Toenail Fungus
Natural Remedies

Natural Nail Fungus Treatments: Effective Home Remedies

D3, K1 + K2
Posted by Steve (Nv) on 07/22/2017

Toenail fungus is usually a symptom of the body's inability to heal itself. Try taking 20,000 IU of vitamin D3 and K1/K2 supplement. It will raise your body's ability to fight off the fungus internally. There's a real problem in out country with people that are getting sick because of a lack of sunlight which creates D3 in body. If you don't get enough sunlight daily your body weakens and becomes more susceptible to all of the viruses, funguses, infections etc.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jane (Worcester, Massachsetts/usa) on 08/31/2010

About 10 mos. ago I developed a fungus in one of my large toenails. I never had that before so I didn't know what it was. My nail started turning yellowish brown in color and it spread across most of the nail. I was freaking out. I went to see a podiatrist who told me the bad news and told me this might never go away and could spread to my other nails! He sold me an expensive tube of cream. I saw him a few more times and he basically did nothing to help the problem. I applied the cream for 7 months and saw no improvement. I spent the summer trying to hide my feet and avoiding the beach and pools. I love wearing pretty sandals in the summer. The doctor told me not to try home remedies that I might read about because they don't work. But I didn't listen to him. I decided to try the apple cider vinegar and hydrogen peroxide solution I read about. I mixed it half and half in a small bottle and started applying it on and under my toenail at least twice a day. I keep my toes exposed to the air as much as possible at home and only cover up when I go out. It's been less than a week and it's like a miracle! I noticed improvement the very next day! The fungus has stopped spreading and the new growth looks nice and healthy! Hopefully it continues that way and by next Spring I can wear pretty sandals again and end the embarrassment! So for those of you who are ready to give up.... There is hope! Maybe this will work for you!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by John (Pahoa, HI 96778) on 05/20/2021 6 posts

I recently began treatment with hydrogen peroxide after having lived with chronic toenail fungus for over 20 years. I used 6% H202 to soak my feet for 20 minutes each night for a month. As the fungus was killed off the damaged part of the nail softened and peeled off painlessly. I switched to borax soaks, and the nails are thinner and clearing. I still soak on alternate days and apply Kerasal and now the nails are normal except for the length in only 2 months!

Essential Oils
Posted by Marie (Manchester ) on 05/02/2018

I've suffered with it for years ive tried over the counter ointments from pharmacy none are that effective it takes for ever to get an improvement. I tried Oregano and Clove Oil Essential Oils they both kill fungal and viral bacteria. I also added Carrot Seed Essential Oil to encourage the skin to heal and reatach to new growth on toe nail. I used Coconut Oil as a carrier oil. I cut the nail right back to take away the home for fungus (I know you are meant to leave it at it can cause in growing toe nail in new growth).

I had instant relief from pain in my nails cause new growth happened rapidly. Now 3 months on, I have healthy pink toe nails and I'm not embarrassed to get out in public. New toe nail growth has attached to my toe for the first time in 10 years.

Posted by Quercus (Cucamonga, Ca) on 01/29/2013

My wife and I found that taking Lugols orally has resulted in clearing up both of our toe nail fungus problems. We try to take at least 5 mg /day.

Black Cumin
Posted by Faeqa (Amman, Jordan) on 11/01/2012 66 posts

Peace upon all of you, I used black cumin (Nigella Sativa) for internal and external fungus and it give me a very good result, I think if you use it for Jock Itch it may give the same.

The way I used is: grind it then add ACV, let it stand around one hour to be a soft paste, take internally one teaspoon 2 times a day (before or after meal).

I used this paste externally for skin fungus especially feet fungus and it gives magic results and cure it forever.

Don't grind alot of black cumin, just prepare for 2-3 days every time and keep it tightly in a jar because it oxidize by air.

Alcohol, GFSE, Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Mountaingirl (Asheville, Nc) on 09/25/2009

This is my post from several years ago.

