Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Broad Benefits
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Tooth Abscess
I totally LOVE healing stories > God is great!!!!
Broad Benefits
I love that regaining health doesn't have to be complicated :)
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Recommended H202 Books
Recommended H202 Books
There is a wonderful book available on Amazon, called The One Minute C--e, by Madison Cavanaugh all about using Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide. Purchase the second edition.
Broad Benefits
Hair Loss, Sinus Infections
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Arthritis, Lung Mass
Pulmonary Fibrosis Lung Scarring
In August of 2021 I went to the emergency room requesting assistance because I had a lack of energy, great difficulty with breathing and just felt bad. I was told to take a seat and I would be seen as quickly as possible.
The next thing I realize I am waking up in a hospital bed and two months had gone by. I had the Delta version of COVID along with pneumonia (which I have had several times in my life). While I recovered quickly from COVID, the lung damage done by pneumonia had caused excessive lung damage and I wasn't able to breathe on my own.
During the initial stay, I was given a tracheotomy to assist in breathing, placed into a medically induced coma to assist in breathing (supposedly I was told because of my age {62} I might not come out of it) and had a gastric tube inserted to provide needed nutrients along with being placed on a ventilator.
My family had been forewarned if I did make it thru and woke up, I could end up being a vegetable because they had no way of knowing if my brain had become oxygen starved while being in the emergency room and not in an actual intensive care unit. At one point in time, the charge called my family and told them if they didn't do something desperate, I would be dead in a few hours. My former wife called in a priest who administered last rights and my family started the funeral process on my behalf. Being the royal pain I have always been, I survived and eventually recovered enough to be brought out of the coma.
Spent 2.5 months in the hospital and another month in Rehab having to learn how to walk again. Went home the second week of November.
Had a Pulmonary visit in January of 2022 where I was informed I had Pulmonary Fibrosis and given time, it would take my life. I was also informed I had excessive lung scarring due to the aggressive pneumonia and there was no cure for the scarring and it would get worse as time went by.
I had a laundry list of medications including twice a day steroid inhalers, twice a day Nebulizer treatments, numerous meds and I don't remember any longer what else there was.
I was forced to go on Social Security because I had difficulty just getting up the staircase to my apartment. This sucked!
Stayed with the meds routine and ended up back in the hospital at the end of May 2022 for a week. I was pumped full of steroids and sent on my way. My next Pulmonary appointment wasn't until the first full week of September.
Felt great! .....for about 6 weeks then the congestion started returning and I felt none of the assorted drugs were truly doing any good by the way I felt so I decided it was time to go to plan B.
First hit up this website then started researching medical studies (outside the US) and saw a pattern developing surrounding Hydrogen Peroxide diluted with distilled water and given Nebulizer treatments several times a day.
So I bought a bottle of 12% FOOD GRADE (not that stuff for external use) Hydrogen Peroxide and a gallon of distilled water. Did some basic math and determined I needed to dilute it to 1.5% (to start) and around 4-5 cc's at a time in the Nebulizer. Started doing this twice a day and coughed constantly while using the Nebulizer. The gunk in my lungs were not happy to see this stuff and let me know!
After 3 days of this I could breathe again and I could feel the congestion breaking up! By the middle of August, I felt sooo much better that I could go out for walks again (really short ones).
Kept up with this twice a day until the end of August. Starting in September, I cut back to once a day and increased the dilution ratio to 2%. I was now also increasing my walking distance an it was up to a mile now. Went to my Pulmonologist appointment, explaining what I was doing and got a look like I had just fell off a turnip truck! The Dr.had no idea what I was talking about and couldn't condone it . He suggested I stop this and return to the drugs that weren't doing me any good. Don't hold your breath!
By the end of September I was walking 2 miles a day and had cut back the Nebulizer treatments to once a week having increased the diluted ratio to 3%
In October, cut back to once every two weeks, holding at 3% and increasing my walking to 3 miles a day. By November I was walking 3 miles both morning and evening. Had to stop this because my knees were giving me grief and cut back to walking only once a day.
In December I went in for a Cat Scan of my chest prior to my upcoming office visit with the Pulmonologist in January. By the end of December, I was at 3.5 miles a day in walking forgot more often than not about the Nebulizer treatments.
January 2023 rolls around and I head to my appointment. Met with the Dr.and he had a strange look upon his face. This had me concerned. I asked him if he looked over the Cat Scan results and he said he had (while gently shaking his head). The Dr.told me there was no lung scarring in the lower portions of my lungs and only a small amount up top!
After the Dr.and one of his residents had left the examination room and closed the door I could hear him telling somebody, " I have no idea how he became so dramatically better in only a year". I told him how but, its not part of Western Medicine.
Protocol Instructions and Important Notes
If you need to dilute it, recommendations are 1 part h202 to 11 parts distilled water. This will make 3%.
35% can cause discomfort if gotten on skin, so use caution. It will whiten the skin and cause sharp nerve pain, which can be lessened by running under cold water. It usually doesn't last very long.
35% taken orally straight can cause a trip to the doctor, so don't do it. :)
Oh, and I'm not an expert, just relaying what I know from what I've read and experienced.
Protocol Instructions and Important Notes
Note: H202 stimulates the immune system and could possibly cause organ rejection.
Day #/Number of Drops/ Times Per Day (Add drops to 8 ounces of water or juice)
- 1 - 3 / 3
- 2 - 4 / 3
- 3 - 5 /3
- 4 - 6 / 3
- 5 - 7 / 3
- 6 - 8 / 3
- 7 - 9 / 3
- 8 - 10 / 3
- 9 - 12 / 3
- 10 - 14 / 3
- 11 - 16 / 3
- 12 - 18 / 3
- 13 - 20 / 3
- 14 - 22 / 3
- 15 - 24 / 3
- 16 - 25 / 3
Maintenance Dosage
In most situations after the above 21 day program, the amount of H202 can be tapered off gradually as follows: (add drops to 4-8 ounces of water or juice)
- 25 drops once every other day for 1 week
- 25 drops once every third day for 2 weeks
- 25 drops once every fourth day for 3 weeks
This can then be reduced to between 5 and 15 drops per week based on how one feels. Those with more serious problems will often benefit from staying on 25 drops three times a day for one to three weeks, then tapering down to 25 drops two times daily until the problem is resolved (possibly as long as six months). Those with chronic systemic Candidiasis may need to start with 1 drop three times a day, then 2 drops three times a day before starting the above schedule.
