Campho-Phenique (Liquid in the green bottle) which you can buy over the counter at any drug store.
Campho-Phenique is an old folk remedy for many skin issues. Camphor is known to have antiviral activity. Studies state that external application of lavender oil mixed with Camphor deactivates both herpes simplex type-1 and herpes simplex type-2 virus. This prevents spreading of the herpes infection.
It works for any type of herpes virus such as cold sores or shingles. Apply with Q-tip to affected area three to four times a day. It dries up the sores immediately.
I got introduced to Campho-Phenique back in the late 70's when I had a mouth ulcer. My parents had a bottle of it in the bathroom cabinet. I dipped a Q-tip into the liquid and rubbed it on the mouth ulcer, waited about a minutes and spit it out. The mouth ulcer was gone by the next day. I've been using this product for other skin issues ever since.
Yet another cold sore. I had a bowl of chocolate ice cream and the next day a cold sore was starting. This time, I applied Tiger Balm. Tiger Balm has 25% camphor and 10% menthol and some other ingredients. Within seconds of applying, white blisters would form - I think it was the virus coming up to the surface. I would use a tissue to gently wipe away the blister fluid. The bringing up the virus to the surface and out of the skin helps the cold sore heal faster.
I get cold sores and usually I use hydrogen peroxide or nail polish remover and they dry up and heal in about a week. This time I had them for at least 8 weeks and nothing was working. A friend had recommended Carmax, so I decided a different approach was needed. After a couple of days using Carmax, I looked at the ingredients (camphor 1.7 and phenol .44) and noted that they were close to Vicks Vaporub. Checked the label and the Vicks was similar, just higher concentrations. I decided to put Vicks on my sores. I finally got some relief and they started to heal. First, I liked the feeling of Vicks. That familiar tingle seemed to counteract the annoying tingle of the cold sore. In fact, any time I felt a cold sore tingle, I would put Vicks on to have what I felt to be a healing tingle. Within a week they were healing.
Other thing I found that helps is lemon balm. Take leaf and rub on sore and drink in tea. About 5-6 leaves, crush a bit to release active ingredients.
The only remedy which dries them is SPIRITS OF CAMPHOR, now unavailable in the UK, but I buy from the USA. Also, take Lysine and avoid Arginine containing foods: Cheese, red wine, nuts, chocolate. Sometimes they will appear soon after consuming one or more of these foods. As soon as the "tingling" starts which signals the onset, take a half teaspoon Lysine - I take it twice a day - in juice.
I'm not really sure why we would be advocating putting Acetone on each other's faces given this is an all natural remedies website. I have found though, and I've been dealing with cold sores since I was 4, that Camphor Spirit is the best for drying these out. Most pharmacies don't carry it anymore, but they will order if you ask. It's about $5. 00 for a bottle that will last you years. It's essentially the same stuff as campophenque and everything else we spend $10 buying without the extra chemicals. It just drys the cold sore. I haven't had one in years but for some reason, this week, developed one on the skin between my nose and lip. I've never had one here before and it's embarassing and frustrating. The camphor spirit makes it a little more bearable, since it goes away faster, but I'll be going out today for a bottle of L-Lysine.
Herpes cold sores: For years I've been using 'spirit of Camphor'. I put it on a cotton swab and put it on the area. I also have taken Vit.B Complex and that helps too...As does Lysine...