Natural Remedies

Easy Home Remedies for Constipation Relief

Dietary Changes
Posted by Laura (Houston, Texas) on 12/17/2011

I have had terrible constipation for as long as I can remember (I am 42). I always thought myself lucky to go a maximum of 4 times per week. I have tried eating more fiber, drank gallons of water, followed blood type diet for a year, exercised, used ACV & EVCO, all with limited success. Well, my "cure" as it turns out was to drastically increase the amount of raw fruits and veggies in my diet. Now you can set your watch by me! I still fully cook ground beef, poultry & fish (except sushi), but I eat a minimum of 3-4 whole fruits and 4-5 raw veggies a day. I've also begun drinking kefir. Give it a try!

Over the Counter
Posted by Nat (Brooklyn, Ny) on 10/26/2011

Speaking to a nephrologist about a member of the family who is on dialysis, I asked about Magnesium Citrate as a supplement. He said that Citrate products are not used on dialysis patients because it was seen that Calcium Citrate increases aluminum in the bodies of dialysis patients. (In kidney failure, the kidneys cannot filter out aluminum, and dialysis does not either. Normal kidneys filter out aluminum. ) But what about all the people who have partial kidney failure and don't even know it. So we stopped using the Magnesium Citrate, just as a precaution.

Instead experimentation was made using one to two tablespoons Benefiber from the pharmacy (one can use up to six tablespoons Benefiber a day) in one or two glasses of water, in combination with one or two (or three) tablespoons Milk of Magnesia - sometimes also with some Magnesium Bicarbonate (made by pouring two or three full measuring tablespoons of Milk of Magnesia - a half to three fourths of the enclosed cap - into a bottle of seltzer/club soda and shaking the contents - as recommended on Earthclinic by Bill from San Fernando, Philippines - but sometimes using a bit less Milk of Magnesia than recommended).

Glucomannan, a fiber supplement recommended by Pam from Alabama, might also be used with the water and Milk of Magnesia.

Milk of Magnesia, starting at five Tbsp. and going down gradually, is recommended, in the name of an older doctor, by Redclary from Oklahoma .

Some extra seltzer/club soda, recommended by Carol from Cumberland, MD, is also helpful (used in the mixture).

This simple combination of Benefiber and Milk of Magnesia in water is much better than many other things used to help the intestines.

After a few days one can often use smaller amounts of the Milk of Magnesia while increasing slightly the Benefiber.

Benefiber is a fiber supplement that helps increase good bacteria in the body. It is made from Hydrolyzed guar gum. For some reason it is better than plain Guar Gum. Also, it is mostly tasteless and does not thicken.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Catrina (Waldorf, Maryland/usa) on 10/22/2011

Four weeks ago, I cut out all dairy substituting almond milk instead of cows milk and began eating a vegan diet. I have been having a bowel movement everyday with no straining! For 47 years, I suffered from chronic constipation, IBS, chronic pain and bloating. I've tried conventional and non-conventional remedies. I am writing to say I have found something that works. Try cutting out all milk products or items that contain diary and see if it makes a difference. In the beginning, as my body adjusted to my new diet, I had gas pains for about one and a half weeks. Three weeks ago, I began acupuncture treatments and after two sessions, my gas pains are gone and I am not as bloated. I have four more acupuncture sessions to go to complete the series, but I attribute the bowel movements to the lack of dairy in my diet.

Posted by Angela (Bloomfield,, New Jersey) on 10/05/2011

I have suffered from constipation in a very bad way for a very long time. I don't know what this exercise is called but a friend of mine recently told me to kneel down then sit on the back of my legs as though I was sitting on a chair and wait for the sensation that I want to go comes. It works like a charm. The first few times took about 15 minutes. After that, it happened in about 5 minutes. Works every time. If the floor is too hard, sit on the bed or sofa. Can't wait to hear your experiences.