It is important that H202 be taken on an empty stomach. This is best accomplished by taking it either one hour before meals or three hours after meals. If there is food in the stomach, the reaction of H202 on any bacteria present may cause excess foaming, indigestion, and possibly even vomiting. Additionally, some animal research indicates that when H202 given orally combines with iron and small amounts of vitamin C in the stomach, hydroxyl radicals are created (J Inorg Biochem 89;35(1):55-69). The bleach-like aftertaste of H202 can be lessened by chewing one of the sugar-free cinnamon gums. Some individuals taking H202 immediately before bedtime have a difficult time getting to sleep. This is probably due to a sense of alertness triggered by an increase of oxygen at the cellular level. The oral dosage schedule is basically the same for all conditions. There are several points to keep in mind, however.
Some individuals may experience an upset stomach. If this occurs, it is recommended that one not stop the program, but rather remain at the current dosage level or reduce it to the previous level until the problem stops. (Some patients have been able to solve the nausea problem by taking three or four lecithin capsules at the same time they take the H202. ) During the program, it's not uncommon to experience what is known as a healing crisis. As dead bacteria and toxins are released from your body it may temporarily exceed your capacity to eliminate them quickly enough. In some individuals this overload may cause fatigue, diarrhea, headaches, skin eruptions, cold or flu-like symptoms, and/or nausea. One should not discontinue using the peroxide to stop this cleansing. By continuing the program, toxins will clear the body sooner and this healing crisis will pass rather quickly.
If you are not already taking vitamin E and an acidophilus product, I recommend starting them before going on H202. Vitamin E can make more efficient use of any oxygen available and acidophilus will help re-establish the beneficial bacterial flora in the lower bowel and also help in the internal production of hydrogen peroxide.
Food Grade Peroxide Tips by SWFowkes
Food Grade Peroxide Tips by SWFowkes
I am suffering so much from chronic fatigue for years and only have a little money left, so I have to be decisive on what I'm able to try. I just bought a nebulizer so I can nebulize food grade H2O2, as I was having hard time drinking it, and I do suspect mold spores in my sinuses for years.
With that said, will nebulizing be enough to heal me, or am I going to have to get an ozone machine too?
But another thing I'm wondering, could I add a very tiny bit of food grade H2O2 to my waters and get the same effect as ozonating it? I don't mean doing the significant doses of H2O2 in distilled water. I mean tinier amounts of H2O2 that I can drink all day w/out having to worry about not mixing it with foods and supplements. I got this idea when James Roguski said to add a tiny bit of H2O2 to your raw milk to keep the bad bacteria at bay. I thought, well if we can do that, then surely we can add tiny amounts to our spring water that we drink with other supplements, right..?
I also started thinking on this since I'm seeing "oxygenated" waters at my local natural foods store that are extremely expensive, though I wish I could afford them. Could I add a tiny bit of H2O2 to get the same effect as these types of waters?
P.s. I had been drinking food grade 3% H2O2 daily in the morning in distilled water. I had increased it slowly over time, but it just started tasting gross as I drank higher amounts, and it was becoming burdening for me to have to wait to add my supplements and breakfast I so depended on. Also, it seems I had very little improvement while forcing myself to do something that was starting to make me feel grossed out. I'm not saying H2O2 isn't amazing, just that I'm needing other/easier ways to get the oxygen in me.
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Broad Benefits
Dangers of Food Grade Peroxide
Where to Buy: Australia
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Tips by SWFowkes
Research Summary
Dr. Dennis Clark, Ph.D. Research Scientist
Food Grade Peroxide Tips by SWFowkes
Food Grade Peroxide Tips by SWFowkes
What specific type of cancer does your husband have?
Food Grade Peroxide Tips by SWFowkes
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
I recently completed an article for Earth Clinic about four considerations for chronic kidney disease (CKD) so you might want to read it if you are interested!
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects
I'll just get directly to the point. Ask yourself this question :
At any time after starting HP therapy, did I feel noticeably better or did a preexisting health condition improve?
If your answer is yes, you need to know the dose that it occurred at or just before the improvement occurred.
If your answer is no, why would you want to pursue this specific form of HP therapy if it shows you no benefit? You pretty much already know the dose where things start to head south.
You seem to find benefit in nebulizing HP on occasion and perhaps this is where your efforts are best focused when needed.
As far as a couple of supplements that are capable of increasing catalase and other of the bodies potent antioxidants, N Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) and R Alpha Lipoic Acid (r-ALA) should do that, but perhaps your body is telling you that it does not need additional HP to operate efficiently as your energy rebounded quickly once you stopped HP therapy?
Just a thought, but maybe you need to take inventory to determine what if any health deficits you actually have and make a plan to deal with these specifically.
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects
Hi again, just to update you & others how things have been going.
I ceased taking HP drops after our posts 3 days ago, as the tiredness was getting overwhelming and within a day of stopping, I was just about back to my old self, so there is little doubt in my mind that it was the HP or to be more precise the increased level of HP.
I didn't notice anything until I started taking 15 drops 3 x daily and each successive day I upped the drops, I felt more & more tired to the point at 20 drops I felt like a zombie.
I am no stranger to HP as I have used it for several years on and off in the form of nebulizing, initially as a response to catching pneumonia in Thailand in late 2019 & spending a 8 days in hospital in the UK as a result.
My oximeter readings are always hovering between 97 & 98, not bad for a guy in their late 60s.
Never have I experienced this tiredness or any other side effect from using HP in this fashion. I guess it's just down to the amount I used, although one other thought that crossed my mind is that I am quite a small person, and maybe the concentration in my bloodstream could be significantly higher per dose than with a person of much larger build, just a thought?
I was not taking this for anything specific other than trying to achieve an optimum level of health.
I do take a fairly comprehensive regime of supplements ect, Vit C 4000mg daily, Lugols, magnesium, R-ALA, selenium, borax, B vits + many others now & again.
I have the idea my way forward is to do more nebulizing ang a lower level of HP drops (the amount I have not decided on yet).
I would be interested to hear your suggestions Art for supplements to assist with the levels of Catalase.
Note: For UK residents, 35% food grade HP is not available, 12% food grade is, and that is what I used, you just have to use 3x more drops so all the above drop amounts are x3.
Food Grade Peroxide Tips by SWFowkes
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects
Thank you for the reply. I think your information will be useful for the EC community in general including its visitors as many are testing or using HP for various reasons. Your feedback will be invaluable to many, so I hope you take the time and update us with your progress.
On a related note, if you determine the cause of your tiredness is related to your intake of HP after taking a break from the HP and you still want to take HP at higher dose, there are one or two adjunctive supplements you can consider at that time that may allow use of HP with increase in availability of Catalase to help deter the tiredness you are experiencing. It is hard to be more specific as I am not aware of the reason you are taking oral HP in the first place.
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects
Perhaps you can stop the HP for a week or 2 to see if your energy level rebounds. That would be a quick and easy way to see if the HP is the cause for your 24/7 energy decline. If your energy rebounds, you may have to give more thought to the dose of HP you are using.
