Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Health Benefits

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Benefits

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Posted by Drjoe (New Jersey, Usa) on 05/05/2015


Brenden, I read that book, too ... I thought you use that schedule with diluted 35% to 3% That Is 1 oz. 35% to 11 ozs. of distilled or dechlorinated water. Then use the drops as indicated. Too much has been said to cause brain damage. Go over recipe and formula again. It's worth double-checking, it's peoples' lives we are talking about.

Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Posted by Luis (Cali, Colombia) on 09/26/2009


Storage of H2O2 35% Food Grade (Caution)

Dear friends:

The following information comes from a commercial company but I think is useful for all of us:

"In recent weeks I've been having conversations with a fascinating man in the mid west... Mr. Grotz has dedicated the last 25 years of his life to, as he puts it "spreading the good word about hydrogen peroxide".

But not without a lot of personal experimentation and research, first... Here are a few tidbits from our conversation that I thought no one who is dealing with or handling hydrogen peroxide should be without, and I hope you'll find them useful.

1. Never store 35% Food Grade H2O2 in soda bottles or other containers that can be mistaken for water or drinks. In the 2 cases of death by drinking pure 35% H2O2 that came up in our discussion, both occurred when storage containers were in the home food refrigerator or freezer and were NOT MARKED AS 35% FGH2O2.

2. If you ever DO ingest, or are in the presence of someone who ingests 35% FoodGradeH2O2, DO NOT LET THEM LIE DOWN. Make the person remain sitting upright or standing NO MATTER WHAT. This is because the peroxide will bubble up and release gas from the stomach. If the person lies down, they will suffocate. In both the cases of death mentioned above this is exactly what happened. This is most likely because the pain caused in the stomach is strong enough to cause the person to want to lie down and curl into a ball.

3. If you remain upright, then you will feel awful, and your stomach will hurt a lot. but you will live and have no long term ill effects.

How is it that Mr. Grotz would know this information and know it is trust- worthy, you ask? Let me tell you. It turns out that Mr. Grotz has not only read over 10,000 medical papers on the uses of hydrogen peroxide, he also took matters very much into his own hands in this instance.

Believe it or not, he actually tested this theory on himself. He drank some 35% FGH2O2. Not a lot, but some. By remaining upright he survived the experience, with only a temporarily strongly upset stomach and not other ill effects. Personally, I would strongly advise against this form of testing, myself!

More recently, a woman called him when someone in her household drank 35% FGH2O2. She was in a panic. He gave the instructions to make sure the person remained upright. The woman called back the next day to thank him. She had followed his instructions, and the "victim" had survived drinking 35% Food Grade H2O2.

While these instances of people accidentally drinking pure 35% Food Grade H2O2 are rare, it is certainly worth knowing what to do in the event that it happens. The best way to avoid this kind of crisis is to keep all pure 35% Food Grade H2O2 well labeled, in containers with child proof caps (must be either squeezed or pressed down while turning to open).

It is recommended to keep 35% FGH2O2 in the freezer; but if you have young children you should seriously consider a locking freezer unit that is NOT the home food freezer.

It should be noted that in all the incidents I know of, the persons who actually drank the 35% hydrogen peroxide were over the age of 16. They were not children who could not read. That is because hydrogen peroxide looks just like water. In the freezer it will not freeze, so perhaps it could be mistaken for vodka or some strong form of alcohol.

In any event, drinking pure 35% hydrogen peroxide CAN kill a person; and is always at the very least an extremely uncomfortable experience. So store it safely, locked in a commercial freezer and well labeled to avoid potential danger to everyone.

It's true that hydrogen peroxide breaks down safely to water and oxygen, and isin that sense and in very weak dilutions is completely non toxic. However, strong solutions of hydrogen peroxide are caustic oxydizers. Having the right information makes all the difference."

Best regards.


Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Posted by Lee (Nelspruit, South Africa) on 07/19/2007


I use hydrogen peroxide myself to aid in many ailments, from athletes foot to earache but I do find it rather disturbing when I see people post something like this "I use peroxide and water mixed 1 part to three parts water..." what strength peroxide, mixing 35 % and mixing 3 % gives you two very different concentrations, one can burn you badly while the other is hardly worth using. people should be more specific with their strengths.

Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Posted by Picoranton (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 05/31/2007


Re: Hydrogen Peroxide 35%: Read quite some time ago about an accident wich occurd at a large chemical manufacturer supplying laboratories etc. Following happened; An employee had to pack several glass bottles of HP, upon touching one of the bottles it exploded, the person involved got the HP partly in his face and if I remember well also in his eyes!which caused severe burns. Since that accident the company is now using special caps which allow the pressure to subside. Only like to inform your readers that handling HP especially the 35% has to be done with care, since the pressure in the bottle can become quite high! I always put a plastic bag over the bottle and unscrew the cap, thus avoiding possible splashes! I am new to your web site, great stuff and very interesting! picoranton

Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Posted by Gregg (Alta Loma, California) on 05/18/2007


I recently received some 35% h202. I do not know if it has any "benefits" as of yet, but it does make me feel just a little better after drinking about 32 ozs OF WATER WITH DILUTED H202.

***PLEASE NOTE*** DO NOT "OVERUSE" 35%...H202, IT WILL DEFINITELY BURN YOU... INSIDE OR OUTSIDE OF THE BODY. I put 8 drops of 35% in 8 ozs of purified water... THIS WAS WAY WAY TO MUCH!!! FOR ME, I COULD FEEL IT BURN ALL THE WAY DOWN , AND IN MY STOMACH. I found the best amount is 4 drops per 8 ozs of pure water. I actually enjoy drinking it as it does make me feel better.

I also drink 6 hours later, citric acid 1 teaspoon/ baking soda 1 teaspoon / "dash" of apple cider vinegar. I HAVE NOT SEEN ANY IMPROVMENT FROM THE ACV... NONE! People are swearing by it... that it does this, and does that... i notice "ABSOLUTLY NOTHING".


One thing that i have used that actually DOES DO SOMETHING FOR YOU... IS Dr Natura "Colinix Toxinout" programs, BOTH done at the same time. I was just looking for a body detox.... and along with this, "I LOST OVER 50 LBS". I was not looking for this from this product, but it does say that you "may" lose weight... well i sure did. I never noticed it for about 60 days, then i noticed my clothes were "very loose" and i went to the last hole on my belt. I then weighed myself, {and dont laugh, i was 280 lbs @ 6'3" TALL} I weighed 228!!!! I actually could not believe it. I have another 30 days to go on the program, which is very easy ... even for a lazy person like myself. "COULD I ACTUALLY GET UNDER 200 LBS??" LET'S WAIT AND SEE.