Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
(Abuja, Nigeria)
I've been at war with bad breath for over 25 yrs, been to several dental clinics with no positive feedbacks... Bt I was lucky to find this site and Hydrogen peroxide has renewed me, am a new person now, bye bye to a lifetime of chewing gum, finally free. It works 100%. God bless you guys.
(Charleston,, S.c. Usa)
Hydrogen Peroxide for Bad Breath: I just want to thank everyone for their input toward this website. A BIG God bless you, to everyone of you. I came across this site looking for help with my fibroids and this site has done that. I also was looking for help with my Bad Breath. This site did that. Thanks a million. I just hit the lottery! (lol). I feels like it though. Amazing results on both of my problems. Now I've been on this site since 9am this morning. I stop once to cook dinner. This site I soooo informational- I can't get off. I know it had to be a child of the KING that came up with this and what a big heart you have. It also helps me to connect with people. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! God Bless!
(Dubai, UAE)
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
(Windhoek, Katutura, Namibia)
i have tried hydrogen peroxide, i use it and the bad breath goes away for a while then it comes back, i want to know if i can drink HP, i smell goo from my nose and my mucus...can i not rinse my nasal passages with HP? PLEASE HELP
(Ny, Ny)
That sounds like a post nasal drip issue. I have the same problem and this works for me:
Try using a Neti pot. It is a small pot you fill with lukewarm water and salt solution. It is used to flush out your nasal passages. Use it 1x - 2x daily to clean out the gunk collecting in the nasal/throat area. Definitely run a search on google and youtube to learn exactly how to use it. It's painless, all natural and definitely helps.
Also, with a tongue scraper, remove any white fuzz that collects at the back of your tongue. When gargling with peroxide (2 tsp of 3% peroxide with 2 tsp of water), tilt your head all the way back and stick out your tongue to ensure the nasty germs that dwell back there are killed. I would never swallow peroxide under any circumstances because I believe it's toxic.
Make sure you rinse & gargle with water thoroughly after.
(Ny, Ny)
(Dearing, Ga, USA)
Hello all. I have always heard of people using chlorophyll for bad breath, I do not know if it will work for everyone... But alot of people believe it to have cured their bad breath. These are people that I know personally and not something I have read.
Get you some Clorophyll pills and give it a try.
Hope this helps someone!
(Sacramento, Ca)
I have had Bad Breath for as long as I can remember, I just recently tried Hydrogen Peroxide. OMG this has worked better than anything I have ever tried, and I have tried all sorts of stuff. I am using it 100% (thats how desperate I was) but will begin to dilute 50/50. Its hard to tell if you have bad breath unless its morning breath, and that is gone too! I am so glad I read this, I hope this is a permanent remedy. Only people who have had this problem can realize my excitement. Good Luck.
Hydrogen Peroxide + Salt in Neti Pot
I used a Neti Pot with Salt Water and a "small dash" of Hydrogen Peroxide to get rid of a sinus infection. A few weeks later my wife noticed my breath was OK. Thank God...
Important: use canning/pickling salt (no additives & cheap)
Ileocecal Valve Manipulation
The technique worked almost immediately and my overall health has also improved. I do this once a day most days, it takes a few minutes, try it, it worked for me.
Irrigate Sinuses, Clean Tonsils
Lemon Juice and Acidophilus
Lime Juice
(Victoria, Australia)
Magnesium, Hydrogen Peroxide
Manuka Honey