Although HP has shown the potential to increase the oxygen levels in the body, it is first a potent oxidant until the body neutralizes it through exposure to the potent antioxidant Catalase, and an oxidant in a high enough amount can do damage to normal cells until it is neutralized. If your body's Catalase production and utilization process is perturbed in any way or overloaded, it may not be able to neutralize the additional HP in a timely manner, thus allowing the oxidant activity of HP to flourish for too long, allowing more cellular damage than would normally be expected and the tiredness you are experiencing.
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects
Anyone with any suggestions, please?
Food Grade Instructions
I finally found a measuring chart for the food grade H2O2 that I had at 12%. This is how to dilute in order to make a 3% solution.
This site also includes a helpful chart to dilute the 35% and is in line with the post I'm replying to, just a different layout.
For 12%
For 35%
Thank you Earth Clinic!
Food Grade Instructions
I finally found a measuring chart for the food grade H2O2 that I had at 12%. This is how to dilute in order to make a 3% solution.
This site also includes a helpful chart to dilute the 35% and is in line with the post I'm replying to, just a different layout.
For 12%
For 35%
Thank you Earth Clinic!
Food Grade Peroxide Tips by SWFowkes
Diluting Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
And if you read The One Minute C--e you will also realize that H2O2 in the blood, through its own useful action or because of the body's defensive enzymes(like catalase), will always break down into harmless water and oxygen -- both of which are also highly beneficial to the body.
And for serious problems like cancer, the book also recommends that you should supplement a daily dose of 25 drops of 35% hydrogen peroxide 3 times a day outside mealtimes. You should initially start with 2 drops, increasing by one drop each day until you reach 25 drops of H2O2 supplemented three times a day.
I'm currently using 3 drops of 35% H2O2 once a day. So, for the sake of comparison, that amount is equivalent to 33 drops of 3% H2O2 per day. I take that dose because it helps to flood my blood and my brain with oxygen, thereby giving me more energy. It also helps to protect me against any COVID-19 threat. I've also used 3 drops of 35% H2O2 + Methylene Blue drops to good effect for assisting my energy needs as well.
And, in the past, throughout all my H2O2 experimentation, I have never once felt bad or sick while taking H2O2 at the stated larger dosages. But that's probably because, for the last 15 years or so, I've been faithfully taking my own detox protocol(Lugols Iodine(8 drops/day), Milk Thistle(1000mgs twice a day w. meals), Selenium(200mcgs twice a day w. meals ), Mag Chloride(250mgs twice a day w. meals), Zinc(10mgs/day) NAC(600mgs twice a day w. meals) and Chromium Picolinate(800mcgs/day w. meals) every day.
And for all those who say they feel really sick when taking H2O2, I would advise that you should first detox for a while using either a lower starting dosage of H2O2 or just use my detox protocol above for a while. Because, like I said before, H2O2 is a great detoxer, so if you're body is already chock full of poisons like fluorine, bromine, chlorine, pharma drugs, Roundup Ready weedkiller(glyphosate), heavy metals and pesticides galore, then, of course, taking H2O2 could well promote the poisonous re-distribution of all said toxins in your body which will probably cause you to feel quite sick.
So, as I've said, when supplementing the higher H2O2 daily dose you should initially start with 2 drops of 35% H2O2 and just increase the dose by one drop every day until you are taking 25 drops 35% hydrogen peroxide 3 times a day(always outside mealtimes). The latter is the dose and frequency that is advised in the above book for all serious diseases like cancer.
But another way of taking H2O2 would be to take it at the lower dose that Ted from Bangkok suggests. I've always personally liked his one-capful-of-3%-H2O2-in-one-litre-of-water-per-day method myself for lesser problems like arthritis. No fuss, it's cheap and it's so easy. And it works. Read the book!
Diluting Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Diluting Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Diluting Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Do you or any other reader know if these drinks work with HP or is there any ingredient that cancels the benefits of HP??? Yes, this too is for metastasised cancer..... Your help greatly appreciated Jen Australia
Food Grade Instructions
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
I was wondering if you take it internally or by nebuliser please?
Blood Sugar
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Diluting Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Where to Buy: Canada
BTW…I was ordering 35% food grade from Amazon till the scamdemic hit. Now 12% is the highest level they sell.
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Tooth Abscess
Diluting Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Where to Buy: Canada
EC: Hi, we've attached your post to the thread with Tessa's reply. It's on the Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide page at the bottom of the table of the contents under "Where to Buy: Canada".
Here's the link:
Where to Buy: Canada
If there are any health food stores nearby, you could check to see if they have food-grade hydrogen peroxide in stock.
If not, they might be able to order it for you. Here in BC, I can get 3% food grade and 17-1/2% food grade at some of the health food stores.
If you want to order it online, here is a Canadian link – Sprout Masters:
Due to Natural Resources Canada regulations, hydrogen peroxide OVER 30% is considered a “chemical of concern” and Sprout Master will need to ask for your driver's license number (do not send a photo of it - they just need the number). If you don't have one, then you need to give your provincial ID number when you check out.
As well, you will be asked what your intended use of the product is.
I use it for many things – growing sprouts (helps prevent mold), sanitizing fruits and vegetables, watering plants (diluted), cleaning around the apartment, as an alternative to bleach in the laundry, etc.
As well, you can buy food-grade 3%, 6% and 12% hydrogen peroxide on
I hope this helps.
Take care,
Where to Buy: Canada
#1 The peroxide will not be worthless. Simply keep in tightly capped and it will be just fine.
#2 You did not mention what percent peroxide you're using. If you have the 35%, try diluting a small amount to a 3% solution and use only 1 drop. Work your way up slowly. Take the peroxide first thing in the morning mixed with water on an empty stomach.
If even a small amount gives you nausea or diarrhea, then give topical applications a try. They are quite effective. One method is to simply add some peroxide to your bath water and soak. A foot bath would work too. Another method is to soak a cloth with a 3% solution of peroxide and apply to your feet. You can set the soles of your feet on the cloth. You can also put the cloth on your feet, wrap in plastic wrap, and cover with socks. I recently did this on my 4 year old son after he awoke one morning and had puked several times. He couldn't even keep down water without throwing up water, and later bile. I took 2 washcloths soaked in 3% peroxide, placed on the bottoms of his feet, and then wrapped them in plastic wrap and socks. It was in less than an hour that he got up and pronounced himself “all better”! He sat down and ate a small meal. He never threw up again! It worked fast, completely and painlessly.
One last idea, you could try the inhalation method, aka Bill Munro's method. Lots of info right here on Earth Clinic.
