Food Grade Peroxide Cures
***PLEASE NOTE*** DO NOT "OVERUSE" 35%...H202, IT WILL DEFINITELY BURN YOU... INSIDE OR OUTSIDE OF THE BODY. I put 8 drops of 35% in 8 ozs of purified water... THIS WAS WAY WAY TO MUCH!!! FOR ME, I COULD FEEL IT BURN ALL THE WAY DOWN , AND IN MY STOMACH. I found the best amount is 4 drops per 8 ozs of pure water. I actually enjoy drinking it as it does make me feel better.
I also drink 6 hours later, citric acid 1 teaspoon/ baking soda 1 teaspoon / "dash" of apple cider vinegar. I HAVE NOT SEEN ANY IMPROVMENT FROM THE ACV... NONE! People are swearing by it... that it does this, and does that... i notice "ABSOLUTLY NOTHING".
One thing that i have used that actually DOES DO SOMETHING FOR YOU... IS Dr Natura "Colinix Toxinout" programs, BOTH done at the same time. I was just looking for a body detox.... and along with this, "I LOST OVER 50 LBS". I was not looking for this from this product, but it does say that you "may" lose weight... well i sure did. I never noticed it for about 60 days, then i noticed my clothes were "very loose" and i went to the last hole on my belt. I then weighed myself, {and dont laugh, i was 280 lbs @ 6'3" TALL} I weighed 228!!!! I actually could not believe it. I have another 30 days to go on the program, which is very easy ... even for a lazy person like myself. "COULD I ACTUALLY GET UNDER 200 LBS??" LET'S WAIT AND SEE.
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide IV
WARNING, if you have 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide it can by VERY dangerous.
At any rate, there was a naturopathic doctor in the area, that's where I got my IV's >> Milne Medical Center, Pinto Lane Las Vegas 89106) Currently I've send a request to a local News Media, via email, haven't had a response. What is called the EEE Virus is in play, and it's been stated nothing can be done for it that works. My question is why don't they try H2O2 IV's. If the news medial has contacted someone in the medical arena I can only imagine what they'd say....Something like, "The FDA doesn't approve," - translated that might mean, "We can't make money on IV's like that. If it works then next thing you do people will want to do CT (chelation therapy) IV's, and we won't have as many bypasses to do, stents, toes/feet to amputate." Yeah, this might sound a bit sarcastic but my younger brother was going blind, one eye gone and the other with just some still usable vision left - that's when I found out about CT. I then did it for a circulation problem (it took care of that plus the asthma & hay fever I had - used an inhalant for 20 years) -- no problems since then plus my brother still has that 'usable' vision in the one eye (although he was declared legally blind at the time). Oh, this was back in either '93 or '94, can't remember right now. So you out there, listen up when you hear about new things, check them out. If you made it this far, thank you for reading....
I recently read the book The One Minute C--e, which I found amazing and researched about the statements. I noticed that the mainstream research and medical doctors, as well as pharmaceuticals won't agree on its effectiveness and they even warn people about its use. I read that if the 35% food grade H2O2 is used in an improper way can be very dangerous and that it should be diluted. I just wanted to ask if you can tell anything about the treatment mentioned in this book and if you find that 35% food grade H2O2 treatment is safe when used as the book says: 3 drops of 35% food grade H2O2 diluted in 6-8 oz of water (drink 3 times a day) adding up one drop each day to complete 23 days (last day is 25 drops which is a little bit more than 1ml diluted in 240 ml), and then do it backwards until 3 drops again... Can you tell me more about the subject? I appreciate any information that can help me decide if I should use it this way safely. Thanks and best regards :-)
(United States)
I agree with all you wrote John. I have come to the same conclusions. Anything that is almost a gold standard in helping most common health challenges is completely attacked by the government and pharmaceutical/medical companies. While we're being told that our use of food grade h202 is "Disinformation"; quite honestly, I think THEIR version of the "truth" is based in toxicity and lies. It truly does boil down to money and a multi billion dollar industry that refuses to let people believe they really are smart enough to take their health into their own hands.
I read some article of a guy stating that "House wives" were not smart enough to handle Food grade H202 and they run around in cars "with it in the front seed and baby in the backseat" - As if they're so stupid they couldn't possibly figure out a standard ratio of 1 to 11 (simple math for creating your own 3%), or they're too clumsy to do it without burning themselves. Plus the notion that picking up a bottle of this stuff from a health food store is going to spill all over your front seat. Really? All of these containers are well packaged. It actually made me laugh out loud. Mind you, house wives work with ratios and chemicals every day simply working in the home daily. Its absolutely ridiculous. I only one time ever spilled a tiny bit on my hand (that's once in nine years). Sure it burned. But honestly, nothing horrible came of it. It didn't eat my skin away. You simply wash it off immediately. It is not that dangerous, you simply have to take precaution. Sheesh.
