Bad Breath
Natural Remedies

Natural Cures for Bad Breath and Halitosis

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Multiple Remedies
Posted by Zekia (Chicago, Il) on 11/08/2011

I've had really bad breath for a decade and no one told me... Until my mother. I did a great deal of research on the subject. My Bad breath and gum disease is gone!

1. Buy: Organic coconut oil. Apple cider vinegar. Baking soda, peroxide and soft toothbrush.

2. In the morning, brush teeth with baking soda, then rise with baking soda and peroxide. I squirt a little peroxide into a 1/4 of water. I rinse for 2 minutes and spit it out. Then get a teaspoon of organic coconut oil and swish around your mouth for 10 to 15 minutes. This will pull toxins from your body and mouth.

3. Do all of this twice daily for a week or so. Your month will feel brand new and the stuff from under your gums will fallout and the gums will heal.

4. Drink two 8 ozs. glasses of water with one tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar. One early and one later in the day. This will further kill bacteria in the body.

5. Most importantly, change your diet. Eat organic fruits and veggies and green juices. Drop kick dairy, sugar, meat and processed foods. In three days you will feel brand new.

6. Take 5,000 units of D3 daily, Omega 6 and B12. You will become a new person... In less than a week. I guarantee.

Hope this helps!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Alicia (Louisville, Ky) on 02/04/2009

I have had bad breath for the last few weeks. I have no cavities and I brush regularly.. Recently I tried gargling with apple cider vinegar and baking soda in warm water and it worked immediately.. I no longer have that feeling of being insecure around people when I talk. My mouth feels fresh and cured.

-a teasppon of apple cider vinegar.
-quarter of a teaspoon of baking soda.
-a cup of warm water.

Activated Charcoal, Eliminating Grains
Posted by Melie (North Carolina) on 09/15/2015

Editor's Choice

Bad Breath:

I have tried hydrogen peroxide, acidophilus and liquid chlorophyll. But none had the immediate effects that the activated charcoal had along with eliminating grains (accept flaxseed) from my diet.

I take 3 capsules a 2-3 hours before bed with a large glass of water.

One day, I was grocery shopping and was hungry so I decided to buy my favorite sushi at the sushi bar. I ate it then went to work and my breath smelled bad. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, then tried to mask the odor with mint gum but it did not help. I realized then that the rice in the sushi was most likely the cause and eliminated rice from my diet.

It's been about a month now any my breath is much improved. I am thankful for the sushi incident because it pinpointed the rice as one of the causes for the bad breath. When I went back grocery shopping, I bought smoke salmon and ate it without any strong after affects.

I am blood type o + and my current diet consists of vegetables, meat, fish, poultry, fruit and flaxseed, which some might consider Paleo. I have eliminated dairy, wheat, and grains, (accept flaxseed). I hope that this information benefits someone.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Em (Maine, US) on 12/06/2014

Had an awful odor between a natural tooth and a crown, at the gumline. Did everything I could think of to eliminate it, short of using a jackhammer. In less than a hour after rigorous cleaning, scraping and brushing with a teeny DenTek brush, it was back.

Found this site and with it, the wisdom of hydrogen peroxide, along with various user examples of how it worked and was applied. Got myself a bottle and in just one day, I was freed of this awful curse!

I used it for several days then finally decided to stop and see what would happen. It has been over a week and so far, the odor has not returned. Success, and for less than a dollar.

My dentist had said sure, come on in, you will need an x-ray and probably a trip to the periodontist but we'll see you. Had I not found this site, I would have subjected myself to unnecessary radiation, extra costs and who know what else from a periodontist.

So thank you, everyone, for your wisdom and input.

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Yasha (Oslo, Norway) on 06/05/2008

re: gum disease, bad breath and burning mouth syndrome: I have been suffering for gum disease and bad breath for the passed few years. I brushed my teeth nearly everytime i eat to avoid bad breath, change toothbrush twice a month, used Corsodyl very often, chewed chewing gums almost every hour, used toothpicks. But all this didn't really help me quit the bad taste in my mouth. It has been so frustrating. But thanks God for charcoal powder. Now the bad breath and burning mouth is gone. I could talk properly without having to worry with my breathy. Really thankful for this remedy.

Cream of Tarter
Posted by Dream (Manila, Phils.) on 02/28/2009

hi there i just want to ask how to used the cream of tartar as a cure to badbreath and also the charcoal powder that u were talking..what kind of charcoal powder is this?and where can i buy it...and how will i used it? thanks! it would be a big help for me the information that u will give...