Once you've raised your body's oxygen levels and perhaps detoxed gradually, you may find you are eventually able to better tolerate drinking peroxide by slowly increasing the amount.
Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Side Effects
Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Side Effects
How did you feel on three drops? It makes sense to me that the area you have concern with is the same area you are noticing have reaction. But I would reduce the dose to where reactions were much less, and I probably would have started with one single drop, do that for several days, if no negative signs then increase to two drops. The main thing is to listen to your body
Best to you
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects
I started a program of H2o2 almost a week ago. I am using 35% in 6 to 8 oz. of water three times a day. I started at 3 drops and am now at 7.
I am doing it to try to overcome a light headedness that I have had for over 3 months. I have looked up ever cause I can find and only seem to have the one symptom, although I have been actively taking supplements and dieting to try to overcome anemia, blood sugar and or clogged arteries. But like I said I don't have any other symptoms. I'm not fatigued, nauseous, depressed, brain foggy etc.
Since I have been taking the H2O2 my symptoms seem worse. I seem to be more light headed. So my question is should I continue on the program? Am I potentially getting worse because I'm over the target and my body is detoxing, or is it more possible that the H2o2 isn't the right approach.
Any help or opinions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects
Aside from the FGHP, you mentioned that you are taking 1 teaspoonful of ionized colloidal silver. In one sense, colloidal silver is essentially a type of antibiotic and taking an antibiotic every day will eventually lead to bacterial resistance where a bacteria becomes resistant to the antibiotic. The same thing can happen with CS used in the same way. There are already bacteria that are resistant to CS.
Also, whenever you take an antibiotic, you generally have to take it at a specific dose for a specific amount of time with a few exceptions. If you take that antibiotic at a lower than prescribed dose, it makes it easier for the bacteria to become resistant to that antibiotic, and the same can happen with CS. Based on studies, one teaspoon is too low of a dose to be effective as an antibiotic in the human body unless you are using a very high part per million CS or you are getting a placebo effect.
Antibiotics are generally used to fight a specific bacteria or health condition and with a few exceptions, are not generally used as a prophylactic. CS is the same in this respect, you generally use it to fight a specific bacterial or viral infection and not as a prophylactic. Unfortunately, this information is never printed on the label of CS retail products because this would essentially be the same as the manufacturer making a medical claim for CS, which is not allowed by the FDA.
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects
I just started a hydrogen peroxide treatment - 35% food grade yesterday. I started with 3 drops and drank twice yesterday. Today I'm at 4 drops. I noticed a couple of times a very quick pain that seemed to be the area of my spleen. Not crippling, doesn't last more than a second or so. Could this mean that there is something wrong or could this mean that the peroxide treatment is doing its job?
I'm so new to this and obviously afraid of harming myself. I should also add that I take a teaspoon of ionized colloidal silver at a completely different time (2 hours apart) so as not to have those mixed at all in the tummy or elsewhere.
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Lower the dosage if uncomfortable if no other side effects persist.
Dangers of Food Grade Peroxide
Swollen Tonsils
Diluting Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
2 US tablespoons = 1 fluid ounce. So to 12 oz of distilled water add 2 tbsp of H202.
To get 1 1/2% only add 1 tbtp to 12 oz of distilled water.
Most take a measured beaker and add 12 oz of water and then using the next line on the beaker add the Hydrogen Peroxide. You ain't even close to 3%. You are welcome.
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Over all I felt like I had a new lease on life. But near the end I felt a little discomfort in my left side in my back. I read up on things and let it scare me off even though it was probably just my body releasing toxins. I did keep relief for a few weeks before it started slipping away. I bought a bottle of 12% food grade h2o2 again and want to try again slowly. How do I do I dilute 12%? Any advice?
EC: Hi Linda, we have dilution instructions on this page toward the bottom:
Liver Disease
I'm 55 years old, and female. Have had enlarged liver with cysts and pain around my liver since 2017.
I've been using small amounts of Hydrogen Peroxide for about 9 days, now. Just a few drops in water, and not using the protocol as outlined in most books of increasing the drops. When I did that, it caused my candidiasis to bloom, so I cut back to using 2-3 drops of 35%, 2-3 times, daily.
This might sound like too much information, but it is a very important breakthrough for me. In the past few years, my feces have been coming out the same color as the food I ate. I have many food allergies, and can only eat a few foods. For example: If I eat potatoes the feces comes out gray/white. Gross....sorry. But the good news is since day 7 of the hydrogen peroxide drops, (two days ago), suddenly the feces is the right color!
I'm under the impression that my liver was not producing bile for quite a while, and that is why my fecal matter was so pale. I know that my liver is enlarged with cysts, and I have had pain around my liver area since early 2017. I do not know what the state of my liver was before that, since I only started looking into it when the pain started.
The change in the color is hopefully a wonderful bit of evidence that maybe I am moving in the right direction in the healing process. Hopefully, it indicates that liver healing is happening!
I have also noticed that moods are lighter and happier since taking the H2O2, and I have more energy. My skin complexion looks a little nicer, too.
I plan to update when there are new breakthroughs. I have been reading a couple of different books, but right now, my favorite one is a free download. The book is called, "The Truth About Hydrogen Peroxide", by James Roguski.
I eat a high carb, low fat vegan diet, and have since 2017 when I found out that my liver was enlarged. Before that, I was on paleo for a couple of years, and clearly that didn't help my situation.
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Vaporizing Hydrogen Peroxide
Dosage Tips
Dosage Tips
Dosage Tips
I read some article of a guy stating that "House wives" were not smart enough to handle Food grade H202 and they run around in cars "with it in the front seed and baby in the backseat" - As if they're so stupid they couldn't possibly figure out a standard ratio of 1 to 11 (simple math for creating your own 3%), or they're too clumsy to do it without burning themselves. Plus the notion that picking up a bottle of this stuff from a health food store is going to spill all over your front seat. Really? All of these containers are well packaged. It actually made me laugh out loud. Mind you, house wives work with ratios and chemicals every day simply working in the home daily. Its absolutely ridiculous. I only one time ever spilled a tiny bit on my hand (that's once in nine years). Sure it burned. But honestly, nothing horrible came of it. It didn't eat my skin away. You simply wash it off immediately. It is not that dangerous, you simply have to take precaution. Sheesh.
I use it for everything. Cleaning, disinfecting counter tops, mouth wash, cold sores (I haven't had a cold sore since I started spraying my lips with my own dilution of 3% from 35% food grade), cures toe fungus.. What else? Well obviously the remedies are endless. Recently, I decided to use it for my Spa hot tub at a very precise recommended ratio (in place of toxic chemicals) - alongside our ozonater and using baking soda/vinegar as a TA/PH balancer, the water remains crystal clear with not even a hint of bacteria or build up. Plus, you get the health benefits of soaking in it! The body speaks - and I listen. If using pharmaceuticals and recommended chemicals make me feel sick - I'm sorry. I will not willingly poison myself for a few claimed benefits. However when I use H202 for everything from cleaning to mouth wash I do not feel sick. End of discussion for me.
