Blackstrap Molasses for Mentrual Issues

Menstrual Issues
Posted by Michelle (Palm Beach, FL) on 05/15/2019

This stuff is amazing! I originally started taking Blackstrap Molasses for my fibroids and at the time my period was super heavy and lasted anywhere from 6-8 days. My period also kept me on pain medication as I had horrible cramps. After taking Blackstrap Molasses, my period went down to 3-4 days, was noticeably lighter and I no longer needed to take pain medication. Previously my period would also spot on and off but after taking BSM my period would come on and off like a faucet. If you have issues with your period I highly suggest you try it!

Menstrual Issues
Posted by Yolanda (Calaveras County) on 10/27/2016

I am a believer! I literally started this yesterday as I added blackstrap molasses to the apple cider vinegar in my water only just the day prior. I was told 2 weeks ago I have 2 small fibroids and yet "it's nothing to worry about", ok. Well I'm worried and I began research because I haven't had a period in 3 months and I am wanting to have kids very soon -- well this drink worked! This morning I went to the restroom and I started my period! I actually noticed very late last night I was having cramps and a headache too -- all as I would with my menses. Wow....I hope my fibroids go away and all will be ok with me. I love this site, so much helpful information. BTW - my kitty had some severe skin rash too and I came here 2 years ago and used the ACV dilution on his skin topically and it went away.

Menstrual Issues
Posted by Marianne (Fairfield, Ct) on 10/22/2016

Editor's Choice I have suffered from extreme heavy periods which seemed to be caused by my large fibroids I've developed in my 40's. I started to lose so much blood with clots that I could not sleep during the night because my pad and tampon would soak through and stain the bedsheets nor I would make it to work with my long commute. My periods were painful and lasted for 10 days. I was so desperate that I started to take birth control pills which helped indeed but came along with side effects such as weight gain and heart palpations. I stopped taking the pills after 18 months and looked for a natural cure. I came across organic unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses on Earth Clinic and started to take 1 Tablespoon dissolved in water topped with a bit of milk during my cycle only. I've experienced immediate results, the period was still heavy but lasted only for 5 days. Ever since, I have been taking 1 Tablespoon every morning and my periods are now normal lasting for 5 days with only one day of a heavier flow and manageable - no more accidents or stains! Moreover, I have more energy thanks to Earth clinic and Blackstrap Molasses. It changed my life.

Menstrual Issues
Posted by Bea (San Antonio, Tx) on 08/17/2012

Amazing for me and a friend of mine. Both of us had extremely heavy periods. I suffered two miscarriages and two DNC's. Horrible, my periods were never the same again for two years. I was anemic, losing a lot of blood, huge clots, flooding pads, staining clothes at work, wouldn't leave the house. Desperate I looked for a natural way to going under the knife.

This has been amazing. I bought organic, BSM at our health food store. Started taking it DAY OF and added a 1/4 tsp. Of baking soda just because I read how good it is for you, just so desperate I tried it. 2 tbs. In am. 1 at night in an 8oz. Glass of room temp. Water. First day, I could see a change not as many clots, flooding, cramping and I didn't have to go home from work! Continued this for the entire cycle and results kept getting better. For the first time in two years I had a regular 7 day period. I was so happy!

My friend suffered for 7 years. I gave her the recipe, she actually did it and she said she could really tell a difference, she did not go 20 days (I don't know how she lived that way, but women do??) bleeding straight and instead she had an 8 day cycle. She could not believe it either. I dont know how it works but it works and ever since I found this site I hope with all my heart more women find it. (p. S. I also read BSM is great against constipation ;)

Menstrual Issues
Posted by Stephanie (Douglasville, Georgia) on 07/31/2012

I have a very large fibroid tumor and the flow was so bad that I was close to needing a transfusion. I would bleed for three out four weeks a month, sometimes spending 45 minutes stuck on the toilet gushing like a water faucet. I really thought I was going to bleed to death not to mention baseball size clots that were painful to pass. Organic Blackstrap Molasses stopped all of that. As long as I take 1 tbsp every morning I have normal periods. It saved my life. I have been doing it for two years now.

One thing to note is only the organic works for me. The health food store was out of the organic so I bought the regular blackstrap molasses, it said unsulphered so I tried it. It did not work, within 2 days I started bleeding. Also I have to take a dose every day... If I miss a day I will start to bleed in 24 hours. Unfortunately it has not stopped the growth of my fibroid, it has doubled in size even though I eat lots of turmeric and take curcumin capsules.

Menstrual Issues
Posted by V (Richmond, Virginia) on 06/10/2012

Started last month on the vinger and blackstrapp after 7 years 1st time no bloat, no gushing and no large clots thank you all for this wonderful info I so amazed thank you, thank you :)

Menstrual Issues
Posted by Hef (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 09/22/2011

Couple of days ago my wife was having very bad menstural cramps with bloating. I did some research and bought her Un-Sulfered BSM.... Today is 3rd day and there was a 80% reduction in her pain and cramp on the second day. Today she told me that there is no pain.

I thought of adding this feedback here as BSM really has worked.!!

I have also started taking BSM in the morning and also started oil pulling (today is my second day) to address my continues fatigue issues. Surprisingly enough, I woke up quite alert in the morning, otherwise I would feel lethargic even after 8-9 hours of sleep and feel like going to bed again. But the last two day were really different I must day. I'll continue on both for next few weeks and post my udpate here.