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Gentlebounce (Charleston,, S.c. Usa) on 02/08/2013

Hydrogen Peroxide for Bad Breath: I just want to thank everyone for their input toward this website. A BIG God bless you, to everyone of you. I came across this site looking for help with my fibroids and this site has done that. I also was looking for help with my Bad Breath. This site did that. Thanks a million. I just hit the lottery! (lol). I feels like it though. Amazing results on both of my problems. Now I've been on this site since 9am this morning. I stop once to cook dinner. This site I soooo informational- I can't get off. I know it had to be a child of the KING that came up with this and what a big heart you have. It also helps me to connect with people. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! God Bless!

Colloidal Silver Spray
Posted by Art (California) on 06/15/2024 2390 posts

Recently I noticed that a friend had severe halitosis/bad breath that they apparently were not aware of. After getting over the fear of even bringing the subject up to this friend, I finally mentioned the problem to them. They told me they were not aware of the problem, but that they used mouthwash daily. I suggested that the problem may be originating in their sinuses and it should be fairly easy to determine if it was by using colloidal silver(CS) as a spray to be inhaled deeply up the nose. I gave them a two ounce spray bottle of CS and they tried it immediately.

They asked me to let them know if it worked and when I checked a few minutes later, the foul odor was completely gone! I suggested they use it regularly several times per day for a week to try and make sure they got as much of the offending bacteria as possible. They now carry the spray bottle with them just in case another sinus infection comes along.

Recently they told me that when they would have non stop sneezing fits accompanied by a severely runny nose, they would just take a couple of deep hits or sprays of the CS spray in each nostril and the problem would clear right up in a couple of minutes. My friend is a very happy person now that they have an effective remedy for their sinus issues. They also told me that the two ounce spray bottle is lasting them a long time.


Treat Cavitation Issues
Posted by Grandma C (Burnsville) on 06/14/2024

I have had halitosis (bad breath) for many years. I don't have cavities and I am meticulous with flossing and brushing my teeth and tongue. I have tried every kind of mouthwash, gums, mints, toothpastes, etc to no avail. I recently found out the reason- I had my wisdom teeth removed when I was 23 and according to my current dentist, cavitations (pockets of infection underneath the teeth) formed because the extractions were not done right. I have been battling bad breath (poo breath) and it has made my life miserable all these years and no one was able to tell me why until now. I had 4 wisdom teeth removed by 2 different dentists. The 1st one savagely butchered my gums and they got very infected on my left side of my mouth- this is where the bad smell has come from all these years. I did not have bad breath all all before this dentist removed my left upper and lower wisdom teeth.

Find a dentist who knows how to treat cavitations- many don't even know about them let alone how to heal them. I have tried the 3% hydrogen peroxide- a few drops in 2 oz warm water and gargle with it for a minute after brushing, flossing and brushing my tongue. I then repeat it and it really does help. I think it helps to kill the surface bacteria but does not cure the infection in the cavitations so it keeps coming back. It helps if you do these gargles in the morning and at night. You have to continue to do it until the cavitations are dealt with. It is expensive to treat the cavitations!

Oregano and Olive Leaf Tea
Posted by Easterly (Elsewhere) on 11/19/2023

Hi, Janet,

It would be helpful to know more about your O and O tea. Did you use tea bags or loose leaf herbs? Did you drink them separately or together? Any additional information would be great. So glad this worked for you and your husband!

Ileocecal Valve Manipulation
Posted by Cara (UK) on 01/01/2023

I had bad breath on and off for years, tried all sorts of treatments with varying success. Sometimes it would clear up for a while but then it would come back. Anyway, recently I tried the ileocecal valve manipulation. It sounds complicated but don't be put off it's very simple. Google it and watch a you tube video on how to do this. The theory is that sometimes our ileocecal valve can get stuck and this allows bacteria and toxins back into our system and can cause a variety of symptoms one being bad breath.

The technique worked almost immediately and my overall health has also improved. I do this once a day most days, it takes a few minutes, try it, it worked for me.

Honey Water Gargle
Posted by Abdul K (South Africa) on 07/13/2016

Try this mouthwash out before going to bed after brushing your teeth. In the morning there will be no plaque on the teeth. It whitens the teeth and strenghtens the gums. An acquaintance who suffered from bleeding gums and could not find a medical cure tried it and was cured of his bleeding gums. He used it before going to bed, on awakening and after meals. A dentist in west London who tried it stated that it was the best mouthwash ever.

In a glass of warm water add a teaspoon of pure honey and stir well. Gargle your mouth swishing between the teeth. Also gargle your throat. It kills the bacteria lodged between the teeth. The same bacteria is found in of diseased heats. Save yourself form heart disease.

