Natural Remedies

Top 8 Natural Candida Remedies for Effective Relief

Urine Therapy
Posted by Kavita Ballah (Port Louis, Mauritius) on 06/04/2009

Hi my name is Kavita Ballah. i am a Mauritian, married and mother of two kids 22 & 18 yrs. i am now 43 yrs old. i had surffered from candida since 24 yrs now. i have never known what it's like not to suffer & not take medicines. All my life i have struggled and fought for my health. i tried so many things but there has never been a cure. i was very sick. For a very long time.

i tried all kinds of herbs and chemicals that exist on the market home and abroad. i spent all my saving going around the world ( US,UK,India,malaysia,Indonesia,Reunion island) in search of relief.In 2001, i had hysterectomy followed by adhesion on the left which nearly killed me.

3 months back, i was told i had Pelvic inflammatory disease, adhesion on the left again, left ovarian cyst 5.8 cm for the 4th time( had ablation done once), vaginal yeast infection, chronic cystitis, sinus infections and chemical allergies.

i knew about Urine Therapy some 10 yrs back. a friend insisted i should do it. Did not trust it that much then until one night i was on my knees crying becuase of pain in my lower abdomen. i just remembere UT. Next Morning i started on it and immediately my pain reduced to 20%. That day i did it whole day and the next dat my pain was down.i was suppose to go for surgery on the 3rd day. i postponed it and for following week. i gave myself one more week to decide. within 5 days my cyst shrunk and all my pain reduced to 60%. i started beleiving in it and from that day till now i am continuously drinking urine in the morning.

My chronic cystitis and yeast infections has disappeared . After one months, i was a new person. Today it's nearly 3 months and i am happy to confirm that i don't suffer anymore. my sexual life is so beautiful and i see life full of values.

This is a message to all women who are suffering from Candida. Urine therapy is the answer girls.

Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE)
Posted by Ms. E. (Washington, DC) on 06/03/2009

I have been taking GSE for some months now and it has really helped with this Monster, however, i am still eating the sugars and breads, not like I was, conversely, I want to know if anyone has taken GSE and continued to eat sweets/bread and the Monster was kept bay?

Confused in the Capital

Candida and pH
Posted by Sunny (Spgfd., Mo) on 06/01/2009

Try oil of oregano for candida

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dee (Redlands, CA) on 05/30/2009

Also, don't forget that yeast infections are prominent with diabetes. I suffered yeast infections for years because my blood sugar ran high at times! Make sure that you're blood sugar is stable!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Donna (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 05/28/2009

Hi there, I "discovered" your site at the beginning of this year and since then I have been reading as much as I could. I found the info here very useful. I have been fighting candida for at least 3 years now, and I tried anything and everything to get rid of it. Of course, for about 2 years I trusted the doctors and ingested a lot of pills that were supposed to help me but didn't. I also used different lotions and ovules internally. My husband treated himself at the same time although he never had any symptoms.

No matter what I tried, I maybe felt better for a few days and then, the infection came back stronger than before.

In February 2009 I started taking hydrogen peroxide 35% orally diluted in DISTILLED WATER. I took it only once in the morning because, in my opinion, only then is my stomach empty. Also, my daily schedule didn't allow me to take it during the day. I thought that if it were to work, I probably need to be patient because it will take more time than normal.

So, I started with 5 drops in water and increased by 1 drop daily until I reached 30 drops. 30 drops daily was my maximum dose. I stayed on it for 3 months and I can report now that I feel great. No more yeast infection, no more itching, skin rush, I have lots of energy and I wake up all by myself (no alarm clock) in the morning after 7-8 hours of sleep.

Side effects I experienced: I had a continuous heartburn for 4 days shortly after I started (probably when I was taking about 10 drops a day). Also, in 3 or 4 separate occasions I had diareea which passed by itself by the end of the day.

I would say that it really worked for me.
Good luck to all.
God bless.

St. John's Wort, Eliminate the Pill
Posted by Joanna (London, UK) on 05/13/2009

can anyone tell me what 'red turkey' st. john's wort is? is this a tincture? thanks

EC: A little sleuthing on the internet and we think we've figured it out...

Red Turkey looks like it is actually called Turkey Red Oil, or Sulphonated Castor Oil. So it looks like St. John's Wort may be mixed with the castor oil and then applied inside the vagina.

"Sulfonated castor oil, also called sulfated castor oil, or Turkey Red Oil, is the only oil that completely disperses in water. It is made by adding sulfuric acid to pure castor oil.[5] This allows easy use for making bath oil products. It was the first synthetic detergent after ordinary soap. It is used in formulating lubricants, softeners, and dyeing assistants.[6]"

ACV, Baking Soda, Magnesium, Vit E
Posted by Diane (Napa, CA) on 04/19/2009

Natural Cures for Candida: First, thank you for this website. I read Christa's (from Canada) message posted here after searching for a natural remedy for a white tongue (another symptom of a systemic yeast infection). I followed her regime of 2 Tbs with 1/2 tbs Baking soda with a little hot water and a dash of pure apple juice 3 times a day. Within five days my white tongue was rosy again. I started taking 400 iu of Natural Vitamin E.Capsules; I had already been taking the Magnesium 25ml per day, for the menopause. And I also stop the sugar. Wow! I have more energy, sleep better,and oh, my joints are not painful, another symptom! Thank you!!

