Mite Infestation
Natural Remedies

Effective Mite Infestation Treatment: Top Natural Remedies

Coconut Oil, Sulphur
Posted by Malu (Houston, Tx) on 04/03/2018

Hello, I suffered a mite infestation in my scalp and they were spreading some in my neck area, an older doctor diagnosed them right (other dr thought I had an allergic reaction to a new shampoo) and he gave me a mix of coconul oil and sulphur to apply in the head and body. Left it in there for two hours, and then washed with soap. For the body he gave also a mix of zinc and copper sulfate in water, to apply with a cotton after I washed the coconut oil. I washed all my clothes in hot water since I just returned from a trip. This worked for me, they didn't come back, nor infested my home. Hope this helps someone.

Posted by Charmin (Ky) on 04/02/2018

My experience with mites has been so similar especially with family however do not give up. You're not crazy you are dealing with a parasite that can accompany other parasitic infestation get some pinworm medicine take it spray the 3%peroxide on yourself yor hose your car wash in hot water with tee tea oil use tea tree oil in youir shampoo lotion hand soap buy eye cleaning wipes add tee tree oil in a week you will feel better in a few months you will have it nder control also probiotic will help fight faster I'm in. The home stretch now face is cleared and scalp scars remain but mental scar was the real pain. Walmart sells $6 microscope for cell phones show youur family it shut mine up and now they all believe and support me . God bless you 😘

Posted by J (San Antonio, Tx) on 02/20/2018

I just wanted to say that I get how stressful having to blow family off is, when they just refuse to get what you're going through. That was so tough for me, to just realize that my daughter was never going to get anything about me, or want to hear about anything. Oddly, I don't totally think that she doesn't care, but that she works hard not to care.But to get well, sometimes we just have to avoid all that stress. I can't believe I essentially have to abandon much of a hope of a relationship with her, to take care of me, but I've worked hard to make things right there, and maybe at some point you just have to recognize it for being the very real health drain that it is. One comfort, though. My sister seemed to think that we must really be close, that she was actually less close to her children. It made me realize that I suppose it's all relative. My sister thinks it's perfectly normal to have almost no relationship with her children, the way our mother was with us.

Posted by Need Help (San Antonio, Tx) on 02/19/2018

I just tried Neem oil on my feet and it does seem ver soothing--taking away a hot redness. Do you think it's okay to put Neem oil directly on my wood floors? All my skin problems began with a deep itchiness on just a few spots on feet and fingers, which spreads by touch. The doctors are amazingly uninterested. I thought it was a fungus, or bacteria, but I'm beginning to think it's almost more like a Herpes thing, except the blisters never show up on the skin. Has anyone ever heard of this? Also, some of the swelling in my feet has subsided so that I now see little round swellings undery toes, and what feels like hot leather glued onto the large area under my big toe.Any advice?I don't think the doctors have their brains working too hard here in San Antonio.

Lamp Oil, Borax
Posted by Mary (Oh) on 02/18/2018

Thank you for the great advice. Trying to find what works.

Posted by Jen (California) on 01/11/2018

Your doctor is ill informed. It may not be traditional scabies but it's likely some odd skin mite. Docs don't ackowledge that random mites are infesting humans but they surely are! See urge cdc petition and you will realize there is in fact a silent epidemic of various skin mites.

Posted by Mike (Ontario) on 01/07/2018

I'm currently going through the same issues that you're experiencing too! My question to you is, how much hydrogen peroxide was used in your spray bottle?

This technique seems like it's worth a try!

Neem Oil
Posted by Mary (Tampa, Fl) on 01/02/2018

I have a infestation of mites for 7 years. I have found a solution. Neem oil. I put it in a diffuser in living room and bedroom. I put it in a spray bottle with alcohol and spray all my clothing, furniture, car and anywhere I frequent. They also make a Neem pet spray. As soon as I sprayed it on my dogs they stopped biting and scratching. It is God sent. It's immediate too. Believe me I have lived in hell and my poor dogs. I finally figured out where they were coming from. The dog groomers. This is the answer. Thank you God

Posted by Dee (New Orleans ) on 01/02/2018

If you are using Zinc internal, what are you using for the environment...?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Michelle (Texas) on 12/23/2017

Were you able to get them out of your car?

Bleach Spray
Posted by Melissa (Ontario, Canada) on 12/16/2017

What concentration bleach works? thanks.

Mites in Car Remedies
Posted by L.franklin (Arizona) on 12/16/2017

Regarding cleaning out car,get Diatomaceous Earth and sprinkle all through your car leave for at least 5days then vacuum. Then take a spray bottle full with 70% rubbing alcohol.

Lamp Oil, Borax
Posted by Dee (Waltham, Ma) on 12/04/2017

I've been a suffer of mites for the past 4.5 years. I used borax in my laundry but please tell me the mixture for the borax remedy.

Denatured Alcohol
Posted by Hans (Elk Grove Il) on 11/08/2017

Should you dilute the denatured alcohol in the spray bottle or use full strength? Also, is it safe by the stove / non-flamable once evaporated?

Cold, Witch Hazel
Posted by Seeker (Salt Lake City, Utah) on 10/15/2017

We have mites of some sort and are going crazy. It is so frustrating to feeling these things crawling on us, biting us, and unable to see anything. We first noticed them on our dog when we petted him and before long they seemed to be everywhere there was fabric or carpet. We keep trying tons of things and have found two remedies to be very effective.

1. Cold: for clothing, bedding and shoes, like outside freezing temperatures or the freezer for 8 hours.

2. Witch hazel for a body wash or spot treat on the body. I suggest these to methods be added to the natural remedies.

Here is a recipe with natural ingredients to remove mites from the body.

  • 4 cups vinegar
  • 2 cups water
  • 1/2 cup lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup witch hazel

After showering, spray on in the shower and rub. Air dry.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lisa (Utah) on 10/15/2017

I put my clothing in the freezer before I wear it. I find cold more useful in killing them over heat.

Posted by Brian (Augusta, Ga) on 10/13/2017

NO offense but terrible advice. I fought parting with my bed n my hair...lovely chair lol. seriously it became far from a laughing matter and EVERYTHING WENT (upstairs). my life will never be the same. DO NOT TAKE THIS LIGHTLY. TRRUUSSTTT MMEEE!!!! U DO NOT WANT TO HAVE PERMANENT DAMAGE TO YOUR PSYCHE!!! I DO. THOUGHT IT WAS BED BUGS THE FOR MONTHS OF "SLEEPLESS NIGHTS OF INSANITY"... FAMILY THINKS IM ON METH OR SOMETHIN SO I WROTE THEM OFF TOO. YES THAT BAD. STOP IT ASAP

Diatomaceous Earth, Peppermint and Oregano Oils
Posted by Anya (San Francisco) on 10/06/2017


When you applied this diatomaceous earth to your body did you get an increase in bumps? I work in sales and constantly interact with public so worsening of painful bumps is an issue.

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Vicki (Missouri) on 10/03/2017

I am thinking there might be some confusion to what everyone is dealing with here because I learned these were called scabies, but everyone here is calling them mites. I found the cheapest and fastest method of killing them after many trials and errors. First of all, if you have never had anything like this you will think bedbugs. You only get bitten at night, and the itching is so intense you get very little sleep. You can tell no one, bedbugs can be extremely hard to find, and you will feel really hopeless when you read online that even repeated visits by a professional exterminator, costing thousands of dollars most likely will not get rid of them. I looked along seams in mattress constantly but nothing. Finally I built 3 Co2 traps (youtube) and got nothing.

Then read finally that it could be scabies and one did not have to sleep with someone to get them, couldn't be seen without a microscope, doctors never believe you have them unless you have bites in webs of fingers and toes, the prescription costs $100, you have to go back in 7 days and get another one for the eggs that have hatched under your skin, and sometimes the doctor will prescribe a pill of Ivermectin to be taken at the same time which poisons them and makes them head for the surface.

So first you should determine what you have and the best way to do that is a hot bath with 3 Cups of Borax and 2 Cups of Hydrogen Peroxide. After I put my hand in to swish Borax crystals and dissolve them, my arm was covered in tiny black dots the size of a pinhead - Scabies.

