I've had a love long struggle with HS, and all good stuff here, to help remedy this painful incurable ailment.
I'd like to add, the ladies at my local health food store recommended an adrenaline gland flush, I used a capsule form, every two weeks. It was amazing. Since HS only happens in the skin near these glands, there is some kind between the two.
All natural, no bad side effects, except for... Ladies, um, overproduction of vaginal moisture which, let's be honest, isn't the worst thing in the world.
I'm on a mission to find a cure, but in the meantime... Let's stick together and help each other suffer less.
There is so little research on this, and many dermatologists are stumped, because it does not behave like a skin condition. This is why I strongly feel that the skin is just a symptom, and rather HS is actually a SYSTEMIC condition.
With that, I just want to add that though it may seem like pressure would be relieved if you try to manually open the bump or boil... this does not help, it actually makes it worse, by allowing foreign bacteria into the sight, causing for a prolonged infection.
Good luck everyone!