Try it out and recommend it to your family, friends etc. and specially to the medical fraternity who pump useless drugs.

Save money on commercial mouthwashes that do not really do anything.

H. Pylori Cause
Posted by Danny (Manchester) on 07/10/2015

I have been reading threads like this for almost a year and vowed once I solved this problem of bad breath I would inform as many as possible.

Been through it all : people asking who farted, screwed up faces, avoiding people etc because of the evident bad breath. I could tell a hundred stories and a thousand "cures" I tried but finally I got a positive stool test for H Pylori. I'm currently on the triple therapy treatment and my bad breath has gone. There's more than chance that it will come back and I'm prepared for that but the great news is that I know now. I've recently learned that stomach acid needs to be balanced I.e find out if you have too much or not enough (google it) then fight the bacteria off in your gut then begin to live life again.

Get tested for H Pylori and Sibo, be sure when testing for Sibo to get the hydrogen AND methane test. Once you've got the culprit then smash it with what you decide is best, naturals or antibiotics. Figure out what your stomach acid is like low or high and address then low fermentation diet for a couple months.

Personally the triple therapy antibiotics plus cabbage juice and hydrochloric acid is working for me but that's just my case and everyone is different. I have low stomach acid so I stopped the PPI with the triple therapy and my wieght is going back up slowly after losing nearly two stone, my nasal passages have cleared up (result of digestive tract clearing) and bloating reducing.


Posted by Nick77 (Arlington, Tx) on 02/17/2015

I have a 13yr old daughter and she has had chronic bad breath since age 4. I have tried all types of home remedies, most recently a tea tree oil, peppermint oil & baking soda rinse. It masked the odor for about an hour. We have gone through tons of gum & breath mints. I came across this site a few weeks back, bought the acidophilus and I have not smelt any odor.... Thank goodness!!! She is soooo excited!!!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Mz (Cheektowaga, Ny) on 12/12/2014

It was such a blessing to stumble upon this cure. I had suffered for years. I had tried everything: elimination of dairy, various expensive mouthwashes and "systems", nasal irrigation (to reduce post nasal drip/sinus problems), water pik, pills and tonsillectomy (tonsil stones).

My hygiene had always been impeccable, so I had no idea why I had bad breath. My ENT found tonsil stones and recommended that I gargle with diluted peroxide and use an antihistamine nasal spray. It didn't work. I finally begged to have my tonsils removed. The bad breath went away for a few weeks before returning. Something told me to try peroxide again. Voila! My breath smells like...NOTHING. I needed the combination of a partial tonsillectomy and hydrogen peroxide (diluted 1:1 with water). My tonsil stones were hidden between my tonsil and the wall of my throat. I couldn't "hit" the problematic area with mouthwashes while my tonsils were still present. Interestingly, the tonsillectomy alone wasn't enough. I needed this mouthwash for maintenance. I use it twice a day and I'm free of bad breath!! Thank God. This stuff is the answer to my prayers.

I just had to share. P.S. I gargle ~45-60 seconds

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Bk (Queens, New York, Usa) on 01/23/2013


I have noticed that my bad breath doubles or triples with exercise. Running, weight training or even brisk walk for 15 odd minutes will boost the bacteria growth in my mouth. Taste in the mouth and the odor just gets worse and worse. I think it also shoots up a lil in the winters.

Spent countless dollars and still go through this hell every day. I think I have tried everything mentioned on this site, some work and some don't which is pretty normal. In the last 10 odd years I have travelled to all different corners of the globe and met different kinds of doctors. From Chinese traditional medicine to African witch craft doctors, from Muslim hakeems to Jewish Rabbis to Bible cures to Buddha meditation to Yoga, from Indian herbal medicine to acupuncture, acupressure, hypnotism therapy, traditional Japanese medicine, Arabic cures to Red Indian remedies, from meeting with old masters of Shaolin Temple to spending time with vegan Baba's of India, from Russian Babushka advice to Allopathic, Osteopathic to homeopathic to German medicine, world renown ENT, GI, and also to top ranked surgeons who completely removed my tonsils. But no permanent cure.

From what I have learned, there is NO CURE known to man for chronic bad breath or Halitosis. It's a genetic disorder and my only hope is that stem cell research will perhaps explore this avenue to finally find a cure. I am sure that will be long after we are gone from this world. (I usually envy and smile at folks who come up with the suggestions to keep a good oral hygiene, floss, diet, carbs, protein, lots of water, green foods, organic juices, good sleep, etc.. The only thought that runs into my mind at these times is, , , "You have NO IDEA what it is"

For now, I think we all just need each other's support and keep trying to treat the problem with different kinds of remedies that are ALL a temporary relief. Sometimes while driving to work, I smile and tell myself, "These are my happy pains".