You take this bath every day, for 1/2 hour, and make sure to scoot down 2 or 3 times so all of you gets soaked. This is supposed to kill them. You can also put this mixture in a spray bottle diluted with water and spray everything. Launder bedding every day along with clothes making sure to dry at high heat 30 minutes. Before you begin trying to eradicate them, you absolutely have to control the itching.

I tried Cortisone cream, Gold Bond Cream, Alcohol, Tea Tree Oil, Witch Hazel, ACV, and Benadryl which did nothing.

What did finally work was Chlortabs 4mg by Equate and Calaclear Lotion from Walmart. The Calaclear is the same as Caladryl or Calamine and works because it forms a skin on top of the bites. Every time you scratch you will spread them, but you will scratch I promise so putting Tea Tree Oil under your fingernails will minimize spreading and help to stop infection. I have cats and couldn't find for sure on the net if they could get them or give them to you so I used diluted Hartz Cat Flea Shampoo on them.

After 5 days of the Borax baths I still had them and had never seen the amount of that first bath where there were 15 on just one arm. I had read the flea shampoo would get rid of them on me, along with all of the aforementioned things I tried for the itching too. I realized those things might kill the ones crawling on top of my skin but they were not going to kill all of the ones embedded under my skin. After that first bath, I saw only 2 or 3 black dots and I had bites all over except for my face and my hoohah area. Back to the drawing board.

I bought Permetherin 10% Livestock and Premise Pesticide by Gordans from Tractor Supply. It comes in a large size that's around $18 and a small size for $8. I believe the small sufficient for one person with repeated uses, including diluted spray for the house. I also bought Ivermectin Paste 1.87% by durvet, apple flavored for horses which was $3. You mix the Permethrin with same amount of any thick body lotion so then it's 5% which makes it the same as the $100 prescription from a doctor. The Ivermectin is the same thing as the pill except you get multiple doses and drool, drool, your's is apple flavored! Take a bath in the Borax and Peroxide, cover yourself in the lotion, (I used a 30ml bottle filled halfway with pesticide, topped with any body lotion and shaken) - size of a travel shampoo, and eat the correct amount of Ivermectin. It is in a plunger device with 50lb demarcations on it up to 2500lbs. I weigh near 160 so I set it between 150 and 200 then squeezed it onto a spoon. It's okay if it's not exact and there is a youtube video on the plunger if you need it. Try to use the thickest body lotion you have because the pesticide is runny like water, but will work fine anyway because it does rub in. Do not forget between fingers and toes along with soles of feet and hair.


Leave on for 12 to 14 hours. I have very sensitive skin and bites were so bad some places were like a rash but this did not burn or sting or smell bad. I have dyed red hair and did not affect it. It does dry on you fairly quickly and I firmly believe you must use the oral paste also to work from the inside out. I had read not to wait 7 days before the second dose because the initial dose does not kill the eggs they have laid inside you. You have to catch them after they have hatched and grown up but before they do the hookie pokie and make more eggs. I read everywhere that this occurred in 3 days so I did the whole business again in 3 days. But this was wrong as they managed to mature earlier (probably thanks to Monsanto) than 3 days so I had to do routine again in 2 days. After the very first dousing you will finally get some real relief. These only live for 3 days without a meal (you), which is so incredibly much better than bedbugs which live for over a year with no meal and crawl into outlets and cracks you cannot even see.

You can spray your bedding with alcohol repeatedly while to make sure there are none before sleeping. You can spray furniture and floors with the Permethrin in a 1:10 ratio with water BUT it is poisonous to pets when wet and supposedly fine after it dries. I did not spray floors because of my cats and because I read you can spray this diluted onto your camping or hiking clothes, let them dry, and no insects period will bite you, not even after clothes have been through washer and dryer 3 times. I also read you do not want to take the Ivermectin paste less than 2 days apart.

Keep taking the Borax with Peroxide baths because I found that they greatly sped up the healing process of my skin. It didn't dry my skin out either which is pretty outstanding. It supposedly takes up to 6 months for the red bumps, bites, rashes, and itching to stop because there are dead eggs, mites, and poop which your body has to expel.

A very important thing I learned which I read nowhere, is that red bumps will appear in new spots and of different sizes just like the bites except there won't be that little hole where they burrowed under your skin. I freaked because I thought they were back until I looked really close and figured out your body doesn't seem to expel the morgue contents in the same spots the morgue did business. And they will itch but it won't be nearly as bad. I read mites and bedbugs are now super bugs and immune to many things that used to work, and they are in epidemic numbers.

One last thing I just realized before I decided to write this after reading other's horror stories, is that I could not figure out how I got these. I went nowhere except grocery shopping and my cats are indoors only, but there's a bird nest outside at the corner of house close to my bedroom. Robins come every year and use the same nest. I'm afraid they will have to rebuild elsewhere. I tried a lot remedies and tried holistic, but a couple of posts said this was the only way to kill them and quickly too. I believe they were right.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Rose (Arkansas) on 09/23/2017

Put some salt on the floor boards. Then put d e on the seats, you do have to leave it there . I hope this helps😢

General Feedback
Posted by John (Ok) on 09/23/2017

Have you tried MMS??

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Adrienne (West Auckland, New Zealand) on 09/17/2017 6 posts

Adrienne here, I'm in West Auckland, NZ. I am getting there.Still not resolved but better at times.

I have added homeopathy and it is helping more than one would think.

The other treatments I've mentioned above, I've kept on with because they work.

What a journey! All started when I went camping at the end of February '16 (NZs warmest month).

Diatomaceous Earth...Bought from Huckleberrys or Henderson Bird shop.

Flowers of Sulphur bought at Kings Garden Centre.

Homeopathics: Natrum Muriaticum take 2 tabs daily, dissolve in your mouth (Take on an empty stomach).

Sulphur 30c, take 2 drops in a glass of filtered water daily (again on empty stomach).

I wish any who are having this kind of experience all the best! It is hideous to say the least.

Cheers Adrienne

Yogurt With Cinnamon
Posted by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 08/15/2017 233 posts

Absolutely sounds like morgellons. Fortunately what you are using is working. You could also be ingesting the borax and I wanted to mention an ec'er got rid of bed bugs by INGESTING the cinnamon. Took 3 months.

Lamp Oil, Borax
Posted by Shannon (Michigan) on 08/14/2017

The quick spray you refer to is the oil to take care additional bites later??

Posted by Bedee (Tx) on 08/13/2017

Nustock is camphor, sulfur and petroleum jelly. Smelly, but works.

Posted by James (Fl) on 08/11/2017

For mites, you can try a product called NuStock. You can get it at a farm supply place and it's cheap. It is oily and messy, to suffocate mites and has sulfur, too. If you look at sites for chickens and birds you'll see it.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Archos (Ft Smith, Ark) on 07/20/2017

Niacin works break the capsule open and rub on your skin

Posted by Gwen (Ca) on 07/20/2017

will MOM work internally the same way on mites? Dry them out internally?

Dietary Changes
Posted by Mae (Albuquerque Nm) on 07/18/2017

I have read many of the posts on the mite infestation section here and have come to one conclusion. While it is important to treat your living enviornment, it is equally as important to treat your body's internal environment and by that I mean, CHANGE YOUR DIET. If mites find a good host, one with a polluted body (compromised immune system) they move right in. On the other hand, if they find a body that will not support them then they move right along to the next person. I think this logic is simple. Bugs go where it is beneficial for them. Make your body into a place that is not beneficial for them and they will leave. Or simply never move in. Many of us here in the states live in a protected eviornment and by that I mean we are able to actually servive despite having awefull diets and bad health. In countries where the standard of living is "lower", that is not an option. So guess what happens when we visit these courntries?

