Baking Soda
Health Benefits

Baking Soda Health Benefits: Natural Remedies & Cleaning Tips

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Rebecca (Annaheim, VA) on 03/16/2008

Every time I get heartburn I always put a teaspoon of baking soda in about 3 ounces of warm water and chug it down. Gets rid of it every time. My grandmother taught me this.

Canker Sores
Posted by Shawna (Eugene, Oregon) on 01/25/2008

Out of the blue 4 days ago I got a canker sore that was 1.5 inches large on the side of my tongue. It was excruciating! Last night before bed I tried putting a baking soda paste on it and I woke up this morning and it's almost gone! I am so glad I found this website!!

Acid Reflux
Posted by John (Duluth, Minnesota) on 03/01/2008

I read a message from James from Houston who took issue with using acid (apple cider vinegar) to fight stomach acid (HCl). It should be noted that vinegar is classified as a "weak" acid whereas HCl is a strong acid. In spite of the fact that both are acids, a weak acid will still react with a strong acid and diminish the acidity. The final result may not rise above the pH of the weak acid, but it is a significant improvement over the pH of the strong acid.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Taffy (Santa Cruz, Ca, Usa) on 10/20/2012

It didn't seem to make sense to take ACV for a tummy that felt so full of air plus the pain, but it worked! We started with 1t diluted with a bit of warm water. Immediate relief! A bit of pressure and distension left was cured by another teaspoon ( 1T warm water). Cool!

Love how EC keeps it simple and tries to get to causes. So, to the cause of the tummy blowing up... At raw food school, I learned about the different chemicals our bodies produce to digest food. To oversimplify, when we mix foods that require acid (protein) and foods that require enzymes (carbs), we are operating competing systems. This can cause the tummy to blow up and hurt. We may not know which system is winning. However, that said, it seems the vinegar cure works for me and my friend regularly... that is, whether there's too much acid or not enough.

I do eat some single food meals which was recommended to me for good digestion. And the paleo diet concept rings true for me. I imagine, as our bodies evolved for 200,000 years, we grazed and hunted and ate one food at a time.

Keepin' it simple!

Canker Sores
Posted by Heather (Van Nuys, CA) on 11/14/2007

I ran a quick search over the weekend on treatments for chronic canker sores on behalf of my boyfriend who has suffered these painful occurrences since childhood. I came across this site and he decided to try the baking soda paste. It stung at first, but it helped him heal within five days and he's so happy to have found this treatment. Thanks.

Canker Sores
Posted by Amanda (West Palm, Florida) on 11/08/2007

I had the worst canker sore on my gum right behind my last upper molar. It hurt to even swallow and actually woke me up at 2:00 am in the morning last night. Apparently the Zilactin-B I put on it was not working! I stumbled upon your website and decided to try the only 2 things I could get my hands on at that time of night: salt and baking soda. First I removed all of the Zilactin and rinsed my mouth with warm salt water. Then, I made a paste with baking soda and a few drops of water and placed it on the canker and let it sit for about a mintue. Then I rinsed my mouth with plain warm water. I also took 2 tylenol to help get back to sleep. I still had some pain when trying to get back to sleep, but just woke up completely pain free!! I can swallow without pain and actually enjoyed my breakfast! I can't believe it! I plan to put another "paste" on today just to make sure, but will attest that this remedy really works!

Posted by HerDon (Assonet, MA) on 09/15/2007

I suffer with sores the doctors cannot diagnose. They are itchy, bleed and sometimes get pus filled. They hurt so much that the pain keeps me awake. I've discovered that sprinkling baking soda onto the sores drys them up. It doesn't heal them but it makes the pain bearable.

Posted by Byron (Maryland ) on 11/26/2017

I just saw your post and wanted tell you that you may have HS. It's a skin condition. You should see a dermatologist.

Body Odor
Posted by Jackie (Chicago, IL) on 08/22/2007

OK guys, you have to try the baking soda remedy! It's awesome!! I have been wetting and then patting some baking soda under my arms after a shower and then going to the office. No b.o. all day -- amazing! One thing I suggest -- if you do wet the baking soda down before application, just make sure it dries before you put on a shirt. I didn't wait one day, put on a tee-shirt and hit the town. Later I looked in the mirror and discovered HUGE whitish stain rings around my pits. It looked terrible! I had a good laugh and then got mortified that I'd been out all day with pit rings. Ha ha.

Sore Throat
Posted by Joy (Denver, Colorado) on 07/17/2007

...I have tried plenty of the remedies on this site and they have all worked. H202 on a cold sore healed within 48 hours just dipped a q tip in 3%h2o2 and held on for 5 min 4 times a day. Baking Soda and water to gargle for extremely sore throat with swollen glands gone in 1 day. I gargled for about 10 minutes with my head tilted back 3 times thru out the day. Wow is all I can say about this one. thank you all so much this site is a blessing.

