Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda Tonic for Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux
Posted by Roger (Fairless Hills, PA) on 07/07/2007

The ACV remedy using 1/2tsp of Baking Soda, 2 tbsp of ACV and 4 oz of water does a great job of relieving the acid reflux I was suffering from. At first I was a little skeptical but it works...and works quickly. Additionally, when I can't use it, a Granny Smith apple helps relieve it but not as good. I was on Protonix for almost a year prior to trying ACV, this is a much better solution. I have recommended the site and remedy to many others. Side effect or coincidence? I noticed about 2 weeks after taking ACV that the pain I have had in my knees (had about 2yrs) was also relieved. I had been suffering with pain in my knees every evening to the point I had put a 'neck' pillow under them to help relieve it by slightly bending them...not any longer!:) Thanks Ted!!!

Acid Reflux
Posted by Brandon (Evansville, Indiana) on 09/09/2007

I'm in my last semester of college and have been dealing with Acid Reflux for some time. I originally thought it was just my body being mad at the amount of alcohol being consumed. When my Acid Reflux started becoming unbearable I completely quit drinking but still my problem continued to worsen. I woke up this morning at 3 with classes at 8 with the most intense flare of acid reflux thus far. I found this site and read about the ACV and baking soda remedy and immediately drove to Wal-Mart and purchased the ingredients. It's about 5 minutes after drinking the mixture and I no longer have any pains. It worked wonderfully and will go through with all instructions of using this remedy. My only question is if anyone knows of a website I can find that lists meals and foods that someone dealing with this condition can eat. I'm having problems finding food that settle with my stomach and would appreciate any feedback.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Vincent (Atlanta, GA) on 09/11/2007

I have suffered with abdominal pain in my sternum area for the past 2 years or more. Finally the pain got so bad, I went to see a gastroenterologist to diagnose my condition. I figured it was an ulcer, but my endoscopy procedure showed that I was suffering from a hiatal hernia as a result of acid reflux. I was prescribed Prevacid to be taken for several months. I traced my problem back to having taken a hefty amount of ibuprofen from past sports injuries and knee surgery. I play basketball for exercise twice a week and wake up every morning with painful, stiff knees. Had I been aware of the negative results of anti-inflamatory drugs years ago, I never would have taken them. Anyway, after reading about the negative side effects of taking chemical drugs for acid reflux, I started praying and searching the web for natural remedies. I came across Ted's Apple Cider Vinegar & Baking soda remedy and have been on it for 3days now. It works great and quickly to relieve the pain of my acid reflux and to my surprise, after my first day of taking the remedy, my stiff, sore knees have been relieved. I played basketball 2days ago and had very minimal soreness and stiffness in my knees the next morning. I was able to climb the stairs in my house with no problem for the the first time in months. During my doctor's visits over the last few months, it has been discovered that my blood pressure is at pre-hypertension levels (138/88). I read several testimonials that users of the ACV remedy have experienced lowered blood pressure and cholesterol levels. I am anxious to have my blood pressure checked again to see if I am experiencing the same results. Hey, the acid reflux is getting under control and my knees don't ache and aren't stiff anymore. 2 down, 1 to go (blood pressure). It amazes me that I was able to come across one solution for all three of my conditions. I believe God directed me to this site for a reason. I will report back about my blood pressure once I get my next reading. Great stuff!!

Acid Reflux
Posted by Lorne (Willoughby, OH) on 09/13/2007

Great site and very useful information! I've had chronic Acid reflux for years, due to a hietal hernia. I've been on Aciphex, Nexium, Prilosec and just about every other "medicine" you can think of. The ACV and Baking soda goes down kind of nasty, but works like a champ! My question is: the idea of the ACV and such is to balance the body's Ph, right? I believe I'm nearing the proper levels at this point, as I feel better, but how do you test the body's Ph to know when I've got the acid/alkaline levels to the correct balance? Is there a problem if you go too far? Thanks! Lorne