Chia Seeds
Posted by Tina (Princeton, N J ) on 09/25/2011

Chia seeds are very good in curing constipation, since they are full of fiber. It is also the richest and only unprocessed whole food source of pure Omega 3. Chia seeds 'scrubbing' action also help remove toxins from the small intestine. Plus they are high in protein, so they keep you feeling full longer and make you feel so energetic! Best of all, they are quite inexpensive and can be found in health food stores. Remember to drink lots of water when you eat chia seeds, as they absorb ten times their weight in water.

I soak about two scoops (from the scoop provided in the container) in water overnight and the next morning it is almost a jelly consistency. Eaten with some organic raw honey and fresh lemon juice, it makes a delicious and filling breakfast. Best of luck!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tina (Houston, Usa) on 09/21/2011

Please try these cheasp remedies for constipation...

Magnesium upto 1000mg daily (pref bed time) since it will make you very relaxed.

Vitamin C (upto 5000mg daily) which is brilliant to reset the body and allow your bowels to move.

Prune juice 1/3 cup upto 2-3 daily.


Spirulina and chlorella which clean out the toxicities in the liver and allow bowels to become regular.

Include veggies like cucumbers and celery to diet which help with retaining water to avoid dry stools.

Chia seeds

Aloe vera juice

(You will become regular in no time).

I went through several MRIs, colonoscopies and traditional meds, but the above intake along with daily exercise (1 hour brisk walk) eliminated the constipation completely. Please ask if you have any specific questions, since I am well versed with this topic.

Glucomannan Root
Posted by Pamm (Birmingham, Alabama) on 08/31/2011

I have had several stomach surgeries that has caused me to have Chronic Constipation, and I have been a big fan of Earth Clinic since 2007 and I have tried all your remedies, the only one that helped me a few times were Apple Cider vinegar with Baking Soda and that isn't a guarantee each time. I have spent so much money getting colonics. I was watching Dr. Oz Show and found a natural Fiber that you can buy & I was so skeptical, however after buying it and trying it, I can honestly say it works if you take it before you eat & drink lots of water.

Glucomannan Root Is The Awesome & I highly Recommend it, Its a Natural Fiber you can find it anywhere and its inexpensive! I was so surprised how fast it worked and how gently it worked. You must follow directions for it to work. But I am now a believer.

Posted by Morganism (Granite Bay, California) on 06/21/2011

For constipation I would suggest 1) yoga 2) Ginger tea I like the yogi brand because it has a great flavore and other stimulating herbs that help the digestive tract. I've delt with constipation my whole life and I accidentally bought the Ginger teas and found that within an hour of drinking I'm ready to no longer be constipated. Try a few different organic brands from health food stores until you find one you like, they aren't all the same. Also if you like raw Ginger you can try eating it but be careful if your pregnant or intend to be because too much Ginger can cause miscarriage.

Posted by Warren (Costa Mesa, Ca) on 05/26/2011

Great suggestions here. I make a smoothie every morning and have always used Rice Dream or Almond breeze but now use Papaya Juice instead. It helps to move things along along with whatever else you're doing.

Baking Soda, Borax
Posted by Andrea C (Cardiff, Wales) on 05/15/2011

I eat a good diet, of organic produce drink distilled water. no amount of laxatives did n e thing for the constipation caused by my meds cept' made me feel toxic! yesterday i started the bicarb/lemon juice [alkalizing tonic] as sir ted suggested. this morning i got up at 4am as i couldn't sleep drank a half pint of distilled water from a litre wth 1/8 teaspoon bicarb the same amount of of borax dechahydratate mixed together in the same litre. hoorah! talk about colonic irrigation!!! 2 hours later i was queen of the porcerlain throne!!! amazing! the gas waste all came away rapidly with no pain to my hemorrhoids or agonising anal fissures! hope this helps someone else love ANDREA C X X X

Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 05/01/2011

As a suggestion if you take a teaspoonfull of blackstrap molasass a day, you will find your problems will end.. Plus the eradication of any hemorrhoids over a few days. Put it in your mouth and wash it down with fruit juice.

