Cold Sores
Natural Remedies

Cold Sore Relief: Top Natural Remedies

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Isabelle (Vancouver) on 03/17/2015

I have been using tea tree oil to treat cold sores for well over a decade - it has never failed me. As a child I was very susceptible to enormous cold sore breakouts and my parents tried all kinds of natural as well as not-so natural remedies to no prevail? In my early sdulthood I decided to try applying un-dilluted te tree oil & magic! Undilluted tea tree oil is very string and can even burn your skin, so it is important to be precise & apply it only to the direct affected spot, without letting it run or spread over a larger area. A doused q-tip works well. If you apply it (and re-apply it several times, ie. every hour) when you get the first tickling sensation of a cold sore coming on before it actually appears, it will never appear! If you are a bit lit and the cold sore has already shown its face, apply it, and the sore will quickly dry up and die without going through the whole itchy raw stage?

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Gina (Leeds, West Yorkshire) on 05/08/2012

Cleaning with diluted tea tree oil and regular dabbing of the affected area. Drys it right up.. The cold sore should be gone within about 4 days.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Marathonlady (Denver, Co.) on 04/04/2012

I have had real good luck with keeping my herpes lesions from beginning full blown sores. When you begin to feel the tingling of an episode, or even if they are there but not leaking fluid, dab on tea tree oil with your fingers straight out of the bottle. This will reduce and totally eliminate the sore. Otherwise, the episode takes 2 to 3 weeks to get over. I have my sores on my butt cheeks, so don't know how the tea tree oil would act on tender genital tissues?

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Crazyakplayer (Pc, Fl) on 01/29/2012

i usually get blisters on my lips twice a year did some research found that tea tree oil works good I bought some itch away oil from a herb shop and applied it to my sore it was completely gone in two days no scab or anything ive used abreava and it doesnt work the itch away oil is awsome

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Cassie (Augusta, GA) on 06/29/2008

ACV or Tea Tree Oil to cure cold sores.

I used ACV on a q-tip pressing firmly, and repeated several times throughout the day. This began to dry up the cold sore on my upper lip after only a few hours...however, it caused a bit of skin irritation around the area which kind of defeated the purpose (i have very sensitive skin). So the next day I switched to tea tree oil applied with a q-tip (making sure to use new q-tips for each application). Cold sore is almost completely dried and the irritation from the ACV is dissapearing.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Debra (Philadelphia, PA) on 09/09/2006

Cold sores/fever blisters I've been suffering with this problem over & over for quite some time and wasn't having any luck with the OTC stuff or Valtrax for that matter. I tried the H2O2 on its own & mixed with a crushed up L-Lysine tab (took FOREVER to crush into powder) the last time this happened but this time it seemed to come back stronger than ever. In a true moment of desperation I put 3 drops of Tea Tree Oil (TTO) into a dixie cup full of H2O2 grabbed some q-tips and (one by one never re-using) applied it to the cold sore over and over and over and over. I pressed the q-tip up against it hard and massaged it in. I swabbed my lips with it and the inside of my mouth. This process took about an hour but by the time I stopped the cold sore had gone from itching, oozing & weeping to white "bubbles" to dry crust/scab. I think I may start using TTO, baking soda & H2O2 as my new toothpaste and baking soda w TTO as my new "soap"!

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Jenny (Toronto)

I use organic tea tree oil on my lips when I get the beginnings of an outbreak and it is gone within 24-36 hours. (i apply 3-4x/day).

also, an acidic body will give you an outbreak quickly. Look into the acid alkaline balance. Cheese and coffee does it for me every time.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Leigh (Nogales, AZ)

I have had frequent outbreaks with herpes oral and genital for many years. Along with taking L-Lysine (1000 mg) daily, I dilute Tea-Tree oil in warm water and wet cotton balls with it and apply several times a day. This relieves the pain and itch. You can also use the diluted solution for a douche which also will relieve. Make sure you dilute 1 part tea tree oil to 3 parts water. Do not use directly or it will burn. Try it. It works!
