MMS: The Miracle Mineral Supplement from Jim Humble

Broad Benefits
Posted by Aresem (Saudi Arabia, Alkhobar) on 11/05/2009

MMS with Pneumonia & Parasites Infection

I came to know about MMS more than two years ago, I tried it my self first following very carefully the protocol as written in the book of Jim Humble. After my successful trial I started to use it with my family including my grand children with 100% success rate for various health conditions.

In one case one of my house maid expelled total of sixteen worms (Ascaris) using MMS. I started her from a drop per day increasing a drop on each succeeding day backing off a drop every time the stomach discomfort is felt. By the time she is up to ten drops the worms drop out dead with the feces. She notice that her belly where she had those hard lump are all gone and where not hard as it use to be before taking MMS.

In another another case my daughter came home from school with high fever and I told my wife to give her 4 drops of MMS after a few hours she is back to normal health.

My son who got pneumonia and his doctor wanted to have him admitted for confinement in the hospital but because of financial constrained he refused instead opted to take MMS after I told him about it. I gave him a bottle and started taking it as directed. Starting from a drop increasing a drop each day. When he started having diarrhea and feels nauseous he back off by a drop staying at that dosage until the body is comfortable again. After a day of taking MMS the symptoms of the disease start to subside and after a week he is back to normal. Before he started on MMS he was already taking antibiotics which his Doctor prescribed and taking already for a more than two weeks but failed to help him.

MMS works and is safe as long as the direction for its use is followed carefully. Probably safer than pharmaceutical drugs which kills people by the thousand a year. Many people who are in the medical profession may not like it for some financial reason and it is for that reason that some of the posts here are meant to discourage people from using it.

FDA Warning
Posted by Timh (KY) on 08/03/2014 2048 posts

We are also being warned about the many dangers of Marijuana, even though no one has ever overdosed as a direct consequence of using. No one has ever died from MMS.

Be warned, no one has ever died as a result of using these natural remedies!

Many, many people have died as a direct result of misuse or simply as directed use, of otc or prescription pharmaceuticals.

Scalp Infection
Posted by Shelly (Baltimore) on 06/09/2013

I had a terrible scalp condition where my scalp would flake and peel. It had a horrible smell. I went to several dermatologist none of the medication worked. I researched MMS and let me tell you I would pour the mixed solution on my scalp and let it set before shampooing my hair. I have not had any scalp issues. My hair smells great now. Keep with it. I used it three times before I noticed a huge change.

MMS Dosage
Posted by Bob (Seminole, Tx) on 09/15/2011

I do 8 drops of MMS a day and my wife does 6 and my sis does 8 and my friend does 10.

When you do that you sleep well and do not get sick.

If you are working out some bad stuff and it reacts, back off a drop or two until things are working.

When I had the flu I had about 3 days of diaria (sp) but only 1 or 2 days of flu symptoms and not flu shots. Keep a cough too long until I remembered vicks vapor rub on your feet and sleep with your socks on....

Get a grip this stuff works (for me :))

Posted by Jenny (Alabama ) on 06/19/2017

no offense downer Debby, but the virus can be gone. You can choose to settle for what your told, or you really can be educated and experience freedom. I found mms and Citric along with light therapy, biofeedback and a few other advancement tech, I too was able to be cleared. However, when you go back in for blood work and get retested, test for the virus, viral load, not for the antibodies. Cause you'll always have antibodies. But that's a good thing.

Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi, and Parasites
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 12/16/2021

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here and I can't find what I want. I want a ClO2 protocol that will keep the bugger bears away. We new at this and the first program was for a novice. It worked for my wife and since I can't find a maintenance program. This may be it. I ain't doing MMS, I understand CLO2 and will stick with that. So convinced that ClO2 is the way to go........ I suggest you do this first regardless of your ailment. In 1987 NASA said that CLO2 was the solution for all ailments . Big Pharma made sure that was retracted. Doubt me....... research. We are controlled by the media. I am my own man. I did not take the jab. I still have a brain. Do you understand what a NORMIE IS? ====ORH====

MMS Instructions
Posted by Carolyn (Milford, Ct) on 09/28/2013


I am reading through the posts on MMS here and I am getting a little scared by the content. At least 2 years ago, Jim, Andreas Kalcher (a PhD researcher) and Kerri Rivera got together and compared notes on MMS use. As a result, the dosage recommendations for MMS have SIGNIFICANTLY CHANGED.

NO ONE should be taking 6-15 drops at a time, save for the case of progressing infectious disease, like malaria or anthrax. Even Jim is saying this now, and he pioneered the stuff!

The typical adult, around a weight of 100-150 pounds, should work their way up to a TOTAL of 24 drops/day, given in 8 separate doses, every two hours. (3 drops of activated MMS/dose). If you weigh more or are very sick, keep adding one drop a day until you hit that spot where you start to herx out. Back down one drop for a few days and then push on in a similar pattern.

Each dose should be comprised of an equal number of MMS drops and either 50% citric acid solution or 4-5% HCL solution. This should NEVER be consumed without first being diluted in water (at least one ounce).

Unless you are facing looming death by infectious disease, health crisis or invasive cancer, do NOT go straight to the 24 drops MMS/day (or more). You will herx your guts out, literally. Plus, you will experience crushing headaches, dizziness and a whole host of parasitic die-off symptoms. You will probably also end up covered in a rash if you ever experienced one as a child because those viruses are going to hurt just as much going out as they did coming in. (Did you have chicken pox as a kid? Get ready for a few spots again if you ramp up too fast! )

Ideally, what they are saying to do is to go get an 8-ounce, GLASS baby bottle (as MMS will degrade plastic, and who needs to eat that?). In a separate shot glass, add one drop of MMS and one drop of EITHER 50% citric acid solution or 4-5% HCL. Wait exactly 20 seconds and then mix this into the 8 ounces of water in the baby bottle. (You don't have to put the nipple on, folks. Its the travel cap that keeps the MMS gas from escaping! ) Then, each hour, drink one ounce from the bottle, for a total of eight doses/day. Then, each day, add one more drop of ACTIVATED MMS to the bottle each day. (Each MMS drop requires a corresponding drop of activator. If you are using cider vinegar or lemon juice, then you need to use 5 drops of these activators to each drop of MMS.)