Check for Sjogren
Posted by Anon (San Francisco, CA) on 04/13/2009

RE: Dry Mouth. Are you on medical drugs? Toxins often make your mouth dry. Pesticides on plants, herbs, etc. also can cause dry mouth. Ny dry mouth goes away when I stop taking food or herbs that cause dry mouth. (I don't take "meds," since many are too toxic.

For DRY EYES, I juice about half a small onion with other vegetables, which makes my eyes quite moist. (Recall how you tear easily when peeling onions?) Also, for dry mouth, I eat mung beans SPROUTS. It naturally cleans my eyes and makes it moist. This might work for dry mouth. too.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Bessie (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 04/01/2009

Thanks Sharon for such an informative and interesting post! I did read several books by Atkins years ago but I didn't really apply anything I learned (a bad habit of mine). However, I'm determined to slowly wean myself away from refined carbs (bread and pasta are the worse for me). Thanks for the reminder that a healthful diet is within our reach. Cheers!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Bob (Memphis, TN) on 04/01/2009

That was right on target. I love the fact that you mentioned so many times "if you just read the book". I have talked to sooo many people over the years that claim to have read it and actually never did. What a funny thing to lie about. Anyway, I was a runner for about 10 years, started after I quit smoking in 1990. In the 90's of course, is when everything you heard was about how fat makes you fat. So, as long as it didn't contain any fat you could eat it and not have to worry. Pasta, bread, coke, potatoes, sugar, and on and on, the wonderful world of fat-free products was born. How many hours I spent reading labels in the grocyer learning how much fat was in what. Well, in about the year 1999 I came down with severe arthritis in one of my knees and after trying to nurse it back over a year the orthopedic told me I would have to give up running. In case you didn't know, telling a runner he can't run any more is pretty devastating. They did tell me I could find something else to do such as biking, walking, swimming, etc. I tried several different things and everything seemed to still bother my knee. So, I wasn't really getting much aerobic activity. For the first time in my life I started putting on some weight and I didn't like it. Keep in mind I am still eating the fat free lifestyle. A lot of pasta, bread, all that good starchy fat free stuff. I decided to try the Atkins diet. I worked with some rather large people at the time who had gone on it and had lost significant amounts of weight. So, I bought the Atkins book and read it from cover to cover. Absolutely the most boring thing I had ever read in my life, but I did read it. In the year 2000 I started keeping a daily journal of how much I weighed and what I ate. I went on a strict diet, using the atkins method and the weight started coming off. Keep in mind I am not a big person and had only put on maybe 15-20 pounds. But, if you are not a very big person that can be quite a bit of weight. Anyway, this many years later I have gone on it and gone off of it. It doesn't take long if I go off of it that I start putting on some unwanted pounds. If I start eating pasta, rice, potatoes and sweets I start putting the weight back on again. In a couple of months probably 15 or so pounds. And, no I don't eat large amounts of food if I go off it. I am very conscious of portions and I am not a snacker. So, after many years of analyzing this subject I will still get into arguments with people about what has caused the world to become so fat. And rightfully so when you "still" today have nutritionists who preach to the world that fat is what makes you fat. Now keep in mind that fat is not good for you. And that is why the original writer's post is so right on target. The people who have never read the Atkins book think you are going to live on eggs, bacon and cheese for the rest of your life. This is so absulutely untrue. I explain it to paople like this where anyone can understand it. Fat makes you fat on the inside not on the outside. In other words fat does clog your arteries, cause heart problems and on and on. But, it is the sugar and starch that people consume huge quantities of that is killing so many people. My theory is if our government would make it illegal to sell flour and sugar this nation would be much healthier for it. But, of course, that is not going to happen. So, people ask me well what do you eat. I tell them, anything I want except for flour and sugar. And, when I feel like splurging, which we all have to do once in a while, my poison of choice is pasta or a homemade scratch dessert. Lean meats, veg's, fruits, nuts, seeds, grains are the way to go. Even potatoes and corn once in a while aren't going to kill you. The amount of starch and sugar that the average overweight American takes in in a single day is staggering and they can't figure out why they won't lose weight. One of these days this country is going to realize that when you go to a fast food joint it is not the fat that is making the world so overweight it is the buns-flour, fries-starch, giant coke-sugar, fried chicken-the flour coating, the meat and cheese were the best part of the meal. The best diet that I have found that works for me becuase I will be the first to admit, I love sugar and starch, is: meat, veg's and fruit during the week and pizza or pasta on saturday night. Everyone has to find what works for them. Good luck!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Sharon (Vancouver, BC Canada) on 04/01/2009

Historically humans have survived on whatever natural food was available and adapted. First problem; Refined grains falsely appeared cheaper to buy because refining increased the volume of food but decreased the nutritional value. Second problem; Then about 200 years ago someone learned how to refine sugar but the body has never learned how to handle the tremendous load of carbohydrates that flood directly into your bloodstream just like a drug. Third problem; Mix refined grains with refined sugar, and hey maybe add some yeast or milk, and what do you get?...You get the perfect food for yeasts, molds and fungus and a product that is not fit for human nutrition or consumption.

