Aloha, I love your site! Many people here use acetone, for cold sores, but I never have. Instead, I use rubbing alcohol as SOON as I feel the tingling/swelling. I apply it using a qtip or a cotton ball, and it almost immediately stops the swelling. Apply at least once an hour for the first day. I also use tea tree oil, lavender oil, and oregano oil - usually diluted in rubbing alcohol. This combination usually prevents a blister from ever forming, but you have to keep on it. This allows me to keep working and interacting with the outside world without embarassment.
Vitamin C taken in massive quantities is also crucial - I think the dip in my immune system that happens after a few weeks of not enough sleep and too much stress is what triggers an outbreak. I used to get four outbreaks a year - since I started using rubbing alcohol and vitamin c, it's down to one every year, often one every two years. This is also because I'm very proactive - if I notice that I'm feeling tired on a regular basis, I start taking Vitamin C to protect my health. It's really helped, and makes the outbreaks, if they come at all, much smaller and much more manageable.