1 User Review
For me the BHT keeps my blood pressure in healthy zone. Just got back from visit to health care provider. Latest numbers are 130 over 80 whatever that means. Was told that is good numbers. Also told cholesterol numbers very good.
I am a 65 year old and have been smoking cigarettes for 52 of those years. Also: I ran out of BHT a few years back and had high blood pressure. Once I obtained and began using BHT again my blood pressure quickly returned to healthy numbers.
I weigh 190 pounds and take 350 mg of BHT per day with a gulp of water on an empty stomach. That is what works for me....Oscar
Can you please tell me what BHT means?
EC: Hi! It stands for Butylated Hydroxytoluene
Please see this page for information: https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/BHT.html