Natural Remedies

Heal Boils Naturally: Effective Home Remedies

Posted by Chastity (Elizabethtown, KY) on 01/15/2007

I tried the turmeric and it worked great!

Posted by Elizabeth (Houston, TX) on 01/11/2007

In September 2006, a boil showed up about 5 days after I visited my doctor for an annual visit. (Thanks, doc!) After about 2 weeks it went away after applying Neosporin. About a week later another boil/staph showed up and was there for over 3 months! The neosporin didn't work this time (did my body become resistant to the antibiotics in the Neosporin?!) I used Bactroban (RX antibiotic cream-which didn't work at all) and washing every day with antibacterial soap. Actually, I tried every home remedy I could think of. Nothing was working and it was not getting any better and was getting redder, more painful and the middle was hard. The boil itself was about the size of a dime and the surrounding red area was as big as a half dollar. I refused to go back to the doctor for antibiotics b/c of possible yeast infection, antibiotic resistance, getting another staph infection, etc. but after 3 months, I thought that might be my only option to get rid of this "thorn in my side". Praise the Lord, I came across your web-site. After only 24 hours of 1 capsule Turmeric/3x/day, the boil was no longer red and was definitely healing. Turmeric is amazing! The boil is 80% healed (no redness or pain at all) and I have stopped taking Turmeric (it causes some constipation and dehydration--minor problems compared to the boil), but if it doesn't go away on its own I will start taking again.

Posted by Lindsay (Kalamazoo, MI) on 01/11/2007

I've been having the same boil come up about once every 3-4 months for the last 4 years and have never been to a doctor because I don't believe in putting a whole bunch of junk in my body that I don't even know what it is. For the last 3 years I've used Colloidal Silver, Chlorophyll and garlic to cure it and it usually got rid of it within 3-4 days. If I caught it in time it wouldn't even appear. However this last time I did that and it seems that my body is starting to resist it so I started looking for another way. I found your website that told me about Tumeric, so I went to Wal-Mart and bought the pills. I took one yesterday morning and one last night and then one when I got up today and it's almost gone! I couldn't believe it. With the other three I would probably still have it for another 3 days, I just can't have that. However instead of shrinking it grew, came to a head and drained out and now it's almost gone. This is totally awesome since it took less then 36 hours. More people need to know about this -- keep the word going.

Posted by Lori (Minneapolis, MN) on 01/10/2007

I have been using the Turmeric now for 3 days. It has helped immensely with the swelling I had on my back (where the boil is) and the pain and it has become MUCH smaller and yesterday, it finally came to a head but its not doing anything else. How long does it take on an average to erupt/burst? Thanks!

Posted by Lori (Minneapolis, MN) on 01/09/2007

I broke out for the first time with a (huge) boil in the middle of my back, right off my spine. I've heard those ones particularly, can be quite dangerous and I was scared! My back was swelling from side to side and up to my shoulder blades and the swelling was getting harder and harder. I was SO uncomfortable! I got on the computer to check out what I could possibly do and came to this site. I read the readers responses to using Turmeric for the first time and felt confident from reading that most of the responses were from people who have had to deal with boils over the years and became overwhelmed to get some Tumeric...and QUICK! The very next day, (JUST YESTERDAY!), I went to Wal-Mart and bought a bottle (capsules), 450mg for close to $7. I got home, took 3 capsules in a period of 9 hours and by bedtime that eve, felt tons better. I woke up the next day (TODAY) and took 1 and then another one 4 hours later. I was able to use a heating pad ONCE for 45 minutes between all this in the last 2 days. About 2 hours ago (after using the heating pad), I took it off and I have a head on the boil! I've taken my 3rd and final pill for the night and cannot wait until morning to see even better results!!!! THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAS LEFT RESPONSES HERE, I was SO worried!

Posted by Stuart (Ayr, West Coast of Scotland, UK) on 01/08/2007

2 -> 3 cups of "Turmeric Tea" per day. 1 teaspoonful of Turmeric Powder into a 3/4 cup of boiling water with a drop of orange juice (to mask the taste). Also washing with warm water 2 - 3 times per day. Cured a boil (which was very large) on the side of my nose in 3 days. I have never seen such a sizeable swelling reduce as quickly as it did. Literally overnight the results were incredible. A prescription from my doctor probably would have taken longer to solve the problem. Just popped into my local supermarket, bought a small bag of Turmeric and decided to try my remedy. Worked a charm!

Posted by Annette (Elon, NC) on 01/05/2007

Back again. My 10 year old son got another boil and we used the turmeric again. I am simply amazed at how quickly the turmeric cleared this stuff up... It was gone in four days. This time I only used the turmeric; Last time (I forget to add this in my other post) I also used tea tree oil on the boil and had him bathe in tea tree oil soap. I'm not sure if the tea tree oil helped or not but I know now the turmeric works like a charm. I can't recommend this stuff highly enough. It has saved us no telling how much money, and best of all we avoid the dangers of all those antibiotics.

Posted by Michael (Yuba City, CA) on 01/03/2007

I had 1 big boil and 2 small ones on my left inner thigh, I went to Wal-Mart mart, it was in the asian foods section, got home, took it twice before bed and when I woke up it wasn't hard anymore, it was software and the pain def got less and less, and about 24 hours later I can walk without it hurting and as much as i feel through the bandaid right now, there is no significant bump. Bottom line is, this within a day, helped my boil(s)... So anybody with one, just take this and within a day you should like me start getting relief. Really was like magic... Thx to the people at this site!