Bacterial and Viral Infections
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 10/04/2015

Hello Robin,

You might consider Colloidal Silver. Silver kills viruses. You can get CS at health food stores or on line.

CS is merely ions of silver atoms. It is water with silver atoms in it. Ideally one cannot even taste the silver because it is in such very low concentration. I used it topically and orally. I take a few tablespoons three times daily. And if needed I apply topically. I also use the herb Echinacea for topical used and use drops in water orally to boost the immune system.

Posted by Mariana (Grannis, AR) on 09/28/2006

I was baking a cherry pie and i burned my hand on the baking pan. About two hours later i couldn't stand the pain anymore and i looked this web site up and tried the baking soda paste. It worked!!!!! My pain was gone within 10 min. I would recomend this to anyone. It is great and it really works!

Posted by Reese (Huntersville, NC) on 07/19/2006

i mixed up the baking soda and the water and put it on right away and the pain stopped. i had been putting ice on it for about an hour before, but the pain just came back over and over again

Posted by Mae (Georgia)

I love baking and, unfortunately, burns go with the territory. I have found making a paste of baking soda mixed with a little water is effective if applied immediately. The baking soda seems to draw out the heat and reduce (or eliminate, depending on the degree) the redness. This works great for me, because when you are baking you always have baking soda right at your finger tips!

Alkalizing pH
Posted by Susan (USA)

EC: Baking Soda is a key ingredient in Ted's Alkalizing Formulas! Click here to read more.

Baking Soda Details
Posted by Wes (Potomac, Md) on 06/14/2012

Is there any way one can mix the baking soda and molasses with juices? Wasn't sure if mixing the baking soda and molasses with a beverage juice will lessen the potency? I've seen some youtube videos where someone has mixed baking soda with just grapefruit juice and it worked fine.

Any recommendations would be enormously appreciated!

Regards, Wes

Baking Soda Details
Posted by Alex E (Melbourne, Australia) on 01/17/2013

I am a very healthy male 78 years old. I tend to have an acid diet but with a lot of fruit and vegetables and have no problems. I was wondering about sodium bicarbonate. My question is when to take in relation to meals and time of day. With water or lemon/lime juice etc? Would take the lower level say one teaspoon a day or a bit less.

Baking Soda Details
Posted by Kittyspanker (Colorado) on 09/03/2013

Janique from Manila, Philippines collodiol silver will help but a much cheaper method that will last you a very long time Is a bottle of tea tree oil make sure it is 100% Tea tree oil 36% terpinen ol-4 is the usual strength make sure it is from australlia were tea tree oil comes from most brands should be.. I got a bottle for 5$ and this will last me a very long time I used to cure staph killed my staph infection in 3 days. It also works on nail fungus and is cheaper the collodiol silver I know collodiol silver kills 98.7% of all fungus known to man so in the very very rare case tea tree oil doesn't work, I might give the silver a try. Try to find somebody that makes it. I make it much better and stronger then at the store. The only cost is about one spoon full of baking soda haha for 20 gallons this would cost you 51,200$ at the store or orderd online at this potency I know its a huge rip off seeing how I can make it for .02 cents and at a much better quality you can make your own. Tea tree oil should work fine 5$ last a year whelp coming her I assume answered my question is it safe to take 2 teaspoons a day of Sodium Bicarboate. I removed all salt from my diet will I've always had 100% salt free diet hated it since I was a kid so that 2 teaspoons is all I can have. Somebody had said they used 5 teaspoons a day for 5 years on here or was it 8 teaspoons lol? he is still alive didn't mention any side effects so I assume using 2 tea spoons of Sodium Bicarbonate a day is fine and that is my only salt intake as well....

Baking Soda Details
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 09/04/2013


You are right on about the tea tree oil as a microbe killer and you are also right about colloidal silver (CS) doing the same. And if you have your own silver maker, CS is cheap too as you point out. Silver will kill bacteria too as well as fungus and viruses.

I see so many "problems" that might be microbe related and folks need to remember to try an anti viral/fungal/bacterial to see if that is an underlying issue to their problem. The medical community rarely knows what to do about viruses.

I'll also compliment you on observing that purchasing CS retail is a "rip off" and making your own costs virtually nothing. I give it away to friends. And you are so right that the retail usually has very low ppm which is key to killing the infection... mine is about 100 ppm.

Baking Soda Details
Posted by Msdlr (Clarksville, Tn) on 10/30/2013

I have read the posts and learned a great deal. I have bought and taken Collodial Silver from online and it is expensive. I would love to learn how to make my own. Please advise. Thank you for your tips on baking soda and collodial silver.