Triphala Churna
Posted by Roane (Los Angeles, Ca) on 04/28/2011

Maybe you should try upon rising drinking a glass of water with probiotics and one half lemon or line. Next prepare the morning flex drink:

TRIPHALA-prevents aging, imparts immunity and improves mental faculties. It helps to detoxify the liver, restore digestion and purify blood. It is also a laxative that rejuvenates the membrane lining the digestive tract and contributes to effective cleansing of the colon.

PSYLLIUM HUSK: Is a Fiber Psyllium appears to increase stool mass more effectively than do other common laxative fibre sources

Dietary Changes
Posted by Denise (Tampa, Fl) on 03/11/2011

I have suffered chronic constipation for most of my life, but it became extreme about 4 years ago. My gastro Dr just gave me meds that kept me hovering around the toilet all morning. I used Mg capsules, which was better, but again, it was still not normal elimination. All I was doing was coping with the problem. Then I heard that my granddaughter (no blood relation) was diagnosed with celiac disease. Her main symptom was severe constipation. I decided to go gluten-free to see if it made a difference for me.

Within 2 days, my system started to work. It's been 3 wonderful weeks now, and I am trying hard not to shout it from the roof tops. But on here I know folks are desperate for an answer and a cure. So see if if works for you. The good thing is that the health food stores have a great variety of gluten-free products. I hope to learn to cook gluten-free when I have the time.

For the folks that find their answer in avoiding gluten - congrads! And to all the others still looking, I would also tell you to check out "upper cervical chiropractic" as that adjustment is supposed to help many with constipation (among a myriad of other problems. ) Good luck!

Triphala Churna
Posted by Jennifer (Sunrise, Florida) on 02/28/2011

I've had terrible constipation since I was young... I would have a bowel movement maybe every 2 weeks. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism a few years ago, which made the problem much worse. Typical remedies like laxatives, prunes, and fiber have absolutely no effect on me. Triphala has been a miracle for me. It's not a laxative, but it encourages regular bowel movements because it acts like a tonic for your colon and digestive system. It's extremely gentle but very powerful. I have a bowel movement almost every day, without any pain or discomfort. It completely regulates my digestive system and makes me feel great. As an added bonus, it has a ton of antioxidants, which is great for your body! I use a very good-quality brand, because some lower quality brands have little to no effect on me. Look for brands that have guaranteed potency.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Anne (Dallas , Pa) on 01/23/2011

I have suffered from chronic constipation all of my life (47years), however my constipation was elevated to a whole new level of difficulty after a difficult child birth that required a surgical repair of my rectal wall - no pushing power. I tried everything: stool softeners, psyllium fiber, M---lax and a prescribtion medication for IBS. I eat a high fiber diet and stay hydrated But nothing worked. If you are reading this I don't have to tell you that this is really bad for the female self image. Constipation is not sexy!

This past summer I stumbled on what has been a "miracle" for me: oat bran. 100% oat bran is prepared as a hot cereal that I eat daily for breakfast (not to be confused w/ oat bran). It took a week or so, but for the most part I have been constipation free for the better part of 6 months. I have a normal BM almost daily and sometimes 2 times daily. Sometimes I might get a touch of constipation and to my amazement a single stool softener will now Do the trick, if I stick w/ my Oat bran regime. And best of all it is delicious w/ a little Spoon of sugar and some butter, Raisins and a few walnuts-yummy. I Love it! And it good for Controlling cholesterol as a bonus.

May be hard to find in a conventional grocery store, but most health food sections Of a store will have it. Some stores carry it in the loose bulk section. Any good health food store will have it. It's usually pretty cheap, but shop around if price is a consideration. Should be less than 3.50 for a small box that will last me at least 2 weeks.

I was able to rid myself of constipation. Now I will try the ACV for my Interrmitant abd pain. Good luck friends.

Castoria, Syrup of Figs
Posted by Brooke (Montgomery, Tx, USA) on 12/05/2010

One day Castoria the next day syrup of figs. From a few drops taken all day long, to a half tsp taken once a day. It all depends on your body and how constipated you are.
