Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda Tonic for Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux
Posted by Jane (Odessa, TX) on 02/10/2007

I have struggled with GERD, Overweight, and fatigue for several years. After the medical discovery that Prilosec, Nexium and other medications as these can stop calcium from being absorbed in your bones, I was a little scared. So I decided to do some web surfing for natural cures.. And YOU WERE HERE! Over a week ago I started the ACV and HOT water with baking soda mixture. The first three days I lost 5 pounds and my reflux problem was gone. It tried to come back later that first week, so I increased my intake of AVC to a more powerful solution.
1/2 cup of ACV
1/2 cup of water
1/2 teaspoon of Baking Soda ( 1 x day)

Today I weighed again ad I have lost 9 lbs! I am so happy! Plus my blood pressure is becoming more stable. The GERD is gone. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for this website! God bless you guys!

Acid Reflux
Posted by Ann (Montville, NJ) on 02/12/2007

I was having severe acid reflux, doctor prescribed acihpex, but my insurance would not cover it. In the meantime, I did research online and found this site. It is amazing! I am not usually a believer in home remedies but I gave the acv and baking soda a try and it worked great. I took 2T of avc with 1/4t. baking soda in a half a glass of water after every meal and before bed. I did this for a week and the acid reflux is gone. I continue to take one glass before bed and am feeling wonderful. Thank you so much for this site. I am going to try the remedy for anxiety next.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Aghper (Montreal, Canada) on 02/13/2007

I told my mom about ACV and baking soda because she was having upset, burning stomach and arthritis. She was skeptical at the beginning, but when she tried she was able to sleep like a baby. She told her friend also and this was her answer: 'do you trust stuff like this?! ' I told her it's natural ACV and baking soda you find in bread,she gave the money that I buy for her. Thanks to you earthclinic.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Arthur (London, England) on 02/27/2007

I've been taking acv & bicarb for about 2weeks now. Tastes pretty awful but boy does it work, no more acid reflux since I started, after suffering for about 10 years from this. Many thanks to Ted.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Tammy (Breesport, USA) on 02/27/2007


Acid Reflux
Posted by Murat (Istanbul, Turkey) on 03/27/2007

Ted, Earthclinic folks, thanks you so much. I had acid reflux and pain under my rib cage. All is gone after 2 doses of ACV baking soda. I am so happy. murat.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Sunny (FT. Lauderdale, USA) on 04/02/2007

I have started using ACV and Baking soda to cure my Reflux which is about 7 years old happened because of too many ciggaretes, empty stomach while working crazy hrs. I am 31 now. For first few years i was on Aciphex 20 mg. Now that does not work so got on nexium, Nexium 40 mg, prevacid 30 mg every thing works right now. But i just do not feel right with energy level and funny feeling in legs (kinda pain). I am ready to get off alopathic medicines.

First day i took Just ACV without baking soda it worked may be because of Aciphex left in my body from last day but next day reflux was back. Than i got baking soda and started 8 OZ water, 2 tbs ACV and 1/4 BS, 1 hr before food. I started Acidophyllus 1 billion bateria count(From GNC store). But 1 before meal does not work. And bad reflux back again.

Now its 5 continous days using ACV i am going to stop using it for 2 days and live simply on Acidophyllis 2 tabs before each meal. 6 a day. At least i will find out if ACV effecting me negatively.

I feel better in my legs and energy level is good too. I am not yet ready to give up on this formula yet. I am going to do 3 full weeks and see what happens. May be it takes 3 weeks. I am also using Metazyme tabs from made from plants i got from whole food market. Its works too. I smoke too. I am cutting down and i am at 2 a day. I might quit as well by the end of 3 weeks. I will keep posting.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Mona Lisa (Merkel, Texas) on 04/03/2007

I just wanted to send out my testimonial for ACV I had horrible acid reflux due to fibromyalgia as did my sister and mom. Well I take 1 tablespoon a day with 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and my acid reflux has been under control. I have had a few days that I had to take an extra dose because of eating later than I should have or eating too much and it calmed my acid reflux right down. I can sleep at night again...YEA! My mom and sister also started taking it and theirs is gone as well. If you have tried every medicine like I have and nothing works try this it WILL WORK!

Acid Reflux
Posted by George (Kernersville, North Carolina) on 04/15/2007

I searched the internet for a solution to an occasional burning I had in the esophagus, when eating. I have been taking a solution of 2TBS ACV and 1/8 tsp baking soda in 4 oz. of warm filtered water, twice a day for about a month and the symptons seem to have entirely disappeared. I have one question: I started with a local brand of vinegar and subsequently switched.Is there a benefit using _____, if other than it appears to have a better taste. Thank you for your help.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Anita (Arlington, VA) on 04/16/2007

I was having too many acids in my stomach and they were going up my esofagus. Then I tried the apple cider vinegar only once and that took care of it. This was about a month ago and since I meant comming to this site to leave a comment about it. What I did was to disolve the 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder in 2 tablespoons of apple cider; I let it sit for 3 minutes as suggested in remedy, then, stirred it, put about 4 or 5 onces of water, stirred and drank it. It worked! I must also say that I noticed that sugar in coffee or tea or the combination creates acid in me so without any effort on my part I am rejecting sugar in teas and stopped having coffee and sugar. I must say that I haven't had the acid reflux symptoms for about a month now and I only tried it once along with adopting my new diet behaviour. I am passing your recipe to everyone I meet. Thankful.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 04/27/2007 391 posts

Most conditions of acid reflux can often be relieved with just ACV and baking soda, done alternatively with Lemon and baking soda. What it does is two fold, allow the body's buffer of pH to be within normal range for both formulas, but it is the lemon baking soda which corrects the body's electrolytes, while acetates found in vinegar help remove intracellular acidosis (inside the cell) by riding the body of lactic acid, which is peculiarly toxic to cells and when this happens, acid reflux.