Great post!
Food Grade Peroxide IV
Food Grade Peroxide IV
WARNING, if you have 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide it can by VERY dangerous.
At any rate, there was a naturopathic doctor in the area, that's where I got my IV's >> Milne Medical Center, Pinto Lane Las Vegas 89106) Currently I've send a request to a local News Media, via email, haven't had a response. What is called the EEE Virus is in play, and it's been stated nothing can be done for it that works. My question is why don't they try H2O2 IV's. If the news medial has contacted someone in the medical arena I can only imagine what they'd say....Something like, "The FDA doesn't approve," - translated that might mean, "We can't make money on IV's like that. If it works then next thing you do people will want to do CT (chelation therapy) IV's, and we won't have as many bypasses to do, stents, toes/feet to amputate." Yeah, this might sound a bit sarcastic but my younger brother was going blind, one eye gone and the other with just some still usable vision left - that's when I found out about CT. I then did it for a circulation problem (it took care of that plus the asthma & hay fever I had - used an inhalant for 20 years) -- no problems since then plus my brother still has that 'usable' vision in the one eye (although he was declared legally blind at the time). Oh, this was back in either '93 or '94, can't remember right now. So you out there, listen up when you hear about new things, check them out. If you made it this far, thank you for reading....
Swollen Tonsils
Starting Dosage of 35% Food Grade Peroxide
Starting Dosage of 35% Food Grade Peroxide
In nov-dec 1977, 5 Russian scientists set out to find the effect of food grade hydrogen peroxide on the following viruses--adenovirus type 3 and 6--adenoassociated virus 6--rhinovirus a&b-respiratory syncytial virus strain long and coronavirus strain 229e with all studied in vitro, using different h202 CV concentrations and time of exposure... They found that when 35% hydrogen peroxide diluted to 3% hydrogen peroxide concentration, it inactivated all the viruses in their study within 1 to 30 minutes.
Coronavirus and influenza was found most sensitive in this study-- The russian scientists were--r. R. Mentel--R.Shirrmaker--a. Kevich--r.s dreizan--i.shmidt--vopr virusol----(pub ---the cure is here-- Viruses can't survive oxygen you can inhale 35% h202 if YOU dilute it---don't buy 3% in the local stores as you can't trust who is diluting it--read people's testimonies and successes about inhaling, or putting drops in juice/ tea....don't let anyone inject you --- h202 is proven, it works (USE ONLY FOOD GRADE h202)
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
I had 6 gall stone attacks with a few weeks that were painful as hell. I hate going to the doctor but eventually went because the pain got pretty bad. Doctor took xrays and said I had a gall stone that I would need surgery. I'm a bad eater and don't drink much water so I wasn't happy about forever having to eat healthy and lots of water. I also had a reoccurring Urinary tract infection for 3 years that antibiotics could never get rid of.
Also, kidney stones twice a year. Doc thought the kidney stones had caused a lot of scar tissue which the UTI infection could hide from the antibiotics. After a month or so of HP therapy the UTI infection and gall bladder stone completely disappeared and I've not had any re-occurrence since then. And let me tell you, I've pushed the limits on bad eating to see if the gallstone was really gone.
Furthermore, the HP therapy got rid of my smoker's cough, wheezing at night and I haven't had a kidney stone or been sick since (except once when I stopped taking the HP about 6 months ago and sure enough after a two weeks, I got one of the worst flu's of my life.) Started taking HP again and the flu went away in a few days and then stopped taking the HP again about a month ago. Doing the HP therapy is a pain in the but and I've been healthy as a horse so hard to find the motivation. However, just yesterday morning I noticed a slight consistent gallstone ache so I'm back to HP therapy. Just finished my second HP dose and this time I'm using a nebulizer.
I've heard there are better results over the oral method. Can't say I have any proof that the HP cured these ailments but I can say I have not taken any other remedies/medicines, did not improve my eating habits (except for first month after diagnosis of gal stone) and hardly any exercise. But I did improve my daily water intake. I believe the HP therapy fixed all my ailments. Since starting HP therapy I spoke with a few doctors to get their feedback and this is what I learned. From my VA doctor he said he has a couple patients that do it with success. He shared with me that when people do those Vitamin C IV's to fight off the flu, that the Vitamin C immediately turns into hydrogen peroxide and it makes sense that HP therapy would work. The extra Oxygen molecule breaks off and goes right to the blood stream and the rest turns to water. He said it makes perfect sense if properly diluted, Food Grade HP would cause no harm. My dentist from Bulgaria shared with me that everyone in Europe knows about this therapy as a cure-all and food grade HP is sold everywhere. She was surprised when I mentioned it since no one in the US knows about it.
My Naturopath doctor friend said HP therapy totally makes sense and should have similar results as Ozone therapy which he does a lot of at his clinic. He said he couldn't recommend this because it could jeopardize their licensing. If there was a drug screening or trial that proved HP therapy worked then he could. Since there is no money in HP there is zero likehood there will ever be a hydrogen peroxide therapy drug trial. Hope this helps.
Diluting Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Diluting Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Diluting Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Diluting Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
I feel better if I don't try to starve myself to keep up with the schedule and just about every symptom I have is disappearing. Symptoms I didn't even think would ever go away. I feel amazing. I have energy. I can concentrate. I feel more positive. There used to be this tugging sensation behind my eye that made me feel stressed that is going away. I used to have some shortness of breath that is going away. I have been exercising again. I truly can't believe that something so simple has alleviated so many problems. Just amazing.
I do eat right after, some times, or right before and never had any issues doing this either. I am going to finish the 25 drops therapy and will do the 5 drops 2x daily maintenance with 35 percent HP.
My question, I am giving this to my son with milk because I know he won't drink it in water because of the taste. I give him 3 drops once or twice a day. I dont wanna hurt him since he is only 13. I would like to know the dosage on teens. Whats the correct dosage to give to teens?
I am also having shortness of breath in taking the H202 remedy. I am putting this down to a Herx reaction for the moment. The shortness of breath seems to be due in my case to muscles tightening in the belly region preventing natural movement of the diaphragm and not to a lung problem as such. I will continue the H202 for the moment and see how it goes.
