Natural Kidney Stone Remedies: Pain Relief & Prevention

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Lolly (Ohio) on 11/06/2006

Had two SWL shock treatments and stent for kidney stone. Neither worked. Tried olive oil and lemon juice followed by glass of water. Exactly 25 hours later, my stone came out. I really doubted this would work when I read it on your website, but I thought, it certainly couldn't hurt. I was headed for a uteroscopy to have it removed next week. Thank goodness I won't have to have this done. My doctor won't believe me when I tell him. Thank you for all of your inputs.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Robin (Van Buren, MO) on 11/05/2006

i had only taken 1 dose, and within 1 hours passed a lot of blood. within 3 hours passed 6 stones .the doctors three of them told me surgery was the only way.i will swear by this, the taste of it is not nothing compared to the pain. God bless whoever came up with this.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Paula (La Crosse, WI) on 11/03/2006

I had heard of this after my last bout with a stone. When I started having pain last night, I googled again for the oil/lemon stuff and came to this site. I sent my husband to the store to get the olive oil and lemon juice. I took it (gross) and about 15 min later still having pain I decided to take a hot shower. --I can't believe people do not recommend that more for the pain. It always gives me instant relief at least for a while. Now a hot pad never worked, but a wet hot rag worked. The hot showers are the best. I believe the moist heat allows the ureter to expand a little. About 15 minutes after that, I went to the bathroom. Not seeing anything, I almost flushed the toilet. Then I saw the stone. It was totally white, Blended right in with the toilet. Maybe that is why people have not seen the stone. They are always dark like a stone and easy to see. I took it out and it broke in two and crumbled and was mushy in my hand. I couldn't believe it. Through the night I felt like crap chills/ sweats/ nausea/ headache and even during the day today. Not sure if it is related or I just ended up with a bug at the same time. Even if these bug symptoms were related to it, I would still recommend it. I just couldn't believe it did that to the stone. It must also be doing it to the many stones still in my kidneys. I just hope these other symptoms go away by tomorrow. Thanks much

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Barb (Michigan) on 10/26/2006

Two days ago, I tried the lemon juice and olive oil, about 2:30 in the afternoon . After I took it I drank lots of water. I did not have much pain just a gnawing uneasy feeling in the back area. The next day I continued with water. Today at 1:30 in the afternoon, Guess what???, a stone came out! I collected it and it crumbled easily, I guess the lemon juice did it's thing! I will be doing the Lemon Juice thing every few weeks . Tonight before Bed, I will do it again, just in case there are more. WOW, it worked!!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Victoria (Baltimore, MD) on 10/25/2006

i took the dose or 2 ounces each olive oil and lemon juice and within half an hour the pain was gone.... i don't know if the stone passed or broke up but the pain stopped entirely!! will know if the stone is gone when i go for my check up but thank gad THE PAIN STOPPED and i have had no recurrence since!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Nancy (Doniphan, MO) on 10/17/2006

I am soooo thankful I came across your website. I have been dealing with a 4mm kidney stone since first part of Sept. Finally had a xray a few days ago and determine it. IT was in the tube and trying to go into the bladder. Dr. wanted to do what they normally do because he said it was to big to past on my own BUT I was willing to try anything. And praise the LORD the lemon juice and olive oil worked (2oz.lemon juice and 2oz. olive oil). I took a dose on Monday night the 16th and took one when I got up this morning and then this evening and at 7:30 I passed the thing. Thank you Lord!!! : ) I truly believe God lead me to your site and I'm sooo thankful again that it worked for me. God bless!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Maureen (Chicago, IL) on 10/01/2006

2 oz lemon mixed w 2 oz olive oil cured kidney stones. I happened to find this site three weeks ago, and then two weeks ago my ex-husband called me from the emergency room to tell me he had a kidney stone that was too large to pass. He filled his prescription for pain pills and scheduled the surgery for last week, knowing what it involved, because he's had them eight or nine times in the past. I sent him a link to the testimonies on your site and he wrote back that it sounded terrible. I replied, "As terrible as having surgery?" I didn't hear anything more from him and then saw him yesterday at a function for my son. I asked if he had the surgery and he said, "No, I went in for an exam and one more xray before scheduling the surgery and the doctor couldn't find anything. It's gone." I'm so thrilled that this worked for him and I can't wait to tell everyone about it. I'm just curious if he passed them already w/o realizing it? That would seem odd to me, but I've never had these things (knock on wood). At any rate, mark one more person down in the Yay column.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Sheldon (Glendale, AZ) on 09/21/2006