Get a reality check people. Go organic and seek out good health and you will be happier healthier and the organic food industry will grow and we will prosper as only the human race can.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Me (New York ) on 07/17/2017

Hey thanks for sharing your whole experience and the recipe. I'm going through it now, 5 months already. Can you tell me please what did you use for your ears? Inside of them actually? Thanks

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Rm (Calif) on 07/16/2017

I have tried all of the remedies however nothing really worked except terrain modification for those horrible mites. They say that they like humid and moist areas so I decided to turn my house into the alkaline salt desert. I took out everything that I could accept bear shelving dresser Etc. I put all my books clothing and property in contractor plastic bags and added mothballs and cedar oil to the inside of the bags put them in storage. Not to touch them for a year or more. So I took salt with iodine and covered my floor with it I have ceramic tile. But I'm sure you can do this with carpet or whatever just cover your floor with salt because that's where they crawl and that will dry them up whenever they walk on it. Then I took Epsom salt which is 13% sulfur and I diluted 1/2 of a sprayer bottle with water and epsom salt. Then I proceeded to cover the ceiling and walls with Epsom salt and Bora Bora in water till I had the ceiling walls and Floors covered in salt for ox and epsom salt. No matter where they were they would be completely dried out. Leave it like that for 4 months any eggs that have hatched they will dry out and die. The next thing is to get enzymes they're called Kleen green these enzymes dissolve the exoskeleton of the mites. Killing them. They cannot build immunity to this these enzymes eat protein. I wash my clothes just in Kleen green enzymes. This is one hundred percent natural you can spray it on your person in your car everyday._. This takes a little time for the enzymes to work you can wash your hair with just enzymes you will feel the difference no crawlies nothing after a little time. So I'm at the end of this nightmare. I went from my whole chest being covered and bitten horrible horrible bites. To no bites once in awhile a little crawly then nothing to just sleep all night without any bites is amazing once you get these enzymes on the mites it starts dissolving them. Please try some of these things they will work. Take care and good luck

Diagnosing Mites
Posted by Xoxom (Vta ) on 07/12/2017

Tried the Ted recipe and I started bruising easily...

I guess its not for everybody. Now looking for something else that may work along with good clean diet and supplements

Borax, Tea Tree Oil, H2O2, Vitamin E
Posted by Xoxom (Vta Ca) on 07/10/2017

How long do you sit in sauna?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Invisible Plague (New Zealand) on 07/07/2017

This post is recent. Where in new zealand are you? I'm in west auckland. did you get rid of them?

Collagen, Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Cathi (Alabama) on 07/06/2017

Are you still mite free? What brand of collagen do you use?

Borax, Tea Tree Oil, H2O2, Vitamin E
Posted by Cathi (Alabama) on 07/06/2017

Did the zapper and rife machines work?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Ralph P (Daytona Beach) on 07/01/2017

June 30/2017

Below is a blog response to an Inquiry by John F who sent me an e-mail asking for mite remedies.

Many of my responses are repeated information and can be found in previous posts above.

--Hello John- I am well into my third year of mite infestation of my home. I consider myself a veteran at this point. I have posted in a previous blog that I was mite free. My assessment was premature.

I am however in control and living with the reality that although the situation continues to improve this is an old house and I continue to battle with this issue and I am relentless and my skin continues to be completely clear of any infestation. some minor bites from time to time.

John asked about white vinegar as a solution.

I have had some success cleaning floors with white vinegar and water. However, Apple cider vinegar (with the mother) is more effective. I've used it Also to gargle with and direct use drinking it. I have found though for cleaning Floors borax with a small amount of concentrated bleach mixed with hot water is Far superior than white vinegar.

John also asked in his email to elaborate on the statement. "Salt, Borax, Peroxide, Heat these are your weapons"

June 30/2017 I would continue to stand by that statement from 2015 with the following Clarifications:

In that context I was speaking specific to bird mites.

The reality is: it Pertains to all mites though more effective on some than others. For example Rodent mites respond to these same tools but may require several treatments. I now group and consider all mites as nano-insects and I don't worry about Identifying specific types of mites as there are hundreds of known varieties and On a molecular level hundreds more yet to be discovered. So don't waste time, money and rattling your brain on what type mite am I Dealing with, when we need to concentrate our effort on killing them.

Lets examine the toolbox 1 item at a time: Heat Heat in the form of steam can open the pores of the skin allowing us to Penetrate into boreholes where mites have taken up residence. The application of 99% DMSO directly onto infected areas can also be helpful in penetrating layers Of skin. You must assume they (mites) have left eggs behind so whatever Treatment you use must be repeated. Skin must be re-treated several times in Order to defeat the life-cycle. I have found that bathing in hot water with a Mixture of 2 cups borax and 2 cups epson salts (a notable increase double in the amount of borax and epson salt from my previous blog) in a full tub of hot water is Very effective for full body cleansing treatment.

I recommend lying on your side Submersing as much of your body and head as you can. I cover one nostril with a Finger and allow one nostril to breath through. I stay in this position for a Minimum of 5 minutes. I then roll to do the same lying on my other side. When I get out of the tub I dry my body with a hair dryer on high heat knowing that At this point whatever mites remain are weakened and cannot withstand heat Above 160 degrees.

Note: It is important to dry your skin thoroughly to avoid Secondary infections by fungus and molds trying to take up residence in Boreholes left behind by mites. Areas such as crotch and under breasts are Especially vulnerable areas for this problem of secondary infection.

Don't be afraid to blast affected ares with the hairdryer for several minutes on high heat. Apply a salt rub to the affected area if needed to kill stubborn mites.

SALT and BORAX: On a molecular level tiny critters such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, molds And nano-insects can't live in the presence of salt. Borax is a mineral and a Concentrated cleanser. Borax will instantly transform any environment to Alkaline which is a toxic environment for nano-insects. Borax can be used in Conjunction with dandruff shampoo to cleanse the scalp. Be sure to rub it into The scalp or any other affected area to penetrate layers of skin. Although I've Found mites are not fond of taking up residence on the scalp itself. they prefer To be just below the hairline. or in areas where they can find moisture in the form of sweat.

Under arm pit, under breasts, crotch ext. For spot cleaning the skin I make a salt rub in a small mason jar. I use a Combination of fine sea salt, Himalayan sea salt, coconut oil and tea tree oil.

If available wash the area with hot water first then rub the salt mixture and work

it deeply into the skin. Environmental re infestation: I get them off my skin but my home or apartment and vehicle is infected what Can be done? Nano-insects breath oxygen just like we do so they can be suffocated. With the Use of Ozone generators most environments can be cleaned. ozone generators Convert oxygen from 2 molecule to three molecules which turns oxygen into ozone. A 3.5 MG Ozone generator can be purchased on Amazon or Ebay for under 100.00 Dollars. This size generator is suitable for cleaning a small car. I use 2 this Size and place one in the trunk. I hate to use or recommend that you use Insecticides. I have found that by spraying the rubber seal around the door frames of The car with Permethrin concentrate I can block this escape route. They will run for the doors trying to find breathable air and run staight into the pesticide. They will also try to hide in the air conditioning vents and seat-belt holders and so these Areas must be sprayed as well. CAUTION: do not use foggers as they will cause Damage to plastic surfaces such as gauge lens and radio lens cover and are Mostly in-effective on mites. For larger areas such as a large room in a home Or apartment. You'll need a larger Ozone generator or run even several at the Same time depending on the square footage. They make commercial grade Ozone Generators of 7000mg and 10,000mg. never leave pets or humans in an area being Treated with ozone. Small animals can be killed by exposure to ozone and can Cause lung damage or even death in human exposure. Never run your Ozone Generator more than MAX. 4 hours as transformers can overheat and you will face A costly replacement which requires a soldering job. I hope you find this information useful and I hope you resolve your problem Quickly, If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to ask. Regards Ralph

Hi Ralph, > You wrote back in 2015 on > > > Bird mites "don't like Salt, Borax, Peroxide, Heat - these are your weapons" > == > Have you ever tried white vinegar and how did that work? > Also any other updated info you have would be great. > > Thanks, >

General Feedback
Posted by Kent (Louisiana) on 06/13/2017

Be strong... Keep researching done key it drive you crazy or make you kill yourself, that's what they want... Remember it's just another attack there are a lot of us experiencing it, I don't have all the answers yet try pulsed magnetism... Rotate inner and outer treat ments.. Be strong

Citric Acid
Posted by Jones (London, Uk) on 06/03/2017

Here's a tip for my fellow mite suffers:

I've tried almost everything recommended on the "Mite Infestation Cures" thread but I recently found that CITRIC ACID on my skin is the best treatment for me so far for what is most likely bird mites ("invisible" skin mites - see below for a description): as efficient as vinegar and salt but without the bad smell and much, much cheaper.