Dr. Atkins was a humanitarian cardiologist who came under attack in 1973 and was charged with fraud by the AMA and the FDA for suggesting to the public that our commercialized diets of refined carbohydrates was killing us with obesity, heart attacks and diabetes. He recommended cutting out sugars and refined starches to cure heart disease and he proposed that all major diseases have one thing in common and that is a "metabolic imbalance that causes carbohydrate intolerance".

In his book he opposed a diet predominantly composed of refined carbs and called our culture of "coke-cake-catsup-cookies-candy" a "killing culture". Atkins also wrote in his book that "candy bars and soft drinks should carry a warning on the package the same as on cigarette packages stating that the product could be dangerous to your health". The Rockefellers, Coke, Pepsi, Kellogg's etc. took offence to these statements and lobbied the gov. to charge Atkins with fraud in order to suppress and manipulate his information and went on a campaign to discredit his ideas. The vicious attack worked, most people still won't actually read the book for themselves but still feel they are qualified to criticise it based solely on the AMA's and FDA's propaganda.

Obesity and heart disease now affects over 35% of the population; some of our youngest generation will die before their parents and 40% of us will get cancer during our lives and yet the AMA refuses to relate the increasing rates of disease to our nutritionally depleted and toxic commercial diets.

Atkins was not rigid or dogmatic in his food recommendations as long as they where low carb. He recommended eggs, cheese, fish and shellfish in addition to lamb, veal, poultry and beef and those who have read the book would know that Atkins states in his book that the "best source of protein is EGGS". He also recommends that you eat mainly watery fruits and vegetables as opposed to starchy ones and even in his most restricted carb diet which is short term and intended to repair your metabolism he recommends using lemons.

Why was the Atkins diet really attacked? You might as well just ask yourself why America is the only advanced country in the world that does not have universal health care and why medical professionals are not trained in the bodies nutritional needs or detecting nutritional deficiencies. You might also ask yourself why the gov. has tried to ban the sale of vitamins and natural health products...could it be because it's just more profitable to keep you sick and keep you using dangerous and expensive Rx medications forever and lure you into falsely believing that commercial food products are safe and healthy.

Unfortunately, suggesting that people who are sick should focus on controversial environmental and political issues is too demanding when you understand that Candida can make life not worth living even if it doesn't kill you! Of course we should all try to reduce or eliminate our beef consumption just as we should our consumption of pollution and war fuelling oil/gas products and even those mislabelled 'friendly biofuels' that waste millions of acres of agricultural land. If you accept political/corporate explanations of global warming targeted at gaining your willingness if not your eagerness to pay billions in carbon taxes without examining the science then you are ignoring the reality of HAARP, the fact that Europeans have been attacking the northern ice shield with icebreakers for over 30 years in order to create a northern shipping channel, and that this winter 08/09 was the coldest one on record for over 30 years. The truth is that long term the earth is headed for another mini ice age cycle and political and corporate controls that only serve to manipulate and withhold information were designed for ensuring profits and raising taxes and make for extremely bad science. Just try to explain why our gov. is currently spending billions on bailing out car manufacturers who still insist on producing more gas guzzling environmentally polluting vehicles and bankers who have taken record profits and bonuses based on fraud.

The reality today is that about 97% of N. Americans are carnivorous and about 1% are strict vegans who use no animal products and about 2% are vegetarians who do not usually use animal products except for eggs, milk and cheese. Any vegan will find a low carb diet almost impossible unless he lives almost entirely on nuts but 'vegetarians' who eat animal products can easily substitute eggs or cheese for meat protein with full approval from Dr. Atkins. Many people including myself believe it's hypocritical for 'vegetarians' to condemn those who eat chicken or beef but feel it's perfectly acceptable to eat a chicken embryo and wear leather Birkenstocks. Vegans who are hostile, dogmatic and radical against all meat eaters or Atkins but have never even read his book also naively play very nicely into the secret agendas of the commercial food producers.

It is estimated that up to 80% of the population suffers from Candida related diseases and a low carb diet is absolutely necessary for a sustained recovery. There are many good low carb diets and the main point is to be aware of your consumption of carbs by getting a carb counter and then counting them. While the average N. American today consumes 200-300 grams of carbs per day, a low carb corrective diet should consist of from 10 to 50 grams per day depending on individual tolerance levels.

The Dr. Atkins diet can quickly and easily teach you how to stay on a low carb diet, for weight loss or carb restriction diets-but first you have to actually read the book!

After you have carbs under control, are feeling healthy and happy, maybe then you might like to investigate the vegan lifestyle. We can best heal ourselves and the world by developing an attitude of compassionate understanding that facilitates a genuine dialogue because real changes in our global perspective are never achieved by self serving attacks, self declared claims of moral superiority, criticism or nutritional dogmatic beliefs that only serve to create more confusion in the lives of millions of people who are already suffering.

Dr. Atkins exposed our commercialized diets as detrimental to our health in 1972 and his work has been consistently and repeatedly vindicated by over 20 independent scientific studies over the past four years from 2004-2008. The medical validity of the Atkins Diet has been proven by research out of Harvard, Duke University, the American Heart Association and the National Institutes of Health.