Re: Lemon juice and olive oil -- THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! I had blood in my urine and was diagnosed with 4 stones, 4mm on up to 1cm. Was referred to urologist. 2 days before going there, I drank the horrible tasting (gagging, really) concoction of 2oz lemon juice and 2oz olive oil. Within a day, my blood in urine was gone, along with almost all of the pain! Urologist said only one stone left, a big one, and will get another xray in 2 weeks to check on it. Needless to say, I will be gagging down the concoction every day until that appointment. I also noticed TODAY that my urine has gravel in it-the damned stones disintegrated! Thanks again for the cure. Beats lithotripsy, even the new one with no water/tub!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Larry (Madison, MS) on 09/18/2006

I had a kidney stone in the past that kept me in the hospital for 3 days drugged up the whole time before it passed. I started getting pains on Saturday morning and by Saturday night I was thinking oh brother here we go again!!!!! By 2 a.m. I was surfing the internet and paying people for "Miracle Cures". By Sunday morning I was fatigued and worn out but still trying to avoid the E.R. and make it till Monday morning to see my doctor. I gave the internet one more try looking for home remedies you didn't have to pay for and stumbled across this web page. I drank the potion at 9 pm and by 9:20 all pain had disappeared and I was one happy camper again!!!! It is now the next day and the stone has not passed but there is still no pain!! Thank you for this web page and advice. I will be trying other remedies I found here also.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Jesse (Pinellas Park, FL) on 09/13/2006

Greetings to all. I just wanted to comment on the Lemon Juice and Olive Oil remedy for Kidney Stones. I had, not so long ago, my first experience with kidney stones with a 5-7cm stone. As big headed as I am, I didn't know what was going on, or go to the hospital until it had already passed out of my kidney and into my ureter, which dismayed the hospital. Too late for a stint, should have been too big to pass, lucky for me it broke up into a few smaller pieces. Now, I had two major episodes during this period, one while I was at work which was...well, let's just say I've been hurt in almost any way you can think of, so home remedies aren't my thing. The first episode put me on my knee's in my workplace restroom, completely unexpected. But that didn't stop it, it continued when I went home for almost a day. Sweating, tears and agony even with medications to ease my pain. I looked up this remedy, said what the heck, every time I felt the pains in the groin area, I took the 4 ounces (2 Lemon Juice, 2 Olive Oil) while holding my nose, twice. By the morning, scared to attempt to use the restroom knowing I was in for more pain, I bit the bullet and did my business. Low and behold, even though the rest were smaller, they were plentiful (half an pencil eraser tip or less). I'm not going to say FOR SURE that this worked; however, I will say, whatever MAY help, DO IT! Even my doctor was wowed to hear that it may have helped and actually gave it some thought, the oil coats and the lemon juice helps break the stone down as well as a neutralizer. I hope this helps others and I hope you all feel better!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Lanne (Winston Salem, NC) on 08/15/2006

I found this web site today and tried the lemon juice on my husband who has had a stone for more than two weeks. The stone showed up on a CT scan last Wed. The Dr. gave him meds to relieve the pain etc. He has an appointment with the Dr. tmro and he will be taking the stone with him. As of 11:00 PM EST only 5 hours after drinking the lemon juice and olive oil he passed the stone. They were planning on putting him in the hospital and removing it. It works!! It really works!! Praise The Lord!! The stone is about 7mm.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Lisa (USA) on 08/14/2006

THANKS CINDI! I have have kidney stones for "ever" it seems like they mainly hurt on my right, after several times to the hospital for treatment and a lithotripsoy, it seemed endless well in Feb. I thought my kidneys were on another spell so.. off to the hospital, well.. it was my appendix. I had emergency surgery for that and my kidneys never hurt anymore so.. of course I thought it was my appendix and not my kidneys. then last week my left side starting hurting, so.. I started crying cause I didn't want that pain anymore. I read this and tried it and within 10 min. I don't hurt anymore!!! I haven't passed the stone yet but I am so convinced that I will. I was told they are 7mm.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by David (Sun City, FL) on 08/06/2006

