Book - Dr. Chase's New Receipt Book and Medical Advisor or Information for Everbody by A.W. Chase M.D. page 101,1920.
1. Let the patient take from a tablespoon to two or three tablespoons of onion juice—that is, all the stomach will bear-eating all the raw onions he can, and continue it until free of the complaint. I have seen gravel the size of a common quill, crooked and one and one-fourth inches in length, which a lady passed from the bladder and smaller bits almost innumerable by the simple use of onion juice alone.
The onion juice (red onions are said to be the best) has and may be injected through a catheter into the bladder. Have no fears to do this, for I know a physician of 40 years' practice who has done it five times with success. A physician, however, would have to be called to introduce the catheter.
2. A strong decoction made by using a large handful of smart weed, adding a gill (equal to one-fourth of a pint) of gin and a gill each of horse mint and onion juices and taking all in 12 hours has been known to discharge gravel in large quantities. – Philadelphia Eclectic Journal
Magnesium, B6
Citric Acid
Citric Acid
Multiple Remedies
Citric Acid
Have had Kidney stones forming for a couple of weeks, which has never happened. The only other times I have had stones, they were full on there and I couldn't move a muscle without pain. 15 out of 10 pain. If I sat completely still, I was pain free.
With this incident, I can move and walk and go to the store, everything normal but there is slight pain, like a 4 out of 10...
With the previous stones, Cranberry Juice dissolved them. One gallon sitting there because I couldn't move, and that was that... That didn't work this time, I drank 3 gallons in 5 days or so... Back in the day, "Cranberry Juice" was exactly that... Now, it's "Apple and Pear and 400 other things and 2% Cranberry". It reminds me of "Almond Milk" that is about an Ounce of Almonds and the rest is Water and additives. If you like "Almond Milk" and learn to make your own, you will never buy those cartons again.
A couple of ounces of ACV in 16 oz water with a little Olive Oil... Slammed it down, and chased it with 16 ounces of plain water... Pain gone within a few minutes.
Now, time to cut down on Salt and increase water intake, get back to a 36 Hour water fast once a week.
Kidney Stone Inducing Medications
Apple Cider Vinegar, Corn Silk Tea
My mother in law sent me some corn silk tea and the night I took it I noticed blood in urine and a bit of cramping (must have been moving! ). I had an x-ray after a few weeks and "nothing notable! " I was so excited but they wanted me to have another ultrasound because I didn't pass anything yet. I'm guessing the stones were too small for them to see with x-ray! I was due to have my ultrasound tomorrow and after drinking a big glass of ACV in my water I passed 3 stones!! ZERO pain coming out too! The 2 pieces that came out first were about the size of a quarter of my pinky nail...so they're pretty big! The 3rd was a little smaller.
I'm still amazed they came out pain free! They still want me to have my ultrasound tomorrow, but I had to mention what I tried! I had 3 or 4 doctors tell me it would be "near impossible" to pass anything that's 8 mm! :) Faith in God really helps. God bless anyone going through this!
Kidney Stone Inducing Medications
I had serious gastrointestinal issues, GERD, heartburn, etc. and was told to take sucralfate. I also used Tums and proton pump inhibitors whenever I thought I needed them. When I went to emergency with huge pain in my kidney and surrounding area, they determined I passed a stone. My diet is very simple and no red meat, only some chicken, no drinking, nothing excessive. There is nothing in it that's conducive to kidney stones. Nobody in my family has ever had them. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that I got the stones from these meds. I've never had them in my life before, and they all have a history of stone formation in people. Now the challenge is to get rid of them permanently and still heal the gastro issues. DGL, slippery elm, marshmellow root, L-glutamine, cayenne, kefir, yogurt, mastic gum. I have had good success with them.
My aunt took pure encapsulations brand. She took 3 caps 3x per day. It took a week and 1/2 for her to pass 2 stones. Pure misery but goal achieved. Not sure if she took potassium citrate also. She passed last year, age 86.
I believe the time it takes depends on size of stone vs dosage.
IP6 and Inositol
Low Oxalate Diet, Magnesium Citrate
The first thing I did in 2008 was to cut high oxalate foods from my diet. Spinach, black tea, beans (both green and dry, in fact any legume), processed chocalate, white and sweet potatoes and carrots were the first things I dropped. This took stones from appearing every 15 to 18 months to 3 years.
Then I discovered the University of Chicago's kidney Stone web pages, they are awesome. From them I learned how stone formers have a different body chemistry and that just 50 MG of oxalates can cause stones to form.
Their list of the amount of oxalates in foods was the most comprehensive I had seen. Learning about different foods validated my decision to eliminate high oxalate foods but really showed the need to watch what you eat because oxalates show up anywhere. One tip they gave was to take a high citrate supplement. It turns out that citrate binds to oxalate ions and stops them from being released into the body. I elected to take Magnesium Citrate. I also stumbled onto the “Trying Low Oxalate” yahoo users group. They have lots of members who must limit oxalates for lots of health reasons, (endometriosis is just one). Something I would have not thought of are high oxalate spices and supplements.
