Natural Remedies

COPD Natural Remedies: Improve Lung Function & Ease Symptoms

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Pine Bark Extract

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Posted by Art (California ) on 08/19/2017 2395 posts

Of interest for COPD and Pulmonary Fibrosis

If you've read posts on EC for any length of time, you are probably aware of how common these two diseases are and how hard they are to treat as they are mentioned often on EC.

This very recent study suggests that pine bark extract (PBE) has activity against both health issues. PBE is one of my favorite supplements and is well noted for its antiinflammatory effects, but studies continue to show other potential health benefits associated with the use of PBE and clearly, it appears that PBE is useful for helping to ameliorate fibrosis in multiple areas of the body and is worthy of being on a list of potential supplements for these two dieases. It is often useful to have a "list" of potential supplements that may be useful in trying to treat a specific disease, because often times a supplement that works well for one person may not do as well for someone else or perhaps that person is not able to tolerate it, so having a "list of options" may offer similar help from another supplement........especially for diseases that are known to be difficult to treat.

Here is a link to the full study:


Replied by Timh
2042 posts

Thanks for the info Art. This is evidence of the free-radical, cell-protecting power of Pine Bark Extract. I have used PBE in the past but my choice usually goes to the more affordable Grapeseed Extract.

More on antioxidants for Lungs. Also in the same family as PBE & GSE, is Hawthorn Berry, which as in my experience, reveals specificity to heart & lung whereas the others appear more a whole body antioxidant.

So, I would recommend combining Hawthorn Berry with the PBE or GSE for best results.

Replied by Fancier


1 tbs lemon juice

3 slices Ginger

1 tbs honey

boil water put the lemon and Ginger in to steep or draw when it cools down add Honey. Do this as often as you like this gets rid of mucus on the chest.

also there is a Lady in Australia who say, s she is reversing COPD look up Success Story 1-7 on YOU TUBE I have tried a bunch of thing but i, m not getting any better the last Visit to my doc say, s I need oxygen 24/7 but I refuse after listening to this lady I have started no sugar no wheat and lots of fruit and salads and take Phytocort 6 tab a day also 1 vit E B-6 C Fish Oil and Zinc after break fast. I only have breath too lose

Replied by Freda
(British Columbia)

Hi Can you be more specific on how to find the lady in Australia who is reversing her CPOD

Plantain Leaf

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Posted by Jenny (Manchester) on 04/23/2018

Editor's Choice

COPD. I have been using plantain (the weed, not the banana type plantain), also known as white man's foot, rats tail, broad leaf & long leaf, among other names, for about 18 months. I pick it, wash it thoroughly, using the whole plant including the roots, dry it & freeze it. I take a small handful, pour boiling water over it, cover & let it stew for at least 24hrs, sometimes longer if I make up a few pints. I then strain it, hold my nose, as it doesn't taste the best & drink about half to 3/4 of a pint a day. It took 3 to 4 weeks before I noticed an improvement. My breathing is so much better and I am no longer "wet" in my lungs. I even forgot to take my inhalers a good few times. I didn't have the flu injection this year. I have not had one chest infection, didn't get the Australian flu or any other flu or cold over the winter, even though everyone else in my home did, usually I am the first to get anything going around. I have not been ill once this winter.

A family member rid his tooth abscess using only plantain.

My Mum has been using it for her COPD symptoms for the past 7/8 months. Not only has her COPD improved, she has said it really helps with her arthritis!

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Jenny,

Thank you for sharing this! I love plantain but have never tried it for lung issues.

I admire your perseverance. Often when someone says, "It didn't work for me" they only tried it for a short time. Here it took nearly a month of faithful use for it to help you.

I will definitely tuck this away for future use!

~Mama to Many~

Sea Salt

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Posted by Rv (Huntington Beach, Ca, USA) on 12/14/2009

Sea Salt for Pneumonia

I have (usually) mild asthma. I visited a dusty wildflower area and contracted fungal pneumonia. The doctor did not apply effective antibiotics, because the infection was fungal, and he initially misdiagnosed it. The infection continued for weeks, and hardened into chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Over the next year I tried many remedies. Then I found an interesting fact. The ocean has millions of antibacterial virions per liter. This is why there are so few bacteria there: predation. I live in an oceanside city, and have no problem getting clean, fresh seawater. I spat some infected sputum into a bottle of seawater and diluted it to invisibility. The idea was that any virus would rapidly multiply by killing and eating the bacteria of my infection. Then over a week, I sprayed the water and inhaled it. My coughing got worse, but then air began to penetrate past the blockages and I began to cough them up; some looked like french fries. I'm now healthy.