I use it for everything. Cleaning, disinfecting counter tops, mouth wash, cold sores (I haven't had a cold sore since I started spraying my lips with my own dilution of 3% from 35% food grade), cures toe fungus.. What else? Well obviously the remedies are endless. Recently, I decided to use it for my Spa hot tub at a very precise recommended ratio (in place of toxic chemicals) - alongside our ozonater and using baking soda/vinegar as a TA/PH balancer, the water remains crystal clear with not even a hint of bacteria or build up. Plus, you get the health benefits of soaking in it! The body speaks - and I listen. If using pharmaceuticals and recommended chemicals make me feel sick - I'm sorry. I will not willingly poison myself for a few claimed benefits. However when I use H202 for everything from cleaning to mouth wash I do not feel sick. End of discussion for me.
Great post!
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects

Anyone with any suggestions, please?
Just a thought, DaveB,
Perhaps you can stop the HP for a week or 2 to see if your energy level rebounds. That would be a quick and easy way to see if the HP is the cause for your 24/7 energy decline. If your energy rebounds, you may have to give more thought to the dose of HP you are using.
Although HP has shown the potential to increase the oxygen levels in the body, it is first a potent oxidant until the body neutralizes it through exposure to the potent antioxidant Catalase, and an oxidant in a high enough amount can do damage to normal cells until it is neutralized. If your body's Catalase production and utilization process is perturbed in any way or overloaded, it may not be able to neutralize the additional HP in a timely manner, thus allowing the oxidant activity of HP to flourish for too long, allowing more cellular damage than would normally be expected and the tiredness you are experiencing.
Thanks for your reply, Art, It does make sense. At the back of my mind, I have had a thought that for me at least I may need to take it slower and reduce the amount of drops but first will give it a break as you suggest to confirm it. DaveB
Thank you for the reply. I think your information will be useful for the EC community in general including its visitors as many are testing or using HP for various reasons. Your feedback will be invaluable to many, so I hope you take the time and update us with your progress.
On a related note, if you determine the cause of your tiredness is related to your intake of HP after taking a break from the HP and you still want to take HP at higher dose, there are one or two adjunctive supplements you can consider at that time that may allow use of HP with increase in availability of Catalase to help deter the tiredness you are experiencing. It is hard to be more specific as I am not aware of the reason you are taking oral HP in the first place.
Hi again, just to update you & others how things have been going.
I ceased taking HP drops after our posts 3 days ago, as the tiredness was getting overwhelming and within a day of stopping, I was just about back to my old self, so there is little doubt in my mind that it was the HP or to be more precise the increased level of HP.
I didn't notice anything until I started taking 15 drops 3 x daily and each successive day I upped the drops, I felt more & more tired to the point at 20 drops I felt like a zombie.
I am no stranger to HP as I have used it for several years on and off in the form of nebulizing, initially as a response to catching pneumonia in Thailand in late 2019 & spending a 8 days in hospital in the UK as a result.
My oximeter readings are always hovering between 97 & 98, not bad for a guy in their late 60s.
Never have I experienced this tiredness or any other side effect from using HP in this fashion. I guess it's just down to the amount I used, although one other thought that crossed my mind is that I am quite a small person, and maybe the concentration in my bloodstream could be significantly higher per dose than with a person of much larger build, just a thought?
I was not taking this for anything specific other than trying to achieve an optimum level of health.
I do take a fairly comprehensive regime of supplements ect, Vit C 4000mg daily, Lugols, magnesium, R-ALA, selenium, borax, B vits + many others now & again.
I have the idea my way forward is to do more nebulizing ang a lower level of HP drops (the amount I have not decided on yet).
I would be interested to hear your suggestions Art for supplements to assist with the levels of Catalase.
Note: For UK residents, 35% food grade HP is not available, 12% food grade is, and that is what I used, you just have to use 3x more drops so all the above drop amounts are x3.
I'll just get directly to the point. Ask yourself this question :
At any time after starting HP therapy, did I feel noticeably better or did a preexisting health condition improve?
If your answer is yes, you need to know the dose that it occurred at or just before the improvement occurred.
If your answer is no, why would you want to pursue this specific form of HP therapy if it shows you no benefit? You pretty much already know the dose where things start to head south.