All the best,
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Day 1………..3 drops, 3 times daily
Day 2………..4 drops, 3 times daily
Day 3………..5 drops, 3 times daily
Day 4………..6 drops, 3 times daily
Day 5………..7 drops, 3 times daily
Day 6………..8 drops, 3 times daily
Day 7………..9 drops, 3 times daily
Day 8……….10 drops, 3 times daily
Day 9……….12 drops, 3 times daily
Day 10………14 drops, 3 times daily
Day 11………16 drops, 3 times daily
Day 12………18 drops, 3 times daily
Day 13………20 drops, 3 times daily
Day 14………22 drops, 3 times daily
Day 15………24 drops, 3 times daily
Day 16………25 drops, 3 times daily
In most situations after the above 21-day program, the amount of H2O2 can be tapered off gradually as follows:
25 drops once every other day for 1 week
25 drops once every third day for 2 weeks
25 drops once every fourth day for 3 weeks
This can then be reduced to between 5-15 drops per week based on how one feels.
Other Helpful Tips
Those with more serious problems will often benefit from staying on 25 drops three times a day for one to three weeks, then tapering down to 25 drops two times daily until the problem is resolved (possibly as long as six months).
It is important that H2O2 be taken on an empty stomach. This is best accomplished by taking it either one hour before meals or three hours after meals. If there is food in the stomach, the reaction of the H2O2 on any bacteria present may cause excess foaming, indigestion and possibly even vomiting. Additionally, some animal research indicates that when H2O2 given orally combines with iron and small amounts of vitamin C in the stomach, hydroxyl radicals are created.
The bleach-like aftertaste of H2O2 can be lessened by chewing one of the sugar-free cinnamon gums.
Some individuals taking H2O2 immediately before bedtime have a difficult time getting to sleep. This is probably due to a sense of alertness triggered by an increase of oxygen at the cellular level.
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects
Blood Sugar
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects
Any ideas? Thank you in advance.
It will work for everyone, but you have to select the right program. Some, get benefits just form a maintenance dose. The question is, how much? I found mine by going through the curve dosage about three times and as I would step down, paying attention to how I felt that day. 9-11 drops, I am good. 5 drops, I do not feel much and actual start to feel sluggish.
The benefits have been great! Better eye sight, less anxiety, several lumps disappearing, small blisters clearing up, more energy, better sleep, more focus..........
It is the one best thing I can recommend for your health that requires little time and effort.
Diluting Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
I have been using for a week. I have had severe chronic fatigue syndrome for thirty years. I have noticed that I am starting to breathe better, have more focus and have had better REM sleep. I have noticed an increase in energy, concentration, memory, and have been able to up my activity levels a bit. I don't know if it is a true cure all, but I have noticed enough of a significant improvement that I am going to keep going in an effort to heal myself with this therapy. Also, use distilled water because if there are minerals in the water, it will attach to them instead of being used in the body the way it was intended. PLEASE research anything that you plan to ingest. Good luck with your research and hope that you find health.
Diluting Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Has stopped my lung cancer in its tracks. With lungs full of asbestos, I rely on it heavily. Knocked cancer out in 2005 and I am still going at 67 years old and working full time by choice.
Diluting Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Also, you should take the peroxide and distilled water alone, then just use a mint or something to help cover the taste.
The peroxide is incredible and I have used it to beat lung cancer as well as other health issues. I had lung cancer back in 2005. Lungs are full of asbestos that cannot be removed.
No chemo or radiation. I am 67 years old and still work full time by choice.
Diluting Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
How can more h202, than the body already produces, be beneficial?
Diluting Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects
Food Grade Peroxide Tips by SWFowkes
Next, consider antiviral therapies using sublingual dosing. Since the tongue burning symptoms are located in the mouth, sublingual absorption of B12, vitamin A, Evening Primrose oil, or BHT dissolved in refined coconut oil would give you a clue as to what metabolic factors were at play. This is the self-care or "biohacking" model; apply the agent and see what happens. Infer from what happens what the underlying factors are.
This can be expanded to include pH assessments, CO2 assessments, metabolic-type assessments, constitutional assessments, and a variety of medical and hormone tests. This is a big enough subject to be impossible to itemize here. But ANYTHING that you find that helps (or worsens) somebody's condition gives you clues to the underlying causes. It may seem daunting to have so many variables to consider. But that's the fundamental nature of biology; it's complicated. But the good news is that the body is fundamentally a self-healing system. So you do not need to figure it all out, all you need to do is find the bottleneck or choke point that is restraining healing and the body will take care of the details.
Food Grade Peroxide Tips by SWFowkes
My MIL is suffering from a burning tongue syndrome, and I read that the herpes or varicella viruses could be the cause. She has a thyroid issue and is taking medication for it (hyperthyroid, so taking medication to calm the over function of the thyroid). If this is the case, how do we diagnose the metabolic function to match the treatment?
Where to Buy: UK
Can anybody tell me does using 12 percent food grade hydrogen peroxide, diluted in distilled water to 3percent work in the same way and is as effective?
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
I started Monday 3/12/2018 with 3 drops in 6 ounces of DISSTILLED WATER 3 times on the FIRST day and I feel much better after just 3 days. No more diabetes pain in my arms and shoulders. A1C dropping with each drink.
I am living proof HP works, I'm starting my wife and daughters on it next week because I have more problems than they do and I wanted to see if woks or not. Two thumbs up is what I'm giving it.
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
35% is too strong. I heard it heavily react. Are comfortable with this strength?
Tooth Abscess
Arthritis, Lung Mass
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Before I begin the regime, I'd like to know, if I have to have my alagram fillings removed first? Can I consume, if I am on any type of medications? Are there any drug interactions? Are you supposed to follow a specific diet and exercise program to get the maximum benefits? Once I begin should I continue the regime for the rest of my life? What are the side effects of discontinuing abrubtly, in the event? Should I discontinue consuming other products like ACV, vitamin supplements, pea protein powder? Are there any foods, products, medications that are simply off-limits while consuming FGHP?
Let me get this part order to ingest 35% FGHP you will always need to dilute the product down to a 3% solution and then make a ratio of 1:11 and then dilute this to 3 drops to 8oz of distilled water and increase to 25 drops to ingest? Am I correct in my understanding, that you should NEVER ingest 35% FGHP/distilled water without diluting it first?
Any input would be greatly appreciated!!
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Steam Generated Distilled Water is.
The purest water will help obtain the best results. RO water is filtered and better than tap water but steam distilled water is exponentially better for this therapy.
Arthritis, Lung Mass
I don't know why it works for me and not others but keep looking for proper solution maybe your bodies are already stressed and you need to take the process even slower, along with life style changes. Don't give up, ask God for the answers you seek and maybe they'll come as a dream.
Thank you for your time: God bless the world.
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects
Deirdre Layne, the creator of Earth Clinic, has posted a video on YouTube to show people exactly how to use Bill Monroe's peroxide treatment. Here it is:
Best wishes!