Dr. Atkins tried to warn Americans in 1973 that their diets are killing them and his book is much more than a diet book, it's an education you need to help you reclaim your health since it can quickly and easily teach 97% of you how to stay on a low carb diet which will help you lose your cravings for sugar, starch, alcohol and caffeine by restoring your normal carbohydrate metabolism; plus as a little bonus it is an effective diet for the prevention and treatment of heart disease, obesity and diabetes. If you'd like to find a natural cure and a simple treatment method to correct a "metabolic imbalance that causes carbohydrate intolerance" the Aitkins Diet can teach you how to stay on a low carb diet without suffering...but first you will have to open your mind and actually read the book!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Rick (Montreal, Quebec, Canada) on 03/18/2009

Jo An, Have you tried Grapefruit Seed Extract? I use Nutribiotic. Here are a couple of articles from the Web.. I hope this helps.


Multiple Remedies
Posted by T (Maryland, USA) on 03/17/2009

I understand that olive leaf extract and capryllic acid are really good against candida.

Poking around the web, this site looks to have extensive and detailed info, including food lists:

She does have some affiliate links if you want to support her, but it looks like the info is all free on the site. Candida can be a persistent and complex thing to deal with but people can and do overcome it, so hang in there and work on it. Best wishes for your healing!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by N Jo An (Atlanta, GA / USA) on 03/17/2009

Greetings to all whom may read this. I am very frustrated to the point of tears. I have been struggling with candida yeast for 35 years. I just diagnosed myself in February of 2009 after going to the thousandth doctor to tell me my body is attacking itself and all they can give me is Hydroxzine and a bunch of other stuff that dont even control the itching. I have gotten the ACV, Cream of Tartar, H202, cayenne, garlic I have been taking it all. I need relief and I am so tired of reading "I got the cure" but you got to pay for it. Thats ludicrus! I dont have the money for all these darn books all I want to know is how to stop this itching and hives its driving me crazy. For once it would be nice if someone who truely wanted to help would state these foods contribute to Candida yeast and use this this many times a day to starve it. I cant stand to buy another book. I want cold hard facts and side effects. I know the body should be akaline not acidity and cream of tartar is acidity. so is ACV I understand this site speaks from those who it has helped. So if it doesnt help then what for me? If anyone can be more informative and detailed i really would appreciate it.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Bev (Pikeville, KY) on 03/16/2009

I have just started the 35% h202 program for candida. I am up to 3 drops in distilled water three times daily. It seems to be giving me very frequent and very runny bowel movements-4-5times a day. Just wonder if this is side effect that will go away because I don't want to loose weight as I am only 112-lbs now. Will this subside soon??? Anyone have similar effects? Sure would appreciate any input, Thanks, Bev.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 03/15/2009 495 posts

Hello Mary, Part of the answer to the question you asked is: If the infection occurs following a round or two of antibiotics for infectious disease the most likely culprit is candida albicans, which normally is kept under control by the good guys who reside in our intestines, but run rampant when these good guys are killed off by those antibiotics for some other infection. The reason why diet is good for this infection is because candida loves the acid environment caused by lots of sugars and other sweets and dislikes the alkaline condition of a a better and more nutritious diet. When you read EC you will learn about alkalinizing your body to get rid of candida and other fungi/molds because they don't like the alkaline condition either.

Eating more nutritiously also makes your immune system healthier & stronger which makes it more likely that you won't need antibiotics for infections, because your immunne system is the hero in keeping you healthy. I was just reading on line recently about the effect that sugar has on your immue system - they knock out your white blood cells which are the ones that fight off the invaders that cause infectious disease.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Mary (Virginia Beach, Virginia) on 03/14/2009

Greetings, How do you know that you have candida and not some other fungal infection?

Having lived in moldy dwellings for years - no, can't afford to move - I can tell you that all the diets in the world WILL NOT work if you are breathing in airborne mold.

Diet is not the greatest way to deal with infectious disease anyway. Fasting helps if you don't have diabetic/hypoglycemic problems. Mary

Posted by Jerome (San Francisco, CA., US of A) on 03/10/2009


I didn't get over my illness until:

1) I discovered that I had been living with intestinal parasites. My physicians didn't believe that I was ill at all. They didn't want to waste their time and resources testing, don't you know. I was so happy to have them *diagnose* the animalia I presented to them in a box.

(a) the parasites, worms, protected themselves by secreting a biofilm which is both immunomodulating and immunosuppressing. Do you honestly believe my physicians knew / told me that?

2) My physicians explained, (ie., LIED), to me and explained that I had "IBS". Try googling the two words: "IBS" and "TRASHCAN DIAGNOSIS".

(a) "IBS" is a catch all *syndrome* which physicians use to substitute for real medical diagnosis, given that they do not have the time, inclination, energy or desire to solve your health problems for you. They have other things to think about.

3) Once I discovered, after nearly two decades of living in a near constant state of hopelessness, that there was an alternative, legitimate community of health care providers known as alternative, holistic, integrative and herbal medicine, I decided to take the initial plunge into the world of colon hydrotherapy.

(a) This felt great.

4) I went on a candida free diet. I went to an alternative health clinic. I paid $40 for a refrigerated, very fine grain powder, mycostatin. In 3 weeks, I was 85% better. I can now eat fruit, veggies, grains, eggs, etc.,. I had not eaten these things in over a decade. How awful is that!

5) I returned to my HMO with the good news. They were upset. Pissed off even. They couldn't believe that I would BETRAY them like that! How dare I go outside of my HMO! I had gotten off their hook!