There is a lot of talk here about 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, please be cautious that it does have side effects. It's abrasive but more importantly it's a poison. 1/2 HP and 1/2 H2O works for a couple of hours but I have yet to hear from any doctor who would recommend this for a long term use. Many dentists would not recommend the use for more than a week. Sometimes they even prescribe ONCE a week for 3 or 4 weeks and that's it. I used 50/50 ratio for a few weeks and got the burning sensation in the throat and nostrils till I got a throat infection. My mucous had blood and the doctors put me on antibiotics to kill the infection. I still use it with 1 and 5 ratio but I know no doctor will recommend it for long term use.

Personally, I will be jumping up and down with joy and happiness if I find any remedy that safely covers up the problem 100% for 4 hours and allows me to eat, drink and talk freely as anyone other person. I will gladly do it in the morning, after lunch and before the bed.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Sharon (Branson, MO)

Just a note to the readers and especially to Sharon from NYC. One thing that psyllium does so very well is clean out the bowell. In doing this it also cleans out toxins that have been stored in all those little folds of your intestines. The coating on your boyfriend's tongue was more likely just a sign that his body was releasing toxins and not a sign of candida overgrowth. Bad breath can also a sign of toxins being released. They have to come out somehow. Drinking more water sometimes helps. I am glad to know about the peroxide mouth wash although I don't think it would be good to do very often. BTW, Psyllium promotes growth of good bacteria for the stomach & intestines. Another reason a Candida overgrowth was unlikely.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Enrique (Boston, Ma) on 11/11/2018

I've had chronic halitosis my entire life. As the writer above Ive tried everything: I've taken Dr Katz stuff, taken probiotics orally, tried probiotic lozenges with Blis K12, Ted's alkalizing rmedies, etc. I brush regularly twice a day, even did flossing and the same thing would happen. It would work in the beginning but then the bad breath would return within a few days. I also had a light whitish coating on my tongue that would not go away. I tried tongue scraping, and I made tongue brushing a part of my routine but that also didn't help.

One this I noticed was hat when I took a course of antibiotics, for unrelated issues, the bad breath would go away and my tongue would be clean and pink. That was a clue that the problem was bacterial. The one routine that worked very well for me was brushing my teeth with a natural toothpaste, then putting some sea salt on the brush and brushing my tongue and then using diluted hydrogen peroxide (HP) as mouthwash and for gargling. That finally worked, but GSE has worked even better.

I stumbled upon GSE totally by accident. My mom was taking a course of three natural antibiotics. GSE, Caprylic Acid and Berberine Plus. I don't know why I started to take them also and one day I noticed my afternoon bad breath was gone. I then went and purchased liquid GSE to take internally, but I hated the bitter taste. As an afterthought I decided to brush my teeth and tongue with it. I was amazed at how well it worked.

My routine now consists of brushing my teeth and tongue with natural toothpaste (I use Jason pharmaceuticals) and then using four drops of liquid GSE diluted with a little water as mouthwash. Its been four months now and I can't recomend it enough. Doing this twice a day I have no morning breath and no bad breath throughout the day. I do notice at times in the afternoon it returns a bit if I don't brush after lunch.

Posted by Shamara (Provo, Utah ) on 10/04/2018

Everyone is mentioning liquid chlorophyll which the one I tried has too much of a strong taste. I take it in capsule form twice a day. There's two brands I've tried- Nullo (amazon) and Natures Way (health food store). At the health food store I just asked for an “internal deodorant”. It took a couple of days to kick in but YAY!!! It works!! Not only for bad breath but all body odor! No more smelly pits at all, bad breath gone, even poop and farts have no odor ((sorry tmi)). As far as the bad breath goes- yes it's not because bad oral hygiene. Love this stuff.

Also, after having a baby many moms are plagued with horrible BO — I seriously smelled like a skunk under my arms just a couple hours after showering:( soooooo relieved I can live a normal life now and not be embarrassed even in front of my husband.

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 12/30/2017

Dear Mauri,

The only charcoal that should be used internally or topically is activated charcoal. It may be powdered or in capsules or tables.

The charcoal used for cooking usually contains other chemicals.

If charcoal didn't work for bad breath, perhaps try liquid chlorophyll?

~Mama to Many~

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