Posted by Chuck (Arlington, TX) on 01/03/2007

To start with I mixed 2 tsp of the ground spice in 1/2 a glass of water. Tasted absolutely gross. However, within 4-5 hours it had shrunk by 50%(Not Kidding). Then, I just sprinkled it on the 2 remaining meals that day. Day 2..Found the capsules at Wal-Mart, took 1 mid morning and 1 that night. Basically it was gone except for a small knot. Day 3.. All I can say is I shaved with a razor and am just totally amazed as is my know it all aunt who had to admit that I was right. The internet rules. Thanks to everybody.

Posted by Melissa (Middlefield, CT) on 12/31/2006

2 years ago I suddenly started getting boils for the first time in my life. Clusters of them on my rear end, large and painful and by the time they would heal I would have a new batch. My doctor recommended I use antibacterial soap and a medicated powder on the area. I did this every day for months and it had no affect on my boils. 6 weeks ago I started searching the internet for home remedies ready to try anything as I didn't feel like I could go on living with this problem forever. The first site I found was this one recommending the Turmeric, so I went and got a bottle of Turmeric capsules from a health food store and started taking one 400mg capsule a day. The day I began taking it I had 3 boils, those cleared up in 2 days and I haven't had another boil since then. For the first time in 2 years no boils!!! I can't thank you enough for putting this information out there, without it I would still be sitting here suffering with my doctor having no idea how to help. Thank you!

Posted by Bex (Woodbury, Ct) on 12/29/2006

I had a boil pop up right between my eyebrows at a really inopportune time and I needed to get rid of it quickly. I tried warm compresses for 3-4 days but there was no change, the boil didn't even come close to a head. In desperation I searched further and found this website recommending turmeric. At first I tried the powder but the taste was too much, I couldn't drink it more than once. So, with a bit of difficulty, I tracked down turmeric pills and within 3 days my skin was 80% back to normal, the boil just shrank right down. I took a 300mg pill 2-3 times a day, had no problems with constipation or any other side effects. I am definitely keeping a bottle of turmeric capsules around for any future breakouts. I would recommend them to anyone, they won't hurt and judging from experience there's a good chance they might actually help.

Posted by Mary (Rosenberg, TX) on 12/26/2006

My son has been being treated for a boil on his forehead for over 2 months and all the antibiotics they kept making him take did nothing to the boil. Although they did make him feel sick and very weak (that could be a side effect of the boil also). He developed a second boil about a week ago and got very depressed that they weren't getting any better. He stopped taking all medications and tried the tumeric powder as per the instructions on your website. He couldn't believe how much better he felt and how quick the boils started to go down. The only downside was the taste, he hates it. He found the capsules (500 mg ea.) but we don't know how many he is supposed to take.

Posted by Lee (Vinings, GA) on 12/12/2006

I think it was Thanksgiving Weekend Friday that it rained. The following day was gorgeous, however the skies overhead were covered in contrails. 2 days later boils started to appear on both my boyfriend and myself: For me, 2 itchy boils appeared on my chest, for him it was on the side of his neck. I took turmeric right away. He refused, thinking it was a large pimple. My boil disappeared overnight while his grew . A few days later, more boils started to appear down his neck. At that point I MADE him take turmeric in water. The smaller boils healed up overnight but the large one is still healing after 2 weeks now. He thinks the outbreak happened after a week of junk food during the holidays (lots of chocolate). I think it may have had to do with the rain and contrails. If there are any more people in this area of Georgia with boils, please let me know! One more note: we live very close to an Air Force base which had a lot of cargo planes flying overhead that particular Saturday.

Posted by Adam (Morgantown, WV) on 12/08/2006

Turmeric works for boils. I had two large boils on my face. One on my cheek that had arose about 4 days prior to the one on my forehead. I have suffered from them for most of my life. I read about turmeric on this site and decided to try it. I started taking 1 tsp. turmeric with a half of glass of warm water 3 times a day. The texture was making me queasy so I switched to 1 tsp. turmeric and a half a glass of vanilla soy milk three times a day on the second day. That was much easier to get down. On the third day the younger boil on my forehead has came to a head and burst. The older boil on my cheek has softened and is no longer painful (pain was reduced significantly on both boils on the first day!). I only wish I would have found this site before they broke the skin.

Posted by J (Oklahoma City, OK) on 12/08/2006

Having been in pain for 4 days, and getting to the point where I almost couldn't walk (getting in and out of the car was near impossible, as well as crossing my legs or even bending over to pick things up) I stumbled across this website and thought I would try this remedy (too embarrassed to see doctor at this point, but was almost ready to throw in the towel). I took one capsule (450mg each) in the afternoon, and another before I went to bed last night. I also did a hot soak on the boil for approx. 30 minutes before I went to bed. I woke up at 3 this morning to find that the boil had finally burst. It's continuing to ooze a bit, but the relief from the pain is wonderful and makes up for the small mess. I don't usually go for natural remedies, but this truly is amazing. I would recommend it to anyone. What have you got to lose, but a few dollars on investing in turmeric capsules?