You keep adding drops until you max out at 24 drops MMS/day, if you weigh under 150 pounds and are not terminally ill.

To maximize the health benefits, you MUST also do a parasite cleanse. You can either follow Hilda Clark's or you can go a bit modern with Dr. Andreas Kalcker's protocol. (You will be truly disgusted by what comes out of your posterior, in either case.)

Parasitology is increasingly showing that our modern diet and lack of use of old-time remedies like castor oil have left us wide open for worm infestation. When worms crap in our intestines, pardon the language, they expel harmful toxins, as well as chemicals which mimic amphetamines, which cause anxiety, depression, ADD/ADHD, cloudy thinking, and countless other symptoms, depending upon your unique physiology.

Oh, and those SSRIs you are taking? They were DESIGNED BY PHARMACUETICAL COMPANIES TO FEED THE WORMS THEY KNOW YOU HAVE FROM YOUR MODERN DIET! (Follow the money, folks. ) They get HUGE from the SSRIs and the supplements you are taking, especially B12 and iron. (They need both to grow. ) Once you start taking SSRIs for anxiety caused by parasites, you are just about hooked for life, which is exactly what the pharma companies want for their shareholders.

Low Immunity
Posted by Pam (Burley, Idaho, Usa) on 12/07/2009

I am amazed. I was very sick for 9 months. I had pneumonia 3 times. Tests were ran and I was diagnosed with mycoplasma pneumonia. With all the drugs to control my asthma and the powerful antibiotics I was wiped out. My immune system tests were way down and I was anemic. I have been taking MMS I am at 10 drops. Last week I had more tests run and guess what? No mycoplasma and my immune system tests are up. They were even considering giving my gammaglobulin shots and now I dont have to take them.Im not only thankful to the friend who told me to try this but to the inventor.I had my doubts but felt I had nothing to lose and I had spent way more on medical costs than $20.I saw a negative post on one of the groups on yahoo that this was a pyramid thype thing. At $20 a bottle than can last a year i highly doubt hes making tons of money but doing a service for humanity. Our drug companies have held us hostage for way too long and they make billions. Im thankful for MMS and my health.

Ulcerative Colitis
Posted by Aggie (Chicago, Illinois) on 09/09/2008

I was browsing the Internet for anything that would help my Ulcerative Colitis. I have had it for about 10 years (I may not have it any more though ;-) ). The thing that worked for me was Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS). Most people are skeptical because of the word "Miracle", but I highly recommend it. "Don't knock it, until you've tried it." It's basically Sodium Chlorite / Chlorine Dioxide. You may want to do a little bit of research, but it wasn't that bad for me at all. I would go into details, but it takes about 20 pages to describe.

I can eat virtually anything I want (I'm still getting used to being normal again). The "treatment" took about 2-3 months, but I feel BRAND NEW!!!!

FDA Warning
Posted by Timh (KY) on 08/03/2014 2048 posts

@Oscar: I have read two of Humbles e-books on MMS and have personally used it on & off for about 3 yrs. The "danger", to be specific, is the fact that CLO2 is a very powerful almost exclusive non-discriminatory anti-pathogen. A rapid house cleaning, one might say. CLO2 like O3 treatment causes major die-off. This is why Jim has always insisted that one must begin w/ small doses and slowly work up; same goes w/ H2O2.

I have had some temporary nausea and I always decreased the dose so that doesn't happen again. My standard dose is 8 drops. The chlorine taste & occasional nausea is enough to back one away from this substance. I also find H2O2 offensive so very rarely use it orally. Colloidal Silver and/or Lipo-C seems to be the least offensive and most effective natural antibiotics going.

As for character and alternative medicine advocates, read up on the escapades of Ed McCabe and compare to Jim Humble. These guys have endured persecutions for promoting oxygen therapy for the good of the general public w/ very little monetary gain (mostly book publications) for their contributions.

I also hate to disagree w/ you as it seems apparent we need to be helping each other out, what w/ all the problems and all, BUT I really don't see Jim Humble along w/ a Jim Jones type sociopath deceiving & leading potential hundreds or thousands of people to their death.

FDA Warning
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn. ) on 08/06/2014

HI U OSCAR, , , , , , , , , , first , let me say that I love you , but please don't comment on stuff that you have no clue. You can cause great harm to folks that don't know either. I am a Ch. E and spent 40 years in the paper industry bleaching pulp with both these compounds. One is Sodium or Calcium Hypo Chlorite or Clorox. The other is Chlorine Dioxide or MMS . They are two different compounds and have different chemical reaction effects on your body.

======OLE ROBERT HENRY========

Chlorine Dioxide
Posted by Nick (Florida) on 04/21/2016

If u are trying to help yourself, make your body alkaline not acidic, I am a brain cancer survivor of 38 years and going strong.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Renate (Hiawassee, Ga) on 06/26/2015

I had a very painful infection in my gums and outside of my gums a very large pus pocket formed on the gum, I took MSM twice a day and after 5 days no more painful gums teeth or skull. I have never had any side effects, been using it for years. Have been slack about using it for about two years hence the infectious gums and teeth. Will not do that again two drops every day from now on.

EC: Hi Renate,

Please confirm that you meant MMS and not MSM? You've posted on our MMS page. Thanks!

About MMS
Posted by Bob (Murphy, Nc) on 01/31/2017

Hello Jim. Good to see you here. No one has treated more people than you.

You have an amazingly strong effect on people. Nearly everyone is repeating your ideas. Everything, I wrote, is from scientific information. I could have listed the references, but that would have made it longer and more difficult. I can send you links to the information.