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Blood Sugar
Blood Sugar
I apologize for such a late reply and I cannot advise about the use of peroxide.
I will first advise you should not take calcium supplements. Calcium and magnesium can both be in most foods. A Nutrition Almanac reports chemically similar minerals compete for the same amino acid carriers. The weaker minerals lose out. Minerals that do not attach to amino acids can become bound to phytic acids from cereal grains or to oxalic acid in foods like beets, spinach and nuts preventing absorption. It would be beneficial to Google foods that contain oxalates.
Too much calcium or food that contains oxalates can contribute to kidney and/or gallstones without adequate magnesium. Too much magnesium can cause loose stool IF not enough protein is eaten.
The magnesium I started with was 500 mg. before/with each meal. Nature Made and SUNDOWN were the safest when I was learning about the toxic effects of MSG over two decades ago. I don't recall how long it took my neck to heal but later I started getting Magnesium Oxide Powder from NOW. I use both tabs and powder, depending on what I'm going to eat. I will warn you not to take magnesium citrate. (Long story) but when I started taking the mag citrate I started having frightening heart palpitations and was diagnosed with PVC.
I hope this information helps your neck and I am so sorry I did not read this when it was first posted.
Blood Sugar
Just out of curiosity I would like to know what were your test result after participating in this treatment for three months? Please let me know if it's safe to do and did it work for you?
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Long term use deplete the body from vitamin B and can even cause heart and arteries problem.
Diluting Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Advanced Prepararation
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Thank you for the valuable information. Where in Canada do you buy osmosis water and HP? All HP I found in Canada contains stabilizers and water which makes it no good for using internally. Did you manage to fing a pure one?
Do you put 20 drops of HP 35% in 1,5 L osmosis water at once (doesn't it evaporates quickly?) or 2 drops at a time per glass?
Your reply is much appreciated.
Thank you.
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Do you by chance know? Why does it have to be 35%? My 3% also has deionized water knit.
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Thank you
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Advanced Prepararation
Serrapeptase (enzyme) takes care of fibroid, blocked fallopian tubes, I cant confirm IBS but it did help with my gastro issues. My tummy went down 3-4 inches just in a month of taking it.
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
My apologies for not getting back to you sooner.
"I'm still alive" for any naysayers out there, Just thought I'd let you know that I'm thriving.
Before I tell you what I've been up to lately, I'd like to answer your questions one by one.
@Jesus... If they are finding polyps in your colon, it would be of benefit for you to go on a diet, possibly a vegan diet and if you can't abide by that, then consider a flexi-vegan diet. Meat takes weeks to digest in your colon, you wouldn't sit beside rotting flesh for weeks, so why do it to your intestines? Food Grade H2O2 will work best for you if it can reach those areas unhindered by chemicals and hormones that we find in meat products these days. I wish you the best and hope you come out the other side a healthier person.
@Sarah... Take your time with it, if you feel any adverse effects, either stay on the same dose or reduce your dose until you're felling good enough to increase your dose. This substance isn't a cure for everything, neither is it a substance for everyone, each one of us is different and have different requirements at any given time, so what's good for you, isn't necessarily good for the next person. Adverse reactions can and will happen, especially with a substance as powerful as food grade H2O2, if you have toxins in your system they won't be happy and will want out, this will show through in your skin, or headaches as the toxins leave your organs and enter the bloodstream. You have to be strong and push through these things, it won't be easy but the benefits will out weight the bodily distress you describe. I wish you the best for your future health.
@Manuel...Eating is a requirement doing this protocol, avoid junk food and sugar especially. Eating things like yogurt will help with any stomach issues you might encounter while drinking FGH2O2, Drinking plenty of water will help, as will garlic. Garlic will help to get the oxygen to all parts of your body. The yogurt will help replenish your natural bacteria in your gut, you can also try kefir grains, water kefir or the dairy version. Let me know how you're progressing.
@Kat... I hope you are keeping well, let me know how you are getting on, it would be great to hear your own story.
@Rebecca... Thank you for the kind words, just sharing my experience as so many before me have on this great website, hopefully people will find it useful in someway.
@Max Luck... Make sure you eat before going to bed, please re-read this entire post and visit the links for information on the schedule. The effects you've experienced would be on par to drinking a bottle of vodka without eating anything and expect not to feel drunk from the alcohol, eating something while drinking would of course lessen the effects (bends).
@Patricia... The reason I started was a history of cancer in my family, It's hard for me to tell you with any accuracy if I do have cancer at the moment, but going by how I feel today I would say no. This wasn't always the case. Before I started on this protocol I had all sorts of aliments, aches and pains, brain fog, no energy, depression, skin disorders. Food grade H2O2 got me through days when I thought that I couldn't, it reset my body and along with it, whatever was causing all of these things that I was living with for years. My body was polluted from various toxins and to a certain degree still to this day is. Not as much as before, I know this to be true as my mobility has returned as has my love for living and I have a bounce in my step. It was not an easy journey but it was worth it in the end because of the improved results my body experienced, and now that I have conquered this protocol, I feel that I can conquer anything that life has to throw my way. Perseverance and persistence is the key to this protocol as is educating yourself and listening to what your body needs and when it doesn't need it. I hope this answers your questions.
So I think we're up to date here now, if I missed anyone or any questions, let me know and I'll do my best to answer them for you.
I have finished this protocol for the time being and have started on other substances, It took a long time (more than 5 weeks, less than 10 weeks) for my energy levels to return to mortal levels. You can feel like superman on H2O2, the energy you acquire from consuming it is off the charts.
I gained some weight afterwards but it has since returned to normal. I am currently flexi-vegan and not full vegan as I was before, occasionally I will eat some cheese or products that have cheese like pasta for example. I have really got into eating chili peppers and adding them to my diet, there is a chemical in the chilies called capsaicin that eats fat and helps you feel fuller for longer, so I am eating less and have less cravings.
The reason I have stopped taking food grade H2O2 for the time being is because I found out about Iodine.
Currently I am taking "lugols iodine" everyday with some juice, the benefits I have gained from it in just over a week are amazing. To name a few, I'm sleeping very well, during the day I am very relaxed and it's very easy for me to get around, all my aches and pains are gone. Today I was speaking to a family member who is also taking it, we started the same day last week, they are on 4 drops a day and I take 6 drops, when I mentioned that my morning stiffness had gone and my mobility has increased, they confirmed this with me also. I am also taking 3 grams of turmeric everyday (1 gram three times daily) and oil of oregano to cleanse my blood, I thought these two things might be interfering with what I was experiencing until I mentioned it to my family member who is not taking either turmeric or oil of oregano. We are supplementing "lugols iodine", alongside vitamin C, selenium and magnesium.