You seem to find benefit in nebulizing HP on occasion and perhaps this is where your efforts are best focused when needed.
As far as a couple of supplements that are capable of increasing catalase and other of the bodies potent antioxidants, N Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) and R Alpha Lipoic Acid (r-ALA) should do that, but perhaps your body is telling you that it does not need additional HP to operate efficiently as your energy rebounded quickly once you stopped HP therapy?
Just a thought, but maybe you need to take inventory to determine what if any health deficits you actually have and make a plan to deal with these specifically.
The lack of energy is part of the herxheimer reaction. You are killing off all the bs in you body. You need to detox the endotoxins created by parasitic cell death. Lots of spirulina and activated charcoal supps on empty stomach.. AC supps should be far apart when you take supps or food will absorb the spirulina and anything you take into your body.
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects

I started a program of H2o2 almost a week ago. I am using 35% in 6 to 8 oz. of water three times a day. I started at 3 drops and am now at 7.
I am doing it to try to overcome a light headedness that I have had for over 3 months. I have looked up ever cause I can find and only seem to have the one symptom, although I have been actively taking supplements and dieting to try to overcome anemia, blood sugar and or clogged arteries. But like I said I don't have any other symptoms. I'm not fatigued, nauseous, depressed, brain foggy etc.
Since I have been taking the H2O2 my symptoms seem worse. I seem to be more light headed. So my question is should I continue on the program? Am I potentially getting worse because I'm over the target and my body is detoxing, or is it more possible that the H2o2 isn't the right approach.
Any help or opinions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
How did you feel on three drops? It makes sense to me that the area you have concern with is the same area you are noticing have reaction. But I would reduce the dose to where reactions were much less, and I probably would have started with one single drop, do that for several days, if no negative signs then increase to two drops. The main thing is to listen to your body
Best to you
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects

I just started a hydrogen peroxide treatment - 35% food grade yesterday. I started with 3 drops and drank twice yesterday. Today I'm at 4 drops. I noticed a couple of times a very quick pain that seemed to be the area of my spleen. Not crippling, doesn't last more than a second or so. Could this mean that there is something wrong or could this mean that the peroxide treatment is doing its job?
I'm so new to this and obviously afraid of harming myself. I should also add that I take a teaspoon of ionized colloidal silver at a completely different time (2 hours apart) so as not to have those mixed at all in the tummy or elsewhere.
Hello Laura,
Aside from the FGHP, you mentioned that you are taking 1 teaspoonful of ionized colloidal silver. In one sense, colloidal silver is essentially a type of antibiotic and taking an antibiotic every day will eventually lead to bacterial resistance where a bacteria becomes resistant to the antibiotic. The same thing can happen with CS used in the same way. There are already bacteria that are resistant to CS.
Also, whenever you take an antibiotic, you generally have to take it at a specific dose for a specific amount of time with a few exceptions. If you take that antibiotic at a lower than prescribed dose, it makes it easier for the bacteria to become resistant to that antibiotic, and the same can happen with CS. Based on studies, one teaspoon is too low of a dose to be effective as an antibiotic in the human body unless you are using a very high part per million CS or you are getting a placebo effect.
Antibiotics are generally used to fight a specific bacteria or health condition and with a few exceptions, are not generally used as a prophylactic. CS is the same in this respect, you generally use it to fight a specific bacterial or viral infection and not as a prophylactic. Unfortunately, this information is never printed on the label of CS retail products because this would essentially be the same as the manufacturer making a medical claim for CS, which is not allowed by the FDA.
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects

Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects

Any ideas? Thank you in advance.
(Somewhere, Europe)
Chris, either stay on low dose for longer or try Bill Munro''s inhalation method for h2o2.
Thank you. I think I might try the low dose. I miss not having any energy.
You might want to try staying at 3 drops per day for a little while longer before increasing to 5 drops. I was reading about how something like this might happen because of Candida, and it suggested a lower dose for a longer period of time until this passes.
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects

(Somewhere, Europe)
Diana, "listen yo your bones"! You are obviously taking too much for your body! Skip a few days and see if your breathing gets better, then start (and stay) at a much lower dose.
Hi Diana,
I am also having shortness of breath in taking the H202 remedy. I am putting this down to a Herx reaction for the moment. The shortness of breath seems to be due in my case to muscles tightening in the belly region preventing natural movement of the diaphragm and not to a lung problem as such. I will continue the H202 for the moment and see how it goes.