The flora isn't in the stomach, it's in people's intestines. People can't feel the bacteria in their intestines, so no one would know what is there. There aren't symptoms caused by a lack of such bacteria. And from their first meal, bacteria would be added to their bodies. It isn't necessary to take probiotics, it's merely good advice.

Right, chlorine dioxide, not MMS which also has leftover sodium chlorite, is more selective. That means it only reacts with some amino acids, and chemicals, such as with sulfur bonds. That's the part that makes it safer. Selective does not mean that it can "know" whether a bacteria is good or bad. I've read comments by doctors saying some good bacteria are anaerobic, and some bad bacteria live with oxygen. Either way, the cell membrane and interiors of both bacteria are the same.

Did you read my whole Post? Perhaps you got the impression that I am advising people to not use chlorine dioxide. That's not the case. I have thought about the idea that my Post may discourage some people. But I think it's important that people get the correct science info, especially with so many people reaching the vomit and diarrhea level.

Throat Cancer, Diabetes
Posted by Jim (Roseburg, Oregon) on 10/18/2015

I am a user of mms.

I have used it in a spray bottle for toenail fungus and it works.

I am presently taking mms2, step 2 for throat cancer due to asbestos and it has taken away my perpetual sore throat for now but not sure its gone. I was short of breath but that has gone away. I have ordered the online cancer test to verify the cancer and continuing mms1 and mms2.

When I first started the treatment I first ordered the book. Its stated in the book that some people are cured of diabetes in the three week suggested treatment. Three weeks is kind of a short span of time to cure something that has been in your system for a long period time. I have diabetes and it is improving, my Blood Sugar readings are where they should be now. This protocol affects your pancreas and corrects your underlying diabetes problem.

MMS is the wonder treatment for all ailments BUT you must use the prescribed protocols and go slow it is not an instant cure.

FDA Warning
Posted by Jim (Roseburg, Oregon) on 10/18/2015

MMS is not chlorine in any form.

If you don't want to use it then don't but misleading the readers here with false infomation is not helping us.

Maybe you ought to read the book or go go to jim humble's website and read.

Posted by Paul (Australia) on 06/11/2013

I can personally say mms is a miracle, I contracted hiv stupidly, in desperation from day 1 I took mms for a month 3 drops an hour for 8 hours. I only took it for the 1 month. 3 years later my blood is still normal, the tests still say hiv but the results are normal. Thank you Jim Humble.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn, Usa) on 03/05/2011

MMS is Chlorine Dioxide and is one of the most powerful bleaches known. Hey, but so is Hydrogen Peroxide, Chlorine, Oxygen and Sodium or Calcium Hypochlorite. All of these were used for many years to bleach pulp. Only Chlorine Dioxide and Oxygen are used now because the others form a carcinogen with the lignin. Both Chlorine Dioxide and Chlorine will kill you deader a hammer as a gas in the right concentration. The paper industry can no longer use Sodium Hypochlorite because it has been outlawed by the FDA but you can at home because they don't dare try to take Clorox from the house wives , just as they backed off Sweet and Low. The FDA is not about health, it's politics. DMSO is a prime example.

I don't do MMS, but I would after I researched it's use. I do Hydrogen Peroxide, but only at 3% concentrations.

Spent 40 years making and working with these chemicals in the paper industry, but can't speak for their medicinal uses. The word bleach does not scare me.

Posted by Jay (Santa Fe, Nm) on 05/27/2011

I see lots of misinformation here. I studied the protocols and learned directly from Jim Humble. You can absolutely spray the mms solution on your skin. It will ONLY kill pathogens and cannot possibly harm healthy cells. That is the 20-drop (activated with citric acid) solution in the 2-ounce spray bottle. You DO NOT have to rinse it off right away, as someone wrote in the feedback here. You can spray it on the skin hourly and rinse it off at the end of the day, before bedtime. Also, I have used the inhalation therapy to eliminate runny nose, post nasal drip, etc. It works immediately and the instructions are on Jim's site

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jerome (Brooklyn, Ny) on 03/06/2011 8 posts

This is a reply to Aresem from Saudi Arabia about MMS: That is amazing, I also had the same exact experience as your house maid! I increased the MMS drops one a day, and when I reached 9 drops worms started to drop out dead with my bowel movements. Before trying MMS I had tried wormwood/clove/black walnut as well as several other anti-parasite and anti-candida supplements, but apparently none of them worked because the worms were evidently in me until MMS got them out. This stuff really is a miracle supplement.

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Ellen (West Orange, Nj) on 06/06/2018

It does seem as though people here are not up to date. Some people do take one drop divided into eight doses, one an hour, for eight hours a day, and then perhaps go up to two drops divided into eight doses, one an hour. People use glass baby bottles for this. They have one ounce markings all the way up. Take one drop, activate it, fill with 8 ounces of water or whatever you are using, and drink one ounce every hour for eight hours. The thing is it only sticks around in your body for about an hour. So a huge dose once a day really won't do much for you. It is apparently good for malaria.

And there is the new CDS thing Andreas Kalcker came up with, which doesn't taste bad. And the addition of DMSO.

For the fellow who was still getting sick after two weeks, are you using citric acid to activate it? If so, that could be your problem. And this stuff is not toxic. It does not leave anything at all toxic behind. It produces a lot of oxygen in your body, and we all need more of that because oxygen kills pathogens and cancer cells on contact. If you had enough oxygen all the time, you would not get sick most likely. And the oxygen in our atmosphere has been declining for years and years and years. And, by the way, you've probably been drinking it for at least some part of your life since it is used by municipalities for purifying the water that comes through your tap.

Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi, and Parasites
Posted by J (Fl) on 12/18/2021

This is the most powerful most suppressed cure-all in our world. If the truth got out big pharma would be out of business. I've been using this for years.

Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi, and Parasites
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE , TN) on 12/19/2021

KAREN, ORH here and nail meets hammer. I ain't dumb but this drop crap messes up my Ga Tech mind. We have measurement tools, use them. Humble was first dealing with tribal folks, we past that crap.He did what he had to do at the time. When you mix an acid and a base, a reaction takes place and you come out with two products. I want the CDS for my body and the other to clean up my kitchen or toilet, but not put into my body.