BACKGROUND. I've noticed that citric acid is the key ingredient in various natural mite products, for example:

1. from, where it says

"Both GC-Mite (cottonseed, clove, and garlic oil) and Bugzyme (citric acid) were most effective against the twospotted spider mite (≥90% mortality)."


2. An anti-mite product I bought for laundry treatment whose active Ingredients are simply Citric Acid 2.25%, Sodium Chloride (i.e. regular table salt) and 0.6%, Potassium Sorbate 0.06%. It also contains the inert (inactive) ingredients water, vinegar and salt. I tried this on my skin and it stopped the itching immediately (but temporarily - needs to be replied after a while). The product is called "Eradicator Laundry Treatment", but since I'm poor I had to resort to buying the ingredients separately (7 dollar's worth of Citric Acid makes more than 10 litres at 4% concentration).

I use a concentration of 3-4% citric acid in water, about 1% salt, and I also add a few drops of vinegar plus a few drops of a few essential oils. WARNING: Citric Acid is a skin irritant. I feel a burn from around 4% BUT my skin is not very sensitive (for example, I get no burns from mustard powder, which some people on this site had huge problems with). Yesterday, I used coconut oil instead of water (which is apparently one of the best oils for skin penetration), and found this to burn less. I will there for try higher concentrations too, and also try combining it with other oils, such as neem oil and tea tree oil.

To complete the list of what I've tried

- Almost every essential oil mentioned in the "Mite Infestation Cures" thread, including neem oil (limited success, but I will try higher concentrations)

- Kleen Green (almost zero impact on the itching)

- Mustard powder (some small success)

- MSM externally (reasonable success)

- diatomaceous earth externally (no success)

- MDM and diatomaceous earth internally (no improvement noticed after two weeks, but I think this may still be good long-term)

- vinegar and salt (as mentioned above): works as well as citric acid and salt, but impossible to use in public

NB: I measure success only in terms of immediate end to itching - I have no idea of impact on eggs.

Thanks everyone who has given mite advice earlier! Since different kind of mites may require different treatment, perhaps it would be helpful if all of you can explain your symptoms briefly. In my case, the mite symptoms are:

- they get into my ears and nose, are worst (most active) on eyebrows, eyelashes, lower legs and back.

- they are most active early morning and in the afternoon

- they become more active as soon as I lie still in the dark

- they sometimes bite but leave no marks

Finally, it's easy to lose all hope. But I get some comfort from the following thoughts:

Many posters seem to have found a solution. If this doesn't work for you, perhaps it's just a matter of trying for longer, and with higher concentrations. Also, this topic is still "new", with most posts just a few years old. As the problem becomes more known, more people will experiment with new solutions and eventually we'll hopefully hear about something revolutionary.


Posted by Beverly (Usa) on 05/29/2017

It takes more than 2 days. Spray it thoroughly (with Borax water or a mixture of it with ammonia and tea tree oil...peppermint oil to make it smell better, including in the crevices.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Karen (Pa) on 05/10/2017

Jane Ishmael has written an informative book as well as Richard Kuhn. Jane recommends getting a car like a keep or the Honda Element without carpets and plastic seats. I've used Lysol spray in mine. Helps. Scent dissipates fast.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Anje (Nh) on 05/08/2017

I have had them for a year and a cpl months moved and trI'd following some tips but now I moved it seems like they're worse, ESP IN THE CAR. MY KIDS GET IN AND IMMEDIATELY THEY ARE COVERED. Tried lice spray no difference. Bombing I have not done. Our bodies are also detoxing from toxic mold we didn't know about for 3 yrs. Any recommendations wld be super appreciated.. im at white end. My kids are young and don't know why mommy is freaking out about silly normal things to them. But I belive my main source NOW is car... love to hear any advice!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sherrie (Arlington, Tx) on 05/06/2017

Traci!!!! N ALL!!!! Girl I feel a like an exact duplicate of what you've been through.... thank you for your fantastic post!!!! Just wow!! To finally figure out what these are... to all the absolute HELL I've gone thru... I too w waist hair...up in a constant doo-doo my "ziplock bag purse" (kept in the freezer right beside my bra!!! ) The suffering of my animals which I cannot bare and have spent hundreds n hundreds on grooming and Vet... To the pest control who thinks I'm just crazy as a loon!! Bloodshot eyes, insomnia, constant swiffering n vacumming w my broken back... washing pet bedding at 2AM...just totally a broken person. Thanks to ALL who've posted in here!!! What a HUGE HELP!!!! Omg thank you!! Bless you ALL!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!

Olive Oil
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 05/04/2017 2063 posts

Olive contains some potent bug killer compoundss. Olive Leaf Extract is sold as a natural antibiotic. Adding a pinch of the leaf should greatly increase the power of the oil, but looks like you got some high quality oil to begin with.

Olive Oil
Posted by Amelia (Portugal) on 05/03/2017

About olive oil to cure mites. YES!!! My 12 dogs were gifted with mites by the neighbour's woof. I also got it.

It was torture. For 4 months not one of us slept as we all scratched all night. After trying every natural remedy and ultimately resorting to toxic stuff from the chemist, all without result, I was absolutely desperate and saw no way out.

Then on Earthclinic I read about oil and tried and we were all cured overnight. I assume it smothers the mites but does not kill the eggs as two weeks later it flared a little. So I "soaked" them and myself all in oil again and now 2 months later it is a forgotten episode.

Also handy to tell is that olive oil has also saved many of my rescue puppies who came down with Parvo virus. I squirt one syringe of high strength dissolved vitamins into their mouth and follow 30 minutes later with a syringe of olive oil. About 2 tablespoons. And you will be shocked to see them vomit and poo tons of worms too, shortly afterwards. This knowledge is the reward of a long lifetime of loving and observing dogs.

Garlic Tea
Posted by KT (Usa) on 04/29/2017

I think there is a misunderstanding here...I was not having a problem with mites. I kept reading complaints of people who do and asking how to get rid of them. I had read that eating four garlic cloves a day would rid you of a tapeworm which I understood to be the hardest parasite to get rid of so I only inquired about eating the garlic cloves to make you an undesirable host.

I bit on garlic cloves to get rid of a tooth abscess. That's when my hubs would not come within three feet of me! I NEVER drank garlic tea. EC put my suggestion of swallowing the garlic cloves with a post of someone who drank the tea. I hope this clears up any misunderstanding!

Garlic Tea
Posted by Karen S (Pa) on 04/29/2017

Have you been free of them since then? Did you do anything else? I'm a kidney dialysis patient and am desperate to clear this up!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Adrienne (New Zealand) on 04/28/2017 6 posts

Thankyou for your feedback! I will obtain food grade hydrogen peroxide and borax and give this solution a good try.

I have found flowers of sulphur (from gardening centre) helpful but the smell stops me using it a lot during the day (other people looking at one weirdly does not help! ).

Diatomaceous Earth (food grade) has been helpful and added to water, olive oil and body lotion stop separating helpful. T tree added very helpful.

1cup of bleach added to a bath very helpful.

But kicking it completely, elusive!

Your journey has been a hard one but it gives me hope!

Best regards! From Adrienne

Posted by Rebecca (Minnesota) on 04/27/2017

Also diffusing Organic essential oils of Lemon and Pine through out the rooms will kill off pathogens within 30 minutes to 1 hour. I also agree with the Diatomaceous Earth. I took it internally for about 40 days and it does kill off parasites. I heaping teaspoon morning and night in a small amount of water, followed by another 4-6 oz. of water. This stuff does dehydrate you so keep your water levels going.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Salt
Posted by Anita (Newark, Ohio ) on 04/24/2017

Real cocoa butter works for scars, use religiously. Find it at the dollar stores. Smells good and it will fade scars. Slow process, but works! Good luck.

