Genital Herpes
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Treatments for Genital Herpes Relief

Posted by Lynn (Union mo) on 06/07/2023

This is in response to the thread regarding lecithin for herpes. Last fall I had read every remedy for genital herpes on this website because I was having one outbreak after another. I found the one that said lecithin cures herpes and it gave me hope. I bought soy lecithin and started taking two 1200 mg a day. It has been 9 months and I have not had one outbreak. I only take one 1200mg capsule a day now.

Posted by Suzanne (Indiana) on 11/26/2022

Lecithin will stop a herpes breakout and, if taken regularly, prevent a breakout. I tried everything and lecithin is the only thing that works. It has been years since I have had an outbreak. Lecithin is also cheap. My granddaughter takes it and no longer has psoriasis.

There are a few old posts here on earthclinic you could read or you could just buy a bottle do the happy dance. Lol

Posted by Suzanne (IN) on 02/10/2022

Lecithin cures herpes. There is an old post on Earth-clinic about lecithin. I tried everything to get rid of herpes, like I imagine other sufferers have. Lecithin works. Take it and you will never have an outbreak again. Yes, you continue to take it.

I buy the Now brand and take two a day. I started with two in the am and two in the pm. Now just two a day and I even miss days. Lecithin works and it's cheap.

Posted by Ena (Knoxville, TN) on 08/12/2021

Okay so I tried the lecithin granules yesterday. I had a very angry outbreak that was out of control. Since taking the lecithin granules yesterday, the outbreak is about 80 percent gone from what it was yesterday. I've been fighting this outbreak for 2 weeks with DMSO and coconut oil. So they have not turned into blisters or open sores. But the outbreak just would not go away!

I also started on my high dose vitamin C regimen 2 days ago that I had slacked off on. I'm sure that is helping some too. But I really feel like this lecithin is making a world of difference. People take this stuff every day long term for all kinds of health issues. I may never stop taking it myself. I will do my best to remember to keep you guys posted on the progress

Posted by Suzy (Indiana) on 07/14/2018

Lecithin cures herpes. Get a bottle of soft capsules. They are large, take three a day, three times a day. You will never have an outbreak again. I say soft capsules because the liquid is thick and difficult to get down. Liquid is fine if you can take it. Just go buy lecithin in whatever form you want at your local health food store and take it daily. There's no magic formula of what brand or pill as opposed to liquid. Take it until you don't have an outbreak then take it a bit longer. There's an old post here on earthclinic about lecithin curing herpes. Do some research and find it. I had near continuous outbreaks until I started lecithin and I had tried everything out there. Lecithin works! I can't stress it enough. It will set you free. Then go tell everyone you know who suffers.

Posted by Suzy (Usa) on 04/15/2018

Editor's Choice Lecithin works. There is a post here on Earth Clinic about killing the virus with lecithin. You should be able to find it without much trouble. I tried everything. Nothing worked. I bought liquid lecithin but couldn't get it down so I now take three capsules two to three times a day. They are large, you may be able to buy smaller pills if that's a problem. I have had one outbreak in nine months and that was early on. When that happened I opened a pill and put the lecithin directly on the two sores. They have never come back. I was constantly have outbreaks, one after another. Miserable to say the least. Thank God for lecithin. It is the only thing that has worked for me. I still take it daily. I hope you consider giving it a try. I'm at peace after twenty years of misery.

Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 06/23/2012

If the pills aren't getting results, try granulated lecithin. Looks strange, tastes buttery.

Posted by Julie B (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 07/30/2010

I purchases lecithin (soy based) for the first time this week because of Freddie's comment from 2010. It happened so, that day I felt that burning, tingling feeling of an outbreak starting to surface, usually I never have much discomfort but when I do it's no stopping it. I decided to take 2 gel capsules 1200mg each, and IT WORKED! To my surprise that darn thing never appeared. My challenge now is to take it daily for a month and see what happens. I'm just concerned about any side effects and if it's safe to take the higher dosage over an extended period of time. I am an otherwise normal, healthy individual and from what I read this supplement is good for other health benefits. I don't want to cause any additional health concerns. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Posted by Ss (Ca, Usa) on 06/10/2010

I tried lecithin because of Freddy's comment from 2010 below. I started lecithin (3600 mg/day) almost 2 months ago and have not had an outbreak since. Prior to that I was getting outbreaks every week or two due to the amount of stress I am under. Stress is still there but herpes thankfully is not. You can buy it any any health food store. It comes in 1200 mg softgels and the recommended dosage is 3 softgels per day. Freddy said to take 2500 mg for a month but it has worked so well for me that I'm afraid to stop taking it because of the weekly breakouts I was having before. Occasionally I do feel a tingle in the spot where I used to break out but the blister never appears and the tingling quickly disappears. I read through all the boards and this is the only remedy I've tried and luckily it worked for me.

Posted by Freddie (Buckeye, AZ, USA) on 02/17/2009

Editor's Choice I tried Lecithin. A Bechtel engineer who worked at a laboratory when he was younger told me that they grew the herpes virus. They used Lecithin to control and kill the herpes virus. He saw the herpes breakout on my face one day at work. He told me to take 2500 mg each day for a month. I asked him why he hasn't come forward with this information. He said that the FDA was too powerful to fight.

It worked for me. I haven't had a breakout in 20 years.

As I understand it, hospitals use Lecithin based baby formulas on new born babies born to women with genital herpes.

Lecithin 2500 mg a day for a month
