Cold Sores
Natural Remedies

Cold Sore Relief: Top Natural Remedies

Calamine Lotion
Posted by Tamara (GA) on 09/19/2023

I use calamine lotion on mine too and it really works faster than anything I've tried ... And it soothes the burn ... I also use 91% alcohol on a qtip and dab it a few times a day then soothe with carmex and at night I put calamine on it .... Works very well

Calamine Lotion
Posted by Molly (Tampa, Fl) on 08/05/2016

I've suffered with cold sore outbreaks all my life, and most of the treatments only make my sores worse. I think it's because gels and liquids irritate the sore rather than soothe it. Even a breeze blowing on it seems to make it worse. I had the idea once to coat my sore with calamine lotion to protect it from irritation and I was amazed at how it made my sore so much better. I have been using calamine lotion now for several years, and I have never had a full blown break out since. Now when I feel the tingling of a cold sore, I apply calamine lotion as soon as I can and it dries it up right away before it can develop into a huge sore. I have found the more pasty the lotion, the better it works. So I take a bit from the top of the bottle around the cap that is dried out some and dab it over the cold sore. It really is like a miracle cure for me. However, my sores tend to come up on the skin beside my lips rather than on the lips themselves, so I'm not sure how well the calamine would stick to your lips since they move around when you talk and eat. It is definitely worth a try though!

Calamine Lotion
Posted by Marcy Shannon (Boston, MA.) on 11/18/2008

I've just read a lot of your comments on the Herpes Simplex outbreaks. I too have suffered from them, right in the middle of my face! For the past 2 days I have had it and have tried acv, hp, bacterial ointment. Digging through my medicine basket,I found the calamine loction. This one is called Caladryl by Park Davis. I dabbed this on my blister twice this afternoon with a cotton swab. I cannot believe the difference. It is drying up as I post this message. It is hardly noticeable! This blister was open this morning, between my nose and mouth and looked disgusting! I will certainly recommend calamine lotion to anyone. Good luck folks.