Menstrual Issues
Posted by Cherryl (Ashburn, Va) on 05/05/2011

My daughter has been having terrible cramps and heavy periods. After taken blackstrap molases, she's been doing great. I also started taking it. I'm not as tired and my grey hair is not as grey.

Menstrual Issues
Posted by Camilla H (Ridgebury, Ct Usa) on 12/15/2010

I had heavy spotting and a heavy period at age 60. It seemed to be a cyst (ovarian) from my symptoms. I was really scared as I had a high health insurance deductible and the thought of expensive tests was out of the question. This site has helped me so much and I thought I would share with you my strategy gleaned from other readers's comments. I rarely ate red meat and with the alarming bleeding lately, and the cyst; I must have been anemic on top of the cyst or fibroids.

I started Saturday with 2 TBSP Plantation Blackstrap Molasses three times that first day. Mixed with chocolate low fat milk. Then 2 tsp Apple Cider Vineger diluted in water with a small addition of fruit juice to flavor three times day. The second day, reduced to 2 tsp of BSM twice a day and same dose of ACV twice a day. Third day, 1 robust TBSP BSM and 2 tsp ACV each twice a day morning and night. At first, the bleeding changed in content. A darker red and not lightening up. I was scared but kept on. Taking an Advil helped to lighten it for a few hours. I kept up and onward believing in the other ladies who had gotten results. On the fourth day, a slight reduction in bleeding. On this the fifth day, less yet again. I will keep you posted. I am so relieved so far. I was always buying Kotex pads and was exhausted each day with the stress of why was the bleeding happening?

Menstrual Issues
Posted by Special01 (Indianapolis, In, Usa) on 12/15/2010

This is how things started for me. By the next month my cycle went from 15-16 days to 5. Now it lasts about 3 days and it is not heavy at all. I tried Blackstrap Molasses with Apple Cider Vinegar and it was heavier. I just use Blackstrap Molasses alone.

Menstrual Issues
Posted by Tasha (East Coast, Usa) on 08/27/2010

I too had very heavy periods. They were also irregular. I once went almost a year without one. I happened to be almost a month late when I started taking 1 tbsp of BSM daily. Within 3 days I started. Now that may be a coincidence, but this period was very different. Normally I have extremely painful, crippling cramps, heavy bleeding and periods that lasted 5-7 days. This time my cramps were 90% gone, flow 50% lighter and it only lasted 3 days! I havent had a period like that in a few years so I know its the BSM. Not only did it effectively solve my "female" problems but within 7 days it had slowed my hirsutism. Amazing. And while I havent been diagnosed with PCOS, Im pretty sure this is what I have. And my theory is that if it has corrected my symptoms, it must help with the condition too. HIGHLY recommended and I'm HIGHLY impressed.

Menstrual Issues
Posted by Tuesday (Indianapolis, In) on 06/01/2010

Blackstrap Molasses is my life saver. I had extremely heavy periods that would last 15-18 days. I take 1 tablespoon of bsm daily and 2 when my period comes. My periods have gone to 3-5 days. I have noticed a strong odor. anybody have any remedies for the odor??

Menstrual Issues
Posted by Jomarie (Kansas City, Mo) on 12/21/2009

On my last period I decided to try Blackstrap Molasses for my terrible cramps that put me down for atleast 1 day..I took 2 tbsp. in almond milk and was amazed how much it eased my cramps...enough that I was able to function that 1st day and not have to go to bed w/ the heating pad. Because of the BSM, I was able to cut way back on the Midol and Ibuprofen which are very hard on the stomach. Also the flow was not as heavy as well. I highly reccommend anyone to try BSM if you have the same menstrual related problems. I am so happy to have found this remedy.

Menstrual Issues
Posted by Dianna (Austin, Tx) on 03/18/2009

i wanted to take blackstrap molasses and after trying a teaspoon of it in my morning coffee had very bad side effects that included high blood sugar, diaherrea, cramps and dizziness. so i stopped after 2 days. however that month when my period came i noticed that i had no cramping or clots at all. so i realized that the molasses (even taken that 2 times with the bad side effects) had a good effect on my period. so i tried taking it again with similar side effects and had to stop.

however, i realized that i could eat it in cookies. it doesn't have side effects when i make whole wheat gingerbread cookies sweetened with molasses. so i figured maybe just taking it directly in coffee was what was the problem. so i tried putting 1/2 a teaspoon in my daily smoothie! success! now i am taking a teaspoon a day in my daily smoothie!

i thought i would post this for other people who for whatever reason found they couldn't take blackstrap molasses straight. seems that when it is mixed with food that it doesn't have any of the side effects - which from what i've learned seem to be from the natural occuring sulfites.

EC: Dianna, great tip -- thank you! Cross-posted to the remedy side effects page.

Menstrual Issues
Posted by Saundra (Cleveland, OH) on 12/07/2008

I purchased Organic Molasses manufactured by Wholesome Sweeteners from The Food Co-op in Cleveland(on sale $3.98/31 oz. bottle). This version is unsulphured. I have only been taking it for one week, but the first day I used it was 2 days before the start of my menses. I noticed that the flow decreased in duration from 6 days to 4 days. I am 47 years old, do not have fibroids or any other complaint other than some gray hair and ocassional stiff knees. I am in general good health. I swallow two tablespoons in the mornings straight down. I will take note of the duration of my cycle next month as well. I am not expecting to see any changes in my hair color for at least 4 months. Will keep you posted. Thanks to all who have shared their input. Peace, health, abundance & wealth to all!

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