Folks have already been down this trail, they just don't know how to passes this mumbo jumbo on. I speak from making ClO2 for 40 years to bleach pulp and not to injest for your health. We used Sulfuric acid because you have the spent acid you have to deal with and we could use a sulfur compound in our recovery process. What MMS does is to take this into your body as a by-product. That is BS. It will not kill you but it has nothing to do with healing you and confuses the issue.So what we have is illiterates speaking in tongues and trying to have an intelligent conversation. Ain't gonna happen. Forget Humble, follow Kitcher as he is a scientist and not a missionary. No disrespect to Humble. He did his thing at the time. Yeah, Big Pharma is going to shut this program down if they can. All need to understand that we are dealing with evil people. Hey, I don't mean just bad people, I mean folks that worship Lucifer, the devil. I would not miss this game for any amount of money. We are fixing to go through a world of hurt. Me, at 85, I have been to my rodeo. I am as ready as a Redneck can get. Bring it on. ====ORH====

About MMS
Posted by Art (California ) on 01/20/2017 2271 posts

In reply to Bob (Murphy, Nc),

Thank you for the informative post! That is information that anyone considering taking MMS should read first!


About MMS
Posted by Bob (Murphy, Nc) on 01/31/2017

About Jim's second Post, I don't believe in arguing with people. I could correct his continued claims, such as that he recommends only 1/4 drop. That's his most recent advice, after about 10 years of starting at a higher dose.

And I have read his books, including his new Health Recovery Manual. That's how I know his ideas.

I'm not disputing how much work Jim has put into helping people.

About MMS
Posted by Debbie (Murphy NC) on 09/23/2021

You will probably never read this bcuz ur post is so old, but if people take the time to read and study Jim Humble's books, specifically MMS HEALTH RECOVERY GUIDE, you will see that this person has not read Jim's book and as a user of MMS this person is completely wrong and I am sad if people actually believe this and miss out on the awesome benefits of MMS, specifically the protocols from Jim Humble.

Chlorine Dioxide
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 02/20/2022

HI U OLE PATOOTS DOIN, ORH here, and I'm on a roll. As all know I have worked with ClO2 all my industry life, but never for my health. Yep, it is a bleach, but that is to distract you from what it can do for your health. In 1941 when I was in the first grade and our tablets had a brightness of about 73. When CLO2 was used in 1954, the paper brightness went to 88. With the advent of the computer most of the white fine paper mills have been shut down or converted to brown and round because all order on line and a shipper must use a box. We have just done a 180 in my lifetime and you had no clue. BROWN TO BRIGHT AND BACK TO BROWN.

I am going to give you a site about what ClO2 can do for your health. Please start at 45 minutes in the testimonials and then you will go back to the start and learn the whole story.

ATS ====ORH====

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Andy (California, Usa) on 10/13/2017

If you are having a reaction like you are, it is because of the toxic level of substances in your system. You said no matter what you had Diarrhea, well that means your body was de-toxing and should have never stopped until it all stopped happening. It means it was expelling all of your toxins as fast as possible, which comes out your anal cavity, your skin, any way your body can expell it. But once it finally stops, then you you know you have finally achieved detox and you will feel the healthy feeling kick in for sure. Gerson's juice and coffee enema's do exactly the same thing and more, when you body it getting rid of toxins it comes out anyway it can, and you just supplement with Potassium and Iodine to compensate for the excess diarrhea while your body is expelling. But MMS is doing it job and it is making your body get the junk out of it. So that is the best I can tell you. We have used it for every thing, eye drops, douche for women, curing colds & flus, curing almost all pains, in teeth, brushing and breath, skin issues which go away quickly after use. Its works every time. Yet I have read every stupid thing out there saying don't use MMS......don't believe anyone...MMS works.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Tomstyn (Adelaide, Australia) on 12/08/2009

mms did all the usual things you read about for me as well and i am now on some maintanance drops and it has made some small moles in the V of my neck lighten and then disapear. also it must have gotten rid of a bug in my gut that that was sucking the moisture out of what was going thru my intestines. previously no matter how much i drank there was always that dryness on its way out, now all is well. also less urge for sugars and carbs

Broad Benefits
Posted by Chris Brown (OceanView, DE. United States) on 03/10/2009

It have been on MMS for 2 weeks and here is what I advise you, now that I understand everything. IT WORKS! This is how you take it and why :)

Start 1 drop & 5 Citric non vitamin C. you can't have vitamn c 2 hours before and 2 hours after.

So 1 = 5. Swish it around let it setup for 3 minutes up to 25. You move up a drop each session 1 in Morning and 1 in Night. Then I found out the reaction after getting to 15 drops so I went back to 11 drops the next morning slowly working my way up :). I then found a smell but it was in my nose haha becasue my smell came back.

For 19 years I couldn't smell anything because of smoking. Symoms *BEFORE! = Serious Brain FOG, Forgetting, Memroy Loss, Pain, Joint Pain, Herpes, Tired all the time, Had to have 20 teeth removed, Was getting worse and almsot bed ridden.

*NOW! Getting ready for work. Answering Fire Calls while other firefighters turn red with dehydration I just look at them and wonder and give them bottled water. So if you get the reaction just back off a drop or 2 when yu find that special dose and work your way up.

Get the BOOK and the DVD so you better understand it and do research of how poeple have taken it! that's my story.
I know what it does and how it works. If I had Cancer or anything I would definatly take it ASAP!..... If mms is left in sunlight it will negate and make it not a workable solution. The crap for many years has now broken up in my chest and now coming out by coughing it out. I almost have no phlem after 2 weeks *before I felt like I had Nemonia.
That' My story = It Works!