Posted by Eve (Nv) on 04/21/2017 22 posts

Hi Bill: One of the millions who suffers from mites and worms. My question on your solution that killed your mites, how much HP 3% did you add to your 8 oz container? I have been using undiluted HP3% for 3 yrs and it seems to help some but I have a little 13lb dog so have to be careful what I use on her. Your solution sounds so simple because I seem to have come very close to getting rid of them and yet, they are very much alive. I'm 89 female and back is a mess so I can't vacuum as often as needed and I know that is very important. I also used Kleen Green and it helped some but caused my dog fur to fall out from their direction. Thank you so much for your time. Eve

Posted by Jesse (Dowling, Mi) on 04/03/2017

After years of suffering from bird mites and major secondary skin infections to the point of abscesses that had to be opened surgically, I have found that zinc tablets 100mg in the morning and 50mg at night has cleared my skin completely in a matter of 2 weeks. Finally free.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Somyea (Sterling Heights ) on 04/02/2017

Thank you for your positive post!!!! You have given me some hope this will pass and my home will be "normal" again. I too am going through what I believe is very similar to your situation. I started an array of vitamins and am starting to eat healthier. Praying for strength, courage and faith lots and lots of FAITH.

Borax, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Ed (Chico, CA) on 03/31/2017

Can you me what mites looks or feels like? Thanks

Coconut Oil, Tomato Juice
Posted by Barbara (Oh) on 03/27/2017

i give up ...what did you DO with this? Apply to skin? Drink it.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Eric (Okc Ok) on 03/17/2017

Chandra combining Apple Cider Vinegar and hydrogen peroxide can be dangerous as it forms peracetic acid which is damaging to humans and the eyes and lungs. Maybe stop using peroxide and vinegar together and see if your face improves over time with the other stuff you are doing. The swollen face can also be a huge die off of mites so keep it up (minus the peroxide and vinegar mixed together, although you can use them separately) and see if your face improves over time

Posted by Linda (Missouri) on 03/13/2017

Don't get rid of your couch. Mites cannot live more than two days outside of a human or animal host, so cover it temporarily and let the mites die and then your couch will be fine.

Borax, Tea Tree Oil, H2O2, Vitamin E
Posted by L. (92688) on 03/01/2017 1 posts

Hi there, what is the ration to your borax, tea tree oil, h20 and vitamin E? Thanks so much!, L.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sheila (Tennessee) on 02/24/2017

Been going through this for 6 mo. I have a few helpful things for you to try. It has helped a lot. I wash my clothes in ammonia, borax and detergent. Then after they are dried put in Ziploc bags.I am a hairstylist and for my hair and skin I use a cheap shampoo and conditioner Tea tree and mint I get it at dollar tree or big lots I add a little tea tree oil to it when bathing. Swept your floors with salt . sprinkle it all over the mites want jump . Swept it put in Ziploc bags.Put lint out of dryer in bags. I have more advise that helps but doesn't get rid of them. They reproduce faster than we can eliminate them. I'm the only one in my house they bother.

Diatomaceous Earth, Peppermint and Oregano Oils
Posted by Steve (Virginia) on 02/21/2017

Since the incubation period is about 2 Weeks, this would explain why after 2 Weeks you started itching again. You killed the adults the first time but the eggs hatched. Time your use of DE with this knowledge.

Ie.. first dose kills adults, apply second does in about 12 days and then another 12 days.

Hope this helps

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mightymite (Houston, Texas) on 02/19/2017

Started getting weird symptoms 2 mos. ago. Huge pigeon nesting population abutting my apt. Through deduction, internet and finding a small pigeon feather in my hair, I belive I have bird mites. Daily baths with Dawn, essential oil, apple cider vinegar and sometimes epsom salts and changing clothes regularly greatly helps. windez got rid of them on my shoes and feet. I am still shedding black specks, and I have only gotten a few reprieves for my eyelashes. I use a tea tree gel cleanser for them, but I can't seem to eradicate them. Awful when they are on ur eyelashes, moving on ur scalp/in hair and going in nose. Am drinking borax solution, 1st round now. How long do I do the borax drink and how the heck do I get them off my lashes? Thanks for all the remedies! Thought I was crazy for 6 weeks!

Yogurt With Cinnamon
Posted by Hope (Us) on 02/19/2017

I'm trying ginger, garlic, cayenne and toasted sesame seeds as a supplement with cleansing baths/shower scrubs. Thanks for the cinnamon tip, I was thinking of trying this.

Posted by Hope (Us) on 02/19/2017

Thank you so much for the time frame on borax solution drink. I was guessing 3 months, at least.

Garlic Tea
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 02/14/2017

Dear Kt,

I think garlic for mites makes a lot of sense. In addition to making the body less pleasant for parasites it strengthens the immune system.

~Mama to Many~

Garlic Tea
Posted by KT (Usa) on 02/13/2017

I have to mention if I drank garlic tea my husband would not stay in the same room with me! Biting on garlic cloves three days for a tooth abscess was a trying time.

I chop up garlic cloves and gulp the pieces with a little water but some food needs to be in the stomach first (i.e., a well cooked carrot with a little butter or CO) or it will feel like your stomach is on fire. Been there and done that!

Garlic Tea
Posted by KT (Usa) on 02/12/2017

I have read several posts about mites and wonder, why wouldn't taking four garlic cloves a day work the same way as what is recommended for worms? I read that if you make the environment unpleasant for parasites they won't stay. Please advise why garlic would not work on mites as it does on worms.

EC: KT, we attached your post to someone's recent feedback on garlic tea for mite infestations. Another great idea, thank you!

Lamp Oil, Borax
Posted by Teresa (Ontario) on 01/29/2017


How long did it take them to die with the kerosene? Obviously not on the first day or you would not have needed to do it for 3 days?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Same (Cambridge, Ma) on 01/08/2017

Buy food grade Diatomaceous Earth, super cheap at feed stores and powder every crack and crevice of your floors, under cabinets, etc, Throw most of your clothes away and dip remaining ones in the same solution you bathe in, borax and hydrogen peroxide. Do not rinse. Hang dry. Use a car chamois instead of a towel. Do not go from hotel to hotel, you are infesting countless people. Easier to manage in one place. Add dissolved salt to all hair products and lotions. Dawn dishwashing soap and windex and spray alcohol for cleaning. None of the expensive stuff works anyway. Get rid of rugs and curtains, old wallets, things you handle constantly. Clean and Ziplock your phone and wallet Bugs get in phones tvs and washer and dryers, they like warm and wet, stay cool and dry. If you are super materialistic you will never rid yourself of this. Vitamin B is a good deterant. Chewey digestive enzymes to make sure theer are no swimmers. Get checked regularly for uteran polyps, yes they get up there. Get a childs ear flush ball and flush ears with light borax solution. Get nose rinse saline, reg water burns. Good luck

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Same (Cambridge, Ma) on 01/08/2017

After two years of fruitless cleaning of clothes that could not be cleaned, we discovered the same thing about dipping clothes in the same borax and hydrogen peroxide mix we bathe in. Let hang dry. The thinner the fabric the better. Microfiber sheets are the best. Mites will build nests within your clothes dryer, no matter how hot, eggs always survive and hatch, The combination of wet and heat is a way to explode them in your environment. Replace all bedding every few months. Saturate w borax before tossing or burn. Spray with 91% alcohol every night before bed. If you have hardwood floors the mites are probably in between the floor boards and subfloor. The absolute best thing we have done is pack the grooves between the floor boards with food grade DE (diatomaceous earth) Wear a respirator when spreading twice a month, wipe up exess with dry paper towels. Inflatable mattresses should be windexed often. While building up your immune system is great, don't blame yourself for your crappy habits, it's your body warmth and skin oils these things love but really they can nest in any medium, a scalp, a shirt, an engine, your cat. We have sealed up valuable books with mothballs. Sealing up porous wood products with varnish or orange oil, fresh paint on walls, all good ideas... and minimize, minimize, minimize. Sentimentality for possessions will kill you with this. Spray car down with alcohol before driving, we put plastic bags over car seats and change them every few days. Use car chamois instead of towels...huge difference. Most bugs have become bleach resistant so alkalizing and mineralizing are all good. Use castille soap on body and clothes. God Bless!