Baking Soda Details
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 10/30/2013

Hello Msdir:

You are doing the right thing in getting a colloidal silver generator for yourself.

I have two. One I've used for nearly 20 years. The last one I got was via the internet, just google something like "colloidal silver generators economical"...something like that.

Two ways to make it: The "purist" way...takes thirty minutes. The fast way, takes about five minutes. I use the latter.

I've done it the "fast" way for 19 years with amazing results. The only trick is to add twenty grains of sea salt to give the purified water (90 degrees) conductivity. Immediately the silver will be seen coming off the negative pole. That two cup mixture will be diluted with purified water by 32 cups...that is you have a concentrate that you can see visibly and that you will dilute by an added thirty two cups of water. Not cold water. At that point you cannot see any "milkiness" or tinting to the water but you know for a fact the silver is there....just waiting to pounce on unsuspecting viruses.

The slow method does not use any conductivity and after thirty minutes you will see a color to the water. You now have silver in the water but the quality is at least in color different. Some adherents argue that the slow method is the best. I disagree. Nothing works like success and the "fast" method has proven itself again and again. The fast method produces a silver with a wider surface area than the slow. To the "slow" makers, the smaller surface area is superior but I've read at least one report that argues the wider surface area is better...the wider surface being able to kill more viruses. Whatever, the fast method has worked and worked. So I'm content with the fast method.

By the way, the amount of salt into the mixture is NOT so much (twenty grains) as to produce any residue of creamy silver particless in the bottom of the jar. So no silver compound has been produced. And in using the tiny silver strands to make the silver over 19 years, those strands which I started with are still the same ones...not worn down by thousands of productions. So the point is a very TINY amount of silver is being used. But just a tiny amount is needed to kill billions of virus invaders.

I take my CS five times weekly...about three tablespoons per dose and often use the CS in an irrigation. My skin is not grey or blue...perfectly white.

Do not refrigerate the CS.

Keep in a dark room temp cabinet.

Welcome to the wonderful world of becoming a virus/fungus KILLER!!!!

Baking Soda Details
Posted by Candy (Lincoln, Ne) on 04/29/2014

How much silver a day orally for toe nail fungus, or can it be applied right on the toe nail as well?

Baking Soda Details
Posted by Anne (Utah, US) on 02/15/2015

I took 6 T of colloidal silver a day for three and a half months hoping it would get rid of a virus I had but a week after I stopped it came back with a much for that!

Baking Soda Details
Posted by Bill (Australia) on 08/19/2015

Hi there, just wondering I have been adding one teaspoon of bicarb into a 15L water dispenser for the past two years. Is there any adverse affects in ingesting this amount over the long term?

Baking Soda Details
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 08/22/2015

Wow, Bill, we might should be asking you that question! Are you taking it to help something in particular? Have you noticed anything good or bad?

~Mama to Many~

Baking Soda Details
Posted by Concerned (Manila) on 09/25/2016

Have you tried rubbing baking soda onto your nails, directly after a shower when your feet are still wet? Do this twice a day for a month.

Gout, Fibromyalgia Pain
Posted by WindingDown (CA) on 01/16/2022

I had gout in 2005 lasted 6 weeks before I went to the Dr. he said it was gout. Wrote me a script. NOT MUCH was on the internet back then about home remedies. On a DEEP DIVE I saw someone charging for a cure. I kept searching and found it FREE!

Backing soda and water. YES!! FOR ME in 3 days of twice a day, 1 level teaspoon in water morning and late afternoon fixed 6 weeks of horrible pain in 3 days!!

Another time few years ago pre KETO way of life I was suffering from horrible Fibro pain, worse EVER! Finally went to the Dr she said its my new normal. I said NO WAY, I will surely die!! SO going home defeated, I remembered the gout pain years before. I realize after searching you can get gout everywhere. SO I tried my home remedy. THIS TIME it took a little over a week of 2 a day baking soda and water. IT WORKED THANK GOD!!

I then started Keto way of life, I don't care what anyone says, for me gout is from lots of carbs, like starches and sugars and grains. Since being KETO I do fall off the wagon sometimes but over all my body fibro and CFS issues are WAY BETTER FOR ME! GODSPEED everyone.

Restless Leg Syndrome
Posted by Diane (Hope Valley, England) on 02/11/2015

I have suffered from rls for 10 years. I got tired of taking more and more prescription drugs and was getting rls even with the drugs.

I was amazed when I found, after looking at this helpful site, that 1/4 Tea spoon of bicarbonate of soda made into a paste and rubbed onto my legs took the rls away immediately.

High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure
Posted by Mary (Georgia) on 06/20/2016

How would one take potash for HBP?