I started having lower-right back pain a couple of weeks ago. I knew it was a possible kidney stone as I had a couple of them about 15 years ago when I was in my early twenties. I quickly went to my doctor as I knew the pain would rapidly increase. The pain was almost unbearable by the time I got a pain shot. He prescribed some Percocet (pain pills) and some Ibuprofen and sent me home. I was glad to get some pain medicine because I thought I would just go home and pass the stone. That was what happened with both of my stones that I passed 15 years ago. Unfortunately, it wasn't going to be that easy this time. So for the next week I would have severe pain for about a day and a half and then the pain would stop for another day and a half and then the cycle would repeat. I tried the 'jump and bump' method of passing stones. This is where you jump 2-4 inches and land with your legs locked and it kind of jars your body to try and get the stone to drop. I probably jumped so much that I am now probably a few inches shorter. Well this didn't work. So I went back to the doctor and got an ultrasound and an IVP scan. This is where they inject you with a dye and take a bunch of x-rays. The results showed everything was normal (no stones!). The doctor was surprised that everything was ok so he scheduled me to get a CT scan thinking the pain might be something behind the kidney. That night I did some more research on 'right flank pain' and found this site. I saw the 2oz lemon juice/olive oil recipe and decided to try it. I got some lemons and squeezed them into a measuring cup and got about 1/2 cup. Since I needed to use the same amount of olive oil, that would make a whole cup of this stuff to drink. I didn't think I drink all of that and keep it down so I used a 1/4 cup of each. It actually didn't taste bad. It just makes your lips feel weird (oily). I chased it with a bottle of water. After after about 15 minutes I actually felt a tingling feeling in my right lower flank. At the time I thought it must just be my imagination. I drank this in the afternoon. The next day no stones came out. But the following morning I passed a huge stone 9-10mm that had some very sharp crystalline formations attached to it. I was so happy. I then canceled my CT scan and I can't wait to show my doctor. I am going to get my stone analyzed so I will know what type it is but I think the best thing is to drink more water every day. Many thanks to this site. I wish I had tried this a week earlier.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Anthony (Middle Village, NY) on 07/28/2006

5 days while at work I had gotten a sharp pain in my lower back and left side just under my rib cage. The pain was enormous. I thought that I had gas and drank a can of ginger ale. The pain did go away for about 2 hours. Later that night I had gotten a bad attack. I stuffed myself with gas x and mylanta and suffered all night. The next morning i woke feeling like i was hit by a truck but had no pain in my back or side. My family members suggested that maybe I had a kidney stone, but i had no pain. Needless to say later night I found myself in the emergency room. The pain was unbearable. When i entered they instantly said kidney stone. Well they were right. They did a cat scan and said it was a 4 mm and it was in a good position and that i should pass it soon. Well soon felt like an eternity. The pain was so bad that i was going out of my mind. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't sit down, I couldn't lay down. Every time i drank water or cranberry juice the pain would get worse. My stomach would blow up, I would then urinate followed by a pulsating stabbing in my whole left side. Well anyone who is going through this knows what I am talking about. When I woke up with lots of blood in my urine I went to the doctors office. I told him that percasets were not working so he gave me vicadine but nothing relieved the pain. Thank God my brother stumbled across this web site. When I read all the good reviews I figured there was nothing I could lose. Last night at 1 am I felt the pain coming on strong. I then mixed 2 ounces of lemon juice and 2 ounce of olive oil. I was scared it would make the pain worse but it didn't. I drank it quickly followed by a large glass of water. I was surprised that the taste wasn't bad at all and it wasn't as thick as I anticipated. I was also loaded up on pain killers just in case. Within minutes of drinking this I felt almost a soothing of my side. I was still in much discomfort for most of the night. Finally at 6 am I fell asleep. 1 hour later at 7 am I woke and felt like I had to go to the bathroom but it also felt like something was trying to come out. I rushed to bathroom and it just slipped out. No pain.. NO PAIN... NO MORE PAIN. It was a sharp little thing mixed with some blood. The pain was gone. For anyone going through this try, it immediately 2 ounce lemon juice mixed with 2 ounces of olive oil. When you feel the pain drink it fast followed by a full glass of water. Within 6 hours my pain was gone. I don't know why the doctors don't tell you to do this. I guess they just want to make some money.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Steven (Ocala, FL) on 07/24/2006

I was billed $3,000 at a local emergency room to find out I had a kidney stone. The shock of such a high bill for not even two hours work which didn't even eliminate the problem was about as bad as the excruciating pain. I luckily found your site online and thought, "What the hey? It isn't poisonous, so I'll give it a try" The next day I was in even worse pain but at least I could feel that the stone was moving. The pain completely stopped, and the following day, without any pain at all, I passed the stone. End of story. So put me down in the Yes It Works column!! And thank you for sharing your cure.
