Cold Sores
Natural Remedies

Cold Sore Relief: Top Natural Remedies

Aloe Vera
Posted by Amanda (Tampa, FL) on 06/19/2008

I have gotten cold sores since I was little. And I am 22 now and i still get them. My docter use to give me this paste for them however it just made them look worse and never helped. Last summer I got cold sores probably about once every 2 weeks. As soon as one was gone another one would come in its place. I have bought everything you can buy at walgreens. None of it works, esp. Abreva the stuff just flat out does not work. I went on the internet one day and found that Aloe Vera, if you put it on the cold sore as soon as it starts it stunts the cold sore and it never gets any bigger. I also use L-Lysine tablets, about 4,000 or more mgs a day if I go to the beach while I don't have a cold sore, I will still take about two or so tablets. Also my docter gave me valtrex which does work well but only if you catch the cold sore right as it is starting to form, which is hard to do since I am not always at home when they start. Carring supplies in your purse is helpful though, I know it's a pain but when you get cold sores you gotta do what you gotta do. Last night I was at work and felt one forming on my lip. It never got any bigger and I thought it wasn't going to but than another one started to form on my lip also. I ran home and put aloe on it but I think i was too late. I am trying Apple Cider Vineger right now and so far it seems to be working so I think this will go in my list for remedies, lol. Thank you!
