My go to for outbreaks is honey. Its antimicrobial, antiinflammatory, and conditioning benefits work great at all stages of these buggers. So soothing and I rarely have the long scab stage anymore. I tried melaleuca homey this time and don't think it's any better than the organic I usually have. Take a tbls internally too!
It's April and it is spring. The weather is fluctuating 15-20 degrees (cold at night - warm during the day)
On Monday night, I was feeling extremely tired and exhausted to the point that I went to sleep at 9PM (I usually sleep very late). I woke up Tuesday morning and started feel a little tingle on my upper right lip and at the same time felt a bit of "COLD" coming on. I wasn't concern about the cold ( continuous sneezing gives me an early warning that I am catching a cold which didn't happen), but I knew that I'd have cold sores on my lip and it would hurt. Tuesday went by with my upper lips giving tingle sensations. On Wednesday morning I GOT the BLISTERS popping out, my lips were irritated, and it hurt. I came to work and researched earth clinic that always I always do for a personal healing information/solution. At around 12 Noon, I started dipping dabs of honey (which I use with my green tea) on the spot. At first, after a minute or so my cold sore started to tingle then the area felt burning a bit ( not too high, but I felt it). I kept on dabbing honey at the spot the rest of the day. By evening, the area stopped hurting, but the tingle continued whenever I dabbed honey on the spot. Before I went to sleep, I dabbed a bit of honey on the spot and went to sleep.
Thursday morning (after sleeping only 4 hours), I woke up and went to bathroom mirror. My lip sore WASN'T SWOLLEN as yesterday, the dark scab was lighter (instead of darker and hard), and the top skin on the sore must have come out. The area feels a bit hard and I believe that by end of day, the swollen area will subside. THE PAIN AND IRRITATION IS GONE and IT DIDN"T COST ME ANYHTING EXTRA.
RESULT: After a cold sore outbreak, I applied HONEY, and it took 24 hours to stop and start reversing the virus.
HONEY has multitudes of benefits including ANTI-BACTERIAL power.
As for the cold, I started taking Tomato Tea just to be safe.
Honey for Cold Sores: I had this horible Cold Sore all over my mouth together with cracked and chapped lips and nothing seemed to help. Thought about hearing something about honey being used to heal such issues. Tried it and my mouth is almost healed after just 24 hours. MIRACULOUS!!!
I have used HONEY to stop and cure cold sores for years. Honey is a natural virus killer. Also bacteria. When I read about honey i didn't believe it but tried it when I started getting the next cold sore. Lo and behold it never went beyond the first little blister-stopped the pain and itching instantly. When I first feel one coming on I dab honey on it and it never gets worse and is gone within 2/3 days. Dab on often-3/4 times a day. It also works on gastrointestinal virus- I work in a nursing home and we are constantly getting that bug. When I feel a little nauseaed I go home and take a big spoon of honey and have only gotten it once in 4 years and that was when I didn't take the honey! I believe n natural cures and believe that God gave us all we need to cure disease in nature.
I have been under treatment for years for Herpes Whitlow on my right hand, which occasionally manifests itself on my palette and genitals. I have always tested negative for herpes 2, and assumed my outbreaks are weird manifestations. Doctors here have never seen this combination of symptoms. They were debilitating until I started self immunizing my cat and pollen allergies with daily dose of different honeys, and cutting out practically all refined sugars in my diet. Whereas I would have an outbreak every twelve months on a maintenance dose of 500mg of Zelitrex daily (quadrupled during outbreaks) the last two outbreaks have been restricted to my finger and palette - a great improvement over previous ones. I feel the honey is helping my immune system suppress the virus, perhaps by keeping my immune system on alert all the time. I have upped my daily dosage of Zeleitrex to 15 mg, and would appreciate any comments from others who have found Honey a satisfactory palliative.