Aluminum in Baking Soda
Posted by Krystall (Norway) on 02/11/2015

No, baking soda does not contain aluminum: Http://

Posted by Rosemary (Az, US) on 07/27/2014

Ed2010 from Canada, thank you for your reply. I was wondering because a similar warning is on the baking soda box (I believe the box says 2 weeks, actually) and there are additional statements on other sites of similar warnings/suggestions. Those websites are not as numerous as ones like this that do not mention pulsing or staying of the baking soda for the same length of time that one was using it. Although, I do recall a posting on here somewhere where Ted recommended 5 days on and 2 days off for a particular ailment. Anyhow, thanks again for your reply.

Multiple Ailments
Posted by Timh (KY) on 05/29/2014 2042 posts

Laura: There is already much lifesaving info of your conditions in the E.C. "Ailments" page. Here are two links to get you started.

Copy and paste relevant info on a notepad and make yourself a product list for purchasing the supplies you need for the fight.

Multiple Ailments
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 05/29/2014

Hi Laura...There are only one or two American doctors like Dr William Shaw that treat Candida as well as other related problems. You can buy kits for testing yourself from him or you can get your doctor to give permission for him to test or treat you. He knows candida well, but the problem is that he charges rather alot for both testing and for treatment. This will depend on your med insurance(which is accepted by Dr Shaw) and you will also have to convince your doctor for permission for him to treat you. See this link:

Dr Shaw Test Pricing

The only other option for you would be to educate yourself quickly on candida problems and just treat yourself, which would be far cheaper. And a good place to start is here on EC. Just type Candida in the upper right hand search box on the EarthClinic page and start there. You can successfully treat and cure serious candida issues yourself, I'm living proof of that.

Another piece of advice: If you have had serious candida issues over the last few years or decades then you will probably not be able to cure it using the single protocol approach -- using just simple remedies like only baking soda or by just using diet or probiotics on its own. These approaches might work for simple localized yeast infections but will not work for serious systemic candida fungal issues. Systemic means that the candida has spread into your blood organs and tissues. This form is much more difficult to treat which is why you should always use a multi-protocol strategy against serious systemic candida issues that incorporates the following or similar strategy:

Anti-Candida and Anti-Pathogen Protocols

Anti-Biofilm Protocols

Alkalizing Protocols

Essential Detox Protocol

The Anti-Candida Diet


High Blood Pressure
Posted by antoine (london) on 08/14/2023

Hi all,

It is ok to take sodium bicarbonate when one got high BP?

We know that the root cause of high BP is acidosis (just like all the so called dis-eases are also a symptom of various degrees of acidosis)... so it would be rational to take an alkaline substance like sodium bicarbonate to reduce acidity in order to reduce high BP.

Does anybody with high BP have any experience with sodium bicarbonate?

Thank you

High Blood Pressure
Posted by Marina (Miami) on 08/14/2023

there are many causes of high BP. You need to try and see how BS affects you. It won't increase your BP as far as I know.

Colds and Flu
Posted by Petra (Los Angeles, California) on 03/19/2013

After having lot of colds and flus this year I started taking a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water every time I get sick now and it cures me in 2 days....

Best Time to Take
Posted by Susan (Vancouver, Canada) on 09/29/2012

Bill from San Fernando, can you clarify this. What if I go to bed before 12 PM, when should I take the B/S since Ted's post does not recommend taken before 12 pm. Thanks Bill.

Per Ted's Post

Baking soda is ideally taken before bedtime, but also ideally after lunch one to two hours, and after dinner one hours. It is never to be taken before 12 pm or early morning, although it can be used as a toothpaste substitute for most fluoridated toothpastes. Ted""

Best Time to Take
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 09/29/2012

Hi Susan... The reason Ted advises that you alkalize after 12 pm is because, during the night, the body's homeostasis works hard to readjust your body's pH to correct and healthy levels again -- and so in the morning your body should be reasonably alkaline anyway. But, after you have eaten breakfast and lunch -- the acid food that you have eaten will have acidified your body to some degree -- since 80% of the food we eat is acid-forming anyway -- so taking the alkalizing remedies after lunch will better assist in keeping the body alkalized and healthy.

Your post was a little unclear so I will assume that you are a night worker(you didn't mention this) and that you go to bed for eight hours in the morning when you get back from your night work. When you go to sleep for 8 hrs in the morning then this is when your body goes into repair mode(which is exactly what occurs if you go to sleep for 8 hours at night) -- this is when your body tries to readjust your pH to healthy levels again. So, in this instance, taking sodium bicabonate and water an hour before your 8 hours sleep(in the morning) actually aids the body in the alkalizing readjustment process.

But if you were talking about going to sleep for just a quick hour's nap -- then no, this is not the same as 8 hours rem sleep that I've described above.

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