05/30/2006: Melissa from Asheville, NC: "I developed toenail fungus while working in Athens, GA about 6 years ago. I would work 12 hours a day in the same shoes for over a year and used regular dress socks. The summers are very moist and humid and perfect conditions for toenail fungus. It is on both "pinky" toes but started developing on other nails though not as bad. 2 years ago it seemed to get worse and I kept my toenails manicured and polished to hide the nails. I believe, as others do, this made things even worse though my feet did look a lot prettier. This year, I got tired of trying to hide my nails and decided to try a natural remedy (Grateful Body Fungal Rx). It contains a day and night formula in convenient tubes so I could carry them with me and use discreetly. They recommend each to use at least 1x per day for at least 6 weeks. I've been using for several months and noticed a little improvement but not much. I found this site and started throwing everything I had at this issue (I figured if I didn't do it now, I'd live with it forever). My grandmother had both large toenails removed and I did not want the same to happen. My pinky toenails seemed like they were almost fused to the nail bed. They are very thick and yellow and starting to look deformed though still attached to my nail bed. I started this regimen last week and I am seeing good results. The nail seems no longer fused to the nail bed. and I can actually push the cuticle back (impossible before). The nails seem to be growing in cleaner, no ridges, normal thickness and no red streaks through the nail (as in the infected part). I am so psyched but trying no to get too hopeful. This is what I've been doing in morning AND evening, everyday: I keep a clean toothbrush for scrubbing my nails. I use a natural bar soap and scrub my nails (I use the sink because it's easier for me) with warm water. dry. I then keep a little bottle of pre mixed 3% H2O2 and ACV (5% acidity) 1/2 and 1/2 under the sink and pour this over all my toe nails (over toilet). I let this sit while I brush teeth (different toothbrush ;), wash face etc. I may add more and let sit again for a little while. I don't get much fizzing...sometimes more than others. Sometimes I get a little "pinched" feeling, but not usually. rinse. dry. I also keep a little bottle (old tincture bottle with dropper) with 25% clorox and water mixed. I then add this to nails and let sit 30 seconds or so on each foot. rinse. dry. I follow with Red Tyme oil (night) or Fungal Rx in the morning. I may add the night formula again if I go to bed late. Some people are sensitive to Red Thyme. I have very thick, oily skin and it does not bother me to use it neat. I wear sandals to work (never did before) and apply Fungal Rx several times a day while at my desk. Like I said, this really seems to be working and I am very hopeful. Once cleared up, I plan to buy more Fungal Rx and use daily for a year or so. I don't want this to come back. Also, I'll work on internal Candida... I know it runs in my family and I need to knock it out too. Thanks to this site and all the comments/feedback!!! I'll write back later in a few months to let you know if results continued."

I wanted to follow up and tell you that I was never able to fully get progess against the toe nail fungus until recently. I was able to spend most of my summer outdoors (albeit a lot of time at the pool w/moisture!) but I wore sandals all summer and allowed my feet to get full sun a good portion of the day. I also did hydrogen peroxide/cider vinegar soaks about 1x per month. The BIG difference has come from using a old glass spray bottle filled with:

2 Tbs. alcohol
10 drops grapefruit seed extract
20 drops tea tree oil

I apply this 2x per day and after getting my feet wet. At one point, my nails got very brittle and I started an application of coconut oil every once in a while. My nails are growing back completely normal and seem to be growing faster so I am able to trim them more often. There is only about 1/4 inch of "yellowed" nail reamining...which I should be able to trim off in the next 2 months. I will continue this all winter and give any updates. Good luck, don't give up!

Posted by Cottin (Philadelphia, Pa) on 08/21/2009

bleach for foot fungus......i used a cap full of bleach in a gallon of water in my foot spa. i have been suffering from a bad foot fungus, not on my toes but on the bottom of my feet in the middle portion. i soak one day and used a puma stone to get the hard skin off, WHAT AMAZING RESULTS IN ONE DAY.I SOAKED FOR 1/2 HR. IN THE BLEACH DILUTED IN WATER THEN RINSED OFF IN WARM WATER...... I DID IT THE NEXT DAY... OH MY I AM REALLY RELIEVED.