(a) I visited a gastroenterologist at my HMO, for kicks. I asked him to take a look at the word, nystatin, which is the generic form of mycostatin. He had never heard of it before but he was willing to do what I asked. It turns out, my HMO's database stated that NYSTATIN WAS INDICATED IN THE TREATMENT OF IBS. Funny thing is, nystatin is a broad spectrum antifungal. And very, very few doctors in mainstream medicine are using it to treat IBS. I met a woman suffering from the same thing I had. She gave me the name of her gastroenterologist. Same dude. I asked her if he had given her a prescription for nystatin. She told me, "No, what is that!"

And so it goes...

Dietary Changes
Posted by Jessica (Toronto, Ontario Canada) on 03/06/2009

The reason people Criticize the Atkins Diet is the emphasis on meat which is a major component in the acidity of westerners bodies. A high meat diet even with adequate carbohydrates (in their healthy form) is toxic. Which is why all natural health practitioners who treat Candida put their patients on a low meat protein High veg, fruit and whole grain diet. Also the meat industry notoriously puts profits before people and are a major cause of environmental destruction so it is actually conflicting information to promote a high meat diet and a people before profits message.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bill (St. Louis, MO, USA) on 02/02/2009

My lady friend developed a severe case of some type of yeast or fungus overgrowth. It began as a red area under one breast, and soon spread to both breasts, upper chest, stomach and groin area. I suspect a recent injection of steroids (to relieve poison ivy) to be the cause, but that is only speculation. This rash was severe. She was Dr. prescribed a cream and then a powder-- with little effect. I recommended the Apple Cider Vinegar Cure, along with making sure the affected area stayed clean and dry. We applied (again, use only), organic, unfiltered, non-pasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar. She applied the ACV directly to the affected area. It is important to note that applying the ACV to a severe rash is Very Painful! I suggest that if you cannot tolerate the pain, you might start with a diluted (50%?) mixture until some of the "rawness" disappears. RESULTS: 100 Percent CURE! Absolutely amazing. She continued the application for about two weeks, with results beginning immediately. Her skin dried completely, the rash and finally the redness disappeared. Thank You Earthclinic, Thank You Ted!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tamra Klosowski (Falcon, Colorado) on 02/23/2009

I'm a little confused, does AVC contribute to candida or cause it? I don't seem to have any (obvious) negitive reations but after reading something on your website I started to wonder. I do deal with candida and I am doing what I know to get it under control. The last thing I want to do is make it worse. As I'm sure you know it can be a little bit of a challenge to figure out where the real reason for not feeling good is coming from. I like simple. Thats why I like AVC (and garlic) I believe AVC has kept my health. Again I understand that candida recks havoc on any ones system. Thank you for the imput. Tamra

Dietary Changes
Posted by Amber (Portland, Oregon) on 02/20/2009

Be encouraged! For eliminating certain foods from your diet will most likely slightly increase the way you feel very immediately. However, there will still be lots of work ahead.

I battled for 3 months to get rid of my Candida and finally kicked it last fall. There is a wonderful book called 'The Yeast Connection' which lists a number of foods to avoid when dealing with Candida. It can be difficult, but it did work for me, and I am a raw foodist, so my diet was that much more limited. Many website articles I read did not contain the full spectrum of foods to don't be naive and think that just because on expert doesn't list a certain food, that you can 'get away' with it... Remember, you want to starve and kill these yeast, so you must be as hard on them as you can.

In addition to avoiding all fermented foods (beer, wine), grains (esp. refined grains, and incl. Oats, rice), vinegars aside from ACV, avoid all products baked with yeast, ALL sugars/honey/maple syrups (STEVIA ( I recommend the actual green-herb powder not the extract) is a fantastic alternative.., FRUIT (except berries which I read have something 'good' in them that counteracts the sugar and instead makes them beneficial for those with candida...and green apple which isn't as sugary as reg. apples), CARROTS and BEETS (both contain sugar), and all fungus foods: NO MUSHROOMS. Read up on this more for the specifics as far as nuts and other things that you should add or avoid.

Make sure you are getting enough protein. Eggs were very beneficial in my case.

Depending on how bad your Candida is, you can experiment and be more or less disciplined about this. You may also want to experiment once you have recovered, and slowly introduce these foods back into your diet; as you may have a food allergy to one or some of these items as well. Introduce foods slowly. Remember to be very gentle on yourself and what you eat for many months, even a year in the future. Think of the Candida like weeds that can come back if you go too overboard. See how things go for you and gauge what you begin eating again by that.

I can't say enough how taking fresh, crushed GARLIC is very necessary. for best results be VERY disciplined. This goes for all regiments relating to Candida. Consistancy is KEY. Taking garlic on an empty stomach, 1/2-1 hour before eating, especially in the morning, will be most effective. Try to do this even if you have to set your alarm, get out of bed early, and then go back to bed before your 'real' waking up/shower/breakfast. It works that much better. I would crush the garlic, and wash it down with water so that i wouldn't have to taste much of it. Fresh garlic is best, even if you are taking supplements, try to add in SOME fresh garlic, even if it's on your food.

After a sufficient time period of killing the candida, you will want to look into repopulating the good bactera. An acidopholus (sp?) supplement worked for me. Research other methods. This also works best when administered on an empty stomach.

