested that I try drinking 3 cups of nettle tea a 2 days I went from extreme pain to no pain! It has been 7 months and I still continue to do great. (i take no meds!) The usual things sometimes trigger a flare up, but it is mild and short lived. I do everything I want to do. Before drinking the tea, I was unable to do the basic everyday things. Research it, and then give it a try!! Never hurts to check with Dr. before trying something new. I have had no negative side affects from the tea. My rheumatologist is amazed. I have the ccp antibody, so I was expected to be real bad at this point!
My mother also has RA and we have nettle tea in powder form. Could you please let me know how many spoonfuls/tablespoonfuls of nettle tea to take. Thanks.
ACV and Baking Soda, MSM, Mag Citrate
Nov123 & ALSO Roni from Tx post also from 14th:
I will attempt to reply to both here on the RA disease portion, since any immune imbalance that can be corrected will also likely help the other problems. First, RA is classed as an autoimmune disease, where the body's own antibodies are found to be attacking "self" cells and tissues.
Here is an overall basic diagram of the entire human immune system, showing the TH1 and TH2 sub-branches over on the left:
First question is when does the immune system not perform at good efficiency and balance, and the answer is 'when the terrain (body and all tissues) are ACIDIC'! So the very condition that allows diseases to invade prevents proper optimal functioning of immunity. That must be made right, back to an alkaline state, otherwise many remedies just won't take.
Best, simplest and cheapest remedy by far for restoring a high= alkaline pH is given by Ted here, under BICARBONATE FORMULA:
On to some RA remedies, French Maritime Pine bark extract aka Pycnogenol, or GSE instead:
When I asked him to elaborate, he told me that he'd never used grape seed extract (GSE) to treat arthritis because he'd never heard of using either GSE or Pycnogenol for arthritis symptoms. Dr. Spreen: 'My comment was due to the fact that, 1) Pycnogenol is expensive, and 2) grape seed extract (much cheaper and more ubiquitous) has been found to supply the same active ingredients. Both are famous for their antioxidant properties. '
Both contain about 40 similar compounds classed as OPCs, by the way as the active ingredients. Dr. Spreen noted that he would recommend 200mg per day of GSE, ...
Next possible nutrient to try for the RA is "ORGANIC GERMANIUM, aka Ge-132":
Note this article is from 1987! It's been quite well researched in Japan. It is very widely available on the net health stores and locally.
Third possibility is plant sterols/sterolins, available generically. Based on the biological activities described above, most studies to date have investigated the ability of plant sterols to control inflammation or induce a shift from a predominantly humoral immune response to a more protective cellular response (i. E. TH2 to TH1 shift)
These supplements take time, 1 to 3 months, and as shown may give only a percentage improvement. There's also possibility #4 niacinamide, widely available and cheap. There is a post under 'Trigger Finger' from OCT 5 on it for arthritis. Dosage is in there, too:
ACV and Baking Soda, MSM, Mag Citrate
I agree with you about specific foods being the cause of certain joints to swell. I have the same reaction as you, my knees swell when I eat dairy. My si joints hurt when I eat starchy foods, such as grains, corn potatoes and some cooked root veggies. My back hurts when I eat honey. I have been able to lower my sedimintation rate to normal and it was 64!!!
Juicing will greatly help RA pain, especially if you can do it for a week, just drink fresh juices.
Can you tell me how much Shilajit you take? I saw Gold Shilajit and Shilajit M----, how many mgs. do you take? How long before you felt results? Do you take it for life?
Thanks, Rain
Are you still out there? How much Shilajit do you take a day (ie millgrams, etc. ) saw one called Gold Shilajit is this any good?
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
I am 29 and have been diagnosed with severe RA. I was diagnosed bout 2 years ago. I am trying the ACV remedy. I have been taking 2 TBLS of ACV with a 1/4 tsp baking soda for about 2 weeks now. I have not had any results as of this time. I was just wondering if it should have shown some kinda change in pain or weight loss by now. I also tried the ACV soak on my wrist, it helped for maybe 10 minutes. I'm getting discouraged about using the ACV. I am considering not using the ACV anymore.