Sinus Infections
Posted by Mark (Somewhere, USA) on 05/10/2008

I have been getting increasingly bad sinus infections as i've gotten older.They run in the family. Finally I had one last for 4 months! I had been thru (3)anti-biotic treatments, steroids twice, along w/ nasal sprays during the 4 months. Finally the ear- nose- throat Dr. decided I was a canidate for surgery to clean out my sinuses. I found out about MMS & cured my chronic sinnusitis in 10 days! Started w/ 2 drops .I increased 1 drop per application ( 2 times/day) I was amazed how well I could breath after the 1st application. When I went to the dr. for my pre-sugery appt. they would not let me speakafter I told them I was fine. They tried to take credit for my healing saying the "nasal spray worked, didn't it" What a joke ! What a racket ! I hope this helps someone else to give it a try mark

Sinus Infections
Posted by Mark (Waterford, Michigan) on 12/20/2010

I'm the mark who had the sinus infection problems in may of 2008. I don't smoke or use cologne etc.. I live a healthy lifestyle & am an athelete. I am still healthy, in fact I never get sick now. When I feel a little down I take a 2-3 drop dose. This experience has made me very skeptical of our modern medical system in this area. The Dr. was so mad that I decided not to have surgery & that I cured myself , for a $25 investment, it's worth a try!
Thanks... Mms & Jim Humble

About MMS
Posted by Robert Henry (Grayton Beach , Fla.) on 01/22/2017

BOB,,,,,, CLO2 is a gas and you dissolve in 40 degree water at a specific low concentration least it explodes. There are several chlorine hypochlorites, calcium and sodium and they are totally differently compounds than ClO2 . When vacation is over, I will address your post. Still have a lot to learn, but I spent 40 years manufacturing ClO2 and using it in bleaching pulp. I have never made it via Hubble's MMS method, but have been sent to the hospital a number of times when ClO2 fumes got out of control.


About MMS
Posted by J. Park (Cerritos, Ca) on 02/08/2017

I like to add something about the selectivity of ClO2. Been an electrical/computer engineer for decades, turned into a full-time researcher in alternative medicine.

Have personal experiences involving gut-flora matter. Due to many dental implant works, had to go thru antibiotic treatments many times. Still remember vividly how lousy I felt doing antibiotics, but had no choice, but to go thru with them. I knew too well that was due to the loss of my friendly bacteria. How I wanted to get them back! As soon as I was done, immediately started probiotics, which took a while but I got back to healthy self.

Later on, I got smarter, did some quick research, found that probiotics can go along with antibiotics! So I did both simultaneously and problem seemed much easier. Pretty nice. When I did become aware of MMS by JH, I was apprehensive about its safety, but, as a medical reseacher, decided to go in deeper, make my own conclusion. Gradually, I became a believer, tested it out few times drinking 1 or 2 drops at a time and it seems that I don't have much problem with it. Decided to use this instead of antibiotics during dental works.

I started P1000 right after the dental surgeries w/o probiotics. Why? "My Body did not want it" ! It was natural not to have any probiotics, in fact, it never occur to me during MMS. I went thru this few times, my MMS Protocol 1000 replacing the antibiotics ! Not used probiotics during P1000, didn't feel I need it. (didn't tell my dentist about this, but wonder how he would react when I tell him. His prescription? straight down to garbage can)

Feeling so nice knowing I don't depend on antibiotics, my gut-flora intact?? no worry of antibiotics habit-forming. I was very hot in selectivity research last year, but now things are bit vague. Don't know if you guys ran into this, but the best article I saw last year was, [Editor's Note: This 32 page .pdf entitled "Demonstrating that chlorine dioxide is a size-selective antimicrobial agent and high purity ClO2 can be used as a local antiseptic" may take a long time to load depending on your internet connection.]

Their find was 'selectivity' has to do with 'size' of the organisms. This may give one additional explanation to selectivity, just one, may not be all.

I do believe there is "selectivity" with ClO2! I do not believe that JH needs to back off, remembering his conclusion been based on zillions of experiences.

We may not understand its full mechanism as of now, but maybe someday, there might be. Not understanding does not warrant Negation. Selectivity of ClO2 seems REAL and science(or theory of it) always FOLLOWed reality, not the other way around. Isn't the quantum mechanics one of these?

They tried to understand the funny behavior of "light", winded up a theory "the cat can be alive or dead at the same time"... or that sort of weird thing.

They, those young scientists, basically force-fit the theory to reality, winded up Quantum Mechanics despite Einstein refused it saying, "God does not play dice".

The Quant. Mech. has been proven the most successful theory today.

PS: I've been very much interested in Rife Machine, but my impression has been it is non-trivial to use it since those critical frequencies are to hard to pin-point.

So with current electronic techniques, they basically sweep freqs "carpet bombing". Mr. Rife was highly successful because he had his venerable microscope that can see the microbes(even those viruses) while trying to select right frequency to kill them. It was like "taking an exam knowing all the answers". And that's our problem, no super-microscope.

Anyhow I'd like to get some real info, if possible, name of dependable machines, how successful you are Robert Henry.

About MMS
Posted by chris jackson (Texas) on 05/19/2021

"Airborne viruses include anthrax, influenza, SARS, smallpox, chickenpox and avian flu". How about Ebola, polio, and all the other "virus" that have never been seen, never were isolated, because they don't exist. Exosomes, our own cells exosomes are all they (the "virus") are. It's all toxic load! There are no viruses.

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, USA) on 03/05/2013 2048 posts

I really don't enjoy being a big natural medicine truther here, BUT MMS is about as harmful or toxic as, say Cannabis. There is proly no bigger double standard as the labeling and jurisprudence of Alcoholic beverages in comparison to Cannabis. Money and political power simply throws the facts and truth right out the window (hypocrisy).

Thank G, time and the "safety factor", is finally gaining public approval of the wonderful hemp plant.

MMS as converted to Chlorine Dioxide and consumed at recommended doses, IS NOT recognized by the body as "foreign", therefore Jim Humble labels, and promotes it as a natural mineral. I have used MMS on-and-off for over a yr and have no side effects to report other than some stomach discomfort. Surprisingly it was only about two weeks ago that I first did my bicarb/sea salt buffer, then MolyB/Niacinimide (aldehyde remover) PRIOR to a 10 drop dose. The effects began within an hr and continued for about 12; I experienced the most rapid recover to health, in those few hrs, than I have in almost a decade and with no bad side effects (I am now a beleiver).