I also used a mixed Candida herbal supplement with Pau d'arco, grapeseed, oregano, garlic. I have read that the best thing to do is alternate these supplements for about one week each. I was 1/2 way to recovery when I purchased this supplement so I am not sure how much it helped in it's mixed form.

I hope that some of this information will be valuable to someone. All I can say about Candida is 'research, research, research.' and above all, it's quite an experiment for anyone who has it, so don't feel too discouraged. You will get there.

02/20/2009: Amber from Portland, Oregan writes, "One other thing of note, is to remember that Candida may and most likely is caused be a combination of factors.

In addition to the antibiotic cause, and among others a person may have had Adrenal Fatigue (caffeine disuse would help here) and most likely a vitamin/mineral deficiency, as well as your immune system being lowered (In my case I had contracted Mono prior to candida).

These are all causes listed in the above book that I mentioned, among others...and these were some of the contributors in my own case. It would be good to consider taking a multivitamin to combat the deficiencies, as well as making sure to reboost your immune system, and taking into consideration whatever else you need to do to reinforce your health in the future.

Believe me, I am no expert, only somewhat well-read and only have my own experience to go on, but I can't stress enough how throurough one must be to combat this condition. "

Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE)
Posted by Hope (Sacramento, C) on 01/30/2009

You might want to try L-Glutamine, an amino acid. It is supposed to help reduce sugar cravings.

Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE)
Posted by Cindy (CH, WISC, USA) on 01/30/2009

can anyone help with information as how to deal with sugar/bread/cookie cravings when you start to take grapefruit seed extract or borax to kill candida? thank you for any help.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Darlene (Denver, Colorado) on 01/07/2009

If you put the acv in v-8 juice you can't even taste the acv.

Posted by Larry (Brigham, Utah USA) on 12/28/2008

I had a case of full blown systemic candida albicans, as I found out through confirming my symptoms with those posted on the Internet. The doctor wanted to hospitalize me but we had no insurance and I had little trust of giving myself to a medical system that did not even officially recognize my affliction.

Daily - I drank sodium borate water [1/8 - 1/4 teaspoon to a quart of water p/day].

Also, I followed a strict diet of no bread, no sugar and no vitamins, for a period of about 4-1/2 months during which time I starved the Candida to death.

During this time I did enjoy Xylitol in place of sugar [ a healthy natural sugar that kills fungus, molds and bacteria]. You can buy it at the health food store as well as Xylitol gums and mints. Beware of the cheaper gums at the discount stores as they generally contain aspartame, while advertising minimal amounts of Xylitol. I also enjoyed lemonade and cocoa drinks that I made with Xylitol. I also enjoyed my pero with no Xylitol or sugar.

I had read about Zell Oxygen as an ultimate cure for candida. I was finally able to get some from where they have the best pricing and availability of anywhere i could find.

When it arrived I had finally starved off the candida. So it was a bit of a stretch - but the Zell Oxygen instructions say to take this product with fruit juice [sugar]. To support the new beneficial yeast that feeds the body and nourishes the cells.

Well I did take the fruit juice and Zell Oxygen as instructed. What happened first was I noticed the candida spores germinated in a short burst - so the newly coming beneficial Zell Oxygen Yeast could move in and take over as it is an air loving beneficial yeast.

I followed the standard daily minimum dose and at the end of one bottle and one month I was free of candida and shortly after I was able to start incorporating sugar into my diet with no adverse effects.

P.S.: The people at regenerative nutrition have an excellent resource to help you find whatever you may need to get better - whatever your affliction may be.

Heavy Metal Detox
Posted by Frank (Montgomery, AL.) on 12/15/2008

Instead of oral chelation please try an IV Chelation Treatment. Much quicker acting. The cost here is $100.00 for each treatment.

Check for Sjogren
Posted by LuAnn (Rapid City , South Dakota) on 12/07/2008

Would love to know more about this. At night mostly, I mostly have a very dry mouth. Doesn't matter how much I drink, always dry at night. At work my eyes are dry and my lips seem dry, but because I talk all day on phones, I can only sip or drink on breaks. There are times when my tongue actually sticks to my mouth when that dry. Awfull. Wondering if this is a something I need to worry about. I do have Systemic Candidiasis. So I am apt to have a whole lot of syndromes. Hoping this is not one to add to the list. Thanks LuAnn Got some advice?

Caprylic Acid
Posted by LuAnn (Rapid City, SD) on 12/07/2008

My local Walmart carries organic virgin coconut oil 16 oz. I prefer this over expeller pressed coconut oil. It has a different tast. So cold process or virgin does taste better. I use it in my teas. I cook my eggs with it. I use it in my hair as a conditioner. I have even used it up my nose for the sinus issues candida cause. I put some each nostril and lay down with a warm compress on my eyes. If you were congested you will get up and blow your nose and it feels great.

I have friends who have exemia and most of them said it is gone in 3 days.
I just tried the collidioal silver tonight in a nazal spray bottle. What a wonder full relieve not only 2 hours later, the 4 day headache is gone. Still have pressure by no where like before. Thanks

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by LuAnn (Rapid City, SD) on 12/07/2008

Try diluting it in warm water if you are taking it straight. May help. Or try having your apple cider vinegar in your salad instead. Something in the stomach may also help.