Garlic Tea
Posted by Michelle (Brighton ) on 01/04/2017

I have struggled with a severe infestation for 9 months now and have tried most remedies here with varying success but never been cured. I thought about garlic a while ago but saw reports by some people saying tablets were not making much of a difference. Then I came across a separate article by Dr Edward Group recommending fresh garlic tea for enhanced immunity and I thought I would have a go.

Method: slice 1 large or 2 smaller cloves thinly to expose as much surface area of garlic as possible. Put in a cup and cover with boiling water for 10 minutes. It is important to put a saucer or cover over the cup to prevent garlic oils from evaporating.

After one cup I felt a gazillion mites exploding under my skin, like tiny fireworks going off for a good 15 minutes. Day 2 I had 3 cups throughout the day. Not a single crawl felt again. I am continuing for a while as my cats have the mites and apparently garlic is toxic to cats - so until they are are cured I'm drinking the tea.

I am so happy!!!!! So easy and cheap - I can't believe how hard we struggle and yet the cure is so simple. I would also recommend spraying bed linen, carpets and shoes with salt water to kill ones in the environment. I also put salt in my shower puff and rinse my hair in salt water. It has been effective but the garlic tea has been the real mite exterminator!! It makes sense that the only effective cure is going to be from the inside. Please try this - you will be so glad that you did!! Xx

Collagen, Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Mite Sufferer (London) on 12/30/2016

Hi I have been suffering from some sort of mite infestation for a couple of years-unfortunately I seem to pick it up from my dad every time I see him, but he doesn't feel affected so won't do anything about it.

May be a coincidence, around the time I started taking collagen supplements (the one I take comes in a liquid form) the mites just went away.

I'd also been re applying Diatomaceous earth to carpets hoovering/and reapplying once a week for a couple of months. Washing hair and body in tea-tree oil type shampoos and conditioners and washing all bedding a couple of times a week- so it could have also been that the DE was working, it can maybe take a long time. I got a duster and went around all the scurting boards, as well as sprinkling light over the carpets.

Unfortunately after a month of peace the mites came back- I think because my flatmate, who is never in, was off work for a week and hanging out in the living room with all his stuff/coats/blankets all day, and I hadn't been putting DE in his room. I came into the living room after he'd been hanging there a couple of days and almost straight away started to feel a crawling biting sensation again. Around the same time I had forgotten to buy anymore collagan supplements and had not taken the them for about a week. Anyway I have since gone into flatmate room with DE and have started taking the supplements again. I do feel a crawling sensation but not as bad as bad as before- and no pinprick biting (touch wood! )! I did some research after taking the collagen and thinking it might be helping, and (and as well as helping with wrinkles) it does also have some sort of anti bacterial affect on the skin. Hope this helps!

Neem Leaf, N-Acetyl Cysteine
Posted by Cymthia (Ne) on 12/28/2016

Cure for mites:

After eight long months of going to doctors and prescriptions that didn't help me, I finally found a doctor who knew what to do for me. I take Neem Leaf along with N-Acetyl Cysteine twice a day. Both are to boost the immune system. I cannot tell you how happy I was to finally have relief, and it happened overnight! I tried everything in my bath water, cleaned constantly, and wore myself out both physically and mentally. These two are the natural wonderdrugs for sure. So, do not throw out your mattresses and don't waste your time in the tub with god knows what as I did. I would say good luck, but you wont need it, as this absolutely worked overnight.

I do continue to take them until my doc says otherwise. They can be found in the Sprouts grocery store chain or a health food store.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tracymae (Missouri) on 12/20/2016

After many years of misery, and misdiagnosis, I finally discovered my home of 11 years had severe infestation of mites... Bird and rat mites. Tiny black, crawling, biting 8 legged creatures. (saw them under microscope, and one pest control company identified them too.... Though many others didn't believe me.) Nothing got rid of them, nothing.... Long story, but many years of trying everything... Anyone who came over, was diagnosed with scabies, but the bugs did not act like typical scabies, and the medication didn't work. Pest Control services didn't help much, if at all. I was not able to remove nests, because they were in my walls, attic, chimney, and being a disabled single parent, I had no way of doing it and couldn't afford to pay anyone. My pets suffered too, the neighbors dogs suffered. (Itching, raw skin, hair/fur falling out, etc). We moved, and left everything at our house, or we put it in storage. But many months later, the mites have yet to die off. Things were better, till my children started sneaking things in from storage. Then it started here too...... Itching, crawling, biting, rashes, my hair was falling out in huge amounts, I had bug bites, sores on my scalp and body... I had waist length hair, etc...i just couldn't bring myself to keep going to the Dr.I already bought new furniture, new clothes, etc.... I was checked for lice, bed bugs, etc...many times, and given meds for itch., The permethrin didn't work, only helped deter while I had the meds on me. I found Ted's mange cure and decided to try it. Little by little, I saw many improvements. Internal borax per Ted's recipe, external borax with hydrogen peroxide per Ted's mange treatment. My little dogs feet and legs and ears cleared right up after several soaks over two weeks or so.... (Vet kept saying it was allergies, and nerves) . Years of me dealing with all this, I became very depressed, from lack of sleep, and being so miserable, year after year. I know many people thought I had a mental imbalance. (At first, the bugs bothered everyone, but then it was mostly just me. I am middle aged, female, with immune system abnormalities. Occasionally, if someone new came along, they would get rashes they insisted were from poison ivy or chiggers.) . After about four or five baths in borax and hydrogen peroxide, my dog rarely has had any more problems since....but it has taken me two months of daily treatments on myself, .... At first, it was every day of borax and hydrogen peroxide, with Apple cider vinegar with water rinses. Then I started adding a few drops of iodine to my selsun blue shampoos, and added coconut oil to the borax hair scalp treatment too, to help with dryness, ... and washing my bed linens and blanket daily in hot water and borax and vinegar.... And vacuuming daily, (new filtered vacuum) spraying everything with borax water.(new mattress in a hypoallergenic bed bug and dust proof zipper mattress cover) Mopping with borax, then Murphy's oil soap, and wiping down everything with Windex every day or two at least. My car was also infested, and so it was hard trying to convince everyone they must be very careful with what they bring in from the car, and to shower, shampoo with selsun blue, and vinegar, and wash their jackets and clothes in hot water, and high heat.(soaked pillows in hot water, borax, weekly... Bought new pillows every 2 mo) Raid max foggers every 5-7 days in the car, and in my home helped too. Two cans per room.... (1.5 % cypermethrin, I believe). I was trying to break the life cycle. I plan to use a miticide next time, to be sure they don't build immunity and return.... Had I not had to deal with this nightmare myself, I would think everyone talking about bird and rat mites infesting humans and dogs had mental imbalances. But little by little, things are improving, ..... and I thank this website, and Ted's treatments, and reading about other people's experiences. I am hopeful for the first time in many many years. Things seem to be improving, although I still have a few issues here and there.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Adrienne (New Zealand) on 12/15/2016 6 posts

Tiny black biting mites:

Good pest control companies can put your car into a container to heat treat. It does not damage the car and is not off the planet in cost. I had mine done it was cost something like $280.00 NZ (I can't remember exactly, sorry) at Rentokil NZ pest control company, they were very helpful.

Getting me clear has been another matter. I have tried everything natural chemical and mixes. The things I've used that consistently help are:

diatomaceous earth: on everything including myself.

Equal amounts (20ml of each)of plain, cheap hair conditioner mixed with methylated spirits, there is always a little left over, Rub this all over including hair, use a nit comb through your hair. Wait 15 to 20 mins then shower. Or, if I'm tired (not hard with this journey) go to bed after rubbing it all over have a good nights sleep (keep some beside the bed and if you awaken being nipped put you finger in and rub where nipped, it stops. Repeat in the morning then shower. I have success leaving it on (repeating after a shower)then rub DE on your skin.