The world has always been ruled by Money, and there is always the esoteric knowledge of great philosophers, saints, scientist, etc. Jim is a modern day philanthropist of a high order. He has sacrificed his life to the cause of helping people recover from otherwise terminal illnesses. After having read both his books Miracle Mineral Solution Of The 21'st Century, it is obvious that the title is not a false advertisement. Jim has started a church (Genesis 2 Church Of Health And Healing) for the betterment of humanity. He has a personal video on YouTube (sorry no link) of himself reciting one of his poems. It is a rare thing in the modern world to see such a universal character as scientist AND artist. The poem is truly visionary. Jim might be criticized as a "new ager" by the conservatives but he really escapes that label as he incorporates such objectivism, pragmatism, and realism into his thinking.

Many personal testimonies as well as affidavits are currently being compiled as legal documents to the effects of MMS on the human body.

In closing, from personal experience and from others, MMS exist in nature in somewhat the same category as Ozone or O3 as the most powerful germ and pollution killer on the planet. And for a "planet in peril" these two substances are indeed chemical "saviors". And, like the Jesus Christ of Nazareth, will face opposition and persecution.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jake (Canada) on 03/13/2022

Actually, the FDA's warning is false lol... the bleaching agent is 100x more potent and a completely different molecule.

That's why thousands take CDS/MMS.

The FDA is not trustworthy either as they don't care about you. They care about profits and big pharma.

Please continue taking CDS/MMS :)

Broad Benefits
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn Usa) on 03/06/2011

HI U GOOD PEOPLE DOIN, , , , , , I write to tell you that Chlorine Dioxide is explosive. In the paper industry, we have explosion lids on the generator and on all storage tanks and even the spent tanks and bleach towers. I probably should not discuss this until I understand how MMS is made, but at a certain concentration Chlorine Dioxide gas will explode. Until I know more I will caution you to keep your solution refrigerated. In the paper industry , we kept it at 40 degrees F. It is the gas that explodes, not the solution.

I've also got to study the pH thing. When you add lemon juice, you are adding acid to lower the pH. There is an optimum pH for effectiveness in bleaching pulp and I would assume the same applies to your body.

Don't get me wrong , I think Chlorine Dioxide does all folks say it does. I just have not studied it in that sense. What I have told you above is what I know from messin with it for 40 years as a bulk bleaching chemical.

My message is keep on keeping on, just keep your solution refrigerated.

Shoot , I'm like ya'll , at 75 I wants to live to 92.

ATS =======ROBERT HENRY========

Broad Benefits
Posted by Pat (Algarve, Portugal) on 04/11/2009

MMS discussion continued.....I wrote a few days ago about the bloating I was experiencing, most uncomfortable! Also strong nausea until one morning I couldn't eat anything so tried an apple. 10 mins later I threw up and had violent diarrhea!!!! Oh what a relief! The bloating has gone and my intestines are working really well. Taking Jim's advice I returned to 1 drop, am now taking it really slowly.

It is worrying when people claim that mms is very harmful, someone on the site says he has read the book and there are "holes" in his science. Perhaps he can say what the holes are?

The thing is I am 60 and live alone. I never visit doctors and I don't want to buy into the ageing sickness thing. I studied acupuncture 25 years ago and use needles on myself. However I was lacking in energy and vitality and kept thinking I should do a fast but mms has done the work without fasting. Because I feel so much better I am eating better foods, in fact I can't not eat in a better way because the low sugar levels and carbohydrate cravings have gone.

Since coming across this wonderful site I have filled my kitchen with ACV, molasses, manuka honey, sesame oil, superfood, omega 3 oil, cayenne pepper, turmaric, sea salt, bicarbonate of soda, also magnetic clay, juice bottles to take to school (I'm a teacher).

The drugs and anti-biotics doled out by the medical profession are very dangerous, they effect the liver particularly.................I have much experience of what the system prescribes as one of my daughters was born with ulcerative colitis (quite rare in a baby). She spent 3 out of every 4 weeks in hospital, was put on high doses of prednisolone and sulpher drugs which made her very ill/ She had surgery at 14 to remove her large intestine and at 19 developed peritonitis and gangrene from scar tissue which blocked the bowel. She now has very little intestine and a colostomy. How she survived I cannot say.

It took years for me to understand that there is always a natural way to heal. Like most people I believed the doctors and took the drugs. I believe Jim Humble when he says he has cured 100 thousand people. I do not believe the doctors. They are conditioned to believe that they are right but my experience has lead me to believe that they are mostly tunnel visioned and allow themselves to be controlled by the pharmaceutical businesses.

As Jim says MMS is changing my life for the better!

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Bob (Seminole, Tx) on 09/15/2011

Good Grief.... Do you guys read any of Humbles websites?

You don't go from 3 to 13 hello. Some of the new info actually says maybe 1 to 3 per hour for 8 hours is better than heavier doses per day.

Whether you take 3 or 13 it goes out of your body about the same. So if you are ill lower doses more regularly will keep more working and hopefully provide a milder reaction.

Take a little, Simply Apple Juice ( no significant vitimin C) no bad taste problem.

I take about 8 drops every day unless I need to kill something then I take it twice a day.

Good luck keep looking for what works for you.

MMS seems to work for me.

Heavy Metal Detox
Posted by Jake (Chicago, IL) on 02/04/2008

I've used MMS for about 6 weeks now to finish off any lingering bugs I might have and also to detox mercury.

I self diagnosed myself and found a holistic dentist to remove my 3 remaining amalgam fillings a year ago Dec. 06. The decay beneath led to these teeth being removed - JAN. 06, and a fourth infected root canal as well. My symptoms began 3 years ago about the time an amalgam filling broke down and my dentist not aware of the potential mercury spreading removed it without the proper precautions.