Some other things I have noticed is, I'm much calmer, my vision is more relaxed and this is visibly noticeable just by looking under my eyes to where there used to be bags, it seems like the iodine has rejuvenated and toned my skin. It's early days yet and I'm hoping for more improvements, also I have added "Le Guerandais course sea salt" to my diet, I'm sure all those minerals are being put to good use and it tastes amazing, it's like discovering popping candy when you were a child. Your body craves for the minerals that you find in this type of unprocessed sea salt, sadly table salt is stripped of these minerals that your body requires. If you are vegetarian/vegan you will more than likely have an iodine deficiency so it's important to ensure you add it to your diet, getting it from table salt or seaweed might not be enough. Even if you're not vegetarian/vegan you could still be deficient in iodine.
Hopefully my experiences will help and encourage you back to health, you deserve it, I'll leave you with a few ebooks that have helped me and hopefully they will help you too along your journey :)
I wish you good health!
Advanced Prepararation
A prompt answer will be appreciated.
Thank you
Broad Benefits
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects
Did you dilute the 35% food grade peroxide down to 3% before you started taking it? It must be diluted before ingesting - I believe it is eleven parts distilled water to one part 35% peroxide.
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects
Blood Sugar
Diluting Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Many thanks.
Advanced Prepararation
Tooth Abscess
Blood Sugar
Most vitamins are absorbed into the body easily but minerals are not. Minerals have to become attached to amino acids before absorption or they just pass through the GI tract. This is why it is essential to consume complete protein with each meal. A mineral deficiency often results in illness.
I had bone-on-bone grinding in my neck, sciatica, and different joint pain. An MRI revealed a vertebra pressing on my spinal cord. I was referred to two neck specialists to inquire whether I needed surgery or not. I was given very painful exercises to do that made me dizzy. After horrible reactions to different medications I decided I needed to look into nutrition for some answers. Magnesium and vit C have made all the difference in the world. There are spices that have also made a difference in my quality of life and I am pain free unless I don't get enough of what I found beneficial for me personally.
Because everyone eats differently and will receive a variety of reactions/benefits, it takes time to learn what you can tolerate when. It has been a piecemeal endeavor for over two decades to find what is safer. Our food supply has been made corrupt, including vitamins, supplements and medications due to hidden sources of MSG. It is my strong opinion, infiltration of GMO's cannot be avoided just due to wind and bird droppings that have occurred over decades.
My original post several years ago about the FDA becoming the Fool and Deceive Agency is confirmed now more than ever.
Blood Sugar
Blood Sugar
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Again- For hard headed people out there like Frank Foode - GO SLOWLY. So it's not just about not burning your mouth and pipes. If you do this, please look at your tear ducts from time to time over the dosing. I am curious if I am the only one that has ejections from my ducts. I had tularemia 2016 and it did get access to me through my tear duct so that particular outcome might be case specific.
Sometimes, it makes me nauseous but chem0 would too and it goes away. Sometimes I have no appetite either but I seem to be making better choices. So's been interesting. Good luck to any thinking about doing this protocol.
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
At 35% its too strong and will not be good to use that way!
So mix 1 part H2O2 with 10 parts distilled water.
Distilled water because it has only hydrogen n oxygen.
I'm advising from 3+ years of using H2O2 as an inhaler with exceptional results.
Only use FOOD GRADE H2O2 also.
Be well
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Blood Sugar
You are lucky as there are folks that preform this procedure in Hawaii. I wish you well. Some folks throw away their glasses because their vision comes back with clean blood vessels. FDA fought it for many, many years and ruined lots of good doctors. Tried to ruin mine here in Tenn.
Blood Sugar
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
I just ordered my first bottle of 35% food grade peroxide so I hope it will help me.
I have been suffering from chronic back and shoulder injuries for over 17 years now. Also I have smoked for many years & now have been cutting way back because I suffer from shortness of breath to the point of almost passing out now. I have been out of work (Doctors Orders) due to my past, so now I am hoping this will help me cleanse myself close to where I was when I was very athletic!!
Thanks 4 sharing.
Food Grade Peroxide Tips by SWFowkes
In children (and adults) with Down's syndrome, they naturally have higher hydrogen peroxide levels all the time. This happens because they have an extra copy of their 21st chromosome, which carries the superoxide dismutase gene. Their SOD enzyme levels are roughly 50% higher, and this depletes superoxide (the substrate, or input to SOD) and raises hydrogen peroxide (the output, or product of SOD). As a result of this higher H2O2, their catalase and glutathione peroxidase go up, and stay up, just as if they were taking peroxide supplementally.
Food grade hydrogen peroxide can come in strengths varying from 3% to 35%. So you'd have to use 10-12 drops of 3% before you'd get to the same level as one drop of 35%.
Hydrogen peroxide is a general stimulant to metabolic rate. Low metabolic rate is a pro-viral influence, so H2O2 might show antiviral effects. But this is not guaranteed as there are other pro-viral factors other than low metabolic rate that might be involved in a particular person's situation.
And even if low metabolic rate IS a cause for you, H2O2 might not be the most effective way to compensate. If your low metabolic rate is caused by low levels of thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism), it will provide only a limited benefit. If your low metabolic rate is caused by lack of thyroid receptor activity, heavy metal toxicity, an overly alkaline diet, estrogen dominance, or a nutritional deficiency of some kind, the peroxide effect will be limited. But if your low metabolic rate is caused by low oxygen availability in your mitochondria, the peroxide might seem like a miracle cure.
By the way, most lipid-enveloped viruses are not "gotten rid of" by therapies. They merely encourage the virus to attenuate so that it is inactive or silent. With herpes, for example, roughly 99% of the human race is infected, but only a few percent have repetitive flareups. So even people who say they do not have herpes actually do have herpes. The average person who dies of old age has more herpes virions and genomes their body than they do human cells of all types combined. This is why scientists have found herpes actively replicating in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease at autopsy. The metabolic failures that occur at death are very similar to the metabolic imbalances that cause people to have regular flare ups. Only worse. (OK, you can chuckle here.) So the secret to finding a successful herpes (or other virus) treatment is matching the intervention to the metabolic imbalance. When you do that well, you get good results. And sustainable results. If you do not get good results, or if your results are not sustainable, then you need to keep searching.
I hope this helps.
Where to Buy: Ireland
Thank you for your wonderful feedback. I have long usd peroxide. This is a wonderful substance and you described this exactly. I also want to repeat your words. Thanks God for the good nature full of natural remedies and for inspiring true loving people to become more and more knowledgeable of the treasure the nature offers to the mankind and how to benefiit from it.
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Food Grade Peroxide Cures
Where to Buy: Norway
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects
Food Grade Peroxide Side Effects