Mattress is encased in plastic. I use a plastic camping pillow; this has saved a lot of trouble. Have had a journey with changing the sheets and bedding every day. However sometimes am so tired I have had success in spraying each layer with fly spray.

i don't personally like chemicals but one can get so desperate for some peace that you just use what will work when you are exhausted. I work in a very busy hospital at the front line and have to be well rested.

To protect my car I spray with a good fly spray.

I do the same with my shoes; take them off, spray and bag them. I flea powder them prior to wearing and I've had success in stopping the tiny creatures from breeding in my shoes.

vacuming, washing clothes in hot water, drying then 1/2 an hour in a drier. Bras need to be put in boiling water; I boil the jug poor it over my bra and underpants as soon as I've removed them....the tiny black insects were breeding in the bras! I learned this very quickly.

I've used flannels to dry myself after showering and then into boiling water. I miss towels but this has been cost effective.

All of this stated with a camping trip at the end of Febrary this year (2016 at the warm end of our New Zealand summer).

i wish anyone having this problem all the best in beating it (including me) Good Luck!

Dust Mite Remedies
Posted by Jd (Usa) on 12/14/2016

I'm going to sum up 1.5 years of hell very briefly:

Stayed at a cheap hostel in Thailand when I ran out of money temporarily. Started getting big welts, "bites" that were incredbly itchy, on my legs. Became extremely depressed for months because I thought I had bed bugs. Finally realized that I had never seen a bed bug, even when I'd scoured the apartment looking for them. Became sure that I must have bird mites, remained depressed while trying to figure out resolution to the problem. Eventually I realized that bird mites are also visible, and I saw nothing. What I'd had the whole time was dust mites. You may not have bed bugs or bird mites or whatever kind of mite you think you have. Controlling humidity, cleaning, etc., is necessary to control dust mites if you're allergic. You will read that dust mites don't bite. They don't, but if you are allergic, you will get big itchy welts that look exactly like a bug bite. You have to treat for the problem that you have, and extermination is not required to get rid of dust mites. Anyway I'm free from these welts that made me feel like a leper and ruined a year and a half of my life; I hope if you have dust mites you figure it out sooner rather than later and can move on from it. :)

Also, I think it would be helpful to have different categories on here for different mites. I also suffer from demodex and the cure for demodex is going to be something totally different than the cure for dust mites. These are different mites.

Diatomaceous Earth, Peppermint and Oregano Oils
Posted by Totally Frustrated (Canada) on 12/08/2016

Well the only thing I can tell you is that the food grade DE is available online.I bought it from Amazon a few years ago, but now I buy it right from the company.I live in ca, but I am sure you can but it straight from the company depending where you live.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Am (Nashville Tn ) on 12/07/2016

Hello....I'm replying on the fummigating the car....I spoke to my mechanic and he said it would NOT explode...he disconnected the battery cables and I put the bed bug fogger in the middle cup holder between the front n back seats...won't drive it a few days to let everything die....also bought good night mite spray at home depo to spray down the car after each use until all these things are off my body...I kept getting them back again every time I got in my car...I have 2 more foggers will do that as needed if needed.

Lamp Oil, Borax
Posted by Sharon (Washington) on 12/03/2016

Just wanted to clarify, that D Gallinae is a bird mite NOT tropical rat mite.

I learned so much from a book called

THE YEAR OF THE MITE. I found it on kindle when I was researching one day.

About a small family that got infested with bird mites.

The author was "lucky". In that she worked for a university as a cell biologist, so she had friends working there, that were willing to do test and try and identify what kind of BUG she actually had. Un like the doctors and all their lack of help this bug was identified as D Gallinae.

Most people don't get thaT kind of help.

Her daughter and friend got it also.

She doesn't have a miracle cure and it took her about a year or so to get rid of the buggers.

But there is so much good info and it is SO VALIDATING.

Also google this:

timeline of scientific understanding of the mite.

This actually shows a chart study and e, planTion of when bird mites were PROVEN to infest people, not just birds.

This is something you can show to your non believing family And doctors.

Before 1958 it was believed that bird mites did not bite humans and could not reproduce on human blood.

Also in 1958 human blood WS found In a bird mites gut. These mites were collected from an infested bedroom.

U til 2009 it was still believed they could not reproduce on human blood.

In 2009-2010 it was proven that bird mites DO CONSUME human blood, do reproduce consuming human blood and DO easily infest humans, if given the opputunity, like a bird nesting in eaves of your house or attic, or even from your cat bringing in a dead bird, OR your cat maybe infested too.

Dr Olivier Sparangano specializes in the study of bird mites. All of this info and more I found in the year of the mite book.

It was easy to read and relatable, and filled with facts, that could help you, get your doctor to

Finally realize you ARE NOT CRAZY.


Dr sparangano has these facts in YEAR OF THE MITE

You can get the full study from the book.

Take care all


Apple Cider Vinegar and Salt
Posted by Mite Girl (Brighton) on 11/08/2016

After what feels like eternal hell, I am down to the last few mites in a relatively short time (about 2 weeks). I hardly feel much movement now but I will keep this up for at least another 2-3 months. Here is the sum total of everything I do:

Drink 1/4 teaspoon borax in 1 litre water 5 days on, 2 days off.

Take a hot bath every night with 1/2 cup borax, quite a bit of salt and epsom salts (the salt kills them in the bath quickly). Hose down well before getting out of the bath.

In the morning I shower with shower gel mixed with freshly prepared mustard, and I mix some in with my shampoo.

I really feel its important to shower / bath twice a day. Obviously I cant see mites in the shower, but on the water surface of the bath its amazing how many critters you can see floating. The baths and showers really help get a truck load off in one go. I can't stress the importance of salt enough - best thing ever.

I have 2 spray bottles - one with a good amount of apple cider vinegar (approx 1/8 of the bottle) double the amount of water and about a tablespoon of salt). When I feel any crawling I zap them. Spray myself down fully at least once a day. I use the other bottle with same ingredients but instead of apple cider vinegar, I use cheap distilled vinegar. I use this to spray my bed, sheets and pillows when I get up, my robe, flip flops, bathmat, sofa, rugs, cats (who hate me now), towel, car, shoes once I've worn them. Once I started treating my environment like this I had real quick progress.

I also by chance found out that Oxy Powder tablets really help as well, but I think you would probably get results anyway if you cant find it. I have tried substituting with Colosan as it's a similar product but a lot cheaper, and it doesn't work.

The salt is incredible - it kills them so fast. The salt and treating my environments have been the biggest factors in finally triumphing in this long, long war. Now has anyone got any recommendations for scar removal??

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tamie (Illinois) on 11/02/2016

I've had the same problem for months. Finally think we found the source! Bird mites in my evergreen bush. I was seeing the white floaters, black and white specks on my skin. Same things you described. I also had them in my car, which is parked right by the bush. I'm the only one in my house affected. They all thought I was crazy until my husband found an old bird nest in the tree and when he moved a branch....WOW! They all came rushing out in all their different forms. Some are slmost transparent, some look like white fuzz, some are black and look similar to a fruit fly but smaller. The nest was abandoned but my neighbor has like 30 chickens....curious if she's had any issues. We sprayed the tree and the whole outside of the house then dusted with DE. Bombing the house tomorrow. I'm just happy to finally figured out what this is that's been eating me alive.

Sodium Bicarbonate Baths, Flowers of Sulphur
Posted by Michelle (Brighton) on 10/31/2016

How did you treat the ducks?