Reader Theories
Posted by Evie (Bristol, UK) on 11/19/2008

Hi all. Really interesting and helpful comments from everyone, thanks.

I have been struggling with a candida problem for about 6 years now. Sometimes I think I have it cured, but then get a relapse every now and then even though I maintain a fairly strict diet. I have had some successful with quite a few of the things evry mentions, caprylic acid, oregano, GSE, probiotics etc.

I am just undergoing a bad relapse but dont know why. However there are two things that I am still confused about even after masses of research and reading over the last 6 years, and I would love to know what others think.

1. Most antifungals are also antibacterial. People with Candida are trying to kill off fungus and encourage good bacteria, and are usually taking antifungals and probiotics at the same time. But I am wondering how this can work? Surely by taking antifungals which are also antibacterial the good bacteria are going to be killed off as well? And we are therefore wasting our money buying expensive probiotics that are just not going to survive? The anti bacterial antifungals cannot discriminate between pathogenic bacteria that need to be killed off and the good friendly bacteria that we desperately need to be healthy.

2. Am I right in saying that candida needs an acidic encironment in which to flourish (ie less than pH7)? So we are all trying to alkalise our bodies. However, I have an outbreak of vaginal thrush currently and most people seem to reccomend curing it by applying an acid of one sort or another ie apple cider vinegar or similar. But how can applying an acid kill off the candida if it prefers acidity? I am confused! I was also told by several 'experts' when I first became ill to avoid all vinegars because these feed yeast / candida, but perhaps this is incorrect?

If anyone can clarify / answer these points I would be most grateful!

Treat for Fungus Infection
Posted by Cubby (Seattle, WA, USA) on 11/17/2008

to 32-y.o. Rich of boca raton. your white tongue - "thrush" - indicates your immune system is still overwhelmed by chronic systemic yeast. i had it for decades. read Dr. Crooks' The Yeast Connection. there are also other good books at your health foodstore/pharmacy which deal with chronic systemic yeast. i tried fluconazole but longterm solution is careful diet and detoxifying your environment. you MUST conquer your chronic systemic yeast, or else you will get worse health problems because your immune system is overwhelmed by yeast. i'm 57-y.o. and been there. in my case, i had to overcome various junkfood addictions, about which i was in profound denial. beware, and good luck.

Cream of Tartar
Posted by Tina (Dunbridge, Ohio, USA) on 11/14/2008

I have the Inulin, the cream of tartar, but what is, where do I get, and how much is this 1 Flora? I am very interested in trying this formula because acv,baking soda, and borax aren't doing a thing for my systemic candida. Please respond soon!

EC: Looks like iFlora is a probiotic formula. Search for it on

Treat for Fungus Infection
Posted by Rich (Boca Raton, Fl, USA) on 11/09/2008

I'm 32, smoked 5-10 ciggarettes/day drank 5 beers/day for 15 years. At 25 I was diagnosed with Lichen Planus... Doctors gave me cortisone cream, didn't help. Found this site a few months ago, and have done some independant research since. Ted is awesome, by the way. This post is a little fast and loose, without sources. Basically, ENT Doctors commonly use Baking Soda, Vinnegar, and Borax added to other stuff, and categorize these as anti-infectives. It appears that DCA, which is currently being tested in Canada as an anti-cancer drug is a combination of Bleach, Vinnegar, and BakingSoda... which would seem to kill a bunch of infections.


Back to my problems. 3 months ago: I've got a white tongue, with bumps on the side of my mouth. I usually wake up congested, but it clears before 10am. Often I feel congested, and that makes me want another cigarrette.

I played the watch the clock game, and cut my smoking to 1 ciggarettes/day (after 7 pm)(back up to 3). I cut my drinking to 1 day per week. I started running 2 miles per day. It didn't help with my problems, although I lost 20 pounds.

I THINK that I have this thing figured out... I will post a follow-up in a few months, if I'm cured.
Studying Ted's "anti-infectives", first I tried going alkaline (borax and baking soda). This cleared my lungs, but made the bumps in my mouth worse.

Now I've gone in reverse, with the Apple Cidar Vinnegar only, and the bumps in my mouth are disappearing.

So here's my theory. There is a mayo-clinic study from a few years ago that says that most chronic sinus problems are caused by a fungus. As I had a yeast-like taste in my mouth, it was probably Candida. I went to the doc, and got some fluconazole, since the baking soda seemed to be clearing my lungs. Success on clearing my lungs... at least temporarily.... however, the bumbs in my mouth seemed to be getting worse.

It appears that these bumps are a "secondary infection", probably bacterial or viral. Since one problem was cured, I switched to 2 TBSP or Apple Cider vinegar, 2x per day. I had an immediate outbreak of Lichen Planus on my fingers, which appears to be dissapearing completely after a week. Additionally, the bumps in my mouth are 50% reduced.

There was a new study that came out last week that said men have cleaner hands than women, and are less likely to get skin infections, due to their hands are more acidic.

This lichen planus stuff kind of looks like warts, with a dark(blue) center. Since I've been taking ACV... the center of this stuff is red, like it's healing.
So I think I had Candida with a secondary infection, and the secondary infection(Lichen Planus) is cured by ACV.