For really tough cases, which I don't think you need generally, further correcting electrolytic imbalances are possible with 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt in on liter of drinking water taking now and then. It helps add the body of micromineral that the body needs to balance itself out too.

In some rare cases of acid reflux if things are not working out, a twice weekly dose of vitamin B complex and magnesium can also help, especially the vitamin B5 and sometimes other Bs vitamins also.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Sal (East Haven, CT) on 04/27/2007

About a year ago I caught a nasty bug which caused me to have difficulty swallowing. I lost 10 Lbs in 2 weeks. A visit to a GP was useless (prescribed zythromax and zyrtec) with no effect. I then went to an ENT and was found to have one of my vocal chords paralyzed and was subjected to many tests including an MRI. I was told that it may be a virus and that I had reflux. I was put on 80mg of protonix for 3 months which ended in disaster with severe itching later, acid was flowing up into my throat and I developed a constant sore tounge. I still didnt get any answers until I found this wonderful website. Ted is a genius, they should clone him many times and save this world from suffering. I tried the ACV/bicarb formula as well as the lemon/bicarb and it cured me. I stopped all PPI's and I still use the alkalizing formula religiously it helps me with all my aliments. I'm a regular on your site and I'm telling alot of people about it. Keep up the exceptional work your doing.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Tracy (Lafayette, Colorado) on 05/04/2007

Hi. I became a skate skiing junkie last winter and was taking quite a bit of ibuprofen for aches and pains as I was getting in shape. One night I woke up with the most horrible burning pain in my chest. Because my mom has Acid Reflux I knew what it was. I thought it was just my age (41) and that I had inherited it. But, after finding your site, I realized it must have been from the Ibuprofen. I began taking two tablespoons of ACV with 1/4 teaspoon of Baking Soda and a little bit of water to dilute it enough to make it palatable, 3 x a day. It worked GREAT! I've been on the regime for a about a month and a half, taking a couple days off once a week. I haven't had any of the really bad chest pain in three weeks but I can tell that I'm not totally healed yet because, often my upper chest feels "full" like there is pressure in my upper lungs, especially toward the end of the two-day break from the ACV. In the last couple of weeks I also quit alcohol of any kind and about a month ago I started chewing my food really, really well. I'm thrilled that the regime is working so well and that I haven't had that horrific burning, pain in so long. Thanks!

Acid Reflux
Posted by Marguerite (Wrightwood, CA) on 06/04/2007

Hi Just want to report I have been suffering from the effects of terrible acid reflux and an ulcer for years now until I discovered this site. I would be up all night vomiting 20 or 30 times and ended up in the ER several times a year. I have been to numerous doctors and have taken all kinds of drugs with nothing working. Who would think something as simple as ACV would cure me! I also test my PH every day as per Ted's advice. I have been using ACV. baking soda, and collidal minerals mixed with apple juice and filtered water 5 days a week. I feel so good! Thank You So Much, Marguerite

Acid Reflux
Posted by Brett (East Lansing, Michigan) on 06/09/2007

Skeptic Proven Wrong -- Apple Cider Vinergar CURES Acid Reflux Symptoms! Kudos to Ted! His straight up formula worked .... when nothing else did, including Prilosac, antacids, water, etc. The formula: 2 Tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar, 1/4 teaspoon generic baking soda, and a teaspoon or more of honey in 8 ozs of water.

When: Every morning, and most evenings.

How often: 5 times a week for 3 weeks.

The result? Absolutely all symptoms GONE!

I had a lump in my throat, a feeling of heaviness and heartburn in my stomach and lower esophagus, belching and gas. ALL GONE!

All natural remedy, so cheap it was almost free, and it truly works!

Thank you so much, Ted, and everyone who ever contributed to this knowledge and treatment.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Delma (Fayetteville, Georgia) on 06/30/2007

In April I was diagnosed with acid reflux. In May I went to my GYN because I missed my menses for no reason for the first time in 25 yrs. my menses started when i was 15 yrs old. i am now 40 yrs old married with 2 kids.3 and 7yrs old.I went to my gyn and he said i had a 7 cm fibroid on the left of my uterus and 5cm ovarian cyst on my right ovary. I also had a tilted uterus which i already knew about diagnosed 8 yrs ago by him because sex became uncomforbable to me sometimes.I was reflux problems and given protonix by a specialist. came across this website looking for a natural rememdy to cure my acid reflux. tried Ted's acv cure with baking soda and it for 2 week 3times a day with the 2 days off. sex was comfortable, my menses showed up, my acid reflux disappeared.especially the feel of a lump in my throat. my hay fever problems cleared up ( no post nasal drip in weeks, no constant hoarseness. I went to my gyn appt friday and was told my ovarian cyst was gone, uterus was no longer titled and my fibroid had shrunk to down to 1 or 2 gyn kept looking at my chart RE-reading his notes from my last appt a month ago.. UNBELIEVABLE!!! I FEEL SOOO MUCH BETTER OVERALL..ALSO I LOST 6LBS (with no effort at all) now that was a nice surprise..Thank GOD for this website and ACV..

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