Sea Salt Bath
Posted by Michelle (Brighton) on 10/31/2016

I have had amazing results with filling a spray bottle with apple cider vinegar, salt and water - sprayed on myself and my environment. I guess you could do a small patch test on your little one and check that it's not too harsh? I am also using eucalyptus oil, lavender and peppermint in my clothing drawers. Spray the sea salt mixture onto dirty laundry and bag up. I am also putting a load of salt in my washing machine drawer. This has helped immensely. Best of luck!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Michelle (Brighton) on 10/30/2016

I don't know if you are still suffering, but if you are please try this: in a spray bottle mix 1/2 apple cider vinegar, water and a lot of salt - 3-4 tablespoons. Spray it everywhere - on your cat (who won't thank you) on your scalp, yourself, your bedding, carpets - EVERYWHERE. Immediate relief. I cannot believe I struggled so long and the solution was so simple. Thank you God!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Salt
Posted by Michelle (Brighton) on 10/30/2016

Like so many others on here, I have suffered with the dreaded mites for months. I picked them up from a yoga retreat in India. we had mini bean bags to place over our eyes in a meditation session and I felt hundreds of tiny beings descend from the bean bags and invade my face. After looking up and trying remedy after remedy, I found a solution on here - I can't remember who it was but thank you so much!! I sprayed a solution of apple cider vinegar, water and salt on my hair, myself, my bedding, carpets and my cats and I went to bed - with nothing crawling on me. Every time I feel a wriggle I spray it and it stops immediately. I can't give you the doses as I just poured - it was approximately 1/2 vinegar, 1/2 water and about 3-4 tablespoons of salt. So extremely effective and easy, and an easy, non-toxic and quick way to treat your whole environment, including your mattress. I hope this helps you.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jsdavis (Tri-cities, Va) on 10/19/2016

I have bird-mite invasion. every day after I finish using my car, I spray it thoroughally with a solution of 3 cups warm water and 2 level Tablespoons of old fashioned Chlorox bleach. Do not forget the trunk. Close the car and it is usually OK for the next day.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Kimberly (Ca) on 10/16/2016

I have had bird/rat mites for 3 mos. I couldn't get them out of my car and now my new apt. has them. Pest Control refused to fog my car. I wanted to use a Raid cypermethrin fogger, but the directions say not to put it in any space less than 5 x 5 ft. How did you fog your car? I am desperate. My car keeps reinfecting me.

I read an article that says I have to re-fog after 7-10 days to kill the newly hatched bird mites.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Ralph (Port Orange Florida) on 10/11/2016

Hi Rita,

I know what you're going through and its not easy.

Firstly, DON'T use foggers in your car... (or anywhwere else) they are highly destructive to the plastic lens over your gauges and other plastic parts and components like electrical contacts to make your windows go up and down ext. They are mostly in-effective anyway. I have eliminated them from my vehicle but it isn't easy.
Step 1) Get an ozone machine and run it in your car. The Ozone machine breaks the oxygen into 2 -3 parts changing it into ozone which the mites can't breath. This will suffocate them. You must repeat this several times a day because they run for 2 hours on a timer. You must repeat this for several weeks to defeat the life cycle as they have laid many eggs in the fabric of the seats under the seats in the dashboard ext. I bought my ozone machine air cleaner on amazon for 75.00 it was on sale. I would have paid more it was well worth it. But this alone is not sufficient. I also took the bathwater with the Epson salt and borax mixture after I was done with it and after I soaked my used sheets and bedding in it. I put it in a spray bottle after adding sea salt to the mixture. I spray the flooring of the car and if you have fabric seats you can spray them as well. The salt will dry and be noticeable but you can then vacuum it up with a vacuum cleaner.

Step 2)I replaced all carpet in my home with tile. Remove any fabric furniture from your home and clean it. It can be cleaned with the ozone cleaner along with any other infested items such as computers or tv sets. I use my shed out behind the house and I clean 1 item at a time because I find that most effective. You can clean items like shoes and other apparel in much the same way. If you don't have a shed you can rent a small storage unit that they drop off at your house but it must be airtight. I've placed small items in my car like a laptop computer and keypad while the ozone cleaner was cleaning my car it cleans these items as well. Don't expose yourself or breath the ozone is harmful to your lungs and can suffocate you as well. Be careful to leave the area once the ozone machine is running.

Step 3) Don't use poison internally or externally on your skin. It may cause damage that may be irreversible. For the the most part poisons are ineffective anyway. I have found that SEA SALT is highly effective in killing mites and mixed with Borax will create and alkaline environment that mites cannot live in. Salt by itself is hard to apply to the skin. So is borax so I make a highly concentrated mixture of salt, Borax, Peroxide and enough water to dissolve it. Mites burrow deep into the layers of skin and just surface application may not reach all the mites and if any survive the application they will return. I use steam to open my pores before applying the mixture. I boil water in a large pot over the stove and steam my hands, arms, ext...CAUTION: This method is very dangerous because you risk spilling scalding hot water on yourself. is highly effective in opening the pores and allowing the salt mixture to penetrate deeply to where the mites are hiding. In place of steam you can apply DMSO 99% prior to applying the salt mixture. DMSO is a deep skin cleanser and will help drive the mixture deep into the skin where mites are living and laying eggs.
I also make a mixture of sea salt, tea tree oil and coconut oil and keep it in a mason jar for spot cleaning or I can carry the mason jar with me on outings. If I get a breakout (eggs hatching) while away from home I can get relief by applying the oily salt and rubbing it into my skin.

I hope you find these methods are effective and that you find relief from this scourge.

Please keep in touch and share your experience.
I hope wish you peace,

---- Rita wrote:
> Hi! I was following up with you on my email below. Thank you in advance for your response.
> Rita
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
> On Wed, Oct 5,2016 at 8:38 PM, Rita wrote: Hello,
> I ran across your posting on a blog regarding what helped you with mite control. Thank you for the posting. The suggestions regarding salt enlightened me. I knew it had to be SOMETHING out there that these mites aren't immuned to. I will definitely start taking those baths.
> I've been infected for 7 months now. They are in my apartment, vehicle, and job. It was rough the first 3 months, I didn't have a clue what to do. The Pest control guy was fresh out of answers after several attempts. I finally ran up on a site in which someone tried Cedarcide fogging and it worked for her. Thats what I have been doing since July and it does work BUT my job and car keeps the reinfestation going. I sit at my cubicle at work and within 30 minutes they are all over me. I finally opened up my month and put in a workorder to spray around my area - but we both know this was not going to work. Ive tried DE for the floors and kept gleen green on hand. Now I'm sitting elsewhere temporary but I know my boss is going to ask me to come back to my desk. Please understand that I refrained from telling her or people at my job that I was the one that brought the bugs (this is shameful enough). No one to my knowledge have been infected at work, but when they came to spray, a couple of ladies felt biting; it lasted for a's me the bugs really want!
> Would you please provide suggestions on what to do to kill the mites from my vehicle and job? For my vehicle I have fogged, pesticides sprays, and sifting DE on the carpets. I've sprayed 90% Alcohol but this seems to really agitate them and start biting. I am currently looking for another job. I cant remain there. So any assistance regarding my vehicle would be very helpful :)
> Thank you! Rita
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Gracie (Cali) on 10/11/2016

I thought Ted suggested first spray body with hydrogen peroxide spray and then get in hot bath with borax . I would just close eyes and emerge whole body and use a snorkel to breath and keep a towel close by when you emerge you want a dry your eyes . I think SALT is the key so I would add sea salt to the bath it dehydrates the mites . I would also would buy a big bag of sea salt dehydration is the key first you must draw them out I think Michael is on to something with his salt sheets and clothes no place for them to make a bed and breed.

Find, identify the type of mite. A mite needs a host to survive. The life cycle question is crucial. You could bag your clothes and put everything in the garage shut the door and don't open it for weeks and you may even fumigate it to be on the safe side just park your car in the driveway. Of course you have to treat your body daily to get kill this thing

Most mites are not visible to the eye usually measure1/8" or less in length. Human scabies mites cannot survive off a host for more than about 24 hours. Therefore, insecticide foggers and sprays to furniture, carpeting or other areas is waste of time. Take a 2 or 3 day vacation or camp outside a get one of those cool blowup hot tubs and put sea salt and borax in it and you have instant hot bubbling sea salt hot tub to jump into. Again, hydrogen spray draws them out and salt/ borax finishes them off .

There are scabies mites, dust and paper mites, clover bird mites this includes chicken mites, straw mites ( in hay, dried grass stored peas and beans), Chigger ( red in color) and I assume mites that we have not discovered yet

Ask doctor for a demodex scraping if he refuses get another doctor or see a dermatologist
Permethrin Cream - kills demodex face mites. (also kills scabies, lice, ) good for those with pustules/acne; Getting on Metrogel helps it an antifungal and antibiotic; reduces the demodex mite population on the skin.

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