Cold Sores
Natural Remedies

Cold Sore Relief: Top Natural Remedies

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jerry (Dingman's Ferry, PA) on 12/24/2006

Lysine, Super B Complex, Zinc, Vitamin C, and Acidophilus (all of these taken daily, one capsule), plus garlic tablets when an outbreak occurs. This vitamin regimen helps prevent outbreaks. The garlic helps get rid of the sores when there is an outbreak.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lexi (Los Angeles) on 05/25/2006

i wanted to post a cure for cold sores... i tried a combo of just about everything on the board and it worked! i was diligent but did add one thing, Oregano Oil directly to the tiny sore on my lip. this was my regimen: oregano oil followed by lysine drops - directly on the sore. i took supplements of vitamin C, a Multi, Olive Leaf Extract, Grapeseed Extract, Lysine, Zinc, Echinacea and Golden Seal and an Oxygen supplement (like Cell Food) to my water. sometimes i put the drops of oxygen on the sore as well. i kept it very clean with hydrogen peroxide and then would do another round of oregano oil and lysine drops on it. i would then use grapeseed oil so my lip wouldn't get over dry. also, put some oregano oil drops on your tongue. be diligent. don't drink alcohol, be as healthy as you can -- work out, do yoga whatever works for you... stay positive and i swear, you can stop it before anyone even notices what it is.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Briana (San Jose, CA) on 01/29/2007

well - i have successfully avoided an outbreak for 7 years (had one outbreak in 7 years)- i am vegan and eat organic and use no chemicals in my home- but i did have a start of an outbreak once and i rubbed wild oregano oil on it daily for 3 days and it disappeared-watch out though it burns like hell - though within 3 minutes it passes- you can dilute i with olive oil if you prefer- but i like to use it strong to stop it dead in its tracks!

Oregano Oil
Posted by Peter Hart (Kitchener, Ontario, Canada) on 11/14/2007

Manuka Honey was the only answer to the ulcer problem I was having. All natural and clinically tested. Complete a search under 'The University of Waikato' in New Zeland. Oil of Oregano is very effective for healing cold soars in a hurry! I always recommend you research a product on a crediable internet site before trying any remedy. Best Regards,

Hydrogen Peroxide and Lysine
Posted by Jason (Little Rock, AR) on 10/21/2006

I used lysine supplements already to cure HSV 1. I'd had some success using it and also used facial masks off and on to try to help clean my skin. I tried the combo of Hydrogen Peroxide and crushed lysine. This eliminated my symptoms almost instantly. After trying it and getting 7 hours sleep, my lesions were gone, healed and there wasn't a trace of anything on my face!! Highly recommended!

Hydrogen Peroxide and Lysine
Posted by Anonymous (Kansas City, Missouri) on 02/26/2006

To cure herpes break outs, simply crush lysine tablets up into powder, mix hydrogen peroxide with the powder, stir well, apply paste to lesions, the oxygen i the peroxide sinks deep in the skin to kill the virus, and the lysine acts as a "shield" to prevent it from coming back in the same spot, heals very rapidly. In order to kill the herpes virus, u must introduce oxygen into the blood, (or onto the affected area) oxygen will rid the virus. lysine helps with the destruction of the virus as well, and also keeps it in remission. Try this, this is guaranteed to work. also do a google search on BHT, (the next cure for herpes). BHT looks to be a breakthrough next to oxygen therapy.

Posted by AJ (IL) on 04/13/2006

Lysine didn't cure the herpes but it clears it up in no time. I also put hemorrhoid creme on the sore if it doesn't get opened. The ulcer is gone by the end of the day. If it does get opened then I used Hydrogen peroxide. It burns but it clears it up faster.

Posted by Jane (British Columbia, Canada)

I use L-lysine. 500mg. Taken a few days each month. Or take at the on-set of symptoms. Very rarely do I ever get an outbreak of oral anymore. Used to get them regularly and now they are almost a thing of the past. L-lysine is the cheapest and most effective remedy that I have found. Love it.

Posted by Tina (Weiser, ID)

When I was a child I used to always get cold sores on the corner of my mouth, when I was 12 I had this really bad one and I had used Blistex (for cold sores) well, instead it caused it to spread even larger and I ended up with a large outbreak all over my lips, horrible for a 12 year old girl. So my mom heard about Lysine, I took the tablets, and in about 2-3 days they were all gone and believe it or not I have never had a cold sore since (now I am 26) So yes, I believe in the Lysine treatment 100%.

Posted by Liz (Louisville, KY)

I had frequent outbreaks of cold sores and my dentist recommended I take Lysine. Since I started taking 1000 mg Lysine daily, I have not had a single cold sore in years.

Posted by Maria (New Jersey)

I used to have back to back cold sores. Neither over-the-counter nor prescribed medications worked for me. I discovered L-Lysine. It is excellent. I try to take one daily on an empty stomach. If I get lazy and the tingle of a cold sore starts, I take several for a day or so. The sore does not breaks out, but can still be painful .Though not a cure, L-Lysine is the very best possible preventative. All my family with the same malady have had equally great results.

Posted by Melinda (Arlington, VA) on 01/24/2007

I went to a homeopathic pharmacy yesterday and spoke to an herbalist and wellness counselor. She recommended I take 1,000mg of L-Lysine everyday. During an outbreak, she told me to take 3,000mg of L-Lysine everyday. Additionally, she gave me a Super-Oxygenated Anti-Viral Formula that I should take 1 dropperful in a small amount of water 2-3 times a day when having an outbreak. She also gave me an RMA Healing Ointment to use on both oral and genital sores when having a herpes outbreak. I will keep you posted on how they all work!

Posted by Leslie (Barboursville, VA) on 03/03/2007

hey cool got it! speaking of foods and health, peanuts, coffee and chocolate all contain arginine, the amino acid which promotes the outbreak of herpes simplexes, esp. cold sores. Add lack of sleep and stress, and that risk increases. More than 97 percent of all humans have some form of these strains of viruses. To combat, take a supplement amino acid, L LYSINE, which tilts the see-saw of balance back. Usually a double dose at first then as directed for several days to prevent worsening of symptoms. The tingling outbreak will stop and it should start to heal within 24 hours (with good sleep, no coffee, etc). Also, the greens, arugula, italian rockette, will assist healing. A paste can be made to draw fluids off, too. Lip Balms sold at health food stores can be purchased that contain Lysine as well.

CAUTION: Do not take Lysine for long extended periods as it can have negative effect on the liver. Try to use foods instead and good care of the body. if necessary, milk thistle, dandelion root and burdock can assist the liver in rebuilding itself.

Posted by Sheila (Kansas City, MO) on 05/11/2007

there's a vitamin called LYSINE -they sell it everywhere>>>GO BUY IT IT HELPS STOP fever blisters from coming and helps them go away..... i crush them up and put them on my lips IT WORKS

Posted by Sue (Waukesha, WI) on 09/23/2007

Ever since I was a child I would get really bad cold sores on my lips. about eighteen years ago a co-worker told me about L-lysine. I bought some and as soon as I would feel the tingling like one was starting I'd take 2-3 L-lysine and later in the day 2 more and the next day only 3. And the cold sore wouldn't form or come out. For about a year I'd take it only when I felt one coming and a day or two. For about 14 years I haven't had one cold sore! A miracle!
