Bad Breath
Natural Remedies

Natural Cures for Bad Breath and Halitosis

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Hydrogen Peroxide

44 User Reviews
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1 star (2) 

Posted by Kimberly (Fayetteville, NC) on 06/11/2006

Cured and relieved me of bad breath. I could tell it worked. It was painful for a few days but it cleansed everything out.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Brenda (Brooksville, MS) on 06/01/2006

I use it to rinse my mouth, after I brush my teeth. Cures bad breath.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Lathosha (Longview, TX) on 01/10/2006

"i've used hydrogen peroxide for about 2 yrs. I use it as a mouthwash every morning. I don't suffer with bad breath at all.

Replied by Jj
(Abuja, Nigeria)

I've been at war with bad breath for over 25 yrs, been to several dental clinics with no positive feedbacks... Bt I was lucky to find this site and Hydrogen peroxide has renewed me, am a new person now, bye bye to a lifetime of chewing gum, finally free. It works 100%. God bless you guys.

Replied by Gentlebounce
(Charleston,, S.c. Usa)

Hydrogen Peroxide for Bad Breath: I just want to thank everyone for their input toward this website. A BIG God bless you, to everyone of you. I came across this site looking for help with my fibroids and this site has done that. I also was looking for help with my Bad Breath. This site did that. Thanks a million. I just hit the lottery! (lol). I feels like it though. Amazing results on both of my problems. Now I've been on this site since 9am this morning. I stop once to cook dinner. This site I soooo informational- I can't get off. I know it had to be a child of the KING that came up with this and what a big heart you have. It also helps me to connect with people. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! God Bless!

Replied by Andy
(Dubai, UAE)

Hi. I am surprised to know that you have been cured. I'm facing the problem of bad breath from last 4 years.

Can you tell me if using hydrogen peroxide safe and can we use it for long term . or its just a temporary benefit.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Sharon (NYC) on 12/15/2005

My boyfriend started using pysillium husks a few weeks ago to cleanse his intestinal tract. He felt great, but my God! his breath became so foul!! After a few days of being polite, I finally figured that I needed to say something and help him find a cure. I figured it had to have been caused by a change in his intestinal flora from the pysllium. The change must have caused severe candida overgrowth. His tongue was coated in white -- a sure sign. I had him take a few capsules of ParaGone (it was what was leftover in my medicine cabinet) to start to kill off the candida. That seemed to help, but didn't completely stop the halitosis. This is going to sound gross, but I made him open his mouth to detect whether the stench was coming from his breath, or from his teeth. I have particularly good smell and pinpointed that the smell was coming from the upper right side of his mouth! Well, after that I had him soak his mouth in straight hydrogen peroxide for about 3 minutes. Once it foamed up, I had him to it again. That was the cure! No more bad breath! The peroxide did make his tongue sensitive for a few days, so I would suggest to anyone trying this that they dilute the peroxide in water. I think that bad breath is often a sign of candida or yeast overgrowth so killing it in the mouth with peroxide AND taking some kind of candida cleanse is the answer. One more note: I read on the internet that it can take up to 3 weeks to cure bad breath. Well, this took a few minutes with the peroxide. Don't believe what you read! Hope this helps some of your readers. Thanks.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Sharon (Branson, MO)

Just a note to the readers and especially to Sharon from NYC. One thing that psyllium does so very well is clean out the bowell. In doing this it also cleans out toxins that have been stored in all those little folds of your intestines. The coating on your boyfriend's tongue was more likely just a sign that his body was releasing toxins and not a sign of candida overgrowth. Bad breath can also a sign of toxins being released. They have to come out somehow. Drinking more water sometimes helps. I am glad to know about the peroxide mouth wash although I don't think it would be good to do very often. BTW, Psyllium promotes growth of good bacteria for the stomach & intestines. Another reason a Candida overgrowth was unlikely.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Carolyn (Slidell, LA)

I had bad breath really terrible. I use 3% HP drug store for mouthwash twice a day. It works. I am reading on your site I should not use 3% drug store in my mouth. I do not swallow it and I rinse my mouth with fresh water after use of H2O2 to remove the thick foam. Is 3% drug store H2O2 dangerous to use as mouthwash?

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Tom (California)

H202 helps bad breath but after a while it comes back again. I think the bacteria becomes immune to it. what should you recommend.

Replied by Dee
(Windhoek, Katutura, Namibia)


i have tried hydrogen peroxide, i use it and the bad breath goes away for a while then it comes back, i want to know if i can drink HP, i smell goo from my nose and my mucus...can i not rinse my nasal passages with HP? PLEASE HELP

Replied by M.
(Ny, Ny)

That sounds like a post nasal drip issue. I have the same problem and this works for me:

Try using a Neti pot. It is a small pot you fill with lukewarm water and salt solution. It is used to flush out your nasal passages. Use it 1x - 2x daily to clean out the gunk collecting in the nasal/throat area. Definitely run a search on google and youtube to learn exactly how to use it. It's painless, all natural and definitely helps.

