Natural Remedies

Easy Home Remedies for Constipation Relief

Posted by Mimmer (LONDON, ENGLAND) on 06/04/2007

Hi all, I was chatting with a lady at work who suggested BSM and ACV [apple cider vinegar]. For a year I have suffered with constipation, bad back and general tightness of muscles in the neck area. For 20 yrs i have had trouble with fibroids (had surgery but too multiple to remove all). On 26-5-07, I bought BSM and ACV. I took it right away, doses-2 large spoons of BSM in warm water, followed by 3 tablespoons of ACV in warm water. I done this morning b4 breakfast and last thing at night. The second day on it I had a very easy bowel movement and have done everyday since. My constipation is now a thing of the past. My back (which I had to get medication from the doctors for-didnt help) was cured during the week, along with the muscle ache. I sleep deeper and don't seem to eat as much. I totally know that this 'tonic' as I like to call it will clear my fibroids eventually. I also want to see after 3months how i do as I want to give it to my Auntie for her Arthritis. I thank you all for posting your experiences as this has given me constant strength and encouragement. I look forward to this journey and please if you are having or have had VICTORY over fibroids with 'The Tonic' then please post so I can read it. I am a big believer in foods for healing and this sure is a testament to God's produce.

Posted by Tish (Chicago, Il) on 07/21/2007

My period has been always heavy that my hemoglobin level is always low that I have to take iron and shot every 2 weeks. ITs hard also to work and go to the bathroom every now and then. When I bleed it like for 10 days and more. I was diagnosed with fibroid just 2 months ago and I found your website just weeks before my surgery and its my second day of my period. I started taking the molasses and the next day my period slow down and no blood clotting and it stopped after 5 days. My daughter is always suffering from constipation and I recommended her this and she said she never pooh like this before..THANK YOU!

Posted by Dodie (LA, California) on 10/09/2007

I've been taking blackstrap molasses for a week now and thank goodness I've been getting 3 bowel movements a day!! I have a hard time getting bowel movements partially cause of the foods that I eat but I am working on it. Also, my father has the same issues. Also, my face is glowing and I've gotten a couple of comments and how good my skin looks! I hope it doesn't stop working for me.

Posted by Karen (Kingsland, Georgia) on 10/11/2007

I have been taking the blackstrap molasses for two weeks now. I have super energy now with in days of using it. i,ve also been having regular bowel movements daily. don't want to stop taking this am sold out.

Honey and Lemon
Posted by Atisha (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 07/12/2007

Hi all, I have been drinking honey & lemon concoction in water warm on an empty stomach for the past 6 days. This is my 6th day & i had noticed my bowel movement has been regular since the duration of consuming the concoction. It's amazing. Try it!

Bentonite Clay
Posted by Joyce (Glasgow, Scotland) on 03/29/2008


I digested Psyllium and Bentonite clay for a colon cleanse. This was to ruin my whole life and caused immediate gastritis and triggered rosacea/rhinophyma. The onset of symptoms was abrupt, immediate and extremely severe. I now have blepharitis and meibomitis as a result.

I was very stupid and digesting this product has ruined my whole life. DO NOT TAKE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bentonite Clay
Posted by Vladimir (Montreal, Quebec, Canada) on 12/31/2007

Hi. I started taking Bentonite Clay after reading about it on the internet and especially on I don't know whether it is because of it or because of the other supplements I take but I am less constipated and sleep better. I also believe it contains many minerals and they're natural (not processed). I am taking a table spoon of a very dense Bentonite Clay and water solution every night before going to bed. I would recommend it. It would be also interesting to hear other people's experiences with Bentonite Clay.

Posted by Aimy (Lhr, Pk) on 03/10/2008

Drinking four to five glasses of water every morning before brushing your teeth will cure constipation in ten days. Avoid eating till about 45 minutes after consuming water in the morning. I tried many therapies but this one has been most successful and is a long term solution. Whenever I feel blocked, I consume more than four glasses in the morning. Sometimes even two glasses or one are enough to flush out the system.