All the best,
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects

Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects

Did you dilute the 35% food grade peroxide down to 3% before you started taking it? It must be diluted before ingesting - I believe it is eleven parts distilled water to one part 35% peroxide.
(Santa Ysabel, Ca)
01/24/2018 my opinion..there are many germs all around inside. There might have even been a reaction from the inside of the container. I disinfect my glass by spraying the inside before I pour the water In my glass
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects

Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects

It is very important to first do alkalizing remedies prior to Oxygen Therapy. You may want to consider an herbal parasite cleanse as there are several bad toxins produced from various paras. Also consider Colloidal Silver in place of H2O2. After making these changes, you may try doing H2O2 again.
As for stress, well there are many forms of it and most of them are damaging to health on many levels. And stress, over time, is deadly as it causes big declines in health, and is becoming known as one of the leading causes of cancer.
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects

Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects

(Somewhere, Europe)
Kjoken, yes, you are taking too much and too often for your body.
Lady, you are poisoning yourself. You should be putting 3 drops or less of 18.5% hydrogen peroxide food-grade into 16 ounces of water a day. Anything more you're destroying yourself. Stop what you're doing immediately, wait for a week and then start the three drops.
(Annapolis MD)
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects
2 Drops would not do what you are accusing H2O2 of doing.
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects
I have a couple of questions about food grade hydrogen peroxide. I bought a couple of bottles from Eagle Enterprises about a year a go and they seem to have lost their strenght or concentration.
1) Does this happen, ie can hydrogen peroxide degrade.
Secondly since it seems weaker I was able to use 60 drops per 8oz of water, but it made me a little nauseaus but then passed and I had to urinate about an hour later, even though I just urinated an hour earlier. My feeling was that the H202 went right through.
2) Is there any danger to my kidney's or the rest of my body?
Thanks, Edward
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects

Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects
There was lots of advice on using it for COPD and then this statement ....
"If you have any artificial parts in your body, you must seriously consider the risks of using hydrogen peroxide. No one really knows what these risks are".
This is a link to the e book: written by James Paul Roguski.
I want to try using H202 but I have nine dental implants and am very concerned about embarking on this treatment as dental implants would qualify as an artifical body part! I emailed the author of the book and was not able to get a clear answer. I was wondering if anyone on this forum had had a similiar experience of treating themselves ( with any condition) ingesting H202 with dental implants/artificial body part.
In reply to artificial body parts...i had breast augmentation years ago. Still have my implants and am on the FG hydrogen regime with NO side effects. My mother who has dental implants also uses hydrogen peroxide solution with NO side effects. I say try it and watch to see if you have side effects. If you do just discontinue use.
If you have COPD then you probably have a nebulizer. Have you thought about putting H2O2 in your nebulizer? It would bypass the stomach and GI tract. Plus, your lungs get the H2O2 into your system faster. And, it will also do what you want it to do to your lungs; clean them out. But, I have also seen here on Earthclinic where Ted recomends DMSO for COPD. It will melt the tar in lungs. It has to be food grade DMSO as normally it smells very strong/garlicky. I have not done any of these things nor am I recommending them. Just ideas.
Food Grade Stabilizers
"Food grade and Technical grade hydrogen peroxide are essentially the same. However, the FDA regulates among other things the processing of Food grade hydrogen peroxide.
For Example:
The manufacturer produces 10 drums of technical grade H2O2. He would test the first and the last drum for quality and purity. The FDA inspects or test all 10 drums. All 10 drums are now considered to be food grade H2O2 after the additives added by the manufacturer for compliance. If the packager pours food grade H2O2 out of one of those drums into a smaller container, it is no longer a "food grade" unless that smaller container is also tested for the FDA compliance."
"Hydrogen Peroxide Grades
3% Hydrogen Peroxide (Drug/Grocery Store Variety)
Used as antimicrobial agent for treating wounds and sanitizing agent
[Made from 50% Super D Peroxide, Diluted. Contains stabilizers - phenol, acetanilide, sodium stanate, tetrasodium phosphate among them.]
[This peroxide contains known chemicals do not ingest!]
6% Hydrogen Peroxide
Used by Beauticians for Coloring Hair. Used as sanitizing agent.
Comes in strengths labeled 10,20,40 volume. Must have activator added to be used as a bleach.
[Contains stabilizers, additives, and impurities dependent on manufacturing and dilution process. Do not ingest.]
30% Re-Agent Hydrogen Peroxide
Used in medical research.
[Contains stabilizers, additives, and impurities dependent on manufacturing and dilution process. Do not ingest.]
30-32% Electronic Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Used for washing transistors and integrated chip parts before assembly.