I need some time to completely cure this stuff... but I think I did this in reverse. First start with the ACV to cure the secondary infection(Lichen Planus), then clear the yeast infection (Baking Soda or Borax or Flucon-azole).
On the white tongue... listerine doesn't help, biotene mouthwash doesn't help. Flouride toothpaste doesn't help. Brushing my tongue with either Baking Soda or Borax or Both and/or combining Hydrogen Peroxide, will turn my tongue completely red.

It will turn white again within 2 days... I've got some kind of infection. This stuff seems to help, though. I've been very impressed with that 20-mule borax stuff, in spite of the fact that the white tongue comes back.

Borax is not to be feared, just follow Ted's small dosage. His dosage is well reasoned.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by RON (TAVERNIER, FL) on 10/29/2008

the only thing that positively works is liquid oxygen in hydrogen peroxide. diets will keep it at bay only temporarily, but if you want the problem destroyed oxygen is the only way to do it and I mean the only way period. I recommend a product based in aloe vera from phoenix nutritionals. google it to find it on the web. it works and is the only thing that will positively work. there are other products on the market as well and they will also work. oxygen is the key to destroying candida. get ready for some die-off reactions and you may not feel well for a few days as the dead fungus moves out of the body.

Reader Theories
Posted by Amanda Rene (Anderson, CA, USA) on 10/27/2008

Believe me! I hear you! It's difficult finding a cure for this problem especially when you have to do it on your own. Doctors will treat your symptoms, not your actual problem and I'm willing to bet most people here are self-diagnosed. Before attempting to solve your candida issues, you first have to understand why you have them and what will solve them. I have found a very good webpage which explains candida infection and has a very easy diet to follow.
For me, change in diet has really helped out the most so far, but I know it will take a long time for my body to get balanced again. I am far off from that point. This is what I understand from the research I've done. Candida overgrowth is due to decreased levels of good bacteria in the body. I am focusing on increasing the level of good bacteria in my body while simultaneously decreasing the levels of fungus in the body. This means I don't want ANYTHING anti-bacterial. Yes, ACV will kill fungus but it will also kill bacteria. So to me, ACV is a BIG no. You would think yogurt would be off-limits because it is a dairy product, but since it contains good bacteria that should help boost the levels of good bacteria in the body, the good outweighs the bad and yogurt is a big YES. Anti-fungals are good. This includes oregano oil, oregano juice, garlic (raw AND capsule form), calendula tea, among many many others. I have also read chamomile has anti-fungal properties. Probiotics are definitely a yes. Make sure to buy the best kind, most likely found at the health food store. You keep them in the fridge to make sure the bacteria is still alive. Probiotics with dead bacteria are no good. Fruit juices are a no, because usually they contain a ton of sugar. In fact, most fruits are a no because of the sugar they contain naturally. I know this is a frustrating problem as I am having to deal with it myself due to overuse of antibiotics. I had been so sick for several months and the fog is just starting to lift. I just try to remind myself that my body is basically an ecosystem and ecosystems take much time to rebuild after devastation of one of it's inhabitants (bacteria). If anyone would like to contact me to discuss candida issues and exchange theories and possible remedies, please do email me! Remember two heads are often better than one! :)

Reader Theories
Posted by Amanda Rene (Anderson, CA, USA) on 10/27/2008

I think it really depends on why a person has a candida overgrowth in the first place. I have been sick with candida overgrowth for several months. This was caused by taking too many courses of antibiotics. The antibiotics killed the good bacteria that competed with the fungi in my body. My point is- yes, vinegar is anti-fungal but it is also anti-bacterial (which is something I'd rather not mess with). Instead, I'm trying to work on increasing the levels of good bacteria in my body than risk killing off even more of it.

Posted by Lance (National City, California) on 10/21/2008

selenium deficency and anemia appear to be the biggest factor in promoting candida growth. years ago when i had hypot i also had a severe candida infection. i found a book titled candida silver (mercury) fillings and the immune system" which eventually led me to getting my mercury fillings removed. following this and supplementation with zinc and selenium, my candida and hypot both ended. Experiments with animals show that candida growth can be increased by selenium deprivation and reduced by selenium supplementation. Since mercury depletes selenium,it makes sense that candida is higher when there are mercury fillings in the teeth. Other studies show that anemia and iron deficiency increased candida growth. there are some studies suggesting that b12 and folic acid deficiencies may be involved in candida, since deficiencies of these lead to anemia. In anemia and iron deficiency friendly bacteria cannot grow well in the body. A lack of these bacteria probably is a key factor which promotes candida growth, since candida is a fungal growth rather than a bacteria growth. Another study showed that women with recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis correlate very with the deficiencies associated with hypothyroidism. the key nutrient deficiencies are probably selenium, zinc, iron and folic acid. Taking multi vitimins just doesnt seem to work. You need to buy the vitimins minerals indivudally its worth it to rid your self of candida. I found this cure after months of research. If you sweat under your arms, taking magnesium will help this a lot. Took 3pills 3 times a day execpt for the iron, zinc 2 times a day. This really does work it doesnt take very long for this to work less than 5 days. There will sill be some itching from the fungus is still in your skin.

EC: hypot = hypothyroid

ACV, Baking Soda, Magnesium, Vit E
Posted by Julian (Dublin, Ireland) on 10/15/2008

my girlfriend wants to try this treatment but she doesen't know what dosage to use for candida albicans treatment