I think a similar effort might work with artificial seawater made from organic sea salt. The idea is that it must be organic so that the antibacterial virions would need to be preserved in the salt.

Replied by Dan
(Clearwater, Florida)

Rv, I have a couple of questions about your post.

1) I just read the Wikipedia article on "Fungal Pneumonia" which is informative but left me wondering... What type of fungus was involved in your case?

2) I'm interpreting your description to mean that you cultured spit (sputum) in sea water to get a more potent viral concentration that would be more effective on the bacteria of your infection. But if it was a "fungal pneumonia" doesn't that mean that it was a fungus involved instead of bacteria?

3) Did you try inhaling any of the sea/salt water before trying the "culturing"? (i.e. , might this work by just inhaling a mist of just plain seawater or perhaps just plain saltwater made from refined table-salt, not from sea-salt?)

Serrapeptase, Breathing

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Posted by Livia (The Woodlands, Tx) on 11/18/2010

For COPD, I wanted to mention a couple of other possibly useful aids: one is serrapeptase, which is a supplement that dissolves fibrotic lesions in the body. Some folks with copd'ers are breathing more easily since using that. Be careful if you tend to bleed easily, though, or are taking a blood thinner.

The other idea is to find a breathing technique that works for you. Life Lift and Bodyflex are two funny-looking ones that can help a lot. Fine for most people, unless you have high blood pressure or glaucoma, (or are pregnant, which I'm thinking doesn't apply to you). I've seen a demo of the bodyflex breath on youtube before. The life lift version is slower and gentler (the bodyflex founder learned it from the life lift lady, actually. )

Basically, you gently blow all the air out of your lungs through your mouth, as if blowing through a tube... A martial arts article explained that there are multiple benefits to doing it this way, btw... Then a big inhale through the nose (smile to open up your nostrils to their widest), hold a second or three, then blast the air out, and pop your lips as you say "Paaaaaaaah. " It isn't vocalized, it's just air. Then you hold your breath and suck in your gut as if rolling up your abs. In fact, there is a yoga move like this. Hold your breath. With practice, you will feel the suction as you do it, and when you release the air and hear a sucky sound. Hold as long as you feel comfortable holding your breath, but you don't need to go longer than a count of eight or so, and repeat. Fifteen minutes a day should dramatically help oxygenation and lung flexibility. If you have contraindications for that sort of breathing, then incorporating any gentler, intentional breathing exercises into your day should be a must on your daily to-do list.


2 User Reviews
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Posted by Marigold (Usa) on 06/24/2014

For COPD, the following supplements have helped me a lot:

Twice a day:

  • CoQ10 - two 60 mg (take w/food that has fat)
  • NAC - 600 mg
  • Vit D3 - 10,000 IU
  • Vit C - 1000 minimum
  • MSM - 2000 units

And once a day:

  • A good multivitamin
  • L Carnitine
  • Acetyl L Carnitine
  • Calcium (I make eggshell calcium, take with vit C)
  • B - 50 complex
  • Turmeric (I just put it in capsules)
  • Thyme (same, I put it in capsules)
  • Magnesium
  • Milk Thistle
  • Glutithione

Oil of oregano if I'm getting sick, ACV with baking soda per Ted several times a week. No dairy, no sugar, organic veggies and fruit if you can afford them. No fake food, real butter, coconut oil EVERY DAY. H2O2 in my nebulizer some days (there's a section on here about that).

Wow! Looks like a ton of pills, doesn't it. But now I use a rescue inhaler only once a day (Ventolin HFA), some days not at all. I'm now able to walk more, started exercising, feeling and breathing better now than I have in the past two years.

Good luck!

Posted by Vcn (Phx, Az, Us) on 01/15/2013

COPD is a chronic inflammatory disease. Therefore getting the inflammatory mediator (leukotriene) under control will be vital in helping to control it as well as dilating bronchial tubes.

Some antioxidants are capable of doing this but conventional ones (vitamins C & E) may not be sufficient enough. Pycnogenol (antioxidant) was reported to improve pulmonary functions in asthma patients & dramatically lowered their need for inhalers. (Amounts taken are based on severity of condition). It tends to have quicker effect if it was supported by other antioxidants, (primary from the cyanidin groups).

Another thing to consider.... Respiratory disorders may be associated with cartilage degeneration which is also common with older people. Cartilage contains lots of water, type II collagen, hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate -- all which tend to deficient in older people as well.

Unfortunately, we stop producing hyaline cartilage, (the type found in the air tubes) during our teen years which cannot be replaced. However, in adults, when cartilage gets damaged or degenerates, it can be replaced with another type (fibrocartilage). From what I've learned, this can be done in a number of ways with glucosamine sulfate and glucosamine hydrochloride (properly proportioned), without chondroitin, supported by pycnogenol or vitamin c to help build collagen and hyaluronic acid to maintain hydration.