[Contains stabilizers, additives, and impurities dependent on manufacturing and dilution process. Do not ingest.]
35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (Also 50% Food Grade H2O2)
[....*....]. Also used to spray inside of foil lined containers for food storage - known as the aseptic packaging system. [...*...additional information removed for FDA compliance]
[Contains stabilizers, additives, and impurities dependent on manufacturing and dilution process.
--e.g. This Food Grade Hyrogen Peroxide is Stabilized using tin based formulations ]
35% Technical Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Used for waste water treatment and the disinfection of potable water, cosmetics, and laundry applications. [...*...additional information removed for FDA compliance] [May contain a small amount of phosphorus to neutralize any chlorine in the water it is combined with.]
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET & Technical Details: Hydrogen Peroxide (20 to 40%)
35% Standard Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (Also 50%, 60%, 70% Standard Grades)
Used mainly for bleaching in the pulp and paper industry and in the textile industry; oxidation reactions in the chemical industry; environmental processes (detoxification and deodorization). Used for Waste water treatment.
[Contains stabilizers, additives, and impurities Do not ingest.]
90% Hydrogen Peroxide
Used by the military as a source of Oxygen at Cape Canaveral. Used as a propulsion source in rocket fuel.
99.6% Hydrogen Peroxide
This was first made in 1954 as an experiment to see how pure a hydrogen peroxide could be manufactured. "
It seems that even food grade HP will have stannous or tin stabilizers in it at a minimum. This won't stop me using HP though, since I only use drops anyway, but the article is interesting.
Hair Loss, Sinus Infections
So some how I found about the H202. I started Dec 1,2016, increasing the drops each week, starting with 3 drops n 8oz water /milk/juice, 3 times/day. There were no further break outs the first week of the regimen. I'm up to 20 drops because the end of the regimen was 25 drops but anything greater than 22 drops was too much for me so I went back to 20 drops 3 times/day.
Today is Dec 28, 2016, I will continue the 20 drops until Jan 2017, then begin to taper up. Since day one of the treatment, I've had no further breakouts. After 3 months of this regimen, I will be tested to see if it's out of my system for good.
(St . Louis)
(Wichita, Ks)
35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Maintenance Dosage
Day 1………..3 drops, 3 times daily
Day 2………..4 drops, 3 times daily
Day 3………..5 drops, 3 times daily
Day 4………..6 drops, 3 times daily
Day 5………..7 drops, 3 times daily
Day 6………..8 drops, 3 times daily
Day 7………..9 drops, 3 times daily
Day 8……….10 drops, 3 times daily
Day 9……….12 drops, 3 times daily
Day 10………14 drops, 3 times daily
Day 11………16 drops, 3 times daily
Day 12………18 drops, 3 times daily
Day 13………20 drops, 3 times daily
Day 14………22 drops, 3 times daily
Day 15………24 drops, 3 times daily
Day 16………25 drops, 3 times daily
In most situations after the above 21-day program, the amount of H2O2 can be tapered off gradually as follows:
25 drops once every other day for 1 week
25 drops once every third day for 2 weeks
25 drops once every fourth day for 3 weeks
This can then be reduced to between 5-15 drops per week based on how one feels.
Other Helpful Tips
Those with more serious problems will often benefit from staying on 25 drops three times a day for one to three weeks, then tapering down to 25 drops two times daily until the problem is resolved (possibly as long as six months).
It is important that H2O2 be taken on an empty stomach. This is best accomplished by taking it either one hour before meals or three hours after meals. If there is food in the stomach, the reaction of the H2O2 on any bacteria present may cause excess foaming, indigestion and possibly even vomiting. Additionally, some animal research indicates that when H2O2 given orally combines with iron and small amounts of vitamin C in the stomach, hydroxyl radicals are created.
The bleach-like aftertaste of H2O2 can be lessened by chewing one of the sugar-free cinnamon gums.
Some individuals taking H2O2 immediately before bedtime have a difficult time getting to sleep. This is probably due to a sense of alertness triggered by an increase of oxygen at the cellular level.
(Lancaster, Va)
(Atlanta Ga)
(South Carolina)
What type of water? Can u eat with it or not? Do u use 8ounces of water? Please explain
(Leinster, Ireland)
(Cleveland, Ohio)
(Atlanta Ga)
Inhaling Food Grade Peroxide
Liver Disease
I'm 55 years old, and female. Have had enlarged liver with cysts and pain around my liver since 2017.