Symptoms -A swollen neck that never went away that impeded my mobility turning to the right, pains in my back for the first mile of my jogging, a pain in my hip area, sudden headaches - I'd never had headaches before, sudden spikes in blood pressure, brain fog,reduced stamina,mercury pimples on my chest (grover's disease as I recently discussed) swelling in my feet from the balls of my feet to the tips of my toes.

In the first six months after the removals most everything improved - I detoxed with many earthclinic suggestions, alkalining with BS and ACV and lemon juice, Budwig CC/FO (I've since switched to undenatured whey protein powder with fish oil as well as flax oil and also added NAC),also ALA following Andy Cutler's regime,cayenne on food and in tea and some tumeric also,in addition to other vitamins and minerals and juices such as pomegranate. Most symptoms were in fact gone except the mercury pimples on my chest - only partially better, swelling in my feet -only a little better, and the periodic almost- headaches I call them - much less severe. I knew I was not rid of all the mercury since these almost-headaches became worse -not like before but worse, when I ate cilantro - which has been cited for removing mercury from the brain, shown also to increase mercury elimination in the urine,and one of the few supplements along with ALA suspected of acting in this way (to attache to mercury in the brain.)

I worked up from 1 drop to 2 to 3 drops etc. until I was at 15 drops of MMS activated with lemon juice which I did at first or citric acid which I did later. -Adding one drop morning then night until 15 drops each - you try to eat no acid or vitamin c 2 hours before or after. I worked up to 15 drops morning and night for 3 weeks. -- The more serious the condition, the sooner you should have diahrrea or nausea. The protocol calls for working up to 3 times a day at 15 for at least a week but I couldn't seem to face it having to adjust my eating so much during the day. At any rate I got a little tired some days but otherwise had little in the way of symptoms. I took this a sign that my alkalining etc. had already done some good work for me. My near headaches left me and I even eat cilantro now with only very occasionally the hint of a headache. My swollen feet have improved moderately, which is very exciting considering what a lagging symptom they've been even with my running and exercising the whole time. I stopped the MMS for a week or two to consider one person's warnings - writing in on the internet, but I've since gone back, considering the continuing positive testimonials and considering my own positive results. I'm going to go to a maintenance dose soon - once a day, 6 drops. I'm currently at 15 drops at night only.

I think this is going to be a very important cure for many with serious health issues. I think everyone should watch the internet for the continuing testimonials as this approach has begun to catch on.

Best to all

Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi, and Parasites
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 12/18/2021

ROB,,,,,,, ORH here and thanks for the input. I follow Andreas Kalcker and not Humble, so drops are not used and you only get CLO2 and not the spent acid also. In the paper industry, you use salt, NaCl, NaClO3 and add Sulfuric Acid in a large lead lined generator that has a water cooled jacket around it because much heat is generated with mixing of and acid and a base. Air is injected in the bottom which sweep both CLO2 and Cl2 gas out into a 40' absorption tower where the CLO2 gas is absorbed in 40 degree water. Almost all the Cl2 gas passes into a smaller tower where it is absorbed with NaOH and that product is NaOCl or the bleach your wife uses to brighten her wash. The spent acid is neutralized and the sulfur recovered, as sulfur is the main ingredient in dissolving lignin from the wood chips thus leaving cellulose or fiber.

All this is told to you as to why I don't care to use MMS because it has the residual acid and all I want is the CDS. I know MMS works, but think CDS is the better way. Your protocol is the same used by a guy who cured his Melanoma cancer with MMS. He has since switched to CDS.

Rob, I am not a novice in making ClO2, but am a novice in the health aspect. I am smart enough to know that if NASA said in 1987 that it is the best universal antidote for all ailments, then we need to learn all we can. I am consumed by this subject and also the possibilities of what KAATSU can do for my failing heart. Anyway, I never miss reading your posts, as you are a bright guy. The generator at my last mill made 35 tons of ClO2 / day and that could treat everyone in Tenn.


Where to Buy: Australia
Posted by Elaine (Australia) on 04/27/2021

Regarding MMS drops

Having a hard time trying to get this simple water purification product but Evil Australian govt deems it dangerous when they are all for the genocide vaccine that is far more dangerous and lethal. Can anyone advise how to get this in Australia, please?


Legionnaires Disease
Posted by Jo B. (Auckland, New Zealand ) on 10/11/2018

I have been using mms for a few years now. Just recently I contracted legionnaires from bad water and started taking 3 drops each hour for 8 hours a day. I'm on day 5 now..the infection has not gone from my body yet but it's getting better. Legionnaires is intercellular which means it has gone into the cell, in this respect it may take longer to get it out, into the extra cellular fluid and then out of the body. I intend to take the 3 x hourly drop dose for 3 weeks by that time all the bacteria should be gone...this nasty bacteria has affected most if not all of my body systems.

I do believe that mms protocol 1000 of 3 drops x every hour for 8 hours will eradicate most pathogens in our body.

It eradicates most, if not all pathogens from our pets and livestock. Animals are totally susceptible to many parasites and pathogens, herbicides and pesticides and mms can be the no.1 go to in fact all our animals as well as ourselves need to be on a maintenance programme after completing the 3 week protocol 1000.

Pathogens are one of the causes of most disease.

Combine mms with a grain, dairy, and sugar-free diet and you will enjoy great, not good, but great health and well-being.

About MMS
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 02/07/2017

BOB,,,,,,,,,, back in those days, I stayed totally stressed due to my job and my A 1 personality. Also, I smoked about 4 packs of unfiltered Camel cigs a day. Quit in '73 to buy a 4 wheel drive Ford pickup as my wife thought I was taking food out of the kids mouth to do both.

I was the mill Supt and after a year my assistant told me that I was the conservation piece of a group and all were proud that I had quit smoking. They all agreed that if I started smoking again then they hoped I never quit, because I had been one SOB for the last year.