From them I found out that just one packet of Stevia sweetener has 47 mg of oxalate (I switched to monk fruit extract which has zero oxalate.) Their list of foods is even better than the University of Chicago's. This past August I received another ultrasound, I asked to be tested because of all the steps I had taken. (I have had them after every stone I had ever passed, normally there would be 2 to 4 small stones still present.) This time I was found to be stone free. One final tip, I heard from one food manufacturer, they claimed that only unprocessed cocao had no oxalates. That even dark chocolate is processed and has oxalates.
I hope that my story helps others get rid of their stones.
IP6 and Inositol
On the advice of my doctor, I used IP6 & inositol (inositol hexaphosphate) to dissolve a kidney stone. I took 2 in the morning and 2 at night 90 minutes away from food. It worked.....
Multiple Remedies
The sonogram showed I had five stones in my right kidney and two in my left kidney at the same time. my pain was in my stomach and mid to lower back. My stomach was bloated. I had to wait two days for the bloating to go away. I drank distilled water with cranberry juice no additives. Then I started the cayenne pepper and other oils and citrus juices. The fourth day I started passing the stones. I went back on the sixth day and the sonogram proved the kidney stones were gone.
How much magnesium were you taking?
Next, I tried magnesium. Magnesium was able to break it up within 1 week and finally passed pieces of what appeared to be a VERY large stone, as big as a pea. Frightening. Now I see why I was in so much pain. Magnesium is incredible..
Per Wikipedia, " Magnesium (Mg2+) oxalate is 567 times more soluble than calcium oxalate, so the latter is more likely to precipitate out when magnesium levels are low and calcium and oxalate levels are high."
In other words, if you have enough magnesium, the oxalates will be excreted through the urine without forming stones.
Incidentally, there is a lot of misinformation on YouTube and the internet by so called experts who advise avoiding foods high in oxalates. Some of the foods they list are absolutely super foods, such as spinach, avocado and almonds. What these so called experts don't take into consideration is that while these foods have high levels of oxalates, they are also among the foods with the highest levels of magnesium.
Yes, mother nature has more wisdom than our scientists and does not make mistakes!
Many people get kidney stones and are able to effectively eliminate them with Chanca Piedra or the olive oil with lemon juice remedy, but what do you do if the stones keep recurring? If they are like the majority of stones, they are likely formed from calcium oxalate, so reducing calcium intake may be helpful, but what else can you do to try and prevent them from coming back?
The following PubMed abstract suggests that probiotics containing some common Lactobacillus strains may be just the ticket to help deal with this common and often painful problem. Considering that probiotics can have a myriad of positive health effects, this may be a very nice option to have!
J Clin Gastroenterol. 2014 Nov-Dec;48 Suppl 1:S91-5. doi: 10.1097/MCG.0000000000000228.
Screening of different probiotic strains for their in vitro ability to metabolise oxalates: any prospective use in humans?
Mogna L1, Pane M, Nicola S, Raiteri E.
Oxalate is the salt-forming ion of oxalic acid and can generate oxalate salts combining with various cations, such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Approximately 75% of all kidney stones are composed primarily of calcium oxalate (CaOx) and hyperoxaluria, a condition involving high urinary oxalate concentration, is considered a primary risk factor for kidney stone formation, known as nephrolithiasis. Current therapeutic strategies often fail in their compliance or effectiveness, and CaOx stone recurrence is still common. After an initial stone, there is a 50% chance of forming a second stone within 7 years if the condition is left untreated. The potential therapeutic application of some probiotics, mainly lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, in reducing hyperoxaluria in vivo through intestinal oxalate degrading activity is compelling and initial reports are promising. This study was undertaken to screen different Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains for their capacity to degrade oxalate in vitro using reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
The oxalate-degrading activity of 13 lactobacilli and 5 bifidobacteria was tested using a novel HPLC method after growth in a broth culture added with 10 mM ammonium oxalate. Experiments were repeated 3 times. Oxalobacter formigenes (DSM 4420) was used as positive reference to validate HPLC oxalate-degrading capability assays.
Lactobacillus strains were more efficient than bifidobacteria in degrading oxalates. L. paracasei LPC09 (DSM 24243) gave the best result, as 68.5% of ammonium oxalate was converted at the end of incubation, whereas the following best converters belong to the L. gasseri and L. acidophilus species. The relatively low conversion rate observed for most bifidobacteria can probably be attributed to intrinsic oxalate toxicity toward this genus.
Humans lack the enzymes needed to directly metabolise oxalate, and this potentially toxic compound is, therefore, managed using alternative pathways. As oxalate-degrading bacteria are present in the endogenous microbiota of the human intestine, although with significant individual differences, it is possible to hypothesise that the administration of selected oxalate-degrading probiotics could be an alternative and innovative approach to reducing the intestinal absorption of oxalate and the resulting urinary excretion.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Chanca Piedra
1. 40 cloves of garlic chopped finely ( I use the processor) 5-6 lemons cut in half and seeds removed.
2. Process in the processor (including the skins).
3. Combine lemons and garlic and a liter of water bring to a simmering boil then remove from heat.
4. Strain garlic and lemon from the water.
Put the lemon/garlic water in a jar or pitcher and keep refrigerated.
Dosage: For three weeks take a shot glass every day. Then off one week. Then repeat for three weeks again.
Magnesium, B6