I've been using small amounts of Hydrogen Peroxide for about 9 days, now. Just a few drops in water, and not using the protocol as outlined in most books of increasing the drops. When I did that, it caused my candidiasis to bloom, so I cut back to using 2-3 drops of 35%, 2-3 times, daily.
This might sound like too much information, but it is a very important breakthrough for me. In the past few years, my feces have been coming out the same color as the food I ate. I have many food allergies, and can only eat a few foods. For example: If I eat potatoes the feces comes out gray/white. Gross....sorry. But the good news is since day 7 of the hydrogen peroxide drops, (two days ago), suddenly the feces is the right color!
I'm under the impression that my liver was not producing bile for quite a while, and that is why my fecal matter was so pale. I know that my liver is enlarged with cysts, and I have had pain around my liver area since early 2017. I do not know what the state of my liver was before that, since I only started looking into it when the pain started.
The change in the color is hopefully a wonderful bit of evidence that maybe I am moving in the right direction in the healing process. Hopefully, it indicates that liver healing is happening!
I have also noticed that moods are lighter and happier since taking the H2O2, and I have more energy. My skin complexion looks a little nicer, too.
I plan to update when there are new breakthroughs. I have been reading a couple of different books, but right now, my favorite one is a free download. The book is called, "The Truth About Hydrogen Peroxide", by James Roguski.
I eat a high carb, low fat vegan diet, and have since 2017 when I found out that my liver was enlarged. Before that, I was on paleo for a couple of years, and clearly that didn't help my situation.
Protocol Instructions and Important Notes
Note: H202 stimulates the immune system and could possibly cause organ rejection.
Day #/Number of Drops/ Times Per Day (Add drops to 8 ounces of water or juice)
- 1 - 3 / 3
- 2 - 4 / 3
- 3 - 5 /3
- 4 - 6 / 3
- 5 - 7 / 3
- 6 - 8 / 3
- 7 - 9 / 3
- 8 - 10 / 3
- 9 - 12 / 3
- 10 - 14 / 3
- 11 - 16 / 3
- 12 - 18 / 3
- 13 - 20 / 3
- 14 - 22 / 3
- 15 - 24 / 3
- 16 - 25 / 3
Maintenance Dosage
In most situations after the above 21 day program, the amount of H202 can be tapered off gradually as follows: (add drops to 4-8 ounces of water or juice)
- 25 drops once every other day for 1 week
- 25 drops once every third day for 2 weeks
- 25 drops once every fourth day for 3 weeks
This can then be reduced to between 5 and 15 drops per week based on how one feels. Those with more serious problems will often benefit from staying on 25 drops three times a day for one to three weeks, then tapering down to 25 drops two times daily until the problem is resolved (possibly as long as six months). Those with chronic systemic Candidiasis may need to start with 1 drop three times a day, then 2 drops three times a day before starting the above schedule.
It is important that H202 be taken on an empty stomach. This is best accomplished by taking it either one hour before meals or three hours after meals. If there is food in the stomach, the reaction of H202 on any bacteria present may cause excess foaming, indigestion, and possibly even vomiting. Additionally, some animal research indicates that when H202 given orally combines with iron and small amounts of vitamin C in the stomach, hydroxyl radicals are created (J Inorg Biochem 89;35(1):55-69). The bleach-like aftertaste of H202 can be lessened by chewing one of the sugar-free cinnamon gums. Some individuals taking H202 immediately before bedtime have a difficult time getting to sleep. This is probably due to a sense of alertness triggered by an increase of oxygen at the cellular level. The oral dosage schedule is basically the same for all conditions. There are several points to keep in mind, however.
Some individuals may experience an upset stomach. If this occurs, it is recommended that one not stop the program, but rather remain at the current dosage level or reduce it to the previous level until the problem stops. (Some patients have been able to solve the nausea problem by taking three or four lecithin capsules at the same time they take the H202. ) During the program, it's not uncommon to experience what is known as a healing crisis. As dead bacteria and toxins are released from your body it may temporarily exceed your capacity to eliminate them quickly enough. In some individuals this overload may cause fatigue, diarrhea, headaches, skin eruptions, cold or flu-like symptoms, and/or nausea. One should not discontinue using the peroxide to stop this cleansing. By continuing the program, toxins will clear the body sooner and this healing crisis will pass rather quickly.
If you are not already taking vitamin E and an acidophilus product, I recommend starting them before going on H202. Vitamin E can make more efficient use of any oxygen available and acidophilus will help re-establish the beneficial bacterial flora in the lower bowel and also help in the internal production of hydrogen peroxide.