I wish I could shed some light on breathing ClO2 over the years. I can't. All I can say is that I'm still perking. My gut tells me that there is some good in this compound, but I really don't know. I know there is no good in breathing Chlorine. It will kill you in a minute.

Bob, keep plugging away. You may some day be famous. Just think of how Bill Munro impacted the world with his simple procedure. My gut tells me that the biggies are Ozone, ClO2, ACV, PEMF and the Rife Machine. Too bad Gates nor Buffet are sponsoring any of these. Instead they are doing stuff to control our population. I agree with that, but not their way.

Out of spit.=====ORH=======

MMS Side Effects
Posted by G (Finland) on 05/25/2014

If MMS detox feels like you are on amphetamines this might not be due to MMS exactly but because most likely you might be infected with worms. Ascaris Lumbriocoides is one of those parasites that creates toxins like MDA, morphine and others. They do not like MMS. They empty themselves in you when you consume MMS contributing hugely to diarrhea overresponse.

Look for talks from Andreas Kalcker. He has covered MMS and parasites extensively. That would be the place to start.

Posted by Peter (Bangkok, Thailand) on 07/17/2012

I was in Nigeria a week ago and I met a doctor who is quietly curing people of the HIV virus using MMS. I say "quietly" as he doesn't want his efforts to be stopped by Big Pharma and their friends.

Broad Benefits
Posted by DB (California ) on 05/25/2022

The most recent recommendations is 3 drops of MMS, 3 drops of Hydrochloric acid to 4 ounces of water, no more than 3 drops, every hour, for 8 hours. You mix 3 drops of MMS and 3 drops of Hydrochloric acid together first, wait 30 seconds until it turns dark yellow and then add the 4 ounces of water. It is best to mix it every hour, but if you are out and about, you can mix the 8 hours in advance. This information is from a video Jim Humble made and I personally watched.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Mms Cures 100% (Bronx) on 03/27/2012

To those who dont know how to read mms works you need to stop being negative and follow the jim humble direction. Jim humble is a saint from heaven he wants to cure the world so listen and read. Those who saying product dont work go get kill by your d. R. Wake up dum dum its all about the money. Any ways that shit kills pathogen on cont tact I had herpes now its gone. Thank you jim we love you. And if you over dosing well use your head and lower your doses twice a day, and if you cant read sorry go to school. Mms works every one with no side effects. And remember we all have different body, one more thing stop taking vitamin c like any oranges or any orange juice read read read. I take mine with water. All you guys that got well got bless you all mms is the cure for live. Thanks jim

Nail Fungus, Severe Pain
Posted by Forestnfama (Rio De Janerio, Brazil) on 12/25/2009

MMS cured fungus from my toe nails after twenty years of trying everything the doctors precribed. Just recently my wife had severe pain in here mid section that seemed to be traveling around her body. It got so bad that she went to the doctor convinced that she was dying of cancer or something. For two weeks we went from doctor to doctor elliminating one thing after another. She continued to get worse by the hour until she was almost debilitated. We were both very worried that something was extremely wrong with her but no one could tell us what. Finally I convinced my wife to take a dose of ten drops of mms two times a day. After the first day, the next morning she felt much better and the severe pain that had been constantly with her for the last two months started lightening up. After the second day, almost all of the symptoms disappeared and after the third day she was completely without pain. We never did find out what was wrong with her but I am convinced that if she was not treated for this problem she would have died. Thank God for MMS. It absolutely works. Maybe some people can not tolerate it for one reason or another but for sure it is very potent and needs to be understood before using. Also, I am very skeptical about the story that a women died after taking one drop of mms. I don't believe it..... If it were true the authorties would have used it to shut down the distributors. The truth is industries have been using it for over 70 years with great success. The US army used it to fight infection and malaria during the first world war. Some time after that the pharmecueticals were able to replace it with their patented expensive drugs. And even if someone did die it does not negate the fact that so many other people were able to treat themselves successfully.

Digestive Issues
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 06/24/2021

I had suffered from SIBO for close to 3 years since eating at a Crackle Barrel in Georgia off I-75. But how I accidentally cured it. I was taking Chlorine Dioxide for a virus infection. And after 2-3 days of drinking the stuff, the SIBO went away. It's been 2 months now and it has not returned.

The Chlorine Dioxide I'm using is the Aquamira Water Purification drops sold to purify drinking water. This comes under “Other uses” lol.

How I was using MMS Liquid Drops:

* Place 7 drops Aquamira Water Treatment (Part A) and 7 drops Phosphoric Acid Activator (Part B) in a cap to pre-mix.

* Let mixture react for 5 minutes to ensure full activation (it will turn yellow color).

* Fill a container with (1 liter) water. Add contents of mixing cap.

* Water is now ready for use. I've been told NOT to take vitamin C supplements while taking Chlorine Dioxide!

Note: Most recipes I have seen are 30 drops Chlorine Dioxide and 30 drops Acid Activator in 1 liter water.


Drink 3 oz taken every hour, until the content of the bottle is finished (8 to 12 shots). It has no taste. Just like water. Make a new batch fresh in the morning and repeat.

Note: I believe this treatment will destroy any unwanted pathogen in the digestive tract causing harm like Crohn's Disease, Chronic Diarrhea (bacterial in nature), Peptic Ulcers, Ulcerative Colitis.

MMS Side Effects
Posted by PR (Houston, Texas) on 03/27/2009

Hi, I know several people who are using this with great results. And they also stated they could feel it in the brain. I did read that this one of the few things that could pass the brain barrier. I think that is why you do feel it in the brain as it is dealing with critters or whatever is in the brain - which would be a good thing. I do know that you have to start very slow and work up over a period of time or you will feel nausea and other things. If you go very slow this can be avoided. This is not one of the easier remedies to take. But it does go very deep if you can stand the dealing with the die off from all the stored stuff in the body. I have seen this help people with chronic conditions that nothing else has helped. I also know a couple of people who has taken the the 45 drops for several days and are fine and doing better. Anyway this is just what I think and have observed.

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