Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Natural Remedies

Top Remedies for Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Turmeric, Cinnamon, Raw Honey
Posted by Studentincalifornia (Oakland, Ca) on 09/25/2009

hello to all i was reading the Hidradenitis Suppurativa Remedies,i have been battling this since 11 off and on. had my sweat glands removed from arm pits at 12 so i know the pain but now in my twenties i had this lump forming under my breast and i knew what i was.i didn't want any cutting done to me, i still remember the pain and the disfigurement and scars. so it formed about 3 weeks ago size of a large marble but it felt deep. so i did the turmeric 1teaspoon with i teaspoon of organic cinnamon and half a teaspoon of raw honey.the cinnamon and raw honey has a lot of anti- fungal and other properties, mix it with half a cup of warm water twice a day,i want to take it three times but i am a student that works = no time. and i remember what the nurse told me when i was a child which brought it to an head immediately and started draining, was blow drying it with a hot hair blow dryer also i used apple cinder vinegar to help dry it out and of course tea tree oil. im on day 2 and it's totally flat. God bless i really hope this will help others. One more thing eat as clean as possible more veggie than fruit and drink turmeric regularly. thanks