(Ronan, Montana)
The above drop schedule is for 35% into distilled water or juice. A full glass of water (4 to 8 oz.) is recommended. So it would be 3 drops (35%) into glass of water or juice, on empty stomach 3 times a day... etc... as the schedule indicates. So at this dilution it should be well under 3%, to start off with anyway.
If you need to dilute it, recommendations are 1 part h202 to 11 parts distilled water. This will make 3%.
35% can cause discomfort if gotten on skin, so use caution. It will whiten the skin and cause sharp nerve pain, which can be lessened by running under cold water. It usually doesn't last very long.
35% taken orally straight can cause a trip to the doctor, so don't do it. :)
Oh, and I'm not an expert, just relaying what I know from what I've read and experienced.
Pulmonary Fibrosis Lung Scarring
In August of 2021 I went to the emergency room requesting assistance because I had a lack of energy, great difficulty with breathing and just felt bad. I was told to take a seat and I would be seen as quickly as possible.
The next thing I realize I am waking up in a hospital bed and two months had gone by. I had the Delta version of COVID along with pneumonia (which I have had several times in my life). While I recovered quickly from COVID, the lung damage done by pneumonia had caused excessive lung damage and I wasn't able to breathe on my own.
During the initial stay, I was given a tracheotomy to assist in breathing, placed into a medically induced coma to assist in breathing (supposedly I was told because of my age {62} I might not come out of it) and had a gastric tube inserted to provide needed nutrients along with being placed on a ventilator.
My family had been forewarned if I did make it thru and woke up, I could end up being a vegetable because they had no way of knowing if my brain had become oxygen starved while being in the emergency room and not in an actual intensive care unit. At one point in time, the charge called my family and told them if they didn't do something desperate, I would be dead in a few hours. My former wife called in a priest who administered last rights and my family started the funeral process on my behalf. Being the royal pain I have always been, I survived and eventually recovered enough to be brought out of the coma.
Spent 2.5 months in the hospital and another month in Rehab having to learn how to walk again. Went home the second week of November.
Had a Pulmonary visit in January of 2022 where I was informed I had Pulmonary Fibrosis and given time, it would take my life. I was also informed I had excessive lung scarring due to the aggressive pneumonia and there was no cure for the scarring and it would get worse as time went by.
I had a laundry list of medications including twice a day steroid inhalers, twice a day Nebulizer treatments, numerous meds and I don't remember any longer what else there was.
I was forced to go on Social Security because I had difficulty just getting up the staircase to my apartment. This sucked!
Stayed with the meds routine and ended up back in the hospital at the end of May 2022 for a week. I was pumped full of steroids and sent on my way. My next Pulmonary appointment wasn't until the first full week of September.
Felt great! .....for about 6 weeks then the congestion started returning and I felt none of the assorted drugs were truly doing any good by the way I felt so I decided it was time to go to plan B.
First hit up this website then started researching medical studies (outside the US) and saw a pattern developing surrounding Hydrogen Peroxide diluted with distilled water and given Nebulizer treatments several times a day.
So I bought a bottle of 12% FOOD GRADE (not that stuff for external use) Hydrogen Peroxide and a gallon of distilled water. Did some basic math and determined I needed to dilute it to 1.5% (to start) and around 4-5 cc's at a time in the Nebulizer. Started doing this twice a day and coughed constantly while using the Nebulizer. The gunk in my lungs were not happy to see this stuff and let me know!
After 3 days of this I could breathe again and I could feel the congestion breaking up! By the middle of August, I felt sooo much better that I could go out for walks again (really short ones).
Kept up with this twice a day until the end of August. Starting in September, I cut back to once a day and increased the dilution ratio to 2%. I was now also increasing my walking distance an it was up to a mile now. Went to my Pulmonologist appointment, explaining what I was doing and got a look like I had just fell off a turnip truck! The Dr.had no idea what I was talking about and couldn't condone it . He suggested I stop this and return to the drugs that weren't doing me any good. Don't hold your breath!
By the end of September I was walking 2 miles a day and had cut back the Nebulizer treatments to once a week having increased the diluted ratio to 3%
In October, cut back to once every two weeks, holding at 3% and increasing my walking to 3 miles a day. By November I was walking 3 miles both morning and evening. Had to stop this because my knees were giving me grief and cut back to walking only once a day.
In December I went in for a Cat Scan of my chest prior to my upcoming office visit with the Pulmonologist in January. By the end of December, I was at 3.5 miles a day in walking forgot more often than not about the Nebulizer treatments.