Also, with a tongue scraper, remove any white fuzz that collects at the back of your tongue. When gargling with peroxide (2 tsp of 3% peroxide with 2 tsp of water), tilt your head all the way back and stick out your tongue to ensure the nasty germs that dwell back there are killed. I would never swallow peroxide under any circumstances because I believe it's toxic.

Make sure you rinse & gargle with water thoroughly after.

Replied by M
(Ny, Ny)

I forgot to add one thing.

Make sure you brush, tongue scrape and Hydrogen Peroxide gargle after each meal for this to work (up to 4x daily as per instructions on HP bottle).

Let us know how this works for you!!

Replied by Phil
(Dearing, Ga, USA)

Hello all. I have always heard of people using chlorophyll for bad breath, I do not know if it will work for everyone... But alot of people believe it to have cured their bad breath. These are people that I know personally and not something I have read.

Get you some Clorophyll pills and give it a try.

Hope this helps someone!

Replied by Ramg66
(Sacramento, Ca)

I have had Bad Breath for as long as I can remember, I just recently tried Hydrogen Peroxide. OMG this has worked better than anything I have ever tried, and I have tried all sorts of stuff. I am using it 100% (thats how desperate I was) but will begin to dilute 50/50. Its hard to tell if you have bad breath unless its morning breath, and that is gone too! I am so glad I read this, I hope this is a permanent remedy. Only people who have had this problem can realize my excitement. Good Luck.

Hydrogen Peroxide + Salt in Neti Pot

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Michael R (Edwardsville) on 04/05/2022

My BAD breath was not from the mouth but from the Nasal area. I suffered from very bad breath and the typical mouth-teeth treatment did not work.

I used a Neti Pot with Salt Water and a "small dash" of Hydrogen Peroxide to get rid of a sinus infection. A few weeks later my wife noticed my breath was OK. Thank God...

Important: use canning/pickling salt (no additives & cheap)

Ileocecal Valve Manipulation

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Cara (UK) on 01/01/2023

I had bad breath on and off for years, tried all sorts of treatments with varying success. Sometimes it would clear up for a while but then it would come back. Anyway, recently I tried the ileocecal valve manipulation. It sounds complicated but don't be put off it's very simple. Google it and watch a you tube video on how to do this. The theory is that sometimes our ileocecal valve can get stuck and this allows bacteria and toxins back into our system and can cause a variety of symptoms one being bad breath.

The technique worked almost immediately and my overall health has also improved. I do this once a day most days, it takes a few minutes, try it, it worked for me.

Irrigate Sinuses, Clean Tonsils

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Anonymous (Los Angeles) on 02/09/2016

Something worked for me and I hope it will help those who suffer as well. All my life I looked into mouth thinking, it was teeth, I brushed till my teeth got erosions. I had no post nasal drip so I thought that is not the case for me. But when I swallowed, I always smelled that decay somewhere but still that no, I have dry nose and no I have no drip. But few days ago, I irrigated my nose using mix of water/h202 and brushed way back my tonsils! Keeping the electronic brush to the sides so I wont gag. BOY, MIRACLE. I DID THIS BEFORE BED AND NEXT MORNING. NOW FOUL TASTE OR BAD BREATH. NOT EVEN MORNING BREATH. SO IT WAS FROM NOSTRILS AND TONSILS. I HOPE YOU WILL GIVE IT A TRY!

Lemon Juice and Acidophilus

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Berry (St.louis, Mo) on 06/08/2015

Bad Breath - This is what works for me some - take three times a day, acidophilus 3 billion, get some pure lemon juice, mix with warm salt water distilled.

Lime Juice

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Myda (Denver, Co.) on 11/23/2014

I got lime juice and used a tongue scraper, WOW!! Usually when I brush my teeth and use mouth wash or use hydrogen peroxide, bad breath just comes back, even if I scrape my tongue. I am amazed by how well the lime juice is working!

Replied by K

Try a blotting tooth brush at least nightly. I use it while watching tv at night so it really doesn't take up any extra time.

Replied by Ju
(Victoria, Australia)

Can you please tell us what your process for using lime juice is? I would really like to try this ASAP. Thankyou so much.

Magnesium, Hydrogen Peroxide

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jodi (Merrillville, IN) on 01/27/2007

Editor's Choice

Unlike others, my bad breath is caused by a sinus condition. The phlegm sits in the back of my throat causing bad breath. I was told to try magnesium which is supposed to break it up and makes the passageway clear. For me, it is the first thing to ever clear the throat. I then tried the hydrogen peroxide and no more bad breath. let me know how this works.

Manuka Honey

1 User Review
3 star (1) 

Posted by Lim (Singapore) on 04/15/2011


By chance we discovered that taking a teaspoon of manuka honey (not mixed with water) gets rid of bad breath for mum almost immediately. She has that problem on and off as she does not have the habit of drinking water. Well, we are glad that Manuka honey works for her all the time.


1 User Review
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Posted by Paul K (Meridian, MS) on 10/30/2020

Read about MMS to knock out halitosis.

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