Posted by Robert (Naples, Florida) on 01/20/2008

Robert's Fungus Saga'-- Vicks Update

Part One: Feet

Q. Do the ingredients (camphor, eucalyptus, thymol, menthol) work?

A. I've applied the solution on my nails as well as to my entire foot to get rid of all the fungus that might eventually cause a reoccurrence. The results were obvious after 4-5 days: first, the athlete's foot symptoms between my toes rapidly got better and were healed in about a week. Then, at the seven-day point lots of skin started sloughing off all over my feet where the fungus was obviously in hiding -- including the heal callus. I was surprised to see so much sloughing of the skin around the base, sides and top of the toe nails -- this area apparently had been deeply affected by the fungus, but just looked like tough skin that I had become accustomed to expect. Within 2-3 weeks the unaffected new toe nails could be seen at the cuticle. Now, several months later, there is a clear line of demarcation between the old fungal nail, and the new clear nail. I expect that it will be 3-4 more months before all the old nail has grown out and gone.

Q. Is the formulation the right one?

A. After much research and playing kitchen chemist, I learned that coconut oil is a good anti-fungal as well as a great emollient. DMSO doesn't need to be at 25% concentration. 10-15% is sufficient. Oregano Oil is composed of Thymol and University of Western Australia research proved tea tree oil's anti-fungal capability, so I added it as well. The essential oil amounts are at least or a little more than what bio-chemists call the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC). The formulation I like and use now is:

Revised Formula
1 part Menthol oil
1 part Thymol oil or Oregano oil
1 part Camphor oil
1 part Lemon Eucalyptus oil
2 parts Tea Tree Oil
2 parts DMSO
12 parts Virgin Coconut Oil

There is probably a synergistic (i.e. harmonious working together) effect of anti-fungal herbs, which has been demonstrated in several studies. In one test of ten plant species whose oils were anti-fungal, researchers noted that "combinations of the anti-fungal essential oils increased their activity remarkably." In a similar study, researchers stated that "in all the oil combinations, the anti-fungal potency was found to increase over individual oils."

Part Two: Adult "Acne"

This is where the "saga" starts to get interesting. After my adolescent acne should have cleared up 35 years ago, it got slowly worse. All over the bearded part of my face, what appeared to be sacs of hardened oil under the surface of the skin had been forming nodules. These didn't get infected, each just grew larger. Over the years I've seen dermatologists who said, because of my otherwise great health, "you're just a middle aged adolescent," blaming it on high testosterone, etc. The apparent acne problem continued and worsened.

I've seen doctors, dermatologists, pharmacists, herbalists, laser specialists, and spiritual healers. I've bought every acne ointment known to man. I took pills, vitamins, and herbs. I changed diet. I get plenty of exercise. Nothing worked. I had extensive surgery to correct the problem three years ago, and within 18 months it looked just as bad as before. As a public speaker and author in my profession, the skin condition was emotionally upsetting and stressful.
Having conquered toe nails, I started researching down the path that maybe the acne was caused by a fungus (although the symptoms didn't look like my feet). Was I surprised when I found:

"Tinea barbae is a superficial dermatophyte infection that is limited to the bearded areas of the face and neck and occurs almost exclusively in older adolescent and adult males. Symptoms include inflammatory, deep, kerion-like plaques and noninflammatory superficial patches and lumps resembling bacterial folliculitis. The hair breaks off below the skin surface. It is caused by several dermatophytes. Trichophyton species are most common. Infection of bearded skin may be the result of autoinoculation from tinea pedis or onychomycosis."

In other words, the mess on my face that had caused me so much grief and been misdiagnosed for decades was caused by the same fungus that gave my feet a problem. Apparently the dermatophytes enter the hair follicle (nails and hair are similar biological structures), then attack the sebaceous gland, feeding off the body oil; then the body's immune system reacts with scaring and hardening the facial oil, leaving an oil nodule. The dermatophytes then migrate to the next follicle, and eventually dozens of affected follicles link as a nodule the size of a pea.

Now it became obvious what had happened: The athlete's foot I got as a teenager went to my toe nails, and, because I was ignorant of the relationship of using a towel on my face that might have been used on my feet or crotch, the fungus got transferred.

Not a single dermatologist who examined my face ever bothered to ask the question: "Do you have toe nail fungus or athlete's foot!"

Using the same solution on my facial outbreaks as on my toe nails (the revised formula with coconut oil), the facial condition is clearing up. Just like with my feet, skin is sloughing off and the nodules are beginning to eject. This is the best result I've seen in years. I expect it will take a few months for the problem to be cured, as the fungus is down below the level of the base of the hair follicle in the sebaceous gland.

Part Three: Chronic Sinusitis

For the last 15 years I've had chronic sinusitis, post nasal drip, clogged nose, etc. I was constantly clearing my throat, and sometimes coughing. I snored a lot, which my wife didn't appreciate, and the snoring actually would wake me up in the middle of the night, leaving me tired in the morning. I seemed to catch colds more easily than before, but I attributed this to my very frequent plane travel.

Doctors prescribed antibiotics, but I they did not fully cure the problem and when I stopped the treatment, every symptom returned. (And I just don't like unnatural treatments.) Others said it was allergies.

I wondered: Could my sinusitis be a fungal problem? More exploring on the internet found the answer:

In 1999 Mayo Clinic researchers found the cause of most chronic sinus infections to be an immune system response to fungus, and that this may kick off a secondary bacteriological infection. It is not an allergic reaction, but an immune reaction.
Again, I felt betrayed by the medical profession. Why hadn't anyone told me this?

I went to the health and vitamin store to look for an anti-fungal nasal spray, and nothing met my requirements or budget ($10-15 for a one ounce bottle of ingredients seemed way out of line.) Here's the formula I "invented":

1. Rinse out a 1 ounce nasal spray bottle
2. Add one eye-dropper (approximately 1 ML) of Oregano Juice (NOT Oregano Oil -- it's too strong and will not dissolve in water)
3. Add a pinch of salt (approximately 1 ML) (Iodized salt is OK -- iodine is a good anti-fungal)
4. Fill the rest of the sprayer with distilled water, and shake well until the salt is dissolved.

Spray as frequently as once an hour until symptoms subside. For me, this solution began working within an hour; most symptoms were gone in three days. And the price of the ingredients per bottle is just a few pennies.

If the oregano/saline solution is too strong for you, dilute in half with water. If you want, you can add a drop of eucalyptus oil with 1/2 ML of glycerin, (which will bond the oil to water). I now spray once or twice a day, just to prevent any recurrence.

A very dear friend, who is 75, has had awful sinusitis for years. He heavily cleared his throat every minute or two. I told him of this simple formula, and two days later he called me to say it was working. He then said with amazement: "I don't believe it, we've been talking for over 15 minutes and I haven't had to clear my throat once!"

There are articles and books that claim that some cancers are caused by fungus. If this is true, taking action on fungus early may be very beneficial in the long run. It's time we gave fungus a deeper analysis.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Coconut Oil
Posted by Suzie (Huntington Beach, CA) on 09/17/2007

Well, I am not positive, however, all I can tell you is that after years of fungus on my two big toes... It's now gone!!! You name it I tried it... I thought it was from salon pedicures, then, I thought damage to my nail beds from running and maybe my toes hitting the top of my shoes... Well, needless to say... I just couldn't get the fungus to go away!!! Then my life was changed by this site! I started taking ACV (Apple Cider Vineger) and VCO and I am now fungus free! I was taking the coconut oil orally ( 3 t. a day) and it made me bloated so I didn't take it for more than a month I'd say... However, I did use it as a moisterizer every night after my shower and I would specifically rub it around and under my toe nails... I cannot believe that the fungus is gone!!! Honestly! I share my story every where I go! Nail shops really need this information to pass onto their clients... Fungus makes you feel so dirty... My beautiful toe's have returned! Thank you! Earth clinic and friends!

Posted by Eric (Houston) on 10/10/2006

Vics = nothing, but bleach toenail fungus if it could penetrate the nail (See below). I have fungus -- 3 toes on one foot, and two on another and I tried the vapor rub fairly diligently with no success for several months. I gave up and wasn't putting anything on it for a while then the big toe nail got bumped on a couch and came completely off, so I tried some bleach on all toes for several months. The big toe is about 80% grown in looking healthy, while the others nails don't look any better. I concluded that the bleach absolutely works, but doesn't penetrate the nails well. So I think the next step will be to file off as much of the other nails as I possibly can and see what that does

Birch Oil
Posted by Susan (British Columbia) on 10/07/2022

I tried everything under the Sun for fungus on my fingernails (bleach, hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol, fennel oil, Vicks etc.). Purely by chance I discovered Birch Essential Oil when I was using it with coconut oil to help with cellulite! I would put approximately one Tablespoon of coconut oil in my hand, add 1-2 drops of Birch essential oil (too much is not a good thing!!! ) and rub my hands together until well blended. Then I would massage it on my legs, butt and belly after my daily shower. After a month of this I realized I no longer was getting inflammation under and on my cuticles and my nails were growing out. I only wish I had before and after photos to show how amazingly well this worked.

10-Undecylenic Acid
Posted by Larry E (United States) on 07/30/2019

Laura, Can you comment on the brand or type used? Is it a pill, or liquid? Internal right? Thanks!

Castor Oil
Posted by Gman (Alabama) on 09/17/2018 6 posts

Castor Oil is the best thing to cure nail fungus. I've tried so many other cures and none of them worked. Castor Oil penetrates deep into the skin and is useful for skin problems, such as cysts. It's amazing to see all the useful problems it can be used for. It's oily but it cures.

Macadamia Nut Oil
Posted by Tom (Livingston, Tx) on 05/22/2016 64 posts

Years ago, I had a lifelong fungal toenail, the left big toe. I started taking macadamia oil, two tablespoons after each meal.

Two months and two 16 oz bottles later, the toenail dropped off and grew in healthy over the next year.

I now take 1 tablespoon daily because Macadamia oil also takes the sting out of my candida pain, making the pain livable and hardly noticeable.

Macadamia oil has 18% palmitoleic acid, an antimicrobial.

I also began having intermittent numbness and tingling in my toes which went away sometime during the same 2 months of taking macadamia oil, causing my fungal toenail to drop off and regrow healthy and pink during the next year.

UV Light
Posted by Veronicac (Texas, USA) on 07/18/2015

Two years ago, at the start of summer, the big toe of my left foot became red, swollen and began throbbing. It was so painful, and I had no idea what the deal was. Then I noticed the toenail was getting yellow, crusty and thick. About a week later the two next to it began doing the same thing. Along with the ugly, disfigured nails came the horrible throbbing pain.

I tried: bleach soaks, vinegar soaks, 4 OTC medicines, prescription penlac (that one helped one toe), peroxide, mouthwash, urine (pure desperation), powders, yeast infection medication, tea tree oil, rubbing alcohol, epsom salts and vicks vapor rub. The middle toe of the three got better. The fungus on the other two laughed and made my toes throb with pain to show me who was boss.

Then I read about laser treatment, but the cost was ridiculous and many people complained it didn't work. So, understanding light was what I really needed, I ordered 36 watt, UV nail light off Amazon for less than $30-the kind salons use to dry finger nail polish. When it arrived I filed my nails down with emery boards as much as possible. Two of the nails were already 3/4 gone. Every day while I was on the computer I put my foot in the nail light for 10 min. - 45 min. I didn't really have a schedule, just daily, whenever I remembered. Also, every time I bathed, I made sure to clip/dig out as much of the crumbly nail as I could.

Within a week the throbbing was gone. A month later my big toe is pink and half grown out, with no fungus, the toe that was getting better is pink and just a tad short, and the other toe is about 1/3 grown out, and also has no sign of fungus. And didn't even bother using any kind remedy after the first two weeks. The only drawback is my left foot has a nice tan, while my right is kind of pale. Now I make sure both feet take a turn under the nail light. Also, I go barefoot or wear sandals as much as possible to expose my feet to as much light as possible.

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