January 2023 rolls around and I head to my appointment. Met with the Dr.and he had a strange look upon his face. This had me concerned. I asked him if he looked over the Cat Scan results and he said he had (while gently shaking his head). The Dr.told me there was no lung scarring in the lower portions of my lungs and only a small amount up top!
After the Dr.and one of his residents had left the examination room and closed the door I could hear him telling somebody, " I have no idea how he became so dramatically better in only a year". I told him how but, its not part of Western Medicine.
Recommended H202 Books
There is a wonderful book available on Amazon, called The One Minute C--e, by Madison Cavanaugh all about using Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide. Purchase the second edition.
Hydrogen Peroxide Miracles! Amazing Recipes For Home, Health & Healing by Brad Tomson
Starting Dosage of 35% Food Grade Peroxide
I've diluted down to 3%. Do i still use 7 drops of the diluted to a gallon of water? or do I start with the undiluted 35% to a gallon of water? I want to use this to fix a chronic bladder infection. What is the dosage I should use And how often and how long after can I eat or take medications? thx
Hi I'm trying to find out the protocol on the daily dosage of 3%. The info for 35% is easier to find.
Or try the menu, scroll down to the hydrogen peroxide topics
For drinking, h2o2 must be food grade. Add 1 oz of 35% h2o2 to one gallon of distilled water. As a mouth wash, add one oz to 11 oz of distilled water. Must follow by rinsing your mouth water. Find excellent books by Elizabeth Baker and Mary Wright.
Storing Food Grade Peroxide
Is there an expiration date for 35%HP?
Swollen Tonsils
(Rocklin, CA)
You inquired about using your 3percent around the house....I have sprayed it directly on a spot in our bathroom near the toilet and shower to kill black mold and it works! It took several applications, but it works...keep sraying til it is saturated and let it sit. Do that for several days in a row...apply it 2x day.
Tooth Abscess
Food grade Hydrogen with your finger dipped in 35% would make your finger completely white. You really did this? Dangerous
I have gum infections every so often. HP doesn't seem to work as well as 4-5 drops oil of oregano in a small glass of filtered water or a mixture of tea tree oil in coconut oil. Take a mouthful and swish, or oil pull throughout the day. (The OofO mouthwash lasts 2-3 days.)The infection clears up within 1-2 days. I also keep a bottle of heal thy mounth blend for this purposes and apply at bedtime.
Vaporizing Hydrogen Peroxide
Where to Buy: Australia
(Sydney, Australia)
If you are looking for the best product in Australia, I buy pure food grade hydrogen peroxide 35% at it is by far the superior product.
Where to Buy: Canada
Hi Jeanette (St. Stephen, NB) -
If there are any health food stores nearby, you could check to see if they have food-grade hydrogen peroxide in stock.
If not, they might be able to order it for you. Here in BC, I can get 3% food grade and 17-1/2% food grade at some of the health food stores.
If you want to order it online, here is a Canadian link – Sprout Masters:
Due to Natural Resources Canada regulations, hydrogen peroxide OVER 30% is considered a “chemical of concern” and Sprout Master will need to ask for your driver's license number (do not send a photo of it - they just need the number). If you don't have one, then you need to give your provincial ID number when you check out.
As well, you will be asked what your intended use of the product is.
I use it for many things – growing sprouts (helps prevent mold), sanitizing fruits and vegetables, watering plants (diluted), cleaning around the apartment, as an alternative to bleach in the laundry, etc.
As well, you can buy food-grade 3%, 6% and 12% hydrogen peroxide on
I hope this helps.
Take care,
Hi I recently posted a question about where I could find 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide and it was answered but I do not know how to find the reply...I found the post I wrote but do not know where the reply is lol, please help? I posted it on October 31 2021 if that is at all helpful?
EC: Hi, we've attached your post to the thread with Tessa's reply. It's on the Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide page at the bottom of the table of the contents under "Where to Buy: Canada".
Here's the link:
(Orlando, Florida)
Where to Buy: Caribbean
i order from Guardian of Eden online. That's Guardian ..not Garden.
Where to Buy: India
Please help!
(New York)
Where to Buy: Ireland
Where to Buy: Norway
Where to Buy: Thailand
Does anyone know where I can buy Food grade hydrogen peroxide in Thailand? Or know of a company who will ship there!
Where to Buy: Turkey
(Canada BC)
Hi Michelle, there is a very well known site in Turkey. They sell them, here is the site.
I hope this helps.
Where to Buy: UK
Can anybody tell me does using 12 percent food grade hydrogen peroxide, diluted in distilled water to 3percent work in the same way and is as effective?