Cold Sores
Natural Remedies

Cold Sore Relief: Top Natural Remedies

Posted by Maryann (Detroit) on 05/18/2006

I read on another site that nail polish remover works on cold sores so I tried it. With in two days it was gone. I put on the cold sore twice a day. I didn't have any of the usual scabbing either. So it was really great. Another thing that works really well is the amino acid L-Lysine. Before I found out about the nail polish remover I used to take L-Lysine alone which helped the reduce outbreak time. Next time I get a cold sore I probably will use both.

Posted by Mysti (USA)

This was for oral herpes - I simply put acetone polish remover on it at night. When I wake up it's usually gone. It burns incredibly bad but hey, the sore is gone.

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