Acid Reflux
Posted by Tony (Adelaide, South Australia) on 09/26/2007

Apple Cider Vinegar helped my acid reflux; I had a heart attack back in 2003 and had a stent fitted, I was 56 years old at the time, and part of my medication was to take something to combat acid reflux, which I had not had a real problem with up until then. I was put on a low dose of Acimax (20mg) and a range of other drugs that heart attack victims have to put up with. Any person in my situation will tell you that any pain or twinges in the chest region will tell you of that unearthing fear of the return of another attack. I think the reason for doctor's giving you acid reflux drugs is just for that reason, because a lot of scares that people like me have are for that reason only. Now, over the years I had many scares and several times taken to the hospital by ambulance and several stress tests for the heart and I always came up positive, which was good. Now they up'd my dose of Acid reflux medicine to 40mg of Nexium, believing reflux was the problem and just recently I had an Endoscopy and I found out I have a Sliding Hiatus Hernia and so I now know where my chest pains were emanating from. My biggest annoyance now was that the Nexium was not working, and I suffered many a night with these unnerving chest pains. I then turned to the internet hoping I could find a cure, and I did, in the form of Apple Cider Vinegar and Bi-Carb Soda. What a god send, I wasn't sure at first, but my brain was telling me that taking a tablet to stop the body producing acid for digestion, which is a normal process, the body was only going to try to produce more to balance it out. Well now I can say I have stopped taking Nexium for over 3 months now, and I can't wait until I see my doctor next time to tell her of the good news, but I'll leave it until I have a good 6 months clear of my problem. Although some how I don't think it will make any difference to her way of thinking, unfortunately they've programmed to think drugs are always the way to go. Thank You to this website and I can now go through the rest of my life without the thought of being propped up on about 4 pillows trying to get a good nights sleep.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Kathy (Austin, Texas) on 10/30/2007

I've been taking Ted's recommendation for about a week. I'm completely off my Nexium (after 3 mos. usage with no relief), I've had no flare ups, my throat/larynx feel much better - almost like normal (pretty badly burnt, very hoarse, sore throat, etc), and I'm back to eating my "normal" stuff! Thank you!

Acid Reflux
Posted by Paul (Nashville, TN) on 12/21/2007

My wife has a high sensitivity to Edema and electrolyte imbalance if she gets too much Sodium. She recently had Reflux symptoms and we tried the juice from one large arm of a fresh aloe vera plant straight up with a little purified water. Drink it quick because the critical healing enzymes in Aloe Vera begin to deteriorate within 10 minutes of being cut from the plant.

We also had 1 Tbspn Ginger Root Juice in the morning and Ted's ACV formula but we sustituted Sodium free, Calcium Carbonate-based Baking Soda instead in the standard Sodium-based stuff.

Ted's formula of 1/4 Teaspoon - 2 TABLESPOONS 2-3x per day of Sodium-based Baking Soda is frankly dangerous. At the low end (1/4 Teaspoon of Sodium-based Baking Soda per serving), you are getting 900mg of additional Sodium.

The USDA daily limit is 2200mg of Sodium. Anyone on a low sodium diet should be on 1200mg or less of Sodium.

At the suggested upper limit of 2 TABLESPOONS per serving of Sodium-based baking soda, you are receiving 21,600mg (that's right, Twenty-Thousand, Six Hundred milligrams) of Sodium!

This is close to TEN TIMES the recommended limit for a NORMAL person! This has very serious health effects!

Sodium drives the electrolyte balance of the whole body and these levels can cause all sorts of nerve and heart complications (as we read above). I would just about guarantee that the people reporting trouble above are doing over a 1/2 teaspoon or more of Sodium per serving.

Ted's ACV formula is frankly - dangerous!

Sodium is the LAST thing you need to be adding to your body at this level. The reason most antacids are made of Calcium Carbonate is because it can be safely taken in quantities to counteract acid and actually have a health benefit to the typical person.

I am all for ACV and reducing it's pH, but it should be supplemented with Calcium Carbonate such as Sodium-Free Baking Soda which is calcium-based. If you are a woman over 50, this is actually a major health benefit.

We are only doing one ACV treatment per day in the morning and using 1 teaspoon of Calcium-based baking soda. That is 1200mg of Calcium or 120% of the daily recommended value of Calcium. Most people don't get enough Calcium anyway so this works out fine.

You have to do some common-sense research on things or you can end up in major trouble....Paul

Acid Reflux
Posted by Janet (Anchorage, Alaska) on 03/06/2008


I started ACV and baking soda about two months ago it has cured my acid reflux/GERD was taking Previcid for over 20 years. My problem is I'm retaining fluids -gained almost 10# using the ACV and baking soda. Is there any other alternative in taking the ACV to continue getting the wonderful benefits without hurting your teeth? I am retaining so much fluid it's depressing. One other plus I have noticed is my hair started growing in length which it had slowed down in growing due to Adrenal Burnout. I really appreciate any advice this web site or Teb could give me. Thanks, Janet

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