The very best luck and blessings to all!

Ted's Remedies

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Posted by Bill (Lemolia, MO) on 06/22/2009


Hello Ted and EarthClinic -- Here are some results from Ted's COPD remedy (DMSO and MSM). These tests and results are not very scientific, but we did follow most of Ted's suggestions. TWO middle-aged males --Former Long Term Smokers-- tried the following:

1.) Drank ONE TABLEspoon of (powdered) MSM in 8 oz glass of water. (This stuff tastes TERRIBLE! May try mixing with juice next time.) 30 minutes later, we each inhaled FIFTY (50) deep breaths of 30% DMSO to 70% water. Neither of us noticed any immediate results.

2.) 5 Hours later, we each inhaled ONE HUNDRED (100) deep breaths from the nebulizer, with the same dilution ratio -- Neither of us noticed any immediate results.

3.) DAY TWO: We each inhaled ONE HUNDRED FIFTY (150) deep breaths from the nebulizer, only at 70% DMSO to 30% water. (NOTE: This may be over the ratio that Ted recommends) Still no results were evident. We were hoping for more noticeable/immediate results, but I believe we just didn't stay with it long enough.

4.) We each tried 70% DMSO to 30% water in an ATOMIZER (Nasal type --Afrin bottle-- DO NOT INHALE THROUGH THE NOSE IF YOU TRY THIS--MOUTH ONLY!!) Each took a VERY DEEP BREATH while getting 5-6 pumps out of the ATOMIZER. (THIS ALSO TASTED UNBELIEVABLY BAD!). Still, no obvious results.

We are suspending our experiments until we decide which approach to continue. I WILL POST ANY ADDITIONAL RESULTS, OR COMMENTS RECEIVED FROM TED. Thanks to EARTHCLINIC AND TED !!

I will email this to Ted and hope he can add some additional comments or suggestions. My questions to Ted, his availability allowing are:

1.) Should we continue with 150 deep inhales of 70% DMSO per day?
2.) If so, about how many days of treatment until we would expect some results?
3.) What are your thoughts on the 70% DMSO/30% water via ATOMIZER?
4.) Are the MSM AND NIACIN (500 MG/DAY, NON TIME RELEASE) crucial to success?
5.) Any other comments or suggestions?




A DMSO may dissolve the tar if the congestion is caused by a tar. If the lungs were damaged physically of non tar in nature, the DMSO won't work. A curcumin taken a couple of times a day or a curcumin mixture with DMSO appears more suitable. A 70% DMSO may hurt the throat or lungs as concentration maybe too high for some people.

1.) Should we continue with 150 deep inhales of 70% DMSO per day?

Most improvement appears that some DMSO was taken internally and some DMSO nebulizers were used but the improvement is a gradual one. A clogged capillaries or a damaged one can be due to tar, calcium or tissue damage. A tissue damage then some healing is needed with a curcumin supplements.

2.) If so, about how many days of treatment until we would expect some results?

It takes at least a month. A short term two or three days would get any results. It's done gradually.

3.) What are your thoughts on the 70% DMSO/30% water via ATOMIZER?

Some people don't like the 70% DMSO as it stings their nose and throat. While its result maybe faster, it maybe irritating.

4.) Are the MSM AND NIACIN (500 MG/DAY, NON TIME RELEASE) crucial to success?

I don't like Niacin use because of the flush, but I do like the addition of MSM and DMSO. A niacin use may help some breathing but never time release. An aspirin taken 30 minutes before a niacin used will stop the flush and may help the capillary circulation into the lungs to be return to some extent by clearing some blocked circulation. But this doesn't resolve the calcification that may occur also.

5.) Any other comments or suggestions?

A damage lung tissue requires healing, and this is where curcumin comes in, taken internally or perhaps what I am looking into is the possibility of adding only a small amount of curcumin as a nebulizer. That's just the current possibilities I am looking into. If it take years for COPD to happen getting results in a matter of days is not possible. An objective measure appears to be a blood oxygen test but after a month's of use. Not all COPD are due to tar, but can also be tissue damage in the lungs, and hence the curcumin. A capillaries may be clogged not from the tar, but also fats and calcium has to be considered also.


Thieves Essential Oil

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Posted by Melany (Salmon Arm, B.C.) on 05/06/2021

I suddenly developed COPD symptoms after an episode with a mycotoxin that caused Pellagra. I used homeopathic remedies from a Dr. to heal this issue but wound up developing a breathing issue. After reading the symptoms for COPD I looked up remedies for this on and found an essential oil blend remedy being sold there that looked viable for my ailment.

When I read the ingredients, I realized I had a similar product in the house called thieves oil. I immediately started inhaling the vapors up my nostrils and mouth hourly. In under 24 hours, I could take a full breath of air easily and went for a walk up a short hill. I was beyond better. I continued on this regime for a few more days before declaring myself healed and relaxed into normal life. This is a very inexpensive cure for a very aggravating affliction.

I have also used Red Beet Crystals to oxygenate my body when I need energy and endurance.

Hope this helps people heal quickly and get beyond this illness. You can cure yourself of COPD! I did.

Replied by Dari

Hi Melany. Just curious if you are still doing ok with COPD?

how did you inhale the thieves oil? Nebulizer?


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Posted by Brenda (San Antonio, Texas) on 03/15/2007

My 79 year old Mother had an upper respiratory infection. She could not shake the cough. I had recently read an article that said steep 1 teaspoon of your kitchen variety thyme in a cup of hot water, as you would a teabag, and sip. She tried it and it worked. Encouraged, I told my friend who has the start of COPD about it, she tried it and is amazed also. The article stated it relaxes the bronchials. Yet another alternative.

Vitamin B-12

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Posted by Skelly (Uk) on 01/06/2016

Editor's Choice

Hi to you all I suffered with copd for eight years, six really bad ones.

However by chance - long story - I took some vitamin b12 and within 48 hours or so my symptoms had disappeared.

The tightness in my chest and the excruciating agony of breathing has gone.

Breathlessness is a symptom of vitamin b12 deficiency, pernicious anemia is a serious deficiency. Obviously I have some way to go with my breath as not being able to breathe for six years does take its toll - I get out if breath still but not breathless. So complete recovery could take a while I should think I am still only recently recovered I am no expert but I don't know if it will help all copd cases as they are many different causes - its worth a try.

As for the dosage well I used cherry flavored methyl b12 and just took four or five a day.

Vit b12 is a water based vitamin and the French firemen are given it before going to a fire to protect their lungs.

Good luck to you all

Thanks for looking.

Replied by Kathy

You have a beautiful story, but one just doesn't cure copd with vitamins especially if the disease is caused by smoking or some other foreign toxins in the lungs. So glad you are cured. You're one of the lucky ones. God bless you.

Yamoa Powder

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Posted by Tenderfoot (Las Cruces, Nm Usa) on 08/27/2010

Linda, I'm not sure if mold is one of the symptoms of copd, but I have tried several different remedies for copd on this site with varying results over the last 2 years. Much of it was very helpful to me including the use of 3% hydrogen peroxide spray, according to Bill Munro, along with a 1:1 ratio of 3% H2O2 and distilled water in my nebulizer.

Having a lot more summer humidity this year my breathing got worse and often needed to use my rescue inhaler. Last month I did some research and found out about yamoa powder which I am using with excellent results within a short period of time and breathing much better now. I wish you the best and hope you find a remedy that works as well. Not being able to get a decent breath is very scary.

Yerba Sante

2 User Reviews
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Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 04/20/2010

I would consider looking at yerba santa which is an herb that can help with lungs- it helps open up the bronchials, an effective remedy for allergies and asthma and can get rid of phlegm. I met a man over the weekend that said yerba santa actually saved his life. He himself is an herbalist and is quite knowledgeable in that area. I know a very high quality company that has herbal tinctures. It is called herbpharm which if you google it you can probably find it. I always look for the highest quality sources of whatever I am looking for so if someone recommends a company they are familiar with and know of the source and quality, I will take the advice.

I just googled it and apparently vitaminshoppe carries it which is a national chain so perhaps there's one by you. I find they are very reasonably priced and less than health food stores. Also, I have bought their brand of various items as the woman in our store is extremely knowledgeable and has told me that their brands are made by very high sources- some by well-known very expensive companies.

Anyway, I just thought I'd pass this info on. Be hopeful and work towards living...
The best to you, Lisa

Replied by Darrell

Hi Lisa,

I know it was a long time ago, but do you remember any more details about how Yerba Santa saved that man's life? What ailment did he have and how did he use Yerba Santa?

Replied by Dano

A big thumbs up for Yerba Santa. I use one teaspoon of the dried herb as a tea, but also occasionally smoke a small amount if my lungs really need it. The bronchial dilation is quite long lasting, much longer than many other herbs I tried. Thanks for your suggestion, Lisa. Yerba Santa is now my go-to herb for my breathing issues, although I still use Mullein and a couple of others. But nothing beats the